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Ninety...and Counting

Earlier this month marked the 90th anniversary of the Jones Act granting U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans. As usual, some celebrated while others protested. However, regardless of where you stand in this debate, the fact of the matter is that for 90 years, the residents of Puerto Rico have carried the passport of a nation whose political process they cannot fully partake.

Yet while it is true that the average Puerto Rican would want to see the issue of the island’s political status finally resolved, it is also true that Puerto Ricans seem to lack one emotion that could get them closer to resolving this dilemma than perhaps all the debate in the world – anger. It is amazing how after all these years, the Puerto Rican people have not awoken from the seemingly endless night brought about by this situation. “Despierta Boricua” is an old maxim that sparks a new meaning. It is not about the revolutionary cries for independence of yesteryear. It is, however, about what it going to take for Puerto Ricans to admit to their true lot in life, their true position in the world and feel some sense of outrage.

Ninety years and we still can’t elect our most important government officials. Ninety years and many in our government still do not consider us fellow citizens. Where is the outrage?

This week Congress, once again, had another hearing on Puerto Rico’s status. There have been more than 40 of these and the congressional findings in all these sets of hearings will not be any different than the findings of the previous ones. Unfortunately for the Puerto Rican people, nothing will come out of these hearings.

To many in Washington, this issue can be reduced to one simple sentence, the status of Puerto Rico will be resolved when the people of Puerto Rico tell Congress what they want. I used to believe that this was simply a way to avoid the issue altogether. However, as I see it today, minor changes to that sentence will reduce it to a more appropriate form: the issue of Puerto Rico’s unresolved political status will be resolved once Puerto Ricans demonstrate their anger and frustration with Washington’s lethargy.

Posted by Jose Aponte on Mar 25, 2007 10:15 PM | Comments (12)


Fifty-One . . . and Counting

Puerto Rico was not invaded by the US, but it was liberated. US citizens in Puerto Rico have the same rights and responsibilities as other US citizens. These ideas (90th anniversary of the Jones Act granting U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans). Is either correct, in which case they are knowledge, or incorrect, in which case they are only ideas? History is replete with lessons that demonstrate that attempts to conduct one’’s affair in contravention of universal law do not end well. I believe, therefore, that it is essential to our societal well being that we examine and consider ““social issues”” in the context of knowledge and not merely of ideas. My reading of (your work) leads me to conclude that we are of like mind in this. Unfortunately for the real American people, nothing will come out of these hearings. So I believe that the real problem is not necessarily the status itself, but rather the political party who routinely makes false promises to their constituents, which in turn creates sort of like a "fanatic" base. If we take them out of the status equation, then the issue is not so controversial anymore and we can finally have some intelligent discussions and arguments about statehood. Additionally, politicians would be forced to work on real concrete issues and problems, instead of patriotic (whether PR or US) sound bites and photo-ops.

Puerto Rico, USA loses more people over a weekend holiday in accidents and 3rd in the planet high crimes, bad medical treatment, contamination overall, than it loses per year in Iraq."Yet it fails to answer a basic need. [Despierta Boricuaââ]The need to retain control of sociobiological development. Yes, having smashed our thumb with a hammer, the only honorable course is to go on smashing our thumb with a hammer. It is, however, about what it going to take for Puerto Ricans to admit to their true lot in life, their true position in the world and feel some sense of outrage. Yet while it is true that the average Puerto Rican would want to see the issue of the Congressmen’s status quo with statehood valid options YES/NO para la estadidad finally resolved, is also true that Washington seems to lack one big emotion that could get them closer to resolving this discriminatory debate dilemma than perhaps they all in the world lacks “Compassion” with humanitarian gestures. Well, To refuse to smash our thumb with a hammer any more would send the wrong message to the rest of the world and only encourage the nails not to lie flat against the wall. I used to believe that this was simply a way to avoid the issue altogether. What does democracy really mean in our Borinquen? Whatever Let Puerto Rico decides. The status of Puerto Rico will be resolved when the Congressmen of United States tell our Puerto Rico, USA People that they want Borinquen to become the next 51 states of the Union. I Sometimes I wonder if there will be a moment when reality and myth, truth and lies, will collide. It is, however, about what it going to take for Puerto Ricans to admit to their true lot in life, their true position in the world and feel some sense of outrage. The problems we the people face now in Puerto Rico will seem innocent in comparison to the problems and challenges we'll face 30 years from now, but as a species we do need to grow out of our tumultuous adolescence and face the true challenges of adulthood. The other question is "could" we the people delay, halt, or reverse technological growth. Returning to the central questions: should/could we control our Borinquen society's destiny and evolution? Well, following my earlier analogy: there are ways to delay or halt an adolescent’s growth: 1.) Starve them. Kids can't grow if they can't eat. Just give them enough to survive. Remove government funding from AIDS research, nanotech, mental health, etc. Hopefully the private sector's R&D; will fail without government assistance. Of course, so the singularity will really only be delayed. So, we have option #2 (which, if we truly want to halt progress, we would have to implement in ADDITION to #1): Prevent the good Puerto Rican neighbor's kids from maturing into a Healy 51st States of the Union (e.g.,: poison the water supply, slash their tires, etc.). To many in Washington, this issue can be reduced to one simple sentence, We the People of Puerto Rico refute to accept that type of DESCOLONIZATION’S Virus. We have limitations on the amount of freedom we have in determining technological progress. English is not my first language, sometimes, the details get's lost in preconceptions about what you meant. Do the Lion being capture, anesthetized and operated on by a human know the human is trying to save his/her life? Ninety years and many in our government still do not consider us fellow citizens. Where is the outrage? Does he/she know the human is being benevolent? What makes you think we will know that about a Technical Statehood for Borinquen, which is as much more intelligent than we are? If we the people are intent to create a 51st *Star Statehood "mind,” then perhaps something like our sense of consciousness might be a requirement, agreed. Now, the question is, when this System is stable, inside some parameters. I think the issue of possible physical/logistical limitations is appropriate for the topic, since it impacts the question of capabilities, and complements the topic of motivations. The future ‘COMMONWEALTH STATEHOOD’ Borinquen will be as safe as it is sure, that an axiomatic system and its theorems, are consistent. We the people may expect, that our abilities to handle that, will improve also. I really think we do. I really think we have nothing to be afraid of. I understand we want resolution to the questions. The future is uncertain. Very uncertain. But we can't abandon values like "freedom" because we're afraid. The fear will always be there. The question is "What does we want to become? What do we want to bring into being?" From there we can put in controls to manage us to our real goals. Not put in controls to manage us around some imagined evil. Quite a different way of thinking. Quite different results. How sure are you about this correlation to global warming? Ear quakes???

Our very BORINQUEN system of progress is still limited by and tied to the support mechanisms around it - our societies at large! Those fail and your precious progress and singularity are moot, just like a magnificent house of cards. Yes, there have been more than 40 of these and the congressional findings in all these sets of hearings will not be any different from the findings of the previous ones. Best-selling books do not ensure the future. Neither does any amount of technological advancement unless it reaches a point where we are free from these types of cycles - do you really think that it is cut a dried that we (nuestra bendita tierra) are to make it? Yes, it is amazing how after all these years, our Puerto Rican people have not awoken from the seemingly endless night brought about by this situation. When it comes to wants and needs, people tend to define their lives in terms of what they want rather than what they need. For example, nearly everyone in our Borinquen society wants an IPOD but who really needs one? Do we really need more music than we can possibly listen to over a lifetime? It takes a lot more than just what we need to live in this Inland. It takes the ability to satisfy desires for living in a clean, well functioning infrastructures, a place for children to learn and play, for food that does more than fills the stomach, and a place to get out of the Hurricane Tornado seasons. We see these as necessities, but the rest of the world sees them as something to be desired and worth going to great lengths to become a part of. I guess my point here is that the line between necessity and desire is narrow in some spots and wide in others. That desires are something that peoples will often fight harder for than mere needs. There is a difference between "discipline" and "duty.” Duty is a state of Congressman obligation where you lack control or statehood choice. Discipline is a state of choice, where you decide to forego one outcome/pleasure for another. Discipline is a state where resources are focused in order to achieve a goal. The key distinction, being choice.)

I think that TASK FORCES REAL OBJECTIVES can be scientifically delineated, and has to include:

1. a consensus.

2. resolve conflicts.

3. stimulate wealth creation.

4. redistribute wealth.

5. maintain the constitution.

6. defend against human & natural ills

7. selling these as policies to the people.

But it's just 1 & 2 really.

Puerto Rico is small geographically, but its population approximates that of the typical state. It could easily fit in as the 51st State of the Union, with two Senators and six members of the House of Representatives. Accession of Puerto Rico to the Union would give the Senate its first Hispanic members, and add 13% to the total Latin population of the Nation. Six Representatives would participate in all the debates and votes on crucial issues, and could be expected to strengthen the progressive forces in Congress against ultra liberalism.

"We've always been a land of varied cultural backgrounds and origins and we believe firmly that our strength is our diversity. There is much Puerto Rico can contribute to our nation which is why I personally favor Statehood. We hope you will join us."
-President Ronald Reagan
I have been a pro-statehood believer and I remain one . . . Estadidad Ahora!"

-President George H.W. Bush
"I do not care about politics-I care about what is right. For Puerto Rico to be a state would be good, but at the end, the people of Puerto Rico will have the last word about statehood."
-President George W. Bush
"We support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign state after they freely so determine."
-2004 Republican Party Platforms
Do you agree with that statement, and what do you think is the most appropriated way to deal with the issue?"
Coburn responded by saying: "Well, I'll tell you honestly, I have never given it a thought. I haven't, it's simply something I haven't thought about. We allowed Alaska to become a state, we allowed Hawaii to become a state. . . . f the people of Puerto Rico want to do that, I wouldn't have any problem with that."

....that speaking out politically at key moments is part of a scientist's responsibility.

Corporations are like chainsaws. If you control them, they're powerful tools. If you don't, they'll rip your leg off

When you're losing the game, and you have to win, the only alternative is to change the game..
We live in a toxic food environment."[
Statehood Adaptability is no excuse for a poor task force map design.[1980]
In response to the often heard response, "people get used to it",”when intelligence designers were queried as to why an interface was inconsistent and/or inefficient.

SA statehood nesscan be generated from within, but the mind can get in the way! The process requires inner strength, which can be developed. But the process is easily misunderstood.

AAnyway . . . I will pursue the other points a bit later. Thanks for keeping the dialogue going (I hope we're not drifting too far off topic tho . . . ). ;o)

Posted by: Viktor on March 27, 2007 3:21 AM

My point is being missed. However just because you do not agree with someone views, or find their opinions of your own views disturbing is no reason to call out for censorship. My point is that some people have no real interest in many forums’ subjects at hand but use them to give them a soap bench to preach their political views and they jump on it. I have seen two sites NPP/PPD. Parties ruined in this way as the sites became nothing more than political flames thrown back and forth by users or in the second case where one political view point took hold and basically everybody theirs had to express one view or to be attacked. It is well and good that this site does not become a political battle ground of emotionally charged ideologies. "Religion was created in order to keep the poor from killing the rich" Politics is the religion of the 21st century Borinquen and presents a danger far greater than religion to threaten intellectual and scientific discussions. People are limited by their intelligence. But nobody trusts the information received from our senses - that is because we have knowledge that indicates they can be wrong. In other words, there is a life of knowledge beyond sense data. In most systems the situation has to do with leaving a margin out in the dark. I prefer to focus on the possibilities rather than the misery, but that doesn't mean the misery isn't there. Given an upgrade, I believe that much of what is ““evil”” in this world will disappear. I have noticed that everyone has an axe to grind, with the way differing systems work. Systems are our politics, religions/cults, corporations, and social groups. It has always been Spenserian and Darwinian whether communisms or capitalism. The reason FAS communism doesn't work is that there is a division among the lazy the dictatorial and the suppressed; this is a waste of energy wrought by inefficient synergy. Maybe I am just an optimist. In America, the struggle for survival, the benefits, and rights are diametrically opposed to how many other nations run. Religion seems a common denominator; however, freedom of religion, and the ones that suppress should be an indication. There is no system that can work for all people; but, there are those that work the best.

If you look at what plants and animals used to cover the surface of the Puerto Rico’ land field and in what proportion, you can compare that with what is happening now. Entire forests from the YUNQUE Tropical forest are being chopped down and replaced by Hotel crops to feed and house humans. In other words, we are affecting everything on the planet with our evolution. We are draining the Atlantic ocean and the Mar Caribe sea of certain kinds of fish and driving many more out of existence with our pollution and our influence on the climate. In other words, we are changing the entire world in ways we can't foresee and very few people even seem to notice. These changes, too, are happening at an exponential rate. This cannot be argued. Another difference is the fact that the evolution of Borinquen culture affects not only the species we call human, it affects everything that culture comes in contact with. We are not just evolving -- we are changing the entire world with our cultural evolution and it will never be able to go back to the way it was before. The question in my mind is this: are we the people of Puerto Rico, USA going to be able to control this earthquake process or will it drive us to extinction? Even if we went extinct tomorrow, the most plentiful animals on the face of Borinquen would be chickens, turkeys, cows and pigs. The plants covering the naked commonwealth would be limited to the few that we have decided are most interesting and useful, such as flowers, trees and grass for human communities and corps of corn, soybeans, wheat, corn, etc., that have now taken over nearly all the vacant land on this Caribbean island. Oye Despierta Boricua!! No other species has ever caused this kind of change to its environment. We the people are remolding ESTA BENDITA TIERRA to something we think (right now) is nearer to our heart's desire. We may not think that a little farther down the TASK FORCE HURRICANE ROAD; But my point is that species normally evolve in order to adapt to their environment. What we are doing is trying to change the environment to fit what we perceive to be our own need -- on a Puerto Rico scale. The Statehood singularity, to my mind, is the point where we cross the Task force map line between becoming stewards of our Borinquen or changing it to a point where we can no longer live on it. Actually, there is no single point in time that we can call the singularity. If anything, it is the point where the rate of change, if charted as geographical map line on a graph, would be going straight up. We're close to that now. I like the idea of the algorithm doing all the work. The question in my mind is: Can we the people strike a balance between what we want with this status quo and what we can live with before we drive ourselves to extinction? Sorry for all the simpleton questions. Indeed, our best knowledge tells us all these things are achievable, even if it is far far over the horizon. Do you need a rule/rules to define the picking of the winner? For example best performance decided by a Congress judge panel? In this case any arbitrary random action would not survive unless the Congress judges feel it is good dancing? If so, do you think we run into difficulty when trying to define selection rules for say, working out the human mind, or the statehood micro state Borinquen? I mean how do you define the rules of task force selection in the very complex scenarios? Ruben Berrios & FAS you could make a very strong case that 51st * Star future will not be delivered in time for any of us to be included in it, but none of this pessimism says that molecular manufacturing or artificial intelligence or the conquest of senescence is impossible. Should we all just give up, crawl into a corner and die? Or should we consider Statehood's future a legacy for Puerto Rico future generations that we can work toward? Pointing to our CURRENT state of knowledge in neuroscience and acting as if we will never ever improve upon it is bloody stupid! Where would WE THE PEOPLE be if past generations had thought 'communicating in realtime with people all over the world is just impossible' or 'performing surgery without inflicting pain is pie in the sky' or 'air clean of smog will never happen' and just sat on their apse moan moaning? We should look for the truth somewhere in the middle. A modicum of skepticism is healthy, but if I was a negative as Ruben Berrios DECOLONIZATION METHOD I would be suicidal! Healthiest approach if you ask me. Note that this definition has nothing to do with creating a paradise on Borinquen. It is simply an acknowledgment that human cognition has its limitations and that these might be surpassed by technology, just as the speed of the fastest animal is no match for supersonic jets. It is the here and now created by that process. It is recorded to become the past and speculated about to try and foresee what is likely to happen in the future. There is no way of knowing where we are on the map graph at this point, regarding this feature. Exponential growth does not rule out the possibility that 51st star life will be accomplished two hundred years from now. As you know, an exponential growth starts REALLY SLOW. Who said we're over the slow region for statehood American life? There is also a fine print which says: "Any irregular move, will be counted as - 'I surrender!'.” Statehood-Consciousness, in my view, is the combination of all these things taking place as a continuum of internal processing. The mind decides immediately that if we continue to cross the street in front of that oncoming car, we are likely to be hurt or killed. Statehood-Consciousness, in other words, is the total output of the perceptual and computational process, not just bits and pieces of any future task force mission.
We the Taino people of Borinquen clearly say that we must upgrade the “COMMONWEALTH to STATEHOOD or be left behind. I think we right if strong 51st state is at all possible. There is no way we would understand the complexity of the superior strong Statehood's thinking, no matter how much or well they explain. By then the Statehood-Technological changes are said so be very dramatic, unpredictable in fact and still moving faster and faster: exponential growth---exponential x exponential------exponential x exponential x exponential . . . etc. The bottom line is that we (American as a whole) determine the rate of state-technology by our willingness to go out and purchase the current stuff knowing that next 4-year something better is coming. I think this is what we the Taino people of Borinquen see what happening by the double exponential its explains in USA/PR maps charts. Check out his 51st * curve chart of a paradigm shift rate. I'm too. Who say we won't find that things are MUCH more complicated than we once thought (should I just remind you of the fate of gambits of chess. Another example is: "Win the (chess) game!". A believer at exponential growth of knowledge, but the fact that it happens, doesn't mean everything will happen so soon. From my perspective I see that our Borinquen economic system(s) holds us up from making faster advances. Once statehood-technology is introduced into the market, it goes through a life-cycle. At the end, I really hope you are wrong, and statehood for puertorico really said 10 years. That will make my prediction much more credible, and much less "wishful", at least to my eyes. I am willing to bet that there is a great deal of making our Puerto Rico the next 51st technology-- state of the Union still being held back in hopes of turning a profit on the existing set of products first . . . at least this is what we the Taino people perceive. Naturally there are reasons for this since without such profits how do one fund future research and development for our US. Citizen living presently in Puerto Rico? Severe competition probably causes an even bigger impact on this rate of advancement but both democrats and republicans are important factors(Some of them will cause them to emerge, I think). ,,Which one is that?

