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Photograph:Arnold Palmer at the 1962 Masters Tournament in Augusta, Ga.

Arnold Palmer on the Masters

He was the first golfer to win the prestigious Masters Tournament four times, the first to earn $1 million on tour, and a pioneer in the world of sports marketing, and now he's author of Britannica's new coverage of this famed tournament—he's Arnold Palmer, pictured here en route to his third Masters victory. As another Masters begins this week, read more about the hallowed event from one of the legends of the sport. Features Archive

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Biography of the Day

The Grand-Duke's Madonna, oil painting by Raphael, 1505; in the Pitti …Born this day in 1483 was Italian master painter and architect Raphael, whose work is admired for clarity of form and ease of composition and who is best known for his Madonnas and large figure compositions in the Vatican.

This Day in History

An official poster from the 1896 Olympic Games in Athens.Pierre, baron de Coubertin, a founder of the International Olympic Committee and its president from 1896 to 1925, realized his goal of reviving the Olympics when the first modern Games opened in Athens this day in 1896.

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What famous writer, the first Englishman to win a Nobel Prize, is remembered for his celebration of British imperialism?

Quote of the Day

April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land
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This Day in History
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On This Day in 1862: Union troops clashed with Confederates in the Battle of Shiloh, the 2nd great engagement of the American Civil War.
Related Video: The Battle of Shiloh

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Contributor's News

Jimmy Carter BookJimmy Carter, the 39th U.S. president and author of Britannica’s entry on the Camp David Accords, grew up on a Georgia farm during the Great Depression. In his acclaimed biography An Hour Before Daylight: Memories of a Rural Boyhood, Carter recounts the struggles as well as joys of those difficult times and discusses the way those experiences influenced his life and thinking.

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Camp David Accords

The Moral Consequences of Economic GrowthThe Moral Consequences of Economic Growth is the latest book from Benjamin M. Friedman, professor of economics at Harvard University and a member of Britannica's Board of Directors and Editorial Board of Advisors. His subject this time is how "economic growth—or stagnation—affects the moral character of a society." His new book is available from the Britannica Store.

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