"The Turkish Amerincans' Voice on the Internet"
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Armenian Issues in History:
He was an Armenian: Artin Penik

One of Armenian-Turkish citizens has set fire to himself to protest against Armenian terrorists. He wrote a suicide letter. Later, he set fire to himself in Istanbul's Taksim Square on August 10, 1982.

One of Armenian-Turkish citizens has set fire to himself to protest against Armenian terrosist organization ASALA

Before he fires himself he wrote a letter to the ASALA terrorists


I am protesting in the name of the Patriarch and all Turkish Armenians, and burning myself.

You, ASALA murderers! Nothing can be done by killing innocent people. You are deceived by the imperialists. History is told very wrong to you. Hundreds of thousands of people disappeared by the trick of imperialists. Use your mind! They are misleading you. Now, there are some thousands of Armenians living here and there. Do you intend to abolish them, too? But you will never manage to do that. We want to continue our way of life that we are leading fraternally together with Turkish people.

But if you go on killing innocent people without mercy, I swear in the name of God that you will all be exterminated. Use your mind! As far as we know, Armenians are brave and never kill innocent people from behind. We never regard you as Armenians. We are cursing you. You, the former president of France, Giscard D'Estaing, all Armenians are cursing you.

If you had not disregarded their actions to get their votes, they would not have been so arrogant. I have many more things to write, but I find no reason to do it. When necessary, the Turkish Nation will punish you. I wish God bless those who have lost their lives up to now, and patience to their relatives. May God give patience to my Turkish Citizens.



There is also a filmed interview of Artin Penik on his deathbed. It's very sad. Here is a transcript of the film:

My message to the whole world is to mobilize against them. One day, this is all going to explode; at that point, believe me, all states will then have their hands full. I've been in Europe for 23 years. I've been to America. I know them. I couldn't bear it any more; I did it as a lesson for them. For them to give it up..

This was a game of imperialists.. They will disturb Turkey and they want to lead Turkey to a war again. Their aim is to disturb Armenians or I don't know.. to slander Turkey in front of the world's eyes.

Artin Penik on his deathbed

I ask all governments in the world. Believe me, I can try to commit suicide again without blinking an eye. I made up my mind in a second. My decision was to commit suicide in front of the French embassy, because it all started with them at the beginning.

If they had punished them at the right time, they wouldn't have been spoiled that much. They ignored it to get votes.

Mr. Penik speaks passionately, while breathing very hard.

It's a very dramatic, very heartbreaking scene.

When I was committing suicide there I thought and I changed my mind. I chose to commit suicide in the presence of Atatürk, whom I like so much.

I can do it again. I didn't consult anyone to do this activity. I decided by myself. I can do anything for my country.

Interviewer: We wouldn't want to tire you. You talked about mobilizing, that's true!

Penik: Yes, I am asking for mobilization to the whole world. Please, I am begging you, they have to be terminated, or otherwise all governments and all states will be affected harmfully. They have already been affected by them.

My message for foreign states is: If you mobilize against them, it is possible to terminate these terrorists. But if you ignore them, the guns will turn toward you one day. That would be so bad, they will regret it.

Interviewer: You said that you could do this activity for a thousand times, is that true?

Penik: Yes, I could do it a hundred thousand times without batting an eye. I live for my country; I could do this activity again without consulting anyone. We share the sympathy of the Turkish people.

(Artin Penik died two days after this interview.)

Selcuk ACAR



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