Posted by: viktor on April 3, 2007 1:15 AM

Our Commonwealth Constitution provides for any issues that we have today to be remedied without throwing out the founding principles upon which this Puerto Rico was built. The future 51st States would be protecting individual rights by putting restriction on how technology can be used, putting restrictions on something, or placing limits on action, requires an authority. I used to believe that this was simply a way to avoid the issue altogether. This is why it is important that the data be verified across multiple American interest of the rest 50 states’ groups with different biases. Yes it is. The only way the New 51st States of the Union is likely to have morals is if some are programmed into it by all we the American people concern. On the other hand, I don't know what a ‘Status Quo’ would do with them. We all want to believe in the collective wisdom of the PEOPLE, yet we're all terrified of the irrational ignorance of the MOB. Yes, this is indeed the problem: trying to decide WHICH stats to use as every stat will lead to a different end. So what would probably have to happen is for people to get together and VOTE on what the IDEAL SCENE and GOAL was for each branch, department and agency of the government. I prefer to call it Commonwealth, United States Territory. I am living in the Borinquen, USA so, I am witnessing these problems first hands. Our Island is going down the drain because it has been hijacked by radical political extremists. From my reading of the Federalist, and Madison's journal from the convention, I think that most of the framers probably believed that term limits were unnecessarily, because they believed that the political system itself would encourage turnover. I think that in 1787 they would have been shocked to find people serving in Puerto Rico NPP/PDD for 40 or more years. Rosello, alcaldes, senadores y assessors en general. Wow!? But the funny thing is that within their lifetimes, the long career Representative and Senator became a fixture in Borinquen capitolio. Unfortunately, this seems to be the paradox of democracy. I'm talking about this group that has been wealthy for so long, and has been so removed from "real life,” that they are completely mystified by it. Some of them wanted one year house term--but they decided that was a little extreme. The same club! Over the living. Yet they propose to govern a majority that is not wealthy, and do it well? Nevertheless, I think we know what kind of abuse we are trying to prevent, and we could figure out criteria that work, or at least criteria that tell us when it is time for the issue to be considered by either a judge and jury or a vote of the people. Can you explain what aspect of a corporation international corporation requires that it be secured by NPP/PPD. government political party? Who are "they?” Also, the cigarette industry was cruising along MAKING MONEY ““honestly and without violence”” for years even though they knew they were selling addictive products to Puerto Ricans kids. The majority came to believe that legislators needed a little insulation from the public--but not too much. Long congressional careers have been the norms since the beginning of the party system in the 1908s. "But I cannot see how 'the system should be fixed' where we somehow abrogate the right of people to choose idiots. Whatever changes to laws that occur, they must be "the will of the people,” so education is your only real option." Some of these principles are found in the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, some in the Bible and other religious works, some in science, technology and in statistics, and some in good old horse sense from a sober public mind. I also think some of the founders would be amused by our continued reverence for them. Jefferson (who, of course, was not at the Convention, and was a little uneasy about the Constitution when it was first proposed) believed that every generation should have the opportunity to redesign its government to suit its own needs . . . he was opposed to what he called, in a letter to Madison, "the tyranny of the dead" They were proven wrong almost from the start. Thus, when you read the Federalist when it discusses the House, Madison and Hamilton are convinced that they struck the right balance . . . and they fully expected that there would be frequent turnover in the Capitolio of San Juan Puerto Rico. And Borinquen’s politicians don't get elected to "do public service.” The Borinquen constitution has had to evolve as our Puerto Rico evolved. And the institutions we invented as new problems arose were created to solve those problems. What I object to is part of the covert, underhanded things that special interest groups have done to thwart due process as envisioned by the Constitution and the fact that some want to change things BEFORE they understand the reasons for them in the first place. They pay the People's issues lip service to get elected, and then they fulfill their party's agenda, bending only when pressed by the People, which doesn't happen very often in a system where the avenues of information are tightly-controlled. The drug/alcohol Borinquen Pharmacy industry is overly-medicating people, preventing and inhibiting valid new technologies and remedies and promoting an environment of paranoia and hostility, as drugs do inevitably do. All this equals an unable electorate or eventually NO electorate. Those in power know the above principles. The nefarious, knowing such, want to CONSERVE and PERPETUATE the existing system since 1913 until it crashes and they can exploit its spoils. Those who are agents for reason want to ALTER the existing system but not throws’ it out. The Corruption or non-corruption issue would be put to rest to a great extent if we were to reform campaign finances, and the avenue of the Lobby. I will call mine "ideal" statehood-capitalism, to distinguish it from your "pure" FAS socialism which is dysfunctional. In my ideal capitalism, the "ideal" is that companies are constrained to compete ONLY with their products in the marketplace. Whatever laws we have to pass to approach this ideal, we pass. They can't bribe Borinquen government officials for contracts, and can't cheat or mislead customers, or lie in their advertisements about their own products or the products of their competitors. They can't blackmail their customers, for example by threatening to cut off their access to a critical product if they don't also buy some other product they could get cheaper from a competitor. I think politicians should be paid well, comparably to business men managing an equivalent number of people and resources. Public office has its own allure, in particular the power to make decisions that "matter," but I would like for the public offices to compete with business for the best managerial talent. Stuff like that belongs to pure socialism, not to my ideal capitalism. "The biggest socialism experiment ever tried in all history failed immediately because of corruption and the desire for personal gain." Every politician should be scrupulously audited by an independent firm. To serve in public office, every politician from the local councilman on up should have to account for every dollar they have or get, and this audit should continue for years after they leave office. Not only that, but they should have to account for every trip, item or gift they get and how they paid for it, and how much. At random, 5% of audits should be redone by another qualified auditing firm chosen at random. I believe these audits should be in clear laymen’s language and freely available on the net to anyone that cares to read them.

True Cost Economics

I have no sympathy for the industries that claim protecting the environment will hurt their businesses, because they have done greater harm to us all in the process of extracting massive profits from products that are all naturally-occurring. When private international bankers have the ability to arbitrarily change the cost of money too, many businesses that should never have gotten their hands on money come into existence as a result of that money (and ultimately fail), and then, when interest rates are jacked up, too many legitimate business that really needed the money to service their expansion, cannot GET the money at cost-effective rates (and also fail). As for mixing, here in the Borinquen we are not equals by tax’s corporation like USA does that, in the form of taxes. It is about a not equal mix; When we combine, medicare, medicade, sales taxes, property taxes, special taxes, licenses, fees, and basically all the income any form of government takes in, the average person contributes about 50% of their paycheck to the government, without income tax which pays for 'politicians' types of services: Protection, infrastructures in the form of roads, bridges, water and sewage pipes and treatments, electrical grids and generation, police and first responders, not to mention national efforts like the armed services, welfare, medicare and medicaid, and many other such relief organizations. Look. This thing works like a monopoly. It ́s not an "evil conspiracy" of the bad guys, it ́s just business. It does not matter if the monopoly is what it is because he is very good doing business, it does not matter that the competitors have the true potential to do great things too. All that matters is that the monopoly is too big and the competition is too small. The same happens with corporations, so, why you can ́t believe that happens between nations too? Under our current system, all too often, this is not the result of people's hard work and effort. It ́s like a cage with a rabbit and a lion inside fighting each other. The lion will JUST EAT the rabbit. This is not competition, and it’s just a lion feeding himself. In order to always have meat, the rabbits must remain small and weak, and the lion will do all what he can to maintain the things like it is. "If they stopped trying to cut salary costs and arranged the work they have to get done so people are better rewarded for harder work, they would exploit people's greed and get more work out of them." That's exactly where we can see the nefariousness of their actions, because it doesn't make great financial sense. There is a huge element of Social Control behind all of this. The proper way to deal with pollution is the business method. We clean up what actually happens, and if we see alarming changes, we try to track those specific things down to causes we can then correct. This latter part is not well implemented, because our government is corrupt and incompetent. But any fair implementation of the true-cost method (which is impossible because there isn't a trustworthy model to determine true cost) would also depend upon a government being fair-minded to all companies and competent in setting prices, and that is impossible too. The big problem of our society today as a free market system is the inability to control the size of corporations. If companies were limited to say, only 15% of a market at best there would be no incentive for them to dump the product at a lose in order to gain a market share. In fact limiting company size would promote greater entrepreneurship and distribute wealth much more broadly. More smaller companies would promote greater competition toward quality, innovation and efficiency. This is our most urgent campaign: a fight to revolutionize economics before our planet is destroyed. We need a new economic paradigm - one that is open, holistic, and human scale - and this web site offers a blueprint for getting there. Prepare yourself with some background information about economics in the Old paradigm and New paradigm sections then roll up your sleeves and launch into action on your campus. The economic revolution begins with jamming Economics departments. Further, there IS an exact administrative technology already out that delineates precisely how it is done. (1) Granted, it would be much more difficult to do it for Puerto Rico government, as there are many more distinct parts and interests -- but in the end a Puerto Rico government is still nothing more than a management machine for the nation's resources. (2) Of course, people in government like to make it more complicated, but that's just to stroke their egos and ensure themselves a J.O.B. It ends with an entirely new way to measure progress. All of this CAN be done as it already HAS been done in many companies and organizations. That is what you are looking at, bogus charts composed to mislead by someone that wants to sell books or is just an environmentalist alarmist that cannot comprehend patterns might take decades, centuries, or millennia to form, if they even form at all. Someone willing to ignore all evidence to the contrary and shout down anybody that disagrees with them, makes ad hominem attacks against them or their credentials, and insists in the face of all contrary evidence that it does not matter because "everybody knows" what he is saying is true. You have MORE OFTEN seen wealthy people from wealthy families (Whose members also "ruled"), who attended wealthy schools, and belonged to wealthy fraternities and organizations, who ran in wealthy circles, and made wealthy friends from other wealthy families, and were nominated by these wealthy friends, and passed laws that protected their interests . . . I'm not talking about the wealthy who worked hard and earned their millions honestly. Everyone is for cleaner air, less crime, and safer schools. Everyone is also for puppies, apple pie and waving the flag on Independence Day. Where it gets down to brass tacks is when one asks something like, "Would you be willing to pay $500 extra in taxes every year to lower the homicide rate by two per cent?" In surveys where participants have to make tradeoffs between costs and benefits, consensus on national goals falls apart, and things get messy. That's right, people want the benefits, and give a lot of lip-service, but don't want to deal with the costs. Bingo! The only solution IS making smarter masses. Otherwise, BORINQUEN PRESENT DEMOCRACY DOES NOT WORK.

I have a list of goals I would love to achieve, but which one do I REALLY want to spend my $500 on? This is why I say there won't be a consensus on goals.
And THIS is why one must place attention on:

1) The public educational system;
2) The media and movie industries;
3) The alcohol and drug industries.
1, 2 and 3 are the primary ways the MASSES get, or do NOT get educated, and/or get their education ERASED.

Half of the maquiladoras in Puerto Rico have also closed shop because the cost of labor has risen to a point where the manufacturers no longer see the trouble of negotiating with labor unions and bureaucrats adding new taxes every year worth the effort. Profit margins have fallen too low to make the headache worth the cost of the aspirin. So, in reality, the 23-cent sneaker is a myth that is perpetuated for propaganda purposes to make people believe companies are ruthlessly profiting from the misery of workers in foreign countries." Sorry, I didn't mean the 23 cents’ figure literally, I was simply stating that if companies sold their products at a reasonable profit-margin, with the decreased cost of production, our economy would reflect the real value people keep telling me the market ensures. When you tie the cost of money to the whims of some old dogs sitting a back room at the NPP/PPD., you have entered an arbitrary into the system. If what you say -- that bubbles and bursts are a natural part of the landscape -- is true, I might agree with you, but the Borinquen Capitolio still does not help the situation. Their action is like over steering a car when it is going out of control. I would rather see the money supply controlled by the forces of supply and demand in the marketplace than the elastic fiat currency we have today. Exactly who are the people who profit so mightily from the Status-Quo in Puerto Rico? Are they listed among Forbes' Richest People in the World? What are their names? And what is the nature of their wealth? Is it stock in companies, money in bank accounts, or mutual funds? Much of this is scapegoatism. I know there is a lot of room for corruption in that scheme, but I think with proper rules it would be manageable, and we could have a welfare system that provides a LOT more welfare than it currently does. But altering the existing system does not mean trying unreasonable amounts of new things (more than 10% at a time) NOR does it mean winding back the clock to the past -- it means going back to principles that were workable and which provided solid growth and not allowing them to be eroded, corrupted or dropped out in the present.
I have often seen Bill Gates listed as the richest man in the world with 32 billion dollars, mostly in the form of stock in the company he built but I don't see what that has to do with the status quo of Borinquen and a couple of years ago, he was worth 64 billion, until the market fell. So what is his true worth? The 32 billion he can get for his stock if he sells it off a bit at a time or the 64 billion he was worth before the market fell? And if the market falls again as he is disposing of his stock, bit by bit to avoid causing it to fall further, he will be worth even less. I suspect money and power have a lot more to do with luck than with major conspiracies. And however wealth is stored. It can be lost when times and circumstances change.

