? Byron Li
世界自然基金會電子報 (2005年9月16日)
WWF e-News (16 September, 2005)

中文   English

世界自然基金會強烈反對將印尼加里曼丹森林改闢為全球最大油棕(oil palm)植林場

世界自然基金會香港分會嚮應印尼分會的緊急呼籲,去信印尼駐港總領事中國發展銀行行長,表達本會強烈反對將印尼加里曼丹180萬公頃受保護林區變為油棕植林場。 你亦可把信件電郵至印尼駐港總領事,表達你對事件的關注。

該計劃獲中國發展銀行資助,涉及範圍包括西加里曼丹的 Betung Kerihun 國家公園,以及東加里曼丹的 Kayan Mentarang 國家公園。雖然印尼法例第5/1990表明禁止將保護區改為油棕植林場,但印尼政府竟公然違反本國法例!

  ? WWF-Canon / Alain COMPOST

這個山區地方屬於由馬來西亞、印尼和汶萊組成的「婆羅洲之心」的一部份,擁有大量森林,供如紅毛猩猩和婆羅洲金貓(Borneo Bay Cat)等瀕危物種棲居,而全島20條主要河流中,14條均發源自此地。



  ? WWF-Canon / Alain COMPOST





白楠先生 (Mr. Paiman Turnip)

電話:(852) 2890 4421
傳真:(852) 2895 0139


WWF strongly opposes to conversion of Kalimantan forest to the world's largest oil palm plantation

In response to an urgent request of our counterparts in Indonesia, WWF Hong Kong has written to both the Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong and the Governor of The China Development Bank to express our strong opposition to the conversion of 1.8 million hectares of protected forest in the Kalimantan region into a palm oil plantation. You can also express your concerns by sending the letter to the Indonesian Consulate General.

The proposed scheme, funded by China Development Bank, will run through two protected areas –Betung Kerihun National Park in West Kalimantan, and, Kayan Mentarang National Park in East Kalimantan. Under Regulation No. 5/1990, conversion of protected areas for palm oil plantations is prohibited. The Indonesian Government in breach of its own laws!

Most of this mountainous region, part of the "Heart of Borneo" joint project among Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, still holds huge tracts of forests, where threatened species such as orang-utans and the Borneo bay cat live, and 14 out of the island's 20 major rivers originate.

  ? WWF-Canon / Alain COMPOST
Palm oil seedlings in a plant nursery.
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

According to an experts’ report published in 2003, oil palm is not recommended to be planted in areas above 200 metres sea level, because of low productivity above levels. Furthermore, oil palm plantations should be restricted to areas where the incline is less than 30 percent to avoid &/or reduce soil erosion. Most of the Heart of Borneo border area is between 1000 and 2000 metres high, with slopes inclined in excess of 30 percent.

We are at a loss to understand why the Government of the Republic of Indonesia supports this project, when there are considerable tracts of degraded and non-forested land in the area and where oil palm plantations could be established. It has been suggested that the true purpose of the proposal is to allow logging companies the rights to the timber in the region.

  ? WWF-Canon / Alain COMPOST
Cleaning forest fire for palm oil plantation (Slash & Burn)
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The project, will destroy an important habitat for a wide diversity of species and is a tragedy for conservation. It will be a sad loss to future generations. It may also threaten the lives and livelihoods of Indonesian citizens through soil erosion. We need only remember the devastating floods along the Yangtze River in 1998. The Government of the P. R. Chine responded to this tragedy by imposing an immediate ban on logging in the head waters of the river. How can we allow history to repeat itself in Indonesia?

WWF on an international basis is strongly urging the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to reconsider and cancel this proposal, which is in breach of its own laws. We need your support to change their decision.

For WWF letter to the Indonesian Consulate General, please click here
For WWF letter to the China Development Bank, please click here
For WWF press release on this issue, please click here

To send a letter to the Indonesian Consulate General to express your concerns, please click here. Below please find the contacts of Indonesian Consulate in Hong Kong for your reference:

Mr Paiman Turnip
Indonesian Consulate General
127-129 Leighton Road
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2890 4421
Fax: (852) 2895 0139
Email: kjrihkg@netvigator.com

Your urgent support is needed to avoid the on-going degradation of a valuable ecological resource and habitat. The tragedy is compounded by the fact that there are methods and processes in place for the sustainable harvesting of forestry resources in the region. We do appreciate your support.

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