For One Democratic State
in the whole of Palestine (Israel)


FOR One Man, One Vote














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Israel Shamir, a leading Russian Israeli writer, is a champion of the "One Man, One Vote, One State" solution seeking to unite Palestine & Israel in one democratic state. Shamir's work and that of his contributors speaks to the aspirations of both the Israelis and the Palestinians seeking an end to the bloodshed, true democracy and lasting peace. His Biography.

Listen to an Interview with Shamir in English
News of the site

New Book by Israel Shamir in French translation:

Le pin et l'olivier, ou Les charmes discrets de la Terre sainte

or in France buy locally from EPE, chez M. Sfar, 1 rue Cassini 75014, Paris;

Entre le Pin et l’Olivier par Maria Poumier
Le dernier ouvrage en date d’Israël Adam Shamir, Le Pin et l’Olivier, est le couronnement de sa réflexion sur la Palestine, parce que c’est une encyclopédie (382 pages très serrées) sur cette intersection des civilisations read more


Shamir's Galilee Flowers

Appeared in Arabic as Azhar el-Jalil translated by Nasera Sa’doon published by Kanaan House, Damascus

Read the review by Ziad Muna (PDF in Arabic)

Other reviews:;=view&id;=1468&Itemid;=33;=1312&table;=articles

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Featured Articles

Russian Intifada
By Israel Shamir

The decision by the Estonian nationalist Prime Minister, Andrus Ansip, to uproot the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Tallinn brought this small Baltic state to the verge of civil war and severely disturbed peace in the region.

Read in Russian: Русская Интифада

Responses to Russian Intifada

Clio Gagged
By Israel Shamir

Before there was the Holocaust, there was blood libel. When one reads Jewish pre-WWII texts, one notices that the place currently occupied by the Holocaust dogma in the Judeocentric universe was not vacant; it was taken by pogroms in Russia, by the Dreyfus trial, by the Inquisition, by the expulsion from Spain, by the destruction of the Temple and to a great extent by the “blood libel”. They carried the same message: they proclaimed eternal, unique, reasonless and baseless suffering of Jews caused by the irrational hate of Gentiles; they united and mobilized Jews against the Gentiles; they deflated some envy, hostility and distrust into pity, even engendering guilt feelings among the best of goyim.

Read in Czech: Umlčená Kleió

Paschal Greetings
By Israel Shamir

Was it good or bad in Egypt for the people of Israel? The Bible leaves the reader confused. On one hand, they were enslaved and had to built the cities in fear of the brutal overseer’s whip. Exodus 5:7-19 tells that the Pharaoh ceased to provide them with straw to make bricks of (even to this day they mix straw and clay to make bricks in the Nile Valley) and they ran around gathering stubble and straw for the quota of bricks remained as it was.

Read in French: Voeux de Pâques, depuis Israël

Read in Spanish: Mensaje pascual desde Israel

Read in Dutch: Paasfeest Groeten van Israël Shamir

Read in German: Ostergrüße

Argentine is the Key to a New Plot against Iran
By Jose Petrosino and Dr. Oscar Abudara Bini

In preparation of their assault on Iran, the US accuse Iran for bombing the Israel Embassy and Israel Friendship Society (AMIA) in Buenos Aires, the Argentine. Jose Petrosino and Dr. Oscar Abudara Bini investigated the cover-up and point-out the real perpetrators, and they are not in Teheran.

Read in French: L’Argentine : le pays clé dans le cadre d’un nouveau complot contre l’Iran Par José Petrosino et Oscar Abudara Bini

It’s Spring!
By Israel Shamir

Spring has come to our Northern retreat: The snow has melted and uncovered meadows that somehow managed to stay pale-green; thick ice on the lake has broken up and crawled up on the shore like so many white crocodiles; now a warm wind blows and the sun shines as if it means business.

Read in Russian: Россия Свободная

Read in French: C’est le printemps !

Read in Czech: To je jaro!

Read in Spanish: ¡Ha llegado la primavera !

Read in German: Es ist Frühling!

Read in Japanese: Haru ga kita!

The Bloody Passovers of Dr Toaff
By Israel Shamir

The case of Dr Toaff proves that no Jew is free.

Follow-up to the Bloody Passovers

Read in German: Die blutigen Passahfeste des Dr. Toaff

Read in French: Les Pâques sanglantes du Dr Ariel Toaff

Read in Spanish: Las pascuas sangrientas del doctor Toaf


Shamireaders Mail: last contributions

Easter Omnibus: your responses and news.

Godless, by Israel Shamir Shamir replies to atheists who accuse him of tolerating far right

Atrocity Gods by Ashley Howes
"'Kosher' storytellers can revise the narrative freely whilst their non-kosher opponents are sent into solitary confinement for years" - writes Ashley Howes on 
Mom Would Have Spanked Bush's Butt by Ali Baghdadi.
Only fools could make up the amazing confession tale of Khaled Sheik Mohammed.  Only fools would also believe this hilarious story. As a little kid, I lied to my mom and got caught.  My mom was “mean”: she ordered me to take off my pants, and spanked my butt. 
(More on amazing confession of Khaled Sheik Mohammed on Опасный Полет
Where from comes this permanent American military over-agitation, which has lead to more than two hundred wars during hardly more than two hundred years of US history? Why doesn't the democratic population of this “land under God” see the evil their country spreads worldwide? The French writer Henri de Motherlant accused Americans of even worse crime, namely of a purposeful promotion of ordinary human ignorance.
A very hegelian antifascist declaration
The German College, an organisation formed by Horst Mahler, ex-Baader-Meinhof, ex-far left, then far-right, with 10 years of jail behind him and now again in jail, published an "Anti-Fascist Declaration". Next to it, you'd expect Marx running an "Anti-Communist Manifesto". But if you read it carefully, you'll encounter some interesting very Hegelian ideas.
Buddhist view on fascism and zionism
It is said that "wisdom is born within," and Aldous Huxley referred to its age-old expression as "the perennial philosophy." Here is an attempt to put our mutual concerns in that context, says Roger Tucker, a man formed by the failed revolution of 1968 (like many of our readers/writers including myself were). Roger lives in the South and runs a site for One State in Palestine; where this text is presented in full on
Holocaust pro and contra
Devoted to freedom of views, we offer you two opposing views, both by very good persons, on the Holocaust: by Prof Daniel McGowan of Deir Yassin Remembered and by Azmi Bishara, Member of Knesset. Both texts are interesting and challenging, despite being in perfect disagreement. Bishara tries to fit the Palestinian discourse into the philo-Judaic vision of modernity and presents Muslims as big brothers of Jews, and thus deserving Jewish support. The Muslims would rather recognize Holocaust than the Jewish state, he implies. Prof McGowan says that H narrative is inherently anti-Muslim, and can’t be adapted for Muslim needs.

