Symbol NameSynonyms Organism
Bace2 beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2   1110059C24Rik, AEPLC, AI850424, ALP56, ARP1, ASP21, BAE2, CDA13, CEAP1, DRAP   Mus musculus
UniProt Q9JL18, Q8C793
NCBI Gene 56175
NCBI RefSeq NP_062390
NCBI RefSeq NM_019517
NCBI UniGene 56175
NCBI Accession AI414517, AAF36599

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Please cite the use of iHOP as "Hoffmann, R., Valencia, A. A gene network for navigating the literature. Nature Genetics 36, 664 (2004)" and as "iHOP -".
Special thanks to Chris Sander for his continuing support.