On a previous subject:

Did you ever think that the law of supply and demand would cause the dollar that was worth 1,000 times more than it is now also the make a candy bar cost 1,000 times more than it does now? The price of things is tied to the amount of money available to pay for them. The only thing that would change people's lives is how money is distributed. My point is that the Banco Gubernametal and the International Bankers Systems in our Puerto Rico, USA, or ANY central fiat bank, CAUSES the boom and bust cycle, laughingly known as the "business cycle." Each time our country has NOT had a central bank, or a national banking system that was on the road to being a central bank, we did not have the characteristic boom and bust of the business cycle. We have had three central banks before the Credit card’s corporations run in other thirdf countries like, Mexico, etc. and each time, these caused the booms and busts, just as the Banco de fomento sin la unicamerailidad is causing them now. It's simply the nature of the beast. When you artificially flood fiat money into the economy you get a boom. Then when you tighten money, you get a bust. Central banks do this ON PURPOSE so they can whipsaw people and companies out of their assets. I think it has a harmful effect on our Puerto Ricans’ society, there are others who disagree.

This is the oldest game in the business world next to theft.

The form of status quo in our Borinquen was formed to prevent bubbles in the money supply, not the stock market. You can even open a bank account with your broker based on your stock holdings. You can get a credit card or a debit card backed by stock holdings. This is an expansion of the money supply the FED has no control over. The fact that stock is now being used like money is a fairly new development. U.S. money is among the most stables in the world. Nobody is perfect. Few, if any, other countries can do it better than the Fed does it for the U.S. That doesn't make them perfect. It just makes them better than most of their competitors. It's very difficult to control a complex, Puerto Rico dynamic system. So what would probably have to happen is for people to get together and VOTE on what the IDEAL SCENE and GOAL was for each branch, department and agency of the government. As far as ends and means . . . sometimes ends justify nasty means. Yes, this is indeed the problem: trying to decide WHICH stats to use as every stat will lead to a different end. By their ability to influence lending rates, they have some influence over real property values. But paper money is their primary sphere of influence. Murdering Hitler in 1937 would have saved a lot of peoples' lives, and would have probably spared Europe World War II. Couldn't we have solved the problem by locking Hitler away in a dungeon somewhere? Actually, if people had foreseen what Hitler was going to cause with his rise to power, there would have been lots of ways to stop him. But by the time enough people understood, it was too late. Murder was tried but failed. If people had understood where the means Hitler was using would lead them, they could have stopped him merely by withdrawing their support and giving it to someone using more rational means. Is murder the only means to a solution you can see? He couldn't have done it on his own. His followers had to believe that the means he was using were justified by the ends they were hoping he would bring about. They weren't, and millions of people died for no-good reason. I don't see using the same means Hitler used as the most promising solution to the problem. Besides, it was the collaboration between Hitler and the German people that built the Third Reich. I believe in term limits for all politicians; I do not think it fundamentally changes their effectiveness. I can't imagine circumstances that require a Senator to be in office for 20 years, for example. I think ten years is sufficient time in any office, and I think that this, combined with the fish bowl life, will help constrain corruption. I think of my version as "pure" because I think the focus should be entirely on market forces and the consumer to decide exactly what they want. I don't think a politician has a right to financial privacy of any kind, or a right to conceal his activities, even his personal activities. If he goes skiing in Aspen on his break, I want to know how he paid for the five-star hotel he stayed in and the champagne and Cheetos he ordered at 2am. The consumer should decide how much quality to sacrifice for cheaper price, or vice versa, or what features are worth paying for and which are not. The products we choose should not be the result of politics, corruption, or backrooms deal or price fixing or ANYTHING except the collective judgment of consumers on what is good and what is not. That is not the state of capitalism in the Puerto Rico, unless you are talking about fairly small businesses, which follow this model quite closely. The local dry cleaner or car repair shop typically can't afford to sway politics and doesn't have the resources to make back room deals that screw their competitors, so they rely on serving customers well at a decent price. I wish for Borinquen all companies, and government as well, had to do the same to survive -- Do their job well at a decent price. I'm not sure how that would work, but if I daydream, perhaps at some limit we could demand that a company split into two companies with equal resources that have to compete against each other for customers. So something like General Motors or Microsoft would never have gotten as big as they are. But I see some obvious problems with a solution like that as well, so maybe the idea could be refined, or maybe not. About the only thing I can think of to actually accomplish that is to put a limit on how big a company can get! In any case, my ideal is easy to state: Competing on any ground other than internal organization and marketplace acceptance should be illegal. "Internal organization" includes such disciplines as management structure and reducing costs for wages, materials, office space and such, but I ALSO believe government regulations should enforce minimum wage, safety conditions, insurance requirements and maximum work demands, so companies cannot compete by exploitation of their workers, or by forcing workers to risk life and limb.

It is also inbred human nature to feel compassion and help those that cannot help themselves, but the amount of help we give usually depends on how good our own situation is. If I am struggling to save my family from a flood, I am less likely to risk my life to save a stranger. If I lose my job, I contribute less time and money to charity. Higher values are trumped by lower values, like survival or not losing your home and the things you loves. If you really want to help people, you have to find a way to do it that resonates with the way people really are, not how they would like to be. This is the failure of socialism, and this is why capitalism works. The ideas of trade and profit and fair compensation and competition and individual accomplishment and individual advancement are all at the very core of our psyche. This is why virtually every country participates in the Olympics; no matter what language we learn or religion we practice or economic system we grow up under, we all grasp the idea of competition and being the best at something. If any economic or political system denies these elements, it is doomed to failure. The powerful nation will cheat and get the most unfair deal possible when negotiating with a weaker nation. Nations a and B will cook a cake, and value added by A and B in the process is the same, BLA BLA . . . you already know the end of the history. And because the unfair games always occur, B will remain poor. And because B is poor, the pattern of living of its citizens is low, so Some cans send factories to B to negotiate unfair value of labor and get even richer. I ́m not saying that capitalism must do theses thing to be capitalism, but the logic of the system allows these things to happen. Capitalism is "running" in this way by now in Puerto Rico. I agree that corporations have too much political influence. I believe it should be illegal for a corporation to spend a dime, directly or indirectly, to pass any law of any kind, in the Capitolio de San Juan using {Las Bolsas de valores} como un trampolinor to provide legal research or opinion on any law of any kind, period. My only exception is if a firm is contracted by the Puerto Ricans’ government to provide research, in which case I think the research must be something that can be done by several firms, and the government must have a nonpartisan’s method of choosing the firm, such as a lowest bidder, and should have no hand in directing how the research is done. In other words, if a firm works for the government, I want all reasonable assurance we can think of to have confidence this is not a corrupt deal to siphon funds into private hands as either embezzlement by a politician or payback for some favor or as buying fake research to support some political agenda. As for your cake analogy, A and B should have had a contract about splitting the cake from the beginning, then B could take A to court. On the other hand, if A being rich and powerful, there is nothing wrong with him saying "Okay, I want you to do half the work, and I'll pay you ten percent of the profit." If B agrees, he clearly thinks that is a fair wage. He can refuse, and say no, I will make my own smaller cake.

It is a fundamental feature of capitalism that there is risk in any enterprise, and risk should be rewarded. Workers have zero financial risk, they get their pay whether the business succeeds or fails. That guarantee carries a price, which is a much lower share of profits, maybe no share at all. Employers take all the risk, they have to shell out money for equipment, materials, marketing, employees, manufacturing and office space all before they have sold one product. Saying that doing half the work, or all of the work, deserves a share of the profit is saying that all of that risk was worth zero. That's just wrong. Like I said, I do understand that the weak need protection from the strong, and that is why we need laws that are enforced. But you reveal a fundamental misunderstanding about capitalism with the above remark. Market forces determine value, not wishful thinking. I think rules can be devised for awarding the contracts and judging the work of these firms, along with penalties for them if they fail to do their job or become uncompetitive.

On this, I believe Plato hit the nail on the head.

(And again, you are free to disagree . . . )

Posted by: Viktor on April 5, 2007 4:11 PM

Obviously the ENTIRE economic system the “Borinquen"operates" on is dysfunctional, if not totally psychotic. It evolved over millennia in isolated places amongst desperate, hostile and ignorant people who had but their own survival in mind as they improvised and hacked their "systems" into place. Then this entire mess was stitched together in a patchwork of insanity as Borinquen was interconnected by fast flow communications and transportation. Earlier this month marked the 90th anniversary of the Jones Act granting U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans. The actual Borinquen economic system is therefore similar to the old twisted-pair phone system. It's obsolete, inefficient, unfair, not robust, not redundant, central control extremist, run by criminals. Like an old house that must come down, the world economic system is now preempting land, the very Earth itself, upon a basis that's hardly highest and best use. Anyone that disagrees with this doesn't understand very much about the system or they're profiting from it and thus are part of the problem. It is amazing how after all these years, the Puerto Rican people have not awoken from the seemingly endless night brought about by this situation. Do I wish everyone would read at least an introductory book on economics? You bet. All factors eventually derive their value from the value of the consumer goods/services they produce, which in turn get their value from the ends these goods serve. Is there anything else going on in the Task Forum? Is it simply cheaper to cover one story, or are they hiding the other stories? That’s “WHY” many USA citizens, do not know to much about that a government exist inside a U.S.A. Government, many do know where is Puerto Rico located, in the MAP. The U.S.A. MEDIA has failure to report CORRECTLY the embarrassing social-economy and daily high crimes with high politicians and International SUBMARINE MILLIONS CREDIT CARDS ACCOUNTS. This includes ALL LABOR. That's why, if someone pays below market wage, a competitor will BID the labor away. Management makes decisions about wages but they are Guided here (thanks to prices) here by costs and profits, all of which eventually are derived from consumer values. Most people don't really care that much about Puerto Rico events or politics. Likewise I'm not going to decide, by my whim, what kind of news they should get, or which news is "right." I've made my decisions. Yes, ALL factors. Do you want a bunch of people sitting around doing jobs that aren't necessary, when they could be being PRODUCTIVE to Borinquen’s society, instead of doing something no one needs? I don't believe it's positive necessarily. That’s why I again repeat that we need more USA Media involving here in Borinquen, In addition we the Taino people need more local news to be in English languages or other languages at least so that way we can know more about the real. Really political reality. A well-informed person can make more wisely and educated decision. STATEHOOD always will be the most wise option for Borinquen, but more important for USA national security. The FCC should be protecting the rights of US. Americans and not making it easier for huge corporations to make more money with NPP, PPD. PIP money funds generated by this corrupt practice or the Puerto Rico MEDIA acting like Bad propaganda Agents of that malignant and virus antisocial behavior. Our first priority is ensuring the American people get a wide range of diverse viewpoints in BOTH LANGUAGES." Again, diversity in TV programming in general, is not the issue. It is the diversity in MAINSTREAM ANTI-AMERICAN LOCAL NEWS PROGRAMS produces in SPANISH that is seriously lacking advantage in English language. All these elements mentioned affect the OUTCOME or the TASK Force or any scientific and technical valid option to resolve finally in good faith our political dilemma. Do you WANT waste? Do you WANT resources used in a least productive manner? Of course you liquidate needless positions. So would you be against using new technology to increase efficiency? No, it says that the people in control of industry don't really understand from where their wealth is derived, and that without the workers, there would be no "profit". It stems from an ideology that has begun to grow like a decolonization virus in recent years. All I'm saying that this free-for-all we live in isn't sustainable, nor is it a realistic way to live. Working to ensure that a tiny minority lives in absolute luxury, beyond reproach, is a ridiculous way to organize human endeavors. The most important belief that we want to carry forward is Freedom. To be American is to be free. This freedom must be protected but tempered too - there are practical limits. We may sacrifice some privacy, but in exchange gain more freedom. They think they are the same thing. We the taino people of Borinquen believe this to be a pragmatic and implementable solution for most of our Borinquen society. These wrong political propaganda can upset the check & Balance of the Task Force. This basically proves that the intellectual capacity of the average Puerto Rican TV viewer should be of concern to anyone who cares about our future as an American nation. This job of presenting REAL information is CRUCIAL for any democracy. Many people confuse freedom with privacy. Actually privacy is generally a subset of freedom. Because we are a free country, we have given our citizens lots privacy. If we all had privacy, would we necessarily have freedom, not even close. The most private societies are often the most corrupt and controlling of their populations. Which do we prize more? I prize freedom more than privacy.

The Puerto Rican People, indoctrinated by the media's complicity with the gov & NPP?PPD and International banking system are ALLOWING the country of Puerto Rico to be run into the ground. Personally I always felt that a party system in and of itself is a flaw. It just divides the nation into an "us" and "them" mentality, while restricting that person in powers freedom, casting votes as what’’s best for the party as opposed to the country in an endless battle to control, or regain control as the majority in power. This is because we have only a two party system, NPP>PPD Bicameralidad hence PR and THEM. If third and fourth parties could happen, we would see greater diversity of thought in our Borinquen government. Also, by purging the Capitolio of San Juan of all incumbents, as I suggest above, you will be able to finally get real campaign finance reform. The people in our San Juan Capitolio aren't very smart. They are mostly composed of Politician Lawyer people that can't get a job in the competitive private sector. And the few smart dedicated ones, such as the Palo Viejo of the gov, are in there desperately trying to educate the morons that strut around calling them "public servants." It's pathetic. Until and unless this happens, we will continue to be a plutocracy, a Borinquen government controlled by the corporate/rich NOT the People. The only power the People have left is to literally AXE everyone in Capitolio of San Juan with the vote and pray that the new people that take office will not be motivated to continue blocking real campaign finance reform -- as the current congress ALWAYS manages to do one way or another no matter how many times a new bill is introduced. Once real campaign finance reform is enacted, TERM limits can be enacted as well. New people in Capitolio of San Juan, having less of their lives invested in a Non-Intelligence IQ career, will not be as RAPACIOUS about retaining power. Under these circumstances, I am postulating, voters will more easily be able to break the back of the plutocracy that's stolen the American Dream from the general population. This is the plan in fact." Yes, at the very least we live in a plutocracy at this time. I think the We the People of Borinquen will have to set up a referendum that by-passes Congress and amends the Constitution. The new Amendments need to do the following: 1. STATEHOOD+++++. I don’t expect you or any of the other ranters to listen to this, the facts speak for themselves if you opened your eyes. I will bet you they will almost always answer YES. Thus, this person is actually YOUR potential enemy when push comes to shove. This is why Americans MUST act NOW, to avoid this in our soil, Puerto Rico, USA. If this doesn't work, the only remedy which will eventually be left to the American People will be a full-blown, bloody revolution. No matter what,we cannot put our heads in the sand...My only point was that I believe that without a REAL wake-up call, not just movies, evidence and the like, I mean a catastrophe that levels our playing field (figurative for loss of way of life), no one will respond until it is too late. Anyone that tells you different, ask them this one simple question: Do you work for the government, local, state or federal in any way, directly or indirectly? Make a mental note. Your Puerto Rican government has been hijacked by a bunch of despicable criminals who are printing up endless money (Banco Gubernamental) and spending it as they see fit to further their own unconstitutional ends. Wake up, Boricua!! vote them ALL out now.(1) The very first thing you must do is:

1. vote out ALL the incumbents -- you know those people that have been abusing TERM LIMITS for many terms. THEN, you

2. get the new people in the Capitolio of San Juan to effectuate term limits. They will since they're not yet addicted to endless terms.

Once 1 and 2 happen, you have softened up the target. What’s the target, it's their network, their illegal VOTE SWAPPING network. This network can't exist so easily when most of CAPITOLIO of San Juan is FRESHMEN because the trust factor hasn't been established yet.


