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facts, arguments and experiences on the introduction of initiative and referendum

This important book about direct democracy is available in six languages.

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more democracy in the EU

We are a network of European NGOs promoting direct democracy. Welcome.

We propose a democratic procedure for a new European Convention, which should lead to an result accepted by a majority of the Europeans.

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Brussels: Greenpeace action proofs: Europeans need the initiative now

Study: Popular Initiative in Italy

Study: European Citizens' Initiative

Berlin: 84% vote more democracy


With more than 110 organisations we have called for the immediate introduction of the European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI). Now it has been included in the proposed EU-Reform-Treaty. But this is not sufficient. Experience in EU member states has shown that citizens’ initiatives, if they are to be workable, need to be citizen-friendly.

We demand a fair regulation.

ERC reloaded

From 2002 until 2004 we organised the European Referendum Campaign.

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