Environment Southland is the brand name of the Southland Regional Council

Complaints, Requests and Compliments

Environment Southland is the brand name of the Southland Regional Council



Please fill out the form below and click Send.


Today's date: 25/06/2007
Your name:


Sometimes we may require further information from you, or you may want to know the outcome of your complaint, request or compliment.  For this to happen, please ensure that you have filled in your name and contact details.


Postal address:
Daytime phone:
Mobile number:
Email address:


Please select the box that applies:


Please make sure your information is specific as possible, including dates and location(s):


Who (if anyone) have you contacted previously at the Council in relation to this matter?


How would you like to be contacted? (Please select the appropriate box)




© 1999 - 2005, Southland Regional Council. All rights reserved. Terms of Use

Environment Southland is the brand name of Southland Regional Council.

Do you have a complaint, request, or compliment? We welcome your feedback.