After the network is broken, and the politicians know they only have two (2) terms to do their good works, they will get down to business.

THEN more laws get passed, such as:

1. No corporate money allowed to support candidates, hard OR soft.

2. Independents and third party candidates allowed and encouraged to debate on USA national TV for Borinquen Government elections.

3. Food supply of PR is deemed toxic and replaced with new food supply.

4. Global warming is given first priority to remedy.

Everything is connected to everything else. In a growing and healthy world, "entitlements" are obsolete. Entitlements are only needed in a stagnant and wasteful world. People who eat healthier food do not need as much medical attention, for instance. We have to stary pulling right string to unfasten the knot. But the question always comes back to the fact that the OPTIMUM Borinquen must be postulated before anything remotely predictable can happen. I will go so far as to even term it the IDEAL PUERTO RICO needs to be postulated. They can't. Given this state of affairs, those of us that have managed to undergo some life repair, will simply have to tolerate the illnesses of our fellow BabyBoomers and work diligently to help them. But in the meantime the totally insane ones that are currently infesting our government need to be removed and handled later.But none of above can happen until all treasonous people are out of our San Juan CAPITOLIO. So, given all this physiological damage, how can anyone expect a competent government OR an aware citizenry that is capable of resolving the problems. Yes, for all you "realists" out there, computing ideals is NOT just an academic exercise, but REAL engineering because if you don't know what your IDEAL SCENE AND your EXISTING SCENE are you can't engineer a critical path from one to the other. So we're right back to a management problem: management of earth resources of which humans and STATEHOOD 51ST STAR will eventually be alternative, if not competing resources. Again, the target "ideal" future must be postulated otherwise you will get some OTHER FAS future. And the way the universe handles indecision is it allows the Law of Entropy to do the "managing." That's the universe's default plan: entropy. A corollary to this is: to the degree the SERFS don't postulate, DAVOS will. Thus the actual future will be an emergent property of all the postulated futures, SERF and DAVOS and we will move towards that -- just like an oiji board. So, if you want to have a say in your future THE NEW 51ST Star , you better get out there and vote out all the incumbents because right now these people are serving the Party of Davos: [descolonizadores de primera clase] not you, The People. That's the initial target, vote out the entrenched Davos decolonization mechanism. We the people of PUERTO Rico pro-statehood, demand the same rights and privileges with equality and dignity of the United states of America for our children, and grandchildren in the eye of the law by concepts about the specific enforce ability of the domestic corporation’’s agreements. [America is trying to make everything like itself and We The Taino People of Borinquen re not perfect over here either]... The legislative assembly of the commonwealth must petition the congress of the united states to favor of the right to vote for president, whom the initiative is our sort of birth right. There is no enlightenment outside of daily living. .Great events have small beginning.
God Bless America and PUERTO Rico, USA.

"As water reflects on a face, so [your] heart reflects [you]." --Proverbs 27:19 (NIV).

Posted by: Viktor on April 7, 2007 10:09 PM

It commences thus, "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves, and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Slates of America." This concept opens up the possibility of a new kind of 'virtual time travel', because the advanced beings creating the simulation can, in effect, rerun the past. It was a constitution "ordained and established" by the people, not by the States, not by the white people, or black people, not by the rich people, or poor people; not by the voting or non-voting people; not by one class, as opposed to any other class in the United States; but expressly, and emphatically by all, who, in the common acceptation of the term, might be denominated, the people of the United States. Once you can build statehood intelligence, then you can define it. Fortunately for the Puerto Rican people, something will come out of these task forces hearings. Changes do occur instantaneously, I don't dispute that at all, but one change does not cause the other if they are instantaneous, rather, if the instantaneous events are causally linked, then they events are caused by other events. A causal model is one that describes the causation of that which it models. It takes a genuine American masterpiece to make a final conclude a creation act of final masterpiece E. The statehooder artist must destroy the simple tube of paint to create his masterpiece, like the sculptor must destroy the block of marble and the composer must destroy the silence . . . They are the two sides of the same coin. Your argument amounts to saying that our Borinquen, our island is flat because we can’’t see over the 51st star horizon. The limits of perception do not necessitate limits in reality. Does it? In other words it describes what is actually (or hypothetically) happening rather than just giving numerical predictions of the outcome at the end of the process. So what we see are large masses of people adopting opinions because of who offered it, or because they believe they SHOULD believe a certain way to be a "good person.” And because some bad politicians tell them to behave certain ways, using brain wash tactical political campaign maneuvers. I am saying I do not see a reason to assume motion is fundamental and that it seems possible (at least in theory) for quanta changes occur instantaneously. The difference is one of scale and perception. I am defining sentience as statehood consciousness, and commonwealth-consciousness as 'the ability of a system to make American models of it's environment/and/or itself.' The Universe where all 51 stars reside must have sentience for it has us in it. Thru adaptation, things evolve. Therefore, it has some sentience. Therefore, it has statehood sentience for this beautiful Carribean shining sea. We cannot avoid being part of THE ALL Motion is very useful when describing American STATES union systems. We are bound to secure to all the benefits of a "Republican form of Government" thus protecting the citizen against the despotism of a State. And when we look over the guaranties of the Federal Constitution for personal security, liberty and property, and remember that they are the standing guaranties of a Nation, numbering four millions, why should not the American citizen feel that his liberties are safe, especially if he can rely upon the integrity and good faith of the government in enforcing those guaranties? To be part of THE ALL (live), you have to use other parts of the all (eat, breath etc.). Can we adopt that construction, unless the words imperiously require it, which would impute to the framers of the constitution, when granting powers for public good, the intention of allowing one sphere by an unlimited choice of means, to impede the exercise of powers conferred upon others? Many problems must be solved on the way to statehood for Borinquen, but unless STATEHOOD is exactly defined by the Federal US Government, the wrong problems will show up and their solutions will lead nos where desired. There were no citizens, or aliens, to it, before its adoption, but all became citizens by its adoption. A voice, rising in sublime grandeur above the authority of all state constitutions, ordaining and establishing an organic, and fundamental law, to secure the people of the United States in the enjoyment of those rights which they, in their Declaration of Independence, had promulgated to the world, as the natural and inalienable right of all men. It was the written voice of the people, speaking from the throne of their own natural, God given Sovereignty. It's not a time-loop in a traditional sense: it's a reconstruction of the past, allowing advanced beings to explore their history. What, then, are the privileges and immunities which the American citizen has a right to demand of the Federal Government? The answer is, he has a right to demand, and have full and ample protection in the enjoyment of his personal security, personal liberty, and private property; protection against the oppression of individuals, communities, and nations; and the Nation stands pledged to him, as he to them, to defend him in the enjoyment of these rights. That's where you confuse the map for the territory. Just because we experience motion with limited resolution, do not mean that in reality motion is not continuous. His civil obligations to defend his country are based upon his country's obligation to defend him. There is no way to escape the absolute logic of infinite Statehood-Technicalities no matter you cosmology of choice and since these singularities by definition involve statehood hyper computation capable of accessing ANY/EVERY possible physical system within their rest of the 50 states of the union we all belong to them JUST as much as we belong to ourselves 'here'- in fact the evidence is unshakable in terms of brute statistical analysis the people have said, "This constitution and the laws of the United States made in a pursuance thereof, will be the supreme law of the land." "It is a question of supremacy." "It is a question of supremacy." This expression, being unequivocal, had it remained unmodified, would have submitted to the public consideration the plain question; whether the constitution of the union had, or had not, invested the federal government with a supreme power over the state governments. I am by no means a photographer but it is my understanding that leaving the shutter open causes "over an exposer,”, i.e. the amount of "time" light is allowed to imprint on the USA/PR GEOphotgraph is increased. You are saying or implying that because our geographical maps of ATLANTIC ocean motion are limited in terms of temporal resolution (e.g., snapshots) then so must reality be limited in temporal resolution. Unless I am totally wrong on this point then that would just show that (motion = time). "It is of the very essence of supremacy to remove all obstacles to its action within its own sphere, and so to modify every power vested in subordinate governments, as to exempt its own operations from their influence." The removal of an obstacle to a goal, defining a goal and the activity of seeking that goal is all entirely different activity. A task force’s problem is not a "question to be considered" unless the correct answer to that question is the cornerstone step to removing the last barrier to arriving at a new understanding of something, what we sometimes call a "solution." Who's purposing? Mine is to achieve a state of God hoods, create a new existence, enter it and forget I did so! Isn’t the separation of church and state actually in the constitution? Can a politician who breaches this be prosecuted? Seriously tho, I think it’s a mistake to assign purposes to a mental abstraction we create to describe the process humans use in quantifying our experiences. That the value is no longer inherent in the token, but is maintained by the issuer, which, in the case of a democratic government, makes the monetary system a form of public commons, very much like the highway system. Freedom of speech; first amendment. The politician can say basically whatever they want, as long as they don't make laws about it. Religion makes for poor politics, and when religion and politics merge, collapse and genocide often ensue. Our country was founded by free-masons, who were radical secularists, believing that no person's rights should be infringed by politics or religion thereof. There are of course people who wish to support their faith politically, but I do not condone that. Religion is something that peoples should keep to them. If we could begin to think of it as a communal tool, rather then a secular deity, Borinquen society would be far healthier. We the Taino people of Borinquen perceive this passive substance by not perceiving it. So probably the statehood mind uses several methods to perceive the motions, depending on specific circumstances: Classical visualization and mathematical calculations. A real American statehood model can’’t produce real American effects in the real world of Borinquen until it is embraced by competent technologists, so to deny that it can have any explanatory value until a decent and competent technologist learns it and understands it is a totally backwards view. Libertarianism at the core of the recent conservative movement has been a form of civil Ebola Virus, in that it has dissolved the basic cell structure of social order and responsibility. To me colonization is merely a means to an end, if someone offered to convert me into pure thought energy with the ability to travel/explore space without the bodily concerns I wouldn't give some rats mass about colonization of the universe. Doesn't the idea of describing Puerto Rico government as FAS liberal seem ludicrous? Rights and responsibilities need to go hand in hand or the result is chaos. Defining a goal defines the barriers one will encounter in moving toward that goal. I am posting on this thread because its premise --that statehood intelligence should first be defined before one can create it -- may be important. That it was like placing Christ on the car of Juggernaut, and dressing the United States in British regimentals. There is a difference between blind optimism and realizing a long-held dream is achievable and that it's worth taking whatever practical measures you can, either to create the dream itself (like Statehood is doing) or to look after you so you might be alive to take advantage of what it. I think, anyway. We are not imagining statehood-consciousness, we know "it" exists, whether inside the For everything we do we have a reason.Colonization is merely a support mechanism for further exploration and exploration is the initiation of colonization. Others, such as commonwealth evolution, do it emergently; bottom up vs. top down. I would say that the growth of intelligence stems from complexification, in a differentiate and integrate, transcend and include fashion. Presbyteries and synods snatched the keys of Heaven from popes and bishops, and the long parliament, those of property from the king. In fact, the term "sovereignty," was sacrilegiously stolen from the attributes of God, and impiously assumed by kings. Though they committed the theft, aristocracies and republic have claimed the spoil. Both demonstrated what man would do with the powers of Providence. If you decrease the shutter opening then less light gets in. The balance of the shutter opening and the time of exposure gives you a balanced image. The eyes work pretty much the same way with their variably opening pupils. By our constitutions, we rejected the errors upon which our forefathers had been wrecked, and withheld from our governments the keys of temporal and eternal rights, by usurping which, their patriots had been converted into tyrants; and invested they only with powers to restrain internal wrongs, and to resist foreign hostility; without designing to establish a sovereign power of robbing one citizen to enrich another. One way of understanding statehood Intelligence is as you rightly say, to reduce it and rebuild the components in a better fashion giving much bigger commonwealth intelligence. Otherwise, it is whatever the statehood intelligence for our Borinquen, USA decides, that's an issue of semantics. A task force problem is a barrier, another derivative or the same decolonization virus. Only if the entire ‘STATEHOOD’ goal IS the solution to the given problem. A Tropical Yunque Forest Ecosystem survivals reason, we the people pro-statehood for Borinquen sure hope that statehood super technology for Puerto Rico will reverse planet pollution/environment consumption. We affirm in the this narrative’s term as follows: "A man was crossing a road one day when a coqui frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent over, picked up the coqui frog, and put it in his pocket. The Coqui frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will tell everyone how smart and brave you are and how you are my hero." The man took the Coqui frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will be your loving companion for an entire week." The man took the Coqui frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and returned it to his pocket. The Coqui frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you for a year and do ANYTHING you want." Again the man took the Coqui frog out, smiled at it, and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the Coqui frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, whom I'll stay with you for a year and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?" The man said, "Look, I'm a statehood-computer programmer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking DUCK = DUCK frog is cool." Ok, but you have given a simplistic spatial metaphor of stacks of frames separate by some sort of vacuum, for a temporal explanation. How do these frames know which one to display next if there is no communication between the frames? does this cause apply to all of them if they truly are separate? Perception is a resonance between the perceive and the perceive. How can absolute nothingness resonate with somethingness? Ok, supposing that the vacuum is not nothingness, but a passive somethingness that allows waves to pass through. We perceive this passive substance by not perceiving it. I have been looking for one and have yet to see anything that even comes close. Since we have never seen any such limits, why then should we assume that they exist? Now ask yourself this, do you know of any computer that is not composed of moving parts? Ok, let’’s pretend that it is digital and that the motions that we see around us are ultimately composed of bits in a statehood computer. You might answer yes, instinctually, but dig deeper. Is an electron a part of a computer? And were’’t it the motion of electrons through circuitry that causes the screen to update? The computational model merely pushes the question of motion beyond the common field of the analogy. But when one digs deeper, this analogy falls flat on its screen. There is no known analogy or causal theory that can reduce motion to non-motion. Just because you have a model for motion in the movie projector, which you fail to acknowledge is composed of DEEPER levels motion? Historically, Most American goals are complex. They have many problems to solve before the goal can be attained. Task Forces Problems are obstacles to the solution of complex goals. "It thus seems plausible that the main computational cost in creating simulations that are indistinguishable from physical reality for human minds in the simulation resides in simulating organic brains down to the neuronal or sub-neuronal level" -ah this I don’t know, and have often reflected on, but my hunch is that we don’t need to replicate man's brain to derive useful & fast intelligence. I just don’t know whether the human brain is the most efficient way of developing intelligence, but I think it may not be because: I. Computers are 100 million times faster. II. They can be built as a cluster, with physical connections, e.g., radio data transmission, and not one-isolated units like a man. The ability to examine a huge data base and find information related to the question at hand then quickly filters and iterate must be key to all aspects of intelligence and statehooo-self-awareness. Back tracking your thought processes at will without interfering with your present state of mind is extremely tricky but is a must for any kind of 51st star awareness. I am saying that a non-causal argument doesn't have causal weight. You are saying or implying that because our maps of motion are limited in terms of temporal resolution (e.g. snapshots) then so must reality be limited in temporal resolution. This process of contemplation presumes searching for alternatives of the desired motion in such a way that the cost-function be minimized while all constraints are satisfied. To move PR into USA space map…Simply stated: It takes time for "something" to effect "something else" over a given distance so it must do so by "moving" across that space. Motion only makes sense when dealing with an abstraction of reality or when predicting the location of something. How can anything be tested for in the absence of time? We the Taino people of Borinquen do, however, observe motion as directly as anything can be observed. Unmediated observation is a contradiction in terms.”It is not hard to imagine an object in isolation . . . what role does motion have over such an object? Just because we experience motion with limited resolution, do not mean that in reality motion is not continuous. Los Numerous no mienten. =51 Planning is performed in an assumption that we THE PEOPLE PRO-STATEHOOD knows the agents of the adjacent higher level of resolution which will cooperate in the process of the further delineation of the plan. You explain how this can happen and when you can’’t then you will have your answer. Being instantaneous doesn’’t’s mean that. It means happening at the same exact irreducible instant. None what so ever. So would it be true from The All perspective. But what's relevant is what you were directing your thoughts about as you opened your eyes . . . What GOALS you were trying to satisfy. The way things seem to be set up around here is that you can only get things through intervening time and effort. Isn't that what I have been saying all along? Why is it so hard to concede this obvious point that everyone else in the community will readily admit? For me it’s the exploration that is important, the more wild and abstract reality turns out to be the more interesting and more potential there is for discovery. That's where you confuse the USA/PR map for the American territory. These alternatives of motion should be constructed and tested in the imagination of the intelligent system. Otherwise we are only aware of something when it interacts with us either directly or indirectly. The design of the desirable motion of the AMERICAN commonwealth system entails that many supportive components of operation also should be planned: the algorithms of feedback compensation, inputs to the energy converters, the scope of sensing (focus of attention), and others. So bring on the radical, let it shake and break long held belief systems . . . for on the other side of what we thought we knew is true discovery and new undreamed possibilities will arise. Again? The law of cause and effect is a temporal chain. How can one thing cause another if they happen at the same time? If you open your eyes and looks straight ahead of you there will be 51+ objects, you can think about: all of them quite interesting by composition, history, potential etc. As soon as you can produce a motion-free model of the commonwealth universe that explains as much as source theory, then I will take you seriously. The deleted function is massively more useful than just ignoring stuff not causing goals bells to be activated by hormonal, Pavlovian, reactions systems in Man. It goes all the way to the complete actions of man's life . . . you find the high successful men are great deleters (try emailing Old Man Minsky!) all the way too not having any problems deleting a race for money & frightening & bonding the rest in blood rites. All territorial governments which have been established since the formation of the Union, have been established by the authority of congress, and they have always reserved to themselves or the President, the authority to appoint and control the civil action of the Governors of these Territories. They have always reserved to themselves the power, and not unfrequently exercised it, to supervise the action of these territorial legislatures. Congress frequently has determined the qualifications of the electors of both Houses in the Territories. No law of the Territories is valid until approved by the Governor who receives his appointment and is also removable by the President of the United States, and when any law is approved by such Governor, it may be annulled by congress or the President. The first power given to congress is that of taxation, to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. Under this power, congress can act upon persons and things, so far as is necessary and proper to collect these taxes. It has however been often asserted, that the power given to congress to lay taxes is amplified by the words "to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States." This construction is obviously erroneous. These words refer to the destination of the taxes, and are only a reason for the power of taxation. If they convey any power over persons and things, internally or externally, they convey all power over all objects; and under a construction of the latitude contended for the power of taxation, and all the subsequent powers bestowed in the same section, would have been quite superfluous. For, if these words comprise a grant of power to congress, the power is unlimited, and includes both all the specified powers, and also every other power, which in their opinion may be necessary and proper to provide for the common defense and general welfare. They would suffice to swallow up the treaty-making power, as well as the other specifications of the constitution; but, if they do not suffice to swallow up all the specifications and restrictions of the constitution, they are not sufficient to swallow up anyone. Of course, they cannot absorb any portion of the local or internal power, specially reserved to the states, among which that of making roads is undoubtedly one.
No, that's a vast oversimplification of my position. I am saying that a non-causal argument doesn't have causal weight. In the absence of causation, you could say anything and therefore none of it holds any weight. It is a free card to justify anything you want and therefore it justifies nothing. That's where you confuse the map for the territory. Just because we experience motion with limited resolution, do not mean that in reality motion is not continuous. However, we the Taino people of Borinquen think that ‘Statehood’ can be accomplished here and over in the US Senate & Congress because it is to the best of National Security of both parties. Denial, avoidance, resistance . . . Denial is easy. Sooner or later we will be confronted with it. Facing the truth, Life is a unicity, we cannot see the deforestation of the Amazon as something that does not concern our part of the world. Non denial is facing the truth of our existence, and not just of parts of it, but of life in total. Denial is not freedom; avoidance and resistance are not freedom. Denial is a struggle, it means that we are somehow trying to separate ourselves from our experience. Unicity is not our choice, and it is not a choice at all. It is a natural principle, and denial is possible only when we haven't faced life's unicity yet. Coming to terms with the totality of living is a tremendous American freedom. To unilaterally change these assumptions now would confront Puerto Ricans with a conscience dilemma of no precedent in American history. The Puerto Ricans’ STATEHOODERS” Republican Party is looking with enthusiasm at the future. It is in the process of reorganizing its leadership and currently involved in a healthy generational transition that will guarantee a strong and rejuvenated States for years to come. The statehood-commonwealth definition we the Taino American people have presented today fully complies with the Constitutional and Bill’s Rights Treaty principles contained in al historical documents adopted by our American nation last century. Statehood for the people of Puerto Rico as an autonomic American idea for the future is the only real American commonwealth 51st state alternative in Puerto Rico just similar to Kentucky States, which will harmonize those aspirations and goals of the modern world by protecting our identity and simultaneously guaranteeing our relationship with the United States, with a common market, common citizenship, common defense and common currency. That’s being the final piece puzzle resolution to the political dilemma map route of American prosperity. We can literally grow beautifully flowers in the desert. We can find for both nations *win-win-win* solutions as a complete American system.