The real Holocaust is that of Blacks

by Maria Poumier

Nazi-jewish H was just a civil war between European brothers. There is one real H: the one against millions of Africans, considered non-human by all the whites together, during many and many centuries: it is the real unique H, treating people as cattle.

Eighth Anniversary of the Dog and Tail War
 Eight years ago the NATO forces began their bombing of Yugoslavia, completing liquidation of this country and subjugating its successor-states to the American rule. This war was a predecessor of the US attack on Iraq, and in view of grave developments re Iran should be reconsidered.
Secrets and lies
She did not deserve to die in Auschwitz, this damned antisemite! "Claims that the Jewish novelist Irene Nemirovsky, who died in Auschwitz, might have been anti-semitic threaten to stain her reputation", writes Stuart Jeffries in the Guardian. Irene Nemirovsky, a French pre-war writer, a contemporary (and more) of Simone Weil, decided to opt out of Jewry, was received in the Church, but the Guardian reviewer still insists she was Jewish.
Come Carpentier noted: "The peculiar predicament that Jews live in but which is largely of their own making is that they are constantly suspected by their coreligionaries (or compatriots) of being "self hating" if they display any critical attitude towards their own community or don't feel attracted to it. Thus,Irene Nemirowsky stands accused of being either pathologically anti-semitic or of being a cowardly traitor  and  a cheerleader for the anti-Jewish Nazis, which could then be used to justify charges that, "like many Jews" she was a self-serving sycophant of her people's enemies. Obviously, the only ones who
can win by those rules are the self-promoting, self-pitying, self-styled fake martyrs such as Elie Wiesel.

However this problem would not even arise if Jews could take it upon themselves to be more casual about their heritage and their real or assumed identity...Most people in the world (especially outside Europe and the Americas) don't particularly care about Jewishness and Judaism. By their self-absorption and egotistical obsessions, Jews do indeed create most of the problem because they seem to want to force eveyone else to look at them all the time. Naturally when one of them is found guilty of serious wrongdoing, their collective reputation takes a hit. Yet their overwhelming influence is now used to browbeat everyone into expressing only admiration
and unalloyed sympathy for anyone or anything Jewish...That can only generate a climate of fawning hypocrisy and hidden resentment 

A Japanese Intro to A Yiddishe Medina
By Akira Doujimaru

A Japanese writer Akira Doujimaru wrote this very interesting introduction to his translation of A Yiddishe Medina by Israel Shamir into Japanese. In it, he finds Buddhist analogy to the interpretation of the Cross, connects 9/11 with Pearl Harbor, and is doing an important cross-cultural interpretation of the ideas we deal with. His explanation of myth and demonisation is particularly poignant.

Read in French: Une introduction japonaise à « Une Médina Yiddish »

Demons and Angels
By Israel Shamir

We have learned “Do not make yourself a god”; now it is the time to learn “do not make yourself a demon”. We are blessed with our friends, and we are blessed with our enemies. We are not angels, and our enemies are not demons.

Read in French: Anges et Démons

Read in Spanish: Angeles y Demonios

Carter and the Swarm
By Israel Shamir

In my native Siberia, in its short and furious summer, you can watch a swarm of gnats attack a horse, each small bloodsucker eager for his piece of the action. After a while, the blinded and infuriated animal rushes headlong in a mad sprint and soon finds its death in the bottomless moors. The Jews developed the same style of attack. It is never a single voice arguing the case, but always a mass attack from the left and the right, from below and above, until the attacked one is beaten and broken and crawls away in disgrace.

Read in Russian: Картер как новый Радищев

Read in French: Carter et l'essaim de moucherons

Read in Spanish: Carter y el enjambre

Read in German: Carter und der Schwarm

Read in Czech: Carter a útočící hejno

There’s something “Stinky” in Cuba
By Mary Rizzo

Read in Spanish: Rafi Eitan, veterano del Mossad, terrateniente en Cuba

By Maria Poumier

The Tyranny of Liberalism
By Israel Shamir

A Talk given at the conference on Religion in the International Relations: Liberalism and Tradition, International Relations Faculty, St Petersburg State University, 24 November 2006

Read in Russian: Религиозные корни либерализма

Read in Japanese: Riberarizumu no bousei

Read in German: Die Tyrannei des Liberalismus

Read in French: La tyrannie du libéralisme

Read in Spanish: La tiranía del liberalismo

In our desire to free Holy Land from captivity, we wish to unite forces standing against the Judeo-American Empire from within and without - in New York and Teheran, in selva of Amazonas and in Moscow. We wish to create a new broad coalition for the oppressed majority - and these forces are to be found in the Left and in the Right. We are not easily scared into obedience by the New York Times and Le Monde : we do not hate Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Nasrallah, Hamas, Mao, Putin, Mahler, Lukashenka, Garodi and Duke, we do not even fear to reverently mention Jesus Christ and Our Lady Mary. Our enemies win by sowing discord and some of our friends stay trapped in conventional separatism of Left and Right. Thus in Spain, a leading Leftist site does not want to publish Israel Shamir and James Petras, in Sweden, there is a similar discussion, in England, it was carried by our friend Gilad Atzmon.

