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Psychic Technique and Application


Expect the unexpected and you'll likely find it!

We are standing at the cusp of a revolution. This revolution is taking place in the hearts and minds of men and women all over the world. This is the psychic revolution!

Countless studies have shown, time and again, that psychic abilities DO indeed exist and have given us some valuable clues as to how they operate. This web-site is dedicated to two things.

  1. Helping people learn to use there own, natural, psychic abilities. You will find articles and lessons that will help you to learn and develop your abilities and as time goes on, find opportunities to meet people like you that are also dedicated to opening up new worlds.

  2. Provide useful psychic services, that actually work. This is being done to help establish a real working paradigm for psychic abilities. Not only do we need to undo the damage done by the unscrupulous, but more importantly we need to begin to undo the damage done by those who would suppress psychic abilities and work. (Plus, as with anyone else, a living needs to be made and costs have to be covered!)

There are some differences on this site that you may notice, when it comes to psychic work. The primary of these is discussing psychic abilities as if it were a "field effect" rather than as "energy". This may seem a small difference at first, but by understanding the field like nature of psychic power, it is possible to become FAR more effective in all psychic endeavors!

The second major difference is that everything is looked at in realistic terms. In healing, for instance, it is often tempting for people to promise spectacular results. The truth is that good, solid, well performed psychic healing is about as effective as modern medicine. At times they address different things, so one may be more effective than the other, but neither is wasted time or money. A real and honest view is needed to direct people to the best treatment for them at this time.

Another point of realism that is often brought up is accuracy in predicting the future. At this point it seems that some events are predestined to happen. These are normally large events, such as storms, earthquakes and Wars. Small, personal events though, are very easy to change and alter. This means that a good psychic is not going to tell you what IS going to happen, but rather what seems likely!

Please remember that the growth of this site and the spread of this information is up to you! Spread the word to your family and friends! Please post links to this site so that others can enjoy it as well. Most importantly practice your own skills as often as possible!

Here are some quick links to some interesting pages on this site:


Please look around! You can learn new things, sign-up for healing sessions, get free psychic readings and more!

If you need to get in touch with us, or have any questions please ask! We're here to help!

|Welcome| |The NEWS| |FREE Psychic Screening!| |SIGN-UP!| |Healing Main| |Services Directory| |Dedicating Objects| |Overcoming Fear| |Psychic "links"| |Brainwave States| |New-Genetic Work| |New- Guide to Spirits| |Water Work| |Spiritual Healing| |Stress Relief| |Imp. Your Senses| |Learning Curve| |Group Work| |Anti-Aging| |Weather Control| |Intuitive Thinking| |Seeing Ghosts!| |Plant Growth| |Animal Speak.| |Weight Loss| |Psychic Pain Contol| |Psychic Counseling| |Repatterning| |Subconscious Wounds| |Mind Control| |Remote Sensing| |Time| |Warping Time!| |Empathic Shielding| |External Shielding| |Telepathy/Empathy| |Telepathic Influence | |Greatest Secret| |The Real "Third Eye"| |Theory| |Meditation| |Improving Meditation| |Basic Technique 1| |Advanced Fieldwork| |Active Systems| |Hints| |Scientific Studies| |Psychic Defense| |Psychic Combat-One| |Psychic Combat Two| |Psychic Combat Three| |Psychic Combat 4| |Fantastic Links|