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Scottish Words Illustrated.

An entertaining, light hearted, growing dictionary of Scottish words, all illustrated - including a quiz and translations into English for all tumshieheids.

Scottish Word:

The Word this week. Only one a week, that's all I can afford (typical Scotsman) have a look and let me know if I make you laugh.

  The WORD this Week.  

Search: best to search for only one word at a time. NOT yet a dictionary of many words, but it will entertain you. (more)


You can tell me what you think of the stooryduster site through the feedback form here. Or if there are some Scottish words you're keen to see illustrated - tell me - although I'm not promising I'll be able to do it. Supportive criticism always welcome.

E-card: Gi yer friends a gas* and send them a stooryduster internet electronic card. The word, the caption, the drawing, your title and message all delivered through e-mail by electrons.

E-card is off-line due to technical issues-Sorry.

See how phonetics work- guidance to phonetic word pronunciations here.

*Gi yer friends a gas: give your friends so much enjoyment they're gasping for breath.

Also try - twaplaineens an an inginana.

This will be a comprehensive illustrated Scots dictionary, although not yet. But as the years pass and I don't die too soon it'll get there. There is an online Scots dictionary by the Scottish Dictionary Association on the Web which gives well founded meanings for Scottish words - well funded and supported by academics - this here is only me.