Rights & Roots
By Maria Poumier
About Universal Human Rights, conciliated with duties bound to roots (after reading Israel Shamir, Joh Domingo, Jonathan Cook and Norman Finkelstein)

Dispute in Spain

Dispute in England

Dispute in Sweden


They met in Teheran
By Israel Shamir

The Teheran Holocaust Conference caused quite a storm in the world media. One might ask: what’s so special about that? There are so many holocaust events and holocaust museums and holocaust festivals, sometimes attracting presidents and prime ministers galore, so why did the Teheran (or Tehran) conference draw so much attention and criticism; why were the White House, Frau Merkel, the Vatican and the EC willing to take some valuable time to condemn this small gathering in far-away Iranian capital?

Read in Russian: Тегеранская конференция

Read in Spanish: Se dio el encuentro de Teherán

Read in French: Téhéran, le point de rencontre

Read in German: Sie trafen sich in Teheran

Read in Czech: Sešli se v Teheránu

Read in Swedish: De träffades i Iran

Nadine eats Pizza in Ramallah
By Sam Bahour

A Visit in Prison with Ernst Zuendel
By Prof Daniel McGowan

The Legacy of Saddam Hussein
by Israel Shamir

We should know about Saddam Hussein that he died with confession of faith, shahada on his lips, that his last words were ‘God is great’ and his last thoughts were about our beloved Palestine. We know that he did not surrender but was captured by the invader. It is forbidden to kill a prisoner of war, it is forbidden to kill a prince, it is forbidden to kill a captive prince. This lawless killing will suffice to call him a martyr.


Read in Spanish

Read in Bulgarian

British Far Right and Saddam

Was Saddam Hussein really the ruthless tyrant that American moralists claim he was? by Bert Cooper Fairfax

Bert Cooper Fairfax - follow up

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
By Israel Shamir

The villain kills innocent people in order to frame Roger Rabbit, that much I remember of the marvellous Zemeckis 88’ cartoon. The movie spoofs Hitchcock private eye films where the hero wades waist-deep in dead bodies, all killed to frame him. Chandler and Hammett developed this genre being bored by always-safe violin-playing Holmesian detectives: their heroes unravel murders while being accused and pursued by police.

Read in Spanish: ¿Quién le tiene ganas a Roger Rabbit?

Read in French: Qui veut la peau de Vladimir Rabbit ?

Read in German: Wer hängte es Roger Rabbit an?

Read in Russian: Кто подставил Кролика Роджера?

Shlimazls and Priestesses
By Israel Shamir

Men do fight and die for fair women: Sir Lancelot over Queen Guinevere, Tristan over Isolde came to grief but satisfied their passion. Others died in the attempt, they were sung about or bewailed. But a guy who dies for pussy he is not going to get anyway - deserves derision. Heinrich Heine, that ironic genius, used to call such a fall guy “Schlemihl;” or Shlomiel in modern Hebrew, Schlimazl in Yiddish.

Read in German: Schlemihls und Priesterinnen

The Haman Syndrome or Why do Jews answer a question with a question? By Israel Shamir

The Jewish ethics became the ethics of the new, thoroughly godless post-1968 ruling class. Their history and traditions became the banner of rulers. The Jews became the pet of the preferred minorities waging merciless wars upon the majorities all over the world. In order to confuse the rest, they would unite in one breath the exclusive minority of stockbrokers with underprivileged minority of black immigrants against the vast majority of ordinary people. Their obsession with minorities, be it lesbian single mothers or HIV-positive illegal immigrants, has a reason: in this way they seize the moral high ground for their own minority rule.

Read in French: Le Syndrome d’Haman ou : Pourquoi, à une question, les juifs répondent-ils toujours en posant une autre question ?

Read in Spanish: El síndrome de Hamán
O¿Por qué suelen los judíos contestar una pregunta con otra pregunta?

Read in German: Das Haman-Syndrom oder Warum beantworten Juden eine Frage mit einer Frage?

De Shamir en Parisis, De l’exceptionnalisme juif à l’outrecuidance blanche Par Maria Poumier, le 17 octobre 2006

9/11: Beyond the Seal of Approval by David Montoute

David Montoute lifts the lid on the heretofore-suppressed world of Deep Politics, the constant, everyday interaction between the constitutionally elected government and forces of violence and crime - from the revolving door between Wall Street’s financial institutions and US intelligence agencies, to state sponsorship of private armies and death squads; to secret societies such as Skull & Bones and P2, to election rigging and the private looting of national treasuries, to government-protected drug trafficking networks recycling cash into the global banking system, this is the dark underbelly of our modern ‘rational’ world.  

The Strategy of Disintegration: False flags, dirty tricks and the dismemberment of Iraq by David Montoute

Debating the Lobby in Manhattan

Here are a collection of articles about ground-breaking discussion of Jewish Lobby in New York. You’d find their conclusions expected and even timid; but do not forget: In the US and the West it is punishable by law to doubt inherent beneficence of Jewish rule, or even to admit its presence. Thus these reports can be compared to first breeze of glasnost in Gorbachev’s days in 1985 when the first objections to communist rule in Moscow were voiced. Exciting read, anyway:

Russia Hesitates
By Israel Shamir, from Moscow

Unless President Putin disregards the possibility of being brought to an American kangaroo court, he may want to stop this orgy of invasions. Iran is a case of one invasion too much. Iran is a sovereign country; it did not break international law. Its decision to enrich uranium is fully within its rights according to the NPT. Whether they worship Allah or Jehovah is entirely their internal affair. And by applying its right of veto, Russia would signal that interference in internal affairs of sovereign states will not be tolerated and legitimised in the UN. Russia won’t be alone – China, equally unhappy with US interference, may support it with its own veto.

Russia Hesitates II

Read in German: Russland zögert

Russland zögert II

Read in Russian: Надежда мира

Between Victory and Defeat
By Israel Shamir

Last hours of the Lebanon War were extremely dramatic, but the drama did not veil the bottom line: Israeli army was defeated. Probably for this reason Israel tried to make a good show, and failed too. The US-drafted and Israel-approved Security Council resolution was profoundly unfair, but not unfair enough.