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other." -- Matthew 6:24 (King James Version of the Christian Bible).

Posted by: Viktor on April 8, 2007 6:11 PM

“Every generation has underestimated the potential for finding new ideas... {50 + 1}...Possibilities do not add up They multiply {50 x 1}.."

The Constitution of the U.S. isn't a "guide," it's the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND and all other laws and statutes must conform to it otherwise those "laws" and "statutes" are null and void. Period. The President of the United State is responsible for executing the laws of this land and especially the supreme law of the land. Decisions and precedents made by the Supreme Court are always subordinate to the Constitution and the Constitution cannot be altered or changed unless amended in the exact manner stipulated IN that document. Further, the U.S. Constitution is ONLY valid when interpreted in the manner of its ORIGINAL INTENT -- meaning, as it would have been interpreted by ANY average PUERTO RICAN U.S. citizen IN THE DAY IT WAS WRITTEN -- NOT AS IT MAY BE INTERPRETED TODAY. The doctrine of the so-called Living Constitution is an attempt to interpret the Constitution as it means today. This is completely invalid because this doctrine fails to observe Puerto Rico as a Commonwealth 51st States IN the ORIGINAL INTENT and seeks to covertly bypass the Constitution by making the Supreme Court or the Legislature the Amending Body. Again, the ONLY Amending bodies are the provisions set forth in the Constitution itself. For the most part once elected they are laws unto themselves. We the people of Borinquen are unequals because we cannot vote for the President of the Nation of which we are citizens and because we do not have a proportional voting representation in the Congress that determines the rules under which we conduct our daily lives and the rules that influence and determine our future. The idea that you elect one person who then makes decisions ON YOUR BEHALF I think is rapidly becoming outdated. Puerto Rico cannot vote for president or vice president. The technology is here. Actually, more people vote on the Big Brother TV show than vote in general elections. They vote more frequently, and in greater numbers if there was a future you'd probably plan for it? . We would almost certainly be 51 years ahead, and that 51 years could be crucial for global warming or regulating our Borinquen environmental climates. The Americans of today are not the strong-willed people who created this country. They have a hard time understanding why they should assume responsibility for something as basic as their personal self-defense. Much less why free trade, open immigration, and other 'abstract concepts' are worth defending. “The moral is that statehood for Puerto Rico. New 51st States is the correct path’’ one judge not by contaminated political plague ideology forms, color or religious but by functions and American values.” WHEN it's not perverted by people that fail to apply the ORIGINAL INTENT of the Constitution, as is happening today. We have no desire to be an Empire, just a humble Republic that respects its neighbors around the world. I think it's possible to do both things. Both professions . . . with enough delegation. The people have the right to adjudicate on the emerging technology and it is not fair to deliver not to them unseated. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think is the typical line used by politicians to justify the status quo. American Politics is what it is because it is a zero sum game with enormous stakes, and because no matter how slimy the election is, and how many people are turned off by it, one of the two parties is going to win everything, and the other will go home with nothing. Most people are quite capable of making sensible decisions on matters that affect themselves or their community. And that the exact problem. Most People are only "capable of making sensible decisions on matters that affects themselves or their community." Most people cannot see the large picture. Thus, they can't possibly make sound decisions. They can't see the large picture for reasons itemized above. The macrocosm affects the microcosm and that's why the larger picture is important. The way the Constitution establishes both houses of Congress reinforces this. Each constituency is represented by a single member. Elected in a winner take all election. Again, the same logic is in place. However, in the case of Congress, a system of regional parties might have developed, had it not been for the way the President is elected. And in fact, until the television age, both parties were fairly loose confederations of independent state Democratic and Republican organizations that worked together to build national coalitions.
If we had multiple member constituencies, such as some European countries, and if the executive power of the state were derived directly from the legislature, you would probably see a larger number of parties, representing a larger array of viewpoints competing. However, any change would require Constitutional amendments, which are hard to pass. And in any event, the text of the Constitution itself precludes any amendment which changes the structure of the Senate.

A perfect example of the "American" idea of "freedom.” Duty is something that comes from within. IT IS THE IMPERATIVE of a responsible and intelligent person to have a sense of duty insomuch that it is not forced on you, but you realize your responsibility to your fellow man. Your slant, I think, is indicative of freedom for freedoms’ sake - without responsibility! Liberty demands duty! It's not force. It’s love, honor, duty - real values, not shallow epitaphs of patriotism, nationalism etc. In other words, we give up our freedom of thought to the whole, we lose autonomy over our desires, the MAJORITY rules. That sure as hell am not freedom . . . but what is? Is freedom possible in a world ruled by pure physical laws? Scientists, BECAUSE of their level of comprehension and training, and overall intelligence is the LOGICAL choice for some form of involved governance. Remove the concept of politics all together, reshape mankind civilization with higher ideals. Dream a little (or a lot!), people. Tomorrow begins with a dream. Now to action. So, if values and their relative priorities are somewhat arbitrary, how do we choose? If you are following this rule you most likely going to help others with their things they do and develop a clearer more insightful vision of creative solutions to difficulties. > To lead, you have to be able to see the LARGE picture Well, the highest priority idea is the one we can least do without. Secondly, we choose in a way that does not compromise the idea. If the most important societal issue is freedom, and freedom is recognized as an individual state of being, then clearly it is the society that serves the individual not vice versa. You cannot be free if you make yourself a slave, either to yourself or to the group. Similarly with equality and justice. People may act in ways to promote and protect freedom, but they are not the slaves of freedom. They have no duty to freedom. And so when you take your trinity (self to self, self to group, groups to self) and apply it to freedom, the first two become of lower priority than the third (group to self). (Sidebar. There is a difference between "discipline" and "duty". Duty is a state of obligation where you lack control or choice. Discipline is a state of choice, where you decide to forego one outcome/pleasure for another. Discipline is a state where resources are focused in order to achieve a goal. Statehood creativity without Statehood consciousness is resistance. It builds a defensiveness that allows a person to express their own development as antagonism toward others, rather than deeply internalizing the energy so that it can open and feed into the muscles and cells of every part of the body. The amount of consciousness with which we breathe expresses itself by the depth of energy that we find in our American social functioning. Through experience and awareness we automatically act ethically, within the context of considering both group and individual needs. Whatever social problems and conflicts that arise within humanity as it copes with this transition will be seen as no more than 'teething' difficulties of the great transformation. The key distinction, being choice.) So who are the scientists of the hour? That masses of data can therefore be estimated measured and preached by short abstractions in computers, and that this will be done faster and to infinite algorithmic depths in coming computers. That every problem has a solution or it could not be defined as a problem. That coming computers will solve those problems to the limit of total permutations of all possible sets of data, using their huge processing power plus symbolic representations. Two men were arguing politics in a bar. One was vehemently in favor of the incumbent; the other was just as adamantly opposed to his reelecting. After about an hour of this, the first guy says "You know what - this is pointless. Our votes are just going to cancel each other out. I tell you what - let's save ourselves some trouble and neither of us will vote." After thinking about it a moment, the other guy agrees, shakes on it, and takes his leave. The bartender, coming over to pick up his tip, says "You know, that's got to be the most enlightened approach to politics I've seen! Really mature of you." The man replies, "Yeah, but I'm feeling a little bit guilty. That's the third guy I've made that deal with . . . " The bigger question in my mind is this: how do we find people who are capable of running the country in an intelligent manner to run for office? In fact, is anyone capable of running the country anymore? Right now we depend on teams of people rather than individuals. The office holders are mostly figureheads that front for the people behind them. If we don't know who those people are, we actually know very little about the candidate we are voting for. The trouble is that those acts from the Mature level are not that common, and they are rarely in positions of power and authority as far as I can see. Most of the time what people do is not too purposefully malevolent or pathological –– more, a fudge is needed after mistakes are made. But then again sometimes a person/group of people tries to gain power and resources over others for their own benefit or psychotic reasons. Yes, it's a question of "proper" rhythm and proportion. It should not be a corporate-money/power-hungry motivation that pushes singularity-like progress upon us. It should be a gradual awakening in accord with a sense of discovery, evolution, beauty, etc. - you know, . . . the higher ideals. I find that I am not so repulsed by this sense of progress, as I am by a sense of progress that slams advancement down our throats for no other reason than progress for progress' sake or progress for money's sake. THAT's the same old obsession with growth for growth's sake that seems to define developing cultures. In other words, it should be about quality of existence, NOT quantity of existence. So for me, if I can't know that the 51st * Star either had’’t been through a maturing process, or had’’t had maturity programmed in, (Task Forces) then it's natural to fear that it might be dangerous –– that’’s my genetic conditioning, I think.

