Photosynthesis Quiz

Click on the radio button in front of the correct answers to the questions.

1. The process of making food in a plant is called

transpiration photosynthesis fertilization

2. Which of these is not needed to make food in a plant?

Sunlight Carbon Dioxide Chlorophyll Flowers

3. The tiny pores or openings in leaves that take in the carbon dixoxide are called

stomata xylem phloem

4. The tubes that bring water from the roots to the leaves are called

stomata xylem phloem

5. The plants give off what that animals need during photosynthesis?

oxygen carbon dioxide chlorophyll

6. The animals breathe out what that plants need for photosynthesis?

oxygen carbon dioxide chlorophyll

7. The sunlight is used during photosynthesis to

Break down the xylem Break down the water Break down the stomata






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