The Speakers:

Thomas Rupp

Thomas Rupp is currently the Communications and Networking Manager for the EUDemocrats.

A political consultant until 2005, Rupp established and coordinated the European No Campaign (ENC) as a Europe-wide network against the EU Constitution. In 2004 he worked in the European Parliament as a representative and lobbyist for the European Referendum Campaign (ERC). Co-founder of the organisation Democracy International, Rupp helped to initiate and lead the European Referendum Campaign from 2001 to 2004. The ERC campaigned for referenda on the EU Constitution in all member states. It was supported by 100 members of the Convention and more than 300 NGOs from all across Europe. Thomas Rupp was the campaign-coordinator and was in charge of the main office in Frankfurt.

From 2000 to 2004 Thomas Rupp was a Board Member of the Initiative & Referendum Institute, Amsterdam. Between 2001 and 2003, he was the Editor in Chief of the quarterly Zeitschrift für Direkte Demokratie (Journal of Direct Democracy). Since 1999 Rupp has held the position of co-founder and co-ordinator of the Network for Direct Democracy in Europe (NDDIE), and organised the annual international NDDIE-conferences. In 1995 Rupp became active within the German citizens' movement Mehr Demokratie, which campaigns for the introduction and improvement of initiative and referendum rights in Germany. As a Board Member he organised events, lectures and press conferences throughout Germany.

Thomas Rupp began his career in1988 as a freelance journalist and marketing consultant. He has been awarded the Newropeans Grands Prix which he received in 2003 in Paris, and the Anne Mette Jensen Award, received in Copenhagen in 2004.

newropeans Grands Prix
(received 2003 in Paris)

Anne Mette Jensen Award
(received 2004 in Copenhagen)