Read in French: Entre la Victoire (des uns) et la défaite (des autres)


Read in German: Zwischen Sieg und Niederlage

Svědectví Israela Shamíra: „Izrael je jediným černým bodem na mapě světa, posledním útočištěm rasismu a apartheidu
By Dr. Nidal Saleh

Jewish Sources


The Yoke of Zion
By Israel Shamir

Why the war? Leave small details to a future Plutarch; this is another round of battle for Palestine. Supported and supplied by their captive empire, the US, the Jews had all the weapons, all the ammunition, all the diplomatic support, when hubris-drunk they drove into disarmed and starved Gaza to kill off its last resisters and impose the Yoke of Zion. Who would disturb the lion of Judah roaring at his prey? And a tiny force from the Mount Lebanon said: we will. They attacked the all-powerful Jews; the hobbit pierced the sinew of Nazgul as he stooped to kill. The Israeli army roused from its prey turned north and lashed with all its might at the Hezbollah fighters. But they stood fast.

Read in German: DAS JOCH ZIONS

Read in Spanish: El yugo de Sión

Read in French: Le joug de Sion

Answer a fool according to his folly
(An Answer to a Jewish Chain Letter)

Maybe you have received one of those annoying letters brandishing alleged Jewish claims on Palestine; it is admittedly low genre, and not worthy to be replied, but the Proverbs (26:5) teach: “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.”

Friends True and False
By Israel Shamir

After two weeks, the war settled down comfortably in the Middle East, like an old aunt on a regular visit to her nephews. It came to stay for a while, and as the first shock of the battle for Lebanon is over, the picture clears up.

Read in Spanish: Amigos verdaderos y falsos

Read in French: Vrais et faux amis

Read in Russian: Нашла коса на камень

Read in German: Von wahren und falschen Freunden

Read in Czech: Izrael znici jeho vira v beztrestnost pred Bohem

Gaza: Of Mice and Men By Israel Adam Shamir

The Palestinians have no chance, unless we free our souls from Jewish control.

Read in Spanish: Gaza : Sobre Hombres y Ratas

Read in German: Gaza: Von Mäusen und Menschen

Read in French: Gaza: Des souris et des hommes

Read in Italian: Uomini e Topi

A Poem Called Nasrallah’s Hezbullah
By Siam

A tributary war song in honor of Sayyid Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah and all the Hezbullah Mujahideen

Siam Photo by James R. Depp

Our friend Mauro Manno

Lettera aperta al Presidente della Repubblica Italiana

Open letter to the President of the Italian Republic

Shahak on Lebanon with Mauro Manno's notes

Two Lines in the Struggle against Zionism

Due linee nella lotta contro il sionismo

Esiste la lobby ebraica?

La natura del sionismo

A propos d'un texte de Vincent Despres

Our friend Satya Sagar

The Show Trial of Saddam Hussein

Thai Coup In Hot Soup

Thailand: Paradoxes in Paradise

Book Review

India is not your Cat's name!

Privatise the Indian Parliament!

Bush Reloaded

Despots, East and West

Axis Of The Apocalyptic

Media: The Lying Machine


Satya Sagar is a writer, videomaker and journalist based in Thailand. He can be contacted at sagarnama@...

Greg Palast, the left wing of the Lobby By Israel Adam Shamir

Greg Palast, a "Chomsky for Dummies" and "a slim Michael Moore", emerged as an apologist for the Jews and an accuser of greedy WASPs and Arabs.

Letter to Greg Palast By Angie Tibbs

Greg Palast shows his true face, a letter by Angie Tibbs.

The Ziocon Zugswang Zeitgeist An essay by our friend Ingmar Lee, who was rewarded by being banned by his blog provider. Well, we work and publish beyond bans...

Tom Mysiewicz’s Middle East Bibliography Essays of Tom Mysiewicz

Roll Back, Abbas! By Israel Adam Shamir

Mahmud Abbas, the PNA’s president, is about to do a big mistake.

Read in French: Vade retro, [Sat]Abbas !

Paradise Now By Israel Shamir

[This protocol of interrogation of General Dan Ayalon by the Reconciliation Committee (Chairman: Mustafa Nashashibi, Deputy Chairman: Yossi Atzmon, Secretary: Svetlana Kuznetsova), bears the date June 12, 2015, a few years after Israel and Palestine were united in one state, the Kingdom of Canaan. However, this confession of the last chief of the Jewish state’s security apparatus was considered so sensitive, that its publication was delayed until our own year 2035.

Read in Spanish: Paradise Now

Read in French: Paradise Now

Read in German: PARADISE NOW

Military Resistance and Arab and Muslim Liberation By Caise D. Hassan

Read in Japanese: Paradaisu nau

A Yiddishe Medina By Israel Shamir

Readers of this site are always well ahead of time. Sometimes, years ahead. Only now mainstream America begins to discuss “Jewish Lobby”, but on this site we expounded this subject in 2001. Actually, what we said then, remains relevant now. Here is a re-run of my 2001 essay A Yiddishe Medina (A Jewish State, in Yiddish), included in the Galilee Flowers, where I ask:

Does America support Israel because of the Jewish lobby or because of the ‘true interest of American corporations’? The putative answer is: the Jewish lobby is a superfluous body supportive of the Israeli right-wing, while America as a whole is a grander ‘Jewish’ state with interests outside the Middle East as well.

In a way, this essay sums up much of my writing.

Read in Japanese: Aru yudaya kokka

Jews for and against Jesus By Israel Adam Shamir

Jews are evil, and there is a special place in hell just for them. I’d say to them: Believe whatever you want. Practice whatever you preach. Just stay the hell away from us.

Do not rush to denounce me, do not send this piece post-haste to your local branch of ADL or LICRA, do not send police to my home. I did not quote Adolf Hitler, no worry. This was a direct quote from Haaretz newspaper, from an article by the newspaper columnist Bradley Burston. With one omission: “for Jesus”. The evil ones, according to Haaretz, are only the ‘Jews for Jesus’, who should be sent to hell. ‘Jews against Jesus’ are perfectly loveable.

Lobster for Iran

“Iran’s biggest threat since Nazis,” said Israeli defence minister Shaul Mofaz, according to the Guardian; “The world must not wait! Since Hitler we Jews have not faced such a threat” as presented by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who “further stirred international outrage by calling on Israeli Jews to be resettled in Europe” (...thus the Guardian).

