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Summer Internships
Shalem Press
Hebraic Political Studies
Student Journals Project
Cream of the Crop: On Shalem's Summer Interns

Students from among America's most prestigious universities - including Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia universities, UC Berkeley, University of Chicago, Barnard, Wellesley, Rutgers and New York University - were selected to participate in Shalem's 2007 summer intern program. These distinguished students will work closely with Shalem fellows and faculty, attend weekly seminars taught by Shalem scholars, and take guided trips around Israel. Pursuing undergraduate degrees in fields such as Middle East studies, math, philosophy and religion, these are the editors of university journals, organizers of political and social action groups, published writers, ranking scholars and we believe, potentially powerful Jewish leaders of the future.

To learn more about Shalem's summer internship program, click here.

What's New
Harvard's New Society Debuts on Campus Azure Summer
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Daniel Polisar: Israel's Unusual Strength Shalem Scholar Unearths Earliest Aliyah

3500 copies of New Society, a journal run in conjunction with Azure's Student Journals Project, were quickly snapped up by eager Harvard students only hours after its launch this past month. Editor-in-Chief Julia Bertelsmann aims to redefine the way in which students encounter Israel and the Middle East, at Harvard and throughout the academic world.
Read a selection of articles from Harvard's New Society.

Acclaimed essayist and literary critic Assaf Inbari's "Forever Engaged, Never Married, to the Land of Israel" explores the complex relationship of the Jews and their homeland - a relationship defined by a tension between yearning and fulfillment. Published extensively in Israeli journals and newspapers, Inbari, one of Shalem's first three fellows, is just now being introduced to English audiences, as well.
Click here to read the full text..

Shalem President Daniel Polisar recently addressed the challenges inherent in navigating a strong Israeli society. "A surge in corruption at the upper echelons of Israel's government demands institutional reform. A new academia" he proposes, "committed to building a culture that values patriotism and education, will maintain its vision and see its shortcomings."
Click here to read more about the student programs at Shalem.

In 1833, Polish newspapers reported on the bewildering phenomenon of the mass immigration of Polish-Jews to Palestine. Shattering the prevailing myth that Zionism is a late 19th century movement, Senior Fellow Arie Morgenstern's groundbreaking book The Return to Jerusalem reveals a large-scale Jewish migration to Israel that took place before the First Aliyah.
For more information from Shalem Press,
click here.