We, the People knows that the commonwealth relationship is one that was “admired, respected, and envied” in the world, and that the island now needs a ““a different commonwealth“I do support the continuation of the commonwealth as it stands today, because we are An US of A territory, we the people needs the local government and the Capitolio a big change overall structures. "A promise made is a debt unpaid."Therefore, Congressman & Senator Federal authorities must implement newly define terms for a real American Statehood Option a draft written format by the White house. Anything contrary to this will created more falsest premises that true facts, making the Task Force a suspicious prearranged determined pact originated from Intellectual actors. Yes, but the contract, as per the US constitution, is that my rights are supposed to be protected, not violated, by the PR government." This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."" Puerto Rico (ESTADO 51) is entitled to such a relationship with the U.S. in the Equal RECIPROCAL Treatment . . . that, which it is entitled to statehood based on moral, values, ethics and Federal Constitutional FULL DEMOCRACY AMERICAN Freedom principle of totality “Estadidad Igualdad, Igualdad Estadidad” in the same way and equal value relation of the rest of 50 States of the American Union. Let's face it. Our Borinquen structures of Government are inept, corrupt, and short-sighted. To be blunt, No one in the NPP/PPD Administration has the vision or the brains, and our government does not have the coordination, to stage such an elaborate scheme. If they were smart enough to pull it all off, why weren't they able to cover their tracks better? Money and power are not enough of a motives, since there are far easier, and far more profitable ways to get rich. Well yes I agree NPP/PPD admin. and politicia are just puppets of the network that is really corrupt. That would be the first step to trace them. Will they let themselves be revealed? Not without trying to eliminate you first. How we get to them. That's what we need to develop a strategy far more complex than theirs to develop enough power to bring them to justice. Often these expectations of value have been used to rally the believers to actions that are completely contrary to their natures and interests. Those networks might be found if you trace the weapon's industry, oil industry, drug lords, major religions and cults. We destroyed kingdoms and empires. We can be overthrown the current attempt at totaliarism. Information that points to how flawed their BARRIRITO actions is and the information inside such DESPIERTA BORICUA is to wake up the normal citizen to stop supporting the puppets and realize they need to take actions against those supporting them. Any of those that don't will personally are held responsible in any future trials for crimes against humanity . . . Political promises have become synonymous with lies. Now, we have a moral obligation to deliver, finally, to the Americans of Puerto Rico, the blessings of liberty and democracy which General Miles proclaimed to have brought upon arrival of the United States in Puerto Rico in 1898. This can be accomplished through a federally authorized a new 51st States for American union. The Americans of today are not the strong-willed people who created this country. They have a hard time understanding why they should assume responsibility for something as basic as their personal self-defense. Much less why free trade, open immigration, and other 'abstract concepts' are worth defending. The United States of America has been hit by two category five hurricanes year 1995 and a third, Wilma, spinning up in the Carribean. Some have posited that this is due to a new technology, or technologies, and that we are engaged in an environmental, or weather war. Can we build defenses against these attacks? Can we disable the capability of the attackers? We cannot put technology on hold for morality to catch up. It is highly debatable whether unaugmented human beings are even capable of inventing and following an adequate rational morality. Humans to date do not make the prospects hopeful. If this is so then going forward with the augmentation and increase of human and artificial intelligence is the only way this world will become more moral, whatever the word "moral" is taken to mean. And I would ask, "So what happens when you reach your end? Is there not the need to move toward some other goal, then another, then another? Is this not the definition of a journey?" I also believe that we very strongly need to formulate a positive vision of the future we wish to achieve and to spread its meme far and wide. Without a vision of where we wish to go it is extremely doubtful we will arrive anywhere we wish to be. We, the People, Should we not are an example of familial strength, educational compassion and literal truths. The purpose of Borinquen form government should be that of community "parent.” Not to control, dominate or beat down, but rather to nurture, nourish, shelter, love and provide maximum opportunity FOR ALL CHILDREN, in an American democracy - majority rules. If this is not what we have, then we need to rethink what is going on and how we can change it now. Let's not dwell too much on the negatives - although I've used them to illustrate certain feelings and observations - but, instead let us work toward a common statehood American family system. We ARE all family, after all, aren't we? It's time we started acting like it. Let's rid ourselves of the malevolent and malignant leadership of the San Juan, Capitolio by positive and unified action.Conclusion:
" A cosmic sense of purpose and belief in self enhanced critical and creative thinking is the only true way to see the possibilities of the 51st Star future. It is clearly a question about the natural world and the intellectual adventure of pioneering fundamental constitutional truth into a broader statehood-model capable of appealing to the universal potentials of human understanding. The Borinquen world is not what I think, but what I live through”.

I wish you well.


Posted by: Viktor on April 11, 2007 2:00 AM

“We are what we desire to be. We can be what we wish to be. If we make a plan of our own lives and desire that plan to be fulfilled, we will become that. And all the laws of the universe will help us to become that.”” ——Walter Russell
What is the Fundamental Element of our "Political Reality?”” When we try to solve a problem that systematically refuses to be solved, we have several options. We may try again and again. Or we can try to review our goal. We the people of Puerto Rico, USA must recognize the power inherent in our sheer numbers, and hold our "leaders" to their rhetoric of "freedom, peace, and democracy,” rather than allowing them to say one thing and do quite another. Many people must be disgusted with the current state of Borinquen's present Political leadership has basically nullified all of the rights granted you by the Constitution. Reforming campaign contributions is the most important step in restoring democracy to our systems. Even the politicians themsleves know this. That’s why they always pay the issue lip service at election time - and then quickly drop the matter together. What I have a problem with, are that business and politics are too intimately connected, to the point that today's Puerto Rico . . . ) is one big conflict of interest. You don't seem to fully understand what "your side" believes and why. That, or you are an active part of the problem. I believe that the basic elements of life (air, water, food, shelter) are basic rights, and not simply commodities to be traded and hoarded. I only ask that business and government with this three political party be held to the same laws/ethics/standards as the rest of us. There is a grand double-standard in place right now, that places the Special interest and Controllers beyond reproach. Their current operations steadily erode your rights and freedoms, in the name of profit and power. Puerto Rico Overall Politicians no longer make decisions based on the facts, or even what they believe to be right. Because of this legal bribery, they now work in the interests of corporate "friends,” that violate the basic rights and safety of the majority. - Hardly democratic. However, it is a greater violation of your rights every time a politician or party votes or drafts legislation based upon the people with the checks in their hands. That's called bribery, and it is illegal. In a democracy, campaigns should be publicly funded, and equal. Who rises to power should be based upon performance and not PR, connections, and money. I believe in freedom, but I also believe that freedom must be exercise responsibly. But in the world's wealthiest nation, there should not be homelessness. Political Terrorism(NPP/PPD/PIP) in Borinquen has made our economy worse. A fundamental shift in our thinking is required. We must acknowledge that, petty difference aside, there is an ideal, and work toward 51st Star* road, instead of forever moving in the opposite direction.

Tell me, what is your ideal system? What do you think we need to change? How do we fix this mess?

Our extinction lies at the end of the Yunque Mountain Road, and they are leading us down.

Time is limited . . .

Please recognize the difference between me as a person and the PNP who advocates statehood. You can advocate statehood and not be a member of the PNP. Removing them from power, and restoring some sense of democracy should be our immediate goal. I care that people are being murdered in Puerto Rico and more cops are being killed in Puerto Rico then in Florida and New York combined. Their actions have resulted in far more High Crimes social anti-behavior, death and destruction than the acts of any terror cell. "You know that quote by Ben Franklin? "Those who would trade liberty for a little security deserve neither liberty nor security.”" And it should be the Ben Franklins of Puerto Rico who are in positions of power and leading us, not the ignorant son of some lawyer politicians wealthy corrupt man, chosen for his position because he is easily manipulated. Amen to that. The NPP who is currently in power directly benefit from conflict, through their intimate connections to the Defense Lotto/Pharmacies Barririto. I do agree with you that much of our problem are precisely the red, blue and green divisions. Once we are sovereign such parties will dissappear and we can focus on internationalizing and developing our economy. That is a conflict of interest that cannot be overlooked. Until they are removed from power, they will facilitate conflict through their control over Borinquen affairs, and there will be no peace. A realistic goal might be to help set up in our Puerto Rico local governments to function effectively via a template system that can be distributed & Maintained via telecom. A good experiment for us now would be San Juan, the Capitolio of Puerto Rico, that place is a mess. Status-Quo is the shiny new skapegoat of the current powers, and has allowed them to further their dream of a political decolonization state. We must identify and acknowledge the serious and dangerous problems within our society, and stop ignoring them in the name of "business as usual.” Traitors in High Places: We can't let the nuts take over the insane asylum. Both NPP/Nationalist Puerto Rican Party and the PPD Bureaucrats MUST be flushed out. Religionists with deus ex machina panaceas have their heads in the sand. NPP is in a condition of treason to U.S. citizens and others in Vieques by reason of their negligent actions and inactions, among with being failures to provide appropriate security, wasting resources, taking bribes, failing to warn and brief the public in a meaningful way and failure to follow the supreme law of the land. INCONVENIENT TRUTH conveys the feeling that the current people in political power are insane fools. And they are.

What you can do now:

No matter what party you are a member of, DON'T vote for an incumbent. The incumbents are insane fools. New blood is thus part of the solution. It is, however, about what it going to take for Puerto Ricans to admit to their true lot in life, their true position in the world and feel some sense of outrage.
This is why nothing is getting done and why these people will take us over the cliff unless we IMMEDIATELY replace them with fresh talent and THEN start qualifying the fresh talent by upgrading it to representatives that HAVE backgrounds in science and technology. Also a greater number of NPP Senator & Representatives should be technically and science-oriented. Lawyers are no longer appropriate for members of the Capitolio of San Juan because the politicians are elected to MAKE DECISIONS on behalf of the People. Lawyers, which most of the Capitolio is currently comprising, are not qualified to make the kinds of decisions that are required in today's technological Borinquen world.

Get what I am saying:

1. We need to PURGE all of People in the Capitolio now. Their network of double dealing with each other to ensure the pork programs of each other at the public's expense is no longer tolerable.

2. We the People need to vote in non-incumbents now. There will be chaos, but the new blood will open the door to significant change and fresh ideas. These will result in out-of-the box thinking and solutions that will eventually bring order to the initial chaos.
3. Then, once the new blood is in our San Juan Capitolio, many of them will still be lawyers and incompetents. These people need to be FURTHER qualified, keeping the gems and replacing the incompetents by decision makers that have backgrounds in science and technology and who can make rational decisions based on real data.

This is a three-step process:

Step one: Fire all the incompetents indiscriminately.

Step two: Bring in new appointments for both NPP/PPD parties.

Step three: Upgrade the new appointments with people trained in science and technology.

ANY OTHER PROGRAM WILL DELAY AND FAIL. It will not allow the rational people who understand the situation to function in a timely and appropriate manner. Our Borinquen has caught fire and it's NOT Corruption or High Crimes. Both are only a SYMPTOM in our Puerto Rico, USA Society. The resources of Borinquen are being mismanaged and misappropriated by idiots and bozos. An untrained human brain, nor an association of untrained human brains simply can't make the proper sequence of decisions that will lead to viable programs and projects, projects that will result in an improved Borinquen condition. As a Caribbean Island, USA territory, we the Taino People are in an EMERGENCY condition. The next condition down is DANGER. The one after that is NONEXISTENCE.

To get out of EMERGENCY we the people need to promote people and technologies that have long-term viability. We need to bypass those people and technologies that have brought us to the condition of emergence we now face. If ecosystems are damaged or collapse as a consequence then we may be in big trouble. ,This is HAPPENING already. Due to the climate change, species of virus and other THINGS are climbing to different latitudes and we thus have more than 10 major diseases happening, SARS, HIV, Gonorrhea, Legionnaires disease, and a host of others. In addition viruses and deadly diseases we once "cured" are coming back. All this is due to the fact that we have UPSET THE YUNQUE RAIN FOREST EQUILIBRIUM. AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH The earth’s climate is changing, and the change can best be explained by taking both natural and human political corruption activities into account. As a Taino Puerto Rican's Nation we need to look into this: how to create the situations for deep listening to occur so that our response to the situation may arise out of our calm and clear mind. Clarity is a great offering that we can make at this time. The "right action" is the action that results in the fires of hatred and violence being extinguished. It takes a puzzle to make another puzzle---se toma un rompecabesa para hacer otro rompecabesa. All of which goes to show that to solve a problem, you must not only believe that there is an answer, in both languages at the same time....you must also believe that you, yourself, through your own efforts or the grace of God, can find it. God Bless America, our military personnel and their families...There is no enlightenment outside of daily living;."Great events have small beginning".

"We exist in a world, where the fear of illusion is real. And we cling to the past, to deny and confuse the ideal."
- The Tea Party "Temptation"