Read in German: Hummer für den Iran

Read in French: Le homard de l’Iran

Read in Italian: Un’aragosta per l’Iran

Read in Spanish: Langosta iraní


Interview with Israel Shamir Kim Petersen

Read in Spanish:
Entrevista con el disidente Israel Shamir

Read in Italian:
Intervista a Israel Shamir

New Essays of James Petras

Fourteen Erroneous Theses

After the paper by Walt and Mearsheimer on Israel Lobby in the US was published, and duly attacked by the Lobby, Noam Chomsky surprisingly joined the critics of the document in a piece called The Israel Lobby?

The Ascendancy of Finance Capital: Record Profits and Rising Authoritarianism

No sector of the US economy, in recent years, can match the rate and size of profit which have accrued to the biggest financial institutions.

Why Condemning Israel and the Zionist Lobby is so Important

On the Eve
by Ian Buckley

But I would say this to Muslim and Arab world : Bush and Blair hate your freedom. They hate your freedom from social atomisation. They hate your freedom from large-scale commercial chicanery. They hate your freedom from usury

Pro-Israeli bias in Italy is not an exaggeration, it is a program
by Mary Rizzo

Double bill: Mary Rizzo on pro-Israeli bias in Italy and Maria Poumier's rejoinder.

New Essays of Bob Finch

Iran - the Pivot of Geopolitics by Bob Finch

Nasrullah versus bin Laden by Bob Finch

President Bush, Israel and its lobby claim that Hezbollah is the same as al Qaeda.  Our friend Bob Finch explores the profound differences between Osama bin Laden and Hasan Nasrullah, leader of Hezbollah and comes to an opposite conclusion: Hezbollah’s tactics and strategy are just about as different from those promoted by Osama bin Laden as it is possible to get. Finch’s essay is of extreme importance for Hezbollah unites Muslims and Christians, and heals the Sunni-Shi’a strife, strife encouraged by Zionists and nourished by al Qaeda. This also explains why just now the British MI5 ‘discovered’ The Heathrow Gunpowder Plot.

America Vanquished by Bob Finch

Bob Finch goes for jugular, for the absolutely forbidden question of Jewish power from our non-racist position. While good people bewail the multibillion subsidies provided by America to the Jewish state, Bob Finch states unashamedly: “But these are not subsidies. They are tribute payments that the vanquished pay to their conquerors.”

What's In a Name Bob Finch, a friend of earth, a man who knows the value of words, once an ardent follower of Hannah Arendt, deals with a question of a name we may use for the Jewish State in Palestine.

Read in Hungarian: Ami egy névben van

Read in Italian: Cosa c’è in un nome?

Jewish Lobby pushes for war against Iran

Hasbara: Blame it on the Wasps by Bob Finch
A Review of Stephen Zunes ‘The Israel Lobby: How Powerful is it Really?’
According to Zunes, American Jews are mere supplicants to the court of the Wasp emperors and Israel is no different from any other American colony such as Honduras.

Heat & Light by Joh Domingo

Rarely does a commentary penetrate with the focused power of the writing of Israel Shamir. This is a problem for those who wish to keep the issues in a maze of fog and explains much of brouhaha surrounding his words in ostensive pro-Palestinian circles..

Friendly Polemics

Oops! If an American politician will propose to return Texas or San Diego to Mexico, would a Mexican professor call him “a racist who wants to get rid of Hispanics” or just bless this initiative?

Who Needs Holocaust? Our good friend Gilad Atzmon proposed a new idea, that the Anglo-Americans are particularly vile, and that they need the Holocaust narrative to justify and persist with their nastiness.

Arab Christians are Arabs by Raja G. Mattar

A few weeks ago I received by email an article by a Dr. Walid Phares titled "Arab Christians who are they?" Initially I brushed it off as rather inconsequential, but it subsequently came to my attention that Dr. Phares is promoting some rather bizarre ideas about Arab Christians on the lecture and TV circuit in the U.S., contesting their Arab ethnicity and claiming their persecution by Moslems. Being an Arab Christian myself, I would like to use some of the views of Dr. Phares as an entry point to highlight the falsities being promulgated by him and a few others under the guise of scholarly studies.  

For Whom The Bell Tolls

The British Historian David Irving was sent to jail for denying Jewish superiority. His doom seals the reign of freedom that began with the fall of the Bastille.

Read in Spanish: ¿Por quién doblan las campanas?

Read in Spanish: Argentinian newspaper publication

Read in German: Wem Die Stunde schlägt

Read in French: Pour qui sonne le glas ?

Read in Danish: Hvem Ringer Klokkerne For?

Military Resistance and Arab and Muslim Liberation
By Caise D. Hassan

Some sympathizers of Arab and Muslim liberation movements have criticized their use of violence: They state that the gun is not the proper or most effective way to free a people. Violence, they argue, cannot defeat the might of states like Israel and the United States. Practicing such violence incurs the wrath of the occupier; it also contradicts the victims claims that their struggle is for political and human rights, alienating potential Western or Israeli sympathizers. The conclusion of this argument is that the achievement of independence comes through negotiation and non-violence, not military action.

The US Military Professor Robert Hickson writes:

The Vitality of Mammon in the Decline of a State  

The US Military Professor Robert Hickson writes in The Neo-Conned  

The Moral Responsibility of the U.S. Military Officer in the Context of the Larger War We Are In  

Setting Just Limits to New Methods of Warfare  

Chesterton's Farsighted Reflections on “The Judaism of Hitler”  

The Phenomenon of the Privatization of Warfare and “Security Services”: New Oligarchic Feudalities and Mercenaries in a Time of “Borderless Economies and Finance”  

The Crescent Phenomenon of the Privatization of Warfare and Security-Services: New Oligarchic Feudalities, Special-Operations Networks, and Ambiguous Mercenaries in a Time of Borderless Economies and Finance  

Belloc's “The Missioner” and Esto Perpetua – 100 Years Later: Reverence, Rootedness, and a Sense of Devastation  

A Zionist War by Kristoffer Larsson

The US War in Iraq is not a White man's war. Nor is it the oil companies' war. No, this is a Zionist war, - writes Kristoffer Larsson, a 22-year old Theology student and a writer for a Swedish Leftist newspaper in a brilliant and penetrating article .

