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(Category) (Category) IGLU's Frequently Asked Questions : (Category) Hebrew under Linux
Currently Hebrew support in Linux is in the stages of getting from patchy to solid. When you install a recent distro you should expect to get the basic things working, including a full-Hebrew desktop.

There are some other taskes: Support for Hebrew in the file-system: (Xref) Hebrew File Names , etc.

(Category) Hebrew fonts
(Category) Hebrew keyboard layout
(Category) Hebrew in Web Browsers
(Category) Hebrew File Names
(Category) Hebrew Documentation
(Category) Hebrew in Graphic Toolkits
(Answer) What about Hebrew on the IGLU site
(Category) Hebrew in the Desktop
(Category) Hebrew in Distributions
(Category) Hebrew in Word Processors
(Category) In the Linux Console
(Category) Bidirectional Hebrew Hacks
(Category) Hebrew in Text Editors
(Category) Hebrew Support In...

Answers in this category:

[New Answer in "Hebrew under Linux"]
tzafrirATlinuxDOTorgDOTil, tzafrirATtechnionDOTacDOTil, iraATlinuxDOTorgDOTil, martinpATsurf-comDOTcom
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