Posted by: Viktor on April 14, 2007 2:22 AM

Vol. 9, No. 3 March, 1998 The Threat of Puerto Rican Statehood A bill in Congress could make it happen soon. by James P. Lubinskas Citizens by Law Although Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens by law, the island is not a state but a commonwealth. It is closely associated with the United States but is not a permanent part of the Union, and it does not have the same rights and responsibilities as a state. In 1898, during the Spanish-American War, American forces occupied Puerto Rico after an invasion that met only token Spanish resistance and was generally welcomed by Puerto Ricans. After the war, Spain ceded the island to the United States, which ruled it as a territory with an appointed governor. In 1952, Congress made it a self-governing commonwealth on terms that were overwhelmingly approved by Puerto Ricans in a referendum. As citizens of a commonwealth, Puerto Ricans pay no U.S. income taxes and do not vote in U.S. elections (though they do send a "resident cornmissioner" to Congress, who votes only in committee). They are eligible for som handout programs like food stamps - over half the island's resididents get them - but the amount of welfare can be capped by Congress. Until 1996 Puerto Rico's economic development was enormously stimulated by a handout program: U.S. companies were exempted from federal income tax on profits earned in the commonwealth, and many moved operations there. Resentment Despite the obvious economic benefits of association with the United States, many Puerto Ricans deeply resent "colonization." As Ricardo Alegria, the founder of the Center for the Advanced Study of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean says, "We weren't Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona or New Mexico. We weren't some sparsely settled frontier. We were a nation when the United States arrived. . . . There will alwavs be ethnic tcnsion here if they try to make us a state." In 1993, Renan Soto, the president of the Puerto Rican Federation of Teachers claimed, "Since that Sunday, July 25 of 1898, when we were invaded by the North Americans, Puerto Rico has been the victim of constant cultural aggression and intense publicity directed toward eliminating our language, Spanish." Our 51st state could be four million Spanish-speaking non-whites who don't even consider themselves Americans. The most prominent expression of Puerto Rican resentment is the independentista movement. In 1950, some of its members nearly succeeded in assassinating President Harry Truman. Four years later, Puerto Rican terrorists started shooting from the visitors' gallery in the House of Representatives, and wounded five members of Congress. Making Puerto Rico a state not only is a monumentally bad idea, but undermines everything the Republican Congress has sought to do," writes Amselle (AKA: Reginald Van Cleese III?) in National Review. Chavez charges that statehood "could cost billions in increased federal aid and permanently alter the culture of the United States." Apparently, Anglo-Saxon, Protestants aren't the only ones who care about cultural continuity. Carlos HAyes told The New York Times: "Statehood will mean war. If the United States wants its very own Northern Ireland, let them continue this farce." To this day, the Puerto Rican independence movement is the leading source of domestic terrorism in the U.S. As Scott McConnell pointed out in an editorial that got him fired from the New York Post (see sidebar), "Puerto Ricans continue to revere as nationalist heroes several martyr-figures whom most Americans would view simply as terrorists." Mr. McConnell found that Puerto Rican nationalism quickly takes the form of accusations of "racism." Much like black groups, Puerto Ricans treat criticism as an attack on "la raza" to be dealt with by stern means. Puerto Ricans have a deep attachment to culture, race and language. They see themselves, correctly, as members of a distinct Latino-Caribbean culture that cannot mesh with traditional Anglo-America. As Ruben Berrios Martinez, the leader of the Puerto Rican Independence Party, writes, "Puerto Rico's heart is not American. It is Puerto Rican. The national sentiment of Puerto Ricans is entirely devoted to our patria, as we call our homeland in Spanish, our language. We are Puerto Ricans in the same way that Mexicans are Mexicans and Japanese are Japanese. For us, 'we the people' means we Puerto Ricans." If Puerto Ricans are so nationalistic why should there be any interest in statehood at all? The answer is money. If Puerto Rico becomes a state, Uncle Sam's entire welfare bonanza will be available - including the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program that has seen such spectacular abuse. Puerto Ricans would have to start paying federal income taxes, but this would be made up many times over in increased government handouts. Puerto Rican nationalism is perhaps on most obvious display during the Olympic Games; the island fields its own "national" team, and Puerto Ricans cheer the loudest when their teams face the United States. Puerto Rico also participates independently in international beauty pageants. Puerto Ricans take fierce pride in their language. The whole island speaks Spanish, with only about 20 percent of the population fluent in English. This number has stayed the same for many years, since most Puerto Ricans do not want to learn English. Until 1990, Puerto Rico had two official languages, Spanish and English. In that year, in a fit of linguistic chauvinism, the commonwealth demoted English and established Spanish as the sole official language. In 1993, pro-statehood forces captured the governorship and decided that an officially bilingual Puerto Rico would have a better chance at statehood. English was reinstated, but met huge resistance, including one anti-English rally that drew 100,000 people. Puerto Rico is officially bilingual again but in practice it remains Spanish-speaking. Not even pro-statehood Puerto Ricans have any intention of abandoning Spanish, which they consider integral to their identity. The current governor, Pedro Rossello, who campaigns for statehood, has nevertheless written: "Spanish belongs to all Puerto Ricans, it is not negotiable under any circumstance or political status." With Puerto Rico as a "state," English-speaking Americans could conceivably find themselves in a part of their own country where not even the court System operates in English. They would need an interpreter to answer a summons for a traffic ticket. If Puerto Ricans are so nationalistic, why should there be any interest in statehood at all? The answer is money. Welfare Culture………………An August, 1996, report from the General Accounting Office (GAO) indicates that Puerto Ricans would pay an estimated $49 million in income taxes but would get an additional three to four billion from from tax-payers in the rest of the country. Loyalty to the U.S. is hardly the main argument for statehood. In his aptly-titled book Statehood is For the Poor, former governor and current congressional delegate Carlos Romero-Barcelo writes: "Puerto Rico's per capita contribution to the federal treasury, were we a state, would come to less than that of any state in the Union. At the same time, the per capita benefits we'd reap from federal aid programs would be greater than those of any state in the Union. On top of all this, we'd also have seven or eight Puerto Ricans serving as full voting members of Congress, working up in Washington at all times to help draft and pass new and improved social welfare legislation." Mr. Romero-Barcelo means what he says. In 1974, when he was governor, he sued the U.S. government to extend food stamp availability to every town in Puerto Rico. He won in federal court and his victory cost the U.S. taxpayers $500 million in that year alone. Puerto Rican author Robert Fernandez notes that some aid centers in the capitol city of San Juan alone handle more "clients" than the entire state of Texas. Puerto Ricans also have very high rates of AIDS, drug abuse, crime, illegitimacy, poverty, and unemployment. If Puerto Rico were a state, its AIDS rate (58 per 100,000 inhabitants) would make it third in the nation after New York (69 per 100,000) and Washington D.C. (220 per 100,000). In 1991 the island had a drug addiction rate of 1,972 per 100,000, compared to the U.S. rate of 1,176 per 100,000. In 1993, the Puerto Rican murder rate was more than two and-a-half times that of the U.S: 24 per 100,000 compared to nine. In 1995 Puerto Rico's per capita income was $7,670, which was less than half that of Mississippi, our poorest state. While unemployment in the U.S. is running around five percent, unemployment on the island approaches 20 percent. Puerto Ricans who move to the United States fare worse in some respects than those who stay behind. While the illegitimacy rate on the island is already high at 30 percent, the figure doubles to 60 percent for Puerto Ricans on the mainland. In New York City, where all U.S. welfare programs are available to them, Puerto Ricans are more likely than blacks to be on welfare. If statehood is anything like moving to the mainland, Puerto Ricans may be courting more trouble than they realize. Prospects for Americans..The vote on the Puerto Rican statehood bill (HR-856) was originally scheduled for after Labor Day, 1997, but was delayed because of grassroots political action by, among others, English First and the Council of Conservative Citizens. But a delay does not kill a bill; Congress could well vote on it this spring, on very little notice. The bill's chief sponsor is Don Young (R-AK) and it is co-sponsored by such Republican leaders as Newt Gingrich and Tom DeLay. The Speaker of the House rarely cosponsors legislation, so this is a sure sign that it is a priority for the GOP. Supposedly conservative Republicans are probably supporting statehood for "the welfare capital of the Caribbean," as part of the party's ever-growing commitment to "diversity." Indeed, GOP pollster Frank Luntz recently urged the party to push for Puerto Rican statehood in order to win Hispanic votes. With both political parties apparently in favor of statehood, and columnists who write honestly about its implications losing their jobs, prospects for the bill are good. Statehood would probably prove Mr. Romero-Barcelo correct: Eight liberal Democrats (two Senators and six Congressmen) would go to Washington to help pass "improved social welfare legislation." Because current law limits the number of seats in the House of Representatives to 435, real Americans would lose a congressman for every one Puerto Rico got. The Congressional Research Service projects that the losses would come from six states: Mississippi, Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Washington and Wisconsin. The new Democratic non-white members of Congress would be an important step towards the Republican party's long march toward permanent minority status, and the Puerto Rico delegation could be counted on to vote for every program the left espouses, from affirmative action and mass immigration to gun control and support for the U.N. A strengthened and increased Hispanic lobby would probably press hard for more U.S. foreign aid to its racial brothers in Latin America. Multiculturalism and official bilingualism would become, in effect, the law of the land. Appeals to tradition would be meaningless if one of our states had a Latino-Caribbean culture and spoke Spanish. At the same time, statehood could very well invite precisely the kind of intractable ethnic conflict that now causes so much bloodshed all around the world. Although the independentistas do not get much popular support, they are desperate and determined men. As a spokesman, Carlos M. Ayes, warns, "Statehood will mean war. Violence is hard to stomach, but George Washington killed thousands of British to gain recognition for 13 colonies that claimed the right to be independent. If the United States wants its very own Northern Ireland let them continue this farce." Puerto Rico is an alien island with a people, language, culture, and traditions incompatible with the United States. We should be preparing it for independence, not statehood. This plan to absorb four million Third-Worlders is one of the most obviously misguided and potentially destructive pieces of legislation likely to come before Congress this year. It is entirely possible that the bill could come to a vote with only minimal discussion or debate-just like the 1965 immigration act. The media will not discuss its implications honestly, so it will be up to every patriotic organization in the country to see to it that this legislation is shown to be the awful idea that it is and to halt it in its tracks. How the Bill Would Work………… If Congress passes HR-856, Puerto Rico will hold a plebiscite once every ten years until a majority chooses either statehood or independence. Commonwealth status will also be on the ballot, so Puerto Ricans can vote to maintain the status quo if they want - but will have to do so every ten years if they want to stay a commonwealth. In 1993, in the last referendum of this kind, 49 percent of the electorate voted to keep the island a commonwealth, 46 percent voted for statehood, and only five percent voted for independence. Despite deep resentment of the U.S., an active terrorist movement against statehood, and past referendums rejecting statehood, chances are that economic arguments will win over at least five percent of those who chose commonwealth status in 1993. If a majority votes for statehood, the President must submit a ten-year transition plan to Congress. If Congress approves the plan, ten years later we will add a 51st star to the flag. In effect, the United States is saying to Puerto Rico: "You can 'oin us or you can become independent; we'll be happy either way. If you can't make up your minds now, that's alright, too. We'll be here whenever you want us - 10, 20, even 50 years from now. And we will be happy to have you even if only 51 percent of you vote to become Americans." It is hard to imagine a proposal more degrading to the current 50 states. Puerto Rican ambivalence about joining the Union is in sharp contrast to the enthusiasm with which other territories have joined. In 1959, Alaska became a state with the support of 83 percent of its population. When Hawaii joined in the same year 94 percent voted for union. Another Political Sacrifice…………Though self-styled conservatives like to attack liberals for being "politically correct," they can be equally P.C. on issues of race. Scott McConnell, who was editor of the New York Post's editorial page, has joined Sam Francis and Joe Sobran as a political sacrifice made by conservatives to liberals. His offense? Opposing Puerto Rican statehood. In a July 14, 1997, editorial called "The Puerto Rico question," Mr. McConnell noted the obvious: Puerto Ricans are poor, dependent on American food stamps, and are often hostile to the English language. The editorial chided Congress - especially Republicans - for supporting an important bill without much debate or caution. Mr. McConnell even dared to suggest that whatever benefits statehood might have for Puerto Rico it might not be good for the United States.

Posted by: Viktor on April 21, 2007 3:20 PM

50 States are Enough!
REPUBLICAN LEADERS are about to do something so stupid and venal that maybe they don't deserve to retain control of Congress in this year's election. They want to make Puerto Rico the 51st state in the union, and next week, the House will vote on a measure to start the process. Why? Expect to hear plenty of platitudes about self-determination and full democracy for Puerto Rico's 3.7 million people. But what the Republicans are really interested in is the potential votes of some 25 million Hispanics on the U.S. mainland. Only a fool or a desperate Republican could ever imagine that the average Mexican American in East Los Angeles or Cuban American in Miami gives a hoot about statehood for Puerto Rico. But the hope that Puerto Rican statehood would entice more Hispanics into voting Republican is what's driving this monumentally bad idea that could cost billions in increased federal aid and permanently alter the culture of the United States. Puerto Rico became an American territory in 1898 after the United States won the Spanish American War. Everyone born on the island is a U.S. citizen by birth, and all males are subject to the draft. The island is currently considered a "commonwealth," with its own elected government and laws, subject to the U.S. Constitution and federal court jurisdiction.

On the other hand, Puerto Ricans living on the island do not pay federal taxes, cannot vote in presidential elections and elect only a non-voting member to the U.S. House of Representatives. All that would change under the bill to be voted on next week. The proposed legislation will allow Puerto Ricans to vote on whether they wish to become a state. If a bare majority voting in the plebiscite support statehood, Congress will be locked into a transition plan, making the island a state in 10 years. So, what makes this such a bad idea? For starters, Puerto Rico is a linguistically and culturally autonomous island with a rich modern history that dates back nearly 100 years prior to Jamestown and Plymouth Rock. Puerto Ricans don't consider themselves Americans even though they are U.S. citizens -- only 16 percent defined themselves as Americans in one recent poll. Fewer than 20 percent of Puerto Ricans speak English, and the bill does nothing to ensure that Puerto Ricans -- especially schoolchildren -- learn English if Puerto Rico becomes a state. In fact, there is nothing Congress can do to force Puerto Ricans to learn English, even if Congress makes the acceptance of English a condition of statehood. As the current congressional delegate from Puerto Rico, Rep. Carlos Romero-Barcelo, told me personally a few months ago, once Puerto Rico becomes a state, the legislature would simply revoke English as its official language and put in place Spanish or both Spanish and English. The likely outcome for the rest of the nation would be increased pressure to make the United States bilingual -- or at least those states with large Spanish-speaking populations, such as California, Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois. Hispanic activists have been promoting this agenda for years and already have succeeded in mandating Spanish-language instruction for some 2 million Hispanic youngsters in public schools and bilingual ballots in federal elections. As worrisome as the cultural implications for Puerto Rican statehood are, however, the dismal economy on the island should be cause for even greater alarm. In 1990, half of all Puerto Rican families earned less than $10,000 a year, 20 percent of Puerto Ricans were unemployed, and an additional 52 percent were out of the labor force altogether.

Over half the island's population already receives some form of public assistance, and 59 percent would qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit once Puerto Rico becomes a state -- at an estimated cost to American taxpayers of $18 billion in additional federal outlays. As Romero-Barcelo, an avid statehood supporter, succinctly put it in his 1978 book Statehood Is for the Poor: "Puerto Rico's per capita contribution to the federal treasury, were we a state, would come to less than that of any other state in the union. At the same time, the per capita benefits we'd reap from federal aid programs would be greater than those of any other state in the union." It is simply not in anyone's interest to grant statehood under these circumstances.

When Puerto Ricans become economically self-sufficient and decide they want to learn English -- as my Spanish-speaking ancestors did in New Mexico before it became a state in 1912 -- Republicans and everyone else should welcome them with open arms. But not until then.

Deceitful Tactics Used In Effort to Make Puerto Rico a State
by Phyllis Schlafly (More by this author)
Posted: 03/26/2007
Even though Puerto Rico has three times voted against becoming a U.S. state, yet another effort is being made to persuade Puerto Ricans to change their mind.

Of course, the Democratic Party thinks making Puerto Rico our 51st state is a cool idea because that would give the Democrats two additional U.S. Senators and 6 to 8 additional Members of the House, more congressional representation than 25 of our 50 states.

Despite millions of dollars being spent to promote statehood, on Dec. 13, 1998, Puerto Ricans voted 46.5 percent for statehood, 2.5 percent for independence, and 50.5 percent for "none of the above," which must be seen as an endorsement of its present commonwealth status.

The Puerto Rican independence faction is small, but that doesn't mean its members would acquiesce to being outvoted in a democratic election. They are among the most militant groups in the world and are responsible for domestic terrorist incidents in the United States.

The 1998 percentage of Puerto Ricans favoring statehood was approximately the same as in the 1993 referendum. It is asking for big trouble to admit a state in which nearly half the people oppose the idea.
The most important issue about Puerto Rico statehood is that it would transform the United States overnight into a bilingual nation. Puerto Ricans speak Spanish and are antagonistic to the idea of learning English.

English is the language of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. It would be divisive and troublesome to admit a state whose people don't speak the language of our founding documents.
Puerto Rican statehood would cost the U.S. plenty in taxes. The average income of Puerto Ricans is less than half that of our poorest state, and infrastructure and the environment are far below U.S. standards, so statehood would bring immediate demands for massive federal funding.

The smoking gun proving that Puerto Rico statehood is designed to make us a bilingual nation is House Concurrent Resolution 11, or English Plus Resolution, introduced by Rep. Jose Serrano, D-N.Y.. Serrano is also the sponsor of HR 900, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007.

A concurrent resolution is a legislative proposal that must be passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate but does not require the signature of the president and does not have the force of law. Concurrent resolutions are generally used to express the sentiment of Congress or to amend the internal rules of the House and Senate.

Serrano's resolution, introduced Jan. 4, levels a stinging attack on English as our national language and demands that the federal government "oppose" the many state laws and bills that designate English their official language.

The resolution demands that U.S. government provide services in languages other than English and even encourage all U.S. residents to learn languages other than English. The bill falsely asserts that our nation has "drawn strength from a diversity of languages." The truth is having English as our common language is a principal factor in "e pluribus unum," which is Latin for "out of many one," a U.S. motto.

Serrano's resolution is dishonestly entitled "English Plus Resolution" and is dressed up in flowery rhetoric to make it appear that its purpose is to protect American Indian languages. That ruse fools no one; it's obvious that the bill is just cover for the impudent demand that we accept Puerto Rico as a Spanish-language state.

Serrano's Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007, would set up two plebiscites that rig the process to deceive Puerto Ricans into voting for statehood. In the first plebiscite, scheduled for this year, Puerto Ricans would be given a choice of:
1. remaining as a U.S. territory;
2. or pursuing an (undefined) "constitutionally viable permanent non-territorial status."
If the majority chooses No. 1, Puerto Rico would be required to vote again at least every eight years (presumably until they are bamboozled into voting for statehood). If the majority chooses No. 2, a second plebiscite would be held at which Puerto Ricans could choose between "only" two "nonterritorial" options: statehood or independence.

Not only is the double-plebiscite procedure rigged to prevent a vote to continue the present commonwealth status, but the ballot propositions are written so that only a lawyer can figure out what they really mean.

A vote on Puerto Rico would have momentous effects on whether the United States of America remains "one nation, indivisible" or whether it starts down the road of countries that have fought bloody wars when minority populations tried to maintain a separate language and cultural identity within another nation, such as Quebec, Ireland, Bosnia and Iraq.

With a 92 percent turnout in the Oct. 30, 1995, referendum in Quebec, secession lost by only a razor-thin margin: 50.6 percent of Quebeckers voted to keep Canada one nation, while 49.4 voted for Quebec to secede from Canada. The close vote adversely affected Quebec's financial markets and caused a flight of capital and people.