Read Zionist War in Hungarian Cionista háború

Satanic Pictures

“The unified and perfected Jewish media machine can be utilised for much more important tasks than fighting off holocaust jokes. Its main goal is to bring us to the Brave New World, to the new spiritless totalitarianism, while smaller tasks are incidental to the great one.”

Read in Czech: Ďáblovy obrázky

Read in Russian: Сатанинские картинки

Read in German: Satanische Bilder


Read in Slovak: Satanské obrázky


Maria Poumier's report from the court: ADL against Shamir's publishers

Hamas wins elections:

Vox Populi My Congratulations to the People of Holy Land

Where to now, Palestine? Some reflections by Gilad Atzmon

Introducing Hamas - the New Likud  

Gilad Atzmon: Western Cultural Colonialism and the Palestinian choice

Read in French: Tous mes vœux au peuple de la Terre Sainte !

Read in Spanish: Vox Populi

Read in Russian: Vox Populi

Midas Ears
Les oreilles de Midas
Η Γαλλική Δυσφορία
أودوني ميداس
By Israel Shamir

A new spectre haunts America. It enters the well-protected boardrooms of newspapers and banks, shakes the deep foundations of its towers. It is the spectre of glasnost: the dark secret of Jewish power is out. Just recently it was 'third rail', touch-and-die, deadly dangerous to mention, certain end to a career. Just recently, Joe Public snapped his TV from an eminence with an Israeli passport to a member of a Jewish think-tank, and muttered to himself: Surely it is just a coincidence that so many important and largely unelected people in our country happen to belong to this small minority group.

In the Shadow of Marienburg

I would invite you to visit the magnificent castle of Marienburg, a UNESCO World Heritage site, that raises its age-old red-brick walls near the Baltic Sea. Proud and dour, it recalls the great Crusader castles of the East. This castle’s history is an obligatory reading for the Polish elites who improved upon the Bourbons. The French kings forgot nothing and learned nothing from the Revolution. The present Polish rulers learned nothing and forgot everything from the tragic story of their land. Poland had a tragic history, and the errors of its elites contributed heavily to the tragedy. Anyone can trip on a rake, but what do we call a man who trips on a rake every week? Poland stands at the meeting point of East and West. Being friendly to both is vitally important to Poland; it is a sine qua non condition for its survival as independent state. Alas, the Poles have made the same mistake once again – they positioned themselves as an enemy of the East, as a vanguard of the Western invading force.

Discussion on Poland

Read in Polish: W cieniu Marienburga

Le syndrome de Numance Par Maria Poumier

The Schoemann case: Shamir readers and mildest antizionists altogether targeted in France By Maria Poumier, translated from spanish by Roberto Finat

Read in Spanish: El caso Schoemann Maria Poumier

Dutch Treat

In the Netherlands, the scary name of Israel Shamir almost caused a government crisis, as the Jewish Lobby accused the Dutch Prime Minister of being friendly to the Israeli dissident writer. Here is the article in De Telegraaf, the Dutch newspaper of record, carrying the attack.

Here is my response to the newspaper

And here is my letter to my Dutch (and not only Dutch…) friends who are so permanently scared that run for cover at the first attack of the adversary; who had asked me to place a link or to bless their activity until they came to recognise that I am not a lighting rod, nor an insurance policy against such an attack. Then they ask me to resign, to remove the link or to submit to questioning. This is a letter for those innocents who still think that I may serve them as their pet Jew in order to deal with the Palestinian tragedy; here I spell out my disagreement with this role.

Read in French: Régal hollandais

Read in Dutch: Een reactie van Israël Shamir

Read in Spanish: Delicia holandesa

Read in Swedish: Holländsk bjudning

On the Move

The events in suburbs of Paris attracted attention to the problem of immigration. This is not a simple one, as Israel Shamir writes in this essay:

Read in Danish: På Vej

Shamir's books banned and burned:

Why they banned his book by Joh Domingo

Read in Spanish: ¿Por qué prohibieron su libro?

A book to be burned:

Sad news: the French court accepted the demands of the Jewish organisation LICRA and condemned Shamir's publisher M. Cherifi. This decision opens the way for prosecution of Shamir, as well:  

Read in French: Condamnation à 23 500 Euro et 3 mois de prison avec sursis pour l'éditeur parisien d'Israel Shamir

Read in Russian: Книги горят

An Israeli Answers the “Jewish Question” By Tom White

PaRDeS is a short, deep book. For long years I felt There was a Door to which I found no Key; There was a Veil past which I could not see. (Omar Khayyam, by Fitzgerald in The Rubayat). With publication of PaRDeS, I do think the Key has presented itself, and the Veil is lifting.  

Read in Hungarian: Egy izraeli választ ad a “zsidó kérdésre”

A Review of the Pardes by Tom White By Andrew Hanos

Ottoman Empire, please come back!

Instead of fighting for leadership in Eurasia, the Turks, Slavs, Arabs (and their smaller neighbours) can unite their forces and make Constantinople (‘Istanbul’ is just a corrupt reading of Constantinople) their joint capital and the seat of the Imperial government. Constantinople can be our answer to Brussels, New York and Beijing. While the centuries-long quest for hegemony in Eurasia has caused many wars, a union would satisfy all desires: the Russians will have Constantinople as their capital, without dislodging the Turks; the Turks will have lifelines to the Crimea and Tashkent, even to the far-away diamond reserves of Yakutia, the land of the Pravoslav Turks, restored without fighting a single Russian. The Middle East will once again be incorporated in Eurasia as it was; and it won’t have to listen to orders from Washington, London or Brussels. Instead of being a far-away place, Turkey will become the meeting place for the people of Baghdad and Kiev, Belgrade and Cairo, Vladivostok and Ankara.  

Read in Turkish: EY OSMANLI GERİ GEL!

Read in French: Empire ottoman : reviens !


Double Loyalty of Jewish Marxists

The New Bund at Old Tricks

“Dear comrades, if we shall keep mum today, tomorrow the Jewish Marxists will ride on our backs… Vladimir Lenin”.  

Read in Danish: Det Nye Bund med Gamle Tricks

Read in Italian: Nuovo Bund, ma sempre vecchi  trucchi

The Protocols of the Elders of London by Gilad Atzmon

In a very small segregated cyber shtetl somewhere in the north-west side of yahoo ( ), a tiny cell of so-called ‘liberal’ Jews meets in the wee small hours. Night after night they are trying to save the Palestinian people from those who devote their lives to the Palestinian cause. There is one man who they really detest; his name is Israel Shamir. An ex-Jew, Shamir is a very civil and peaceful man and probably is the sharpest critical voice of ‘Jewish power’ and Zionist ideology.

A debate between Tony Greenstein, an anti-Zionist ethnic Jewish activist and Gilad Atzmon, an ordinary Jazz musician

Sex and Politics by Gilad Atzmon

Gilad Atzmon versus the London Trots: background by Israel Shamir

Angie the Canadian Lass beats the Elders of London hands down

Comrade Raimondo Seeks a Scapegoat
By Israel Shamir

T'is pity, for a long time, I have kept a warm spot in my heart for Comrade Raimondo. Much as I do not like the US right-wingers, this flamboyant Republican-against-the-war appeared to me a man who fulfils a positive function in the US body politic. He is not the man I would like “to be in bed with”, as he claims, for I do not like to be in bed with men. But he is doing a good job, opposes Zionism and the US expansion to the Middle East.  

Market Libertarians
By Joh Domingo

Raimondo is a Market based Libertarian, and for him the Market justifies any outcome that is a process of the market itself. Raimondo’s kowtowing to Zionist discourse ("most Jews were opposed to the war" – who sez?), is merely market promotion of Libertarian doctrines. Smearing people is imitation of Jewish/Zionist discourse, not ‘Stalinist’ as per Raimondo’s mimicry of Trotsky’s maxim. Smearing people as ‘anti-Semites’, is philo-Semitism.  

Sixty years after the War

The Holocaust Wars by Paul Eisen

The Holocaust and Jewish suffering, no longer history now theology, have become a religious imperative for Jews, even for those Jews who regard themselves as secular, even for those Jews who don’t much consider themselves Jews. Take ten Jews today, maybe three will worship God, perhaps nine will worship the state of Israel, nine-point-five may worship "The Jewish People" but nine-point nine-nine-nine recurring will worship Jewish suffering and the Holocaust. 

Read in Hungarian: A holokauszt háborúk

Responses to Paul Eisen and Frank Scott

The Holocaust Agnostic

Bernard Marx of New York declares himself 'a Holocaust agnostic'. See also his response to Paul Eisen on his blog!

The Holocaust, Palestine and Israel: Revision, Denial and Myth by Frank Scott

History is full of wholesale massacres and horrendous acts of brutality. During the same war that killed so many European jews, the cities of Dresden and Tokyo were reduced to ashes in firestorms that killed tens of thousands of people in a matter of minutes. These poor souls were indeed, burned alive, and there was no need to deliver them to death camps or crematoria; the crematoria were delivered to them.  

A Drink From the River Lethe by Joh Domingo

The longer the Holocaust is remembered, the more people will suffer, the more people will die, and more injustice will be done - all with reference to that memory. The right thing to do is to terminate the memory. The moral thing to do is to support those that undermine Holocaust Memory, and oppose those that uphold it.  

Laughing Gas Chambers by Sarah Blau, Haaretz

It's the biggest taboo in Israeli satire, but the source of an endless supply of underground black humour. Why it is nearly impossible to make jokes about the Holocaust in public and what, despite the taboo, is acceptable.  

Read in French Des chambres à gaz hilarant(es)

Why forget the Holocaust? by Paul Treanor , Haaretz

Remembering the Holocaust is like placing a live hand grenade in a room full of small children. It is no good to them in any way, and sooner or later they will play with it, and kill or injure themselves. The longer the Holocaust is remembered, the more people will suffer, the more people will die, the more injustice will be done - all with reference to that memory. The right thing to do is to terminate the memory.  

”Anti-semitism” as a political weapon

Our friend Lasse Wilhelmson from Stockholm, Sweden tells of fear of mentioning ‘Jewish settlements’ in the left. He comes to a powerful conclusion: Zionism, through its Jewish organisations, is the dominant interpretation of Judaism today.  

Khazars by Paul Wexler

Are the European Jews descendents of the Khazars? This interesting and relevant question is answered by one of the most daring Israel's academic dissidents, Prof Paul Wexler, the leading expert of Yiddish. He writes:  

Technology And The Coming Global Totalitarianism by Richard B. Wilcox

Francis Bacon's 16th century masculine science fed into the social and political sciences which sought justification for the tendency of humans to colonize lands and peoples. Writing about events in the Middle East, the journalist and historian Shamir (2005) illustrates this in his essay Sumud and Flux For Shamir, when multi-culturalism is used in its politically correct usage it is a code for Western cultural and political hegemony, which results in homogenization and ultimate destruction. Just as sustainable forms of technology should not empower any group or individual over one another, or over-burden the Earth's ecology, true multi-culturalism re-valorizes the cultural and biological diversity that was destroyed by colonialism and imperialism, and respects and reaffirms the autonomy and sovereignty of diversepeoples.  

In My Father's Garden by Wafa Abu-Shamais

It was exactly one o'clock, an hour after midnight. My husband and I had been watching a movie on TV. As soon as the movie finished, I went to bed. My husband said that he wanted to catch the news headlines, which he told me would not take more than five minutes, and he promised he would come to bed immediately after. I got into bed and as soon as I placed my head on the pillow, my dream began. It was the longest dream I've ever had although it lasted only five minutes.  

Red Easter

Easter has no fixed abode; this most important movable feast of the Orthodox Christian year flies like a shuttle between March and May and weaves the diverse important dates into a single metaphysical narrative. In the memorable year 2000, it coincided with the Western Easter proclaiming Christendom’s underlying bedrock unity. Last year, Good Friday fell on April 9, the Deir Yassin Massacre Day, when apostles’ children were slaughtered by Jewish terrorists in the land of Christ. This year, Resurrection Sunday comes on May Day, weaving back the unnecessary tear between the Reds and the Christ. The Russians, amongst whom I celebrate today, christened it Krasnaya Pascha, “Red Easter” . 

Read in Spanish Rojas Pascuas de Resurrección

Shamir speaks at the Lords

Jews and the Empire

This is the right time to overcome left-right divide: if Michael Howard stands on the right -for liberties - and Blair stands on the left - for anti-Muslim legislation, for police control and for war, the terms have little relevance today.
There are friends and enemies of the Empire in all your major political parties, and equally all the parties are Zionist-infiltrated. There is a need for new realignment in order to unite anti-Imperial forces for full withdrawal of British troops from overseas, for independence of England from the American Empire. Shamir's Talk in the House of Lords, Westminster:. 

Les Juifs et l'Empire

The Times attacks

Simultaneously with the Jewish Chronicle (All this wild conspiracy talk…) The Times of London published a poisonous piece by Stephen Pollard on Shamir’s talk at the House of Lords. 

The Times Rides Again

In Defence of Shamir .. and Chomsky Ian Buckley

What's in a name? Certainly not much when it comes to the hackneyed and over-used term of 'anti-Semitism'. All kinds of people have been uncovered as sufferers from this regrettable condition, from G.K. Chesterton to Roald Dahl and Humphrey Bogart.

The Mediators by Maria POUMIER, Paris

Lord Ahmed, a peer of England's Crown, is now being reproached for having invited Israel Shamir to express himself recently in the House of Lords. This noble Muslim, as the suspicion goes, might no longer be a proper Englishman. Shamir points out that the fatwa unleashed upon him by the Anti-Defamation League is more threatening than that which weighs upon Salmon Rushdie. Here is a good occasion to measure Shamir`s role, the progress of his ideas, and the forces at work protecting him.

Read in French Les médiateurs


Our good friend Noel Ignatiev, one of the editors of Race Traitor magazine, visited Palestine, and we had a chance for long and exhaustive conversations. Later Noel wrote an ‘unofficial report’ of his journey, including some presentation of my ‘controversial’ views (see extracts at the bottom). It is a basically fair and well-intentioned presentation; Noel had to justify his contact with me to his comrades and he did it well. As always happens, certain misunderstandings have occurred; I wrote this correction to present my views to you. 

Read in French Dialogue Shamir - Ignatiev

Read in Spanish Debatiendo con Noel Ignatiev

Deir Yassin Remembered

More trouble around Shamir

On 9th of April we had a sad commemoration of Deir Yassin Massacre, organised by the Deir Yassin Remembered (DYR)

Deir Yassin: the Absurd Historical Revisionism of Steven Plautby Kurt Nimmo

Deir Yassin/How Palestine Became Israel: A talk I never gave by Paul Eisen

April is the Cruelest Month

“What a horrible, dreadful story”, a humanist Jew told me when I drove him by the remaining houses of Deir Yassin, then he added “But Ben Gurion condemned the terrorists, and they were duly punished”. “Yes”, I responded, “they were duly punished and promoted to the highest government posts”.

The Trefoil and the Cross

On the many-coloured Hans Buenting Map (1581), our world looks like a flower; its three petals present the three continents of Europe, West Asia, Africa, united by the Holy Land. The map allows for a different reading, too: the flower is the faith of Christ and Our Lady, and the three petals are Islam, Catholicism and Orthodoxy. While the Westerners preferred to view Islam as an antithesis of Christianity, Eastern Christians, notably St John the Damascene, considered Islam as another Christian Church, on a par with the Western Catholic Church This is a good place to recognise an unknown victim of the Iraqi war: Christianity. 

Read in Spanish: La flor de tres petalos

Read in German: Das Kleeblatt und das Kreuz

Read in French: Ge Trilobe et la Croix

Down with Human Rights:

Philo-Semitic Attacks On The Rise by Joh Domingo

More people died from philo-Semitic attacks in Palestine and Iraq, than died in the massive tsunami that engulfed Asia at the end of that year. 

Down with Human Rights by Joh Domingo

It behoves us to deconstruct the edifice of the Human Rights Industry and examine what oozes out. 

SPLC, the Empire of Hate

Iraqi Puppet Show by Joh Domingo

George Bush for Nobel Peace Prize!  

WATCHDOG NATION by Cletus Nelson

Hating Those Who Hate - all the tricks of anti-hate bodies. 

Cook and Finkelstein against HRW

The Sword of St. Michael

In The Dune, a visionary film that predicted the US invasion of the Middle East, the spiritual leader of the Resistance is asked: "Will we ever have peace?"

"We'll have victory", he replied.

Read in Spanish La espada de San Miguel

Read in French Le Glaive de Saint_Michel

"It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our heart, than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence."

- Mohandas K. Gandhi

Christian Zionism
By Stephen R. Sizer

Road-map to Armageddon?

Read Shamir Meeting the Shaikh SIAM
Read Shamir Meeting the Shaikh SIAM (in French)
Read SIAM's bio
Read SIAM's poem about Shaikh Nasrallah
Read SIAM's poem about Jerusalem


New & Selected Poems by SIAM

  "A masterfully constructed book of psycho-spiritual poems that may make you laugh; may make you cry, but you surely will not be bored - a profoundly unique creative literary experience, chronicling the last thirty years of a great Mystic's journey toward spiritual purification, illumination, resurrection, and ascension. Rain of Grace, New & Selected Poems is more than just another typical book of poetry; it is an extraordinary transformative symphonic poetical encounter."

A new book Homo americanus by our friend Tom Sunic is out!
(see below)

With foreword by Professor Kevin MacDonald
(see below)

The Power of Israel
in the
United States

  by James Petras

A New Book The Case Against Israel

Reviewed by Israel Shamir


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