Puerto Rico is a vestige of 19th century colonialism; we got it as booty in the Spanish American War of 1898. In the 21st century, colonialism is so retro; we should give Puerto Rico its independence.
Tell your Representative to vote no on both Puerto Rico bills.
Mrs. Schlafly is the author of the new book The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It (Spence Publishing Co).
Mrs. Schlafly is the author of the new book The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It (Spence Publishing Co).
Posted by: Donna on April 19, 2007 2:00 AM

P.S. To many in Puerto Rico, this issue can be reduced to one simple sentence, the status quo of Borinquen will be resolved eliminating delays tactics, when the U.S. Congress tells the U.S. Senators what they want. I used to believe that this was simply American way to avoid the issue together. However, as I see it today, mayor changes to that sentence will reduce it to a more appropriate form: the issue of Puerto Rico’s unresolved political status quo will be resolved expediously once Politicians and Washington Journalists demonstrate their humanitarian and compassion commitment with the people of Puerto Rico 51st State of the Union.

Posted by: Viktor on April 21, 2007 8:29 PM

“Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindred and tongues.” –Thomas Jefferson’s Prayer

We need statehood-intelligence because a blind status quo love is dangerously prejudiced. Concurrent resolutions are generally used to express the sentiment of Congress or to amend the internal rules of the House and Senate. The people of Puerto Rico must know what they are getting into if they choose statehood without Kangaroo Court. A concurrent resolution is a legislative proposal that must be passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate but does not require the signature of the president and does not have the force of law. The authority of Congress to admit states allows it to set conditions that must be met before statehood is granted, and also to require adherence to certain conditions after statehood. Representation is a statuesque mind game, and it does not ever end . . . Anything less than infinity. The degree to which we find it difficult to let go of our American way voluntarily, to that degree we the people are identified. So, if you like to see how the future looks like, be patient and wait. Nevertheless here goes another attempt to bridge this gap . It will come, for sure. And will be appropriate. Identification makes everything disproportionately personal. 51st State can be either a phenomenon of complete acceptance, or it can be a struggle. We still have virtually no common ground and we continue to talk past each other.. . It is only fair to the people of Puerto Rico that Congress make clear ahead of time the conditions under which the island could be admitted to the Union. We the people cannot freeze water and at the same time make it boil: these movements are in opposite directions. Truth, the Absolute, is revealed the moment we stop the movement of identifying ourselves with that which is relative. We are not bound by conditioning, scripting or habit. Statehood-Intelligence creates a gap between a stimulus and our response: we are not Pavlov's dogs, we may not even be there when he rings that bell! With intelligence, we are free to respond in unconditioned ways. Let's reward the journalistic right doers and punish the wrongdoers. Send me your nominations for the Journalists' Hall of Fame and Hall of Shame. It would also be very helpful if you could include a link to a picture of your nominee. If a big food manufacturing company has a brand-new product with a nice, colorful box and lots of artificial ingredients, run that as front page news (or, better yet, give them an award!). Want to know how you make money in publishing? If there's a new prescription drug on the market, run all sorts of articles about the miracles of that particular drug. However, intelligent responses can be discontinuous, unpredictable, creative, inventive, free. The false polarities offered here are two crude blocks of unexamined, unrefined, undigested feelings and thoughts wrapped up for us in two giant plastic To-Go packages. Our so-called Borinquen two-party system is currently nothing but mental junk food: mc politics for the masses, ready to go, with fried nuances on the side. So many of us think we are, we must be, either an NPP or a PPD. I respectfully suggest we are not yet seeing, in sufficient numbers, behind the masks. Who donates money to both sides, and how much? This money represents the crooked smiles on the faces behind the curtain which covers both sides. Every field of human endeavor we can think of is bottled up in two equally idiotic, stupefying, pickled and plastic-wrapped mc sides. The original source of differences, the people leading with their heads, and the people leading with their hearts, has been focused and crystallized downward into dangerously dumbified one-dimensional nattering. Politics, education, science, economics, art: all tending to the endless iteration of a threadbare monoculture. These forms of our civilization pretend to have life, but it's the spurious kick of the galvanized dead COQUI~frog. We no longer have any idea of what a living culture might look like. We can hardly conceive now of a free, robust and healthy civilization, even for our own country. Status Quo Freedom promises danger, discomfort, and material insecurity - in short, it costs you everything you have. Except your soul. What about cultural trends? Are they too without a purpose or does the purpose too easily get lost in the manifestations of too many differing and individual adaptations? Congress is empowered to require certain levels of cultural and Intelligence linguistic change in Puerto Rico before admitting it to the Union. Such steps are badly unprecedented; Congress has imposed language restrictions on other states during the admissions process. Of course, language divides: we can indicate our left arm separately, but does that divide the body into separate parts? Though language splits things up, American life is a statehood unicity. If you understand that something isn't yours, how then can you disown it? If you understand that something isn't yours, then why claim it? Okay, in a less confusing representation: There is a difference between being poor and rich a then by being intellectual and proletarion. There are plenty of excuses for being poor, and that is not peoples own faults normally, but there is no excuse of being proletiarian and thinking like the middle-class, and then attacking "the elite" for controlling their minds. My solution is to accept PUERTO RICANS’ HUMAN errors, nothing is ideologically reachable and education is STATEHOOD-king. But they are people and are also struggling for survival, just this struggle if lost effect you and me and millions of others. Many Congressman complaints that Puerto Rico is a poor country, of course meantime our kids can fin a decent JOB here in Puerto Rico, thus many enjoin voluntary the services to have some kind or education a fair salary, just as advertizer on our media. Let’s review that for a moment to whom is more beneficial that our land infrastructures and poverty are stays with this present status quo like, who really benefits for that fabric manufacturing concept? Then secondly when you see our Puerto Rican son & Daughters our young service our American country and you see that young person in US Military UNIFORM that doesn’t speak English fluently . . . WOULD you, opinion will be the same type of that person that CALL him/her A Duck that walks like a Duck or a booty from SPAIN war or maybe you like to call them also a terrorism person too. PLEASE IDENTIFIED YOURSELF: or maybe what about the Puerto Ricans soldiers that defending our united states democracies are dying in other countries, and here in the streets because or you status quo convenient manufactures store. Will you call those heroes Death Duck -Booty Blood? I to want a better world, but in order to do so, people have to realize that they have to be open-minded enough so admit their own errors and not blame other people for being in some big conspiracy plot. The BORINQUEN STATEHOOD revolution is a battle against the elite, and the American Revolution was a war against the elite. YES AND WHEN US THE FAMILY HAS DINNER OUR FOOD IN THE TABLE IS ALSO FROM THE SAME AMERICAN MARKET. We DO PAY FOR IT. To understand that something isn't yours does not make it disappear just like that. I am well aware of the problems we are facing in this Borinquen world. But there is a middle way between flat out revolution and just lie down a die like a death duck. The truth is one body. The solution lies in better educated people, something that everybody is screaming for, the government, the companies, If Puerto Rico were to be admitted immediately as a state under the same requirements as Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona, it would require a complete overhaul of the education system and the judiciary MENTALITY. You cannot think of your left arm as separate from your body; we may save our human dignity. Why should we perceive the same action performed in a more complicated/advanced manner as something inherently different? The separation is imagined, existing only in man's mind. I've learned just as much from those who don't agree with me as those who echo my beliefs. What are your ideas? In your seeking, what truths have you discovered?

P E A C E ? Many of the current legislators might not qualify for reelection due to lack of English fluency. Such drastic changes would clearly not be acceptable to the PNP statehood advocates who insist that language is not negotiable. How can we be free, as individuals or as humanity, if we deny part of our American existence in our father’s federal constitutions? Concepts create an artificial separation: north and south, left and right, you and I, they and we, objectivity and subjectivity, a multitude of separate seconds. And we've accepted the idea of separation, as though it is real. We pick up our paradigms of life - our maps of the USA-PR - from society: from, church, books, television, and politicians. A paradigm is what we think life is like. Did you ever ask yourself if they taught separate and distinct "subjects" to keep people from connecting it all together and understanding the actual power available to everyone . . . And I would stress that no one could control someone with an objective stance and full understanding of the power plays that people use to dominate and subjugate people (bye, bye status quo governments?!). As various religions have taught and later failed to teach that one should never let anyone come between them and observing the 51st Star(La estadidad=statehood)'s natural order. I do not wish to push my beliefs on you. That is a personal decision that only you can make, but I ask that you not discount the possibilities, just because those beliefs have been demonized by powers that want to steal our statehood hope for Borinquen. Certainly, task force’s maps can be very useful, but we tend to believe in them to a degree where we think that life should adapt itself to what these task forces maps describe. The more ideas we have about life and how it should be, the more prone we are to denial, looking the other way, avoiding and resisting the truth of the moment. But denial doesn't change the fact. Sooner or later reality forces itself onto us. At a certain point it just cannot be avoided any longer. Personally, my views about the future are not formed from the basis of one person, no matter how good a track record they have. Rather, I have formed an opinion after having read hundreds of different arguments that are decidedly pro-Statehood, decidedly anti, and everything in-between. As for the purpose: what if there was only one end purpose? Could Puerto Ricans’ use the same purpose to make life better and use it as the basis for all laws? I can't absolutely be certain of anything until concepts are verified in a coherency bubble and tested in reality by us the person . . . so there is really no rational reason to argue points that come down to a single fundamental axiom (in my case) and for an unknown number of axioms in your case (as far as I know . . . ). You take in everything you experience without resisting it, without trying to avoid it, without denying it. Yet sometimes we the Taino people of BORINQUEN experience feelings that we do not really want to experience, that we'd rather avoid. Maybe you are disappointed or sad, and your tendency may be to try and avoid your feelings. To experience - without resistance - what you are experiencing, is becoming aware of 51st Star*-life's unicity. And the experience of statehood-unicity is a God-blessing. It is having an open heart. It is living without inner conflict. Sadness is not really the problem, resisting it is. The most intriguing aspect of labeling anything on external or displayed characteristics is that it opens the doors to blind hatred, etc. of any given attribute independent of the actual differences of origin, usage, or inherence domain. Too many anti-statehooders, anti-taino-Indians that only rely on material level awareness to apply their judgements/intelligence, thus they are blind to the true reasons, causes, or patterns and live their entire lives at a given level of material/sensory-based intelligence. They are unable to direct their "free will" (awareness restricted, of course) at anything real to change anything deeper than a change in an image, so they just use purchasable merchandise for their limited expressions and never create anything of innate value. (Sadly, the vast majority of people . . . Where some original teachings from various religions taught this and warned against it, all religions now seem swashed in the image and material with separate spirit fixations.) We the Taino people of BORINQUEN are made out of our American environment. Separation is a presumption with no roots in reality. It's a fake principle because it is never true, not even possible. In life, in the most fundamental sense, nothing can truly be separate, and nothing is truly separable. Over time, we the Taino people of BORINQUEN (Estadistas) state holders supporters of this political status have conveniently referred to it as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico by the Constitutional of US Of a the current political status of Puerto Rico is officially called Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. 'Unicity' is a word scarcely used, and not found in many dictionaries. Task Forces have mapped out a set of geodesic lines and said that, as a matter of principal, objects will follow these lines. HOW does mass form the mapped out curvature in space in the first place? What, physically, is this curvature? Ok then, HOW do they do it? WHAT is the physical mechanism that causes them to follow the lines? They are two polarities of one and the same United States of America. The two are supportive of a truth that transcends both. All polarities indicate a higher Republic truth. The truth is that I am you, you are I, even if we don't know each other. Duality does not mean separation, and it means American life: day would lose its meaning without night. American Life and Dreams are the movement between polarities, and one polarity gives the other its meaning. We are not separate. The truth is the ocean of statehood, without separation, nothing to separate us. The truth is fundamental oneness, unicity, not separation and aloneness. Statehood means that you are now psychologically comfortable enough to be in relation with United States of America and BORINQUEN around you, and enter into relationships where both NATIONS realize that together they can do miracles, and achieve things that would never be possible alone. Alluding to unscientific terms is a weak argument. Culturally mature is not a scientific term and is something that could never be reached in someone's opinion or already reached in some other person's opinion, who is right? Well neither because it's not science, like much of your post. What dictates ability to manage resources? Ability and intelligence. What will the statehood for Puerto Rico, USA brings? Ability and intelligence. So that should solve that status quo socioeconomic problems easily. The truth is having English as our common language is a principal factor in "e pluribus unum," which is Latin for "out of many one," a U.S. motto. The final and usually overlooked stages of maturity is 51st Star unicity, the realization that separation is nothing but a mirage. When it is literally translated into English, it means free-associated State of Puerto Rico. However this translation is totally, and completely WRONG. "We will only cause far greater harm until we can control and understand our natures a little better." You cannot separate the roots of a tree from the fruit it bears; you cannot see the BORINQUEN earth existing separately from the sun of US of A.. , I think you just want to pick a fight 'cause you want to be proven right and you have some serious issues concerning self actualization. This is the Malignant VIRUS of decolonization call(The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign) Task Forces originated from the Nationalism Puerto Rican Party (NPP) 1900s; As early as 1914, the majority party, Nationalism Puerto Rican Party (NPP) proclaimed independence as its final-status aspiration with the Nationalist leadership imprisoned, many party sympathizers and most independentistas in the Liberal Party joined forces in 1992 to form the New Progressive Party (NPP) under the leadership of Pedro Rosello, Carlos Pezquera and Norma Burgos, Meanwhile, hundreds of Puerto Rican people forced their way into the restricted military zones of the island to put their bodies in the way of U.S. bombardment of Puerto Rican soil and waters. Officially, the U.S. government insists that these prisoners are "criminals."Protesters cut through military fences or landed on remote beaches in a clandestine sea lift. Check Vieques NAVY Documents signed by Norma Burgos one or the trespassers and Rosello Pezquera documents requesting the Exodus of the Navy. Issues for references. In 2000, Rossellóó and then President Bill Clinton signed an agreement that the U.S. Navy would withdraw "Completely! from Vieques by the year 2003, if voters in Vieques ratified the agreement in a referendum. "Completely! Don’’t rest with principles because it begs the question of the actual physical mechanism. " I think this is the problem. You fail to accept that abstraction need not have any "commonsense,” visualisable, mechanicals’ referent that applies to it, nor that physical axioms are by definition open-ended and unexplained. We appear to be separate from one another, geographically it is very normal to think and believe that we are. Yet do we have that same intelligence when we think of ourselves? Or do we conceive of ourselves as separate American persons? We the people can easily recognize that waves are not really separate from the ATLANTIC ocean, or from other waves, because it's all the same ocean. Am I not separate from you? Are you not separate from me? To all you bad people including Journalist that don’t wish that Puerto Rico becomes a 51st state You’re really need to read this thread and reconcile your ideas with the facts better as far as I can see. And if I'm the one that just wants to pick a fight why is it that you and fish started with the ad homs with little substance? I wish there was a point to your writings, most of it is just pointless drivel that I'd be wasting my time responding to, you're arguing with no one and talking about really nothing at all, but you're kind enough to point out how ignorant we A Puerto Rican are, how quaint. Any ways, I have better things to do than write long posts to you, in the future get to the point and don't contradict yourself and argue with no one, so as not to waste people's time reading newspaper garbage that's trying to look pertinent. He who does not love the national language is worse than a smelly fish. The accepted paradigm is that we are all separate beings. We are people who come from many and differing cultures, races, creeds and traditions. A common language has been the catalyst that has brought us together as Americans. The only thing I know for certain are my life wasn't much before I read their poems of suffering and their stories of personal tribulation. Now I have a path that I am proud to take, and it has given my life a purpose. Our voices have been cut short and have been silent for too long. We the Taino people dream every day in the 51st Star, have the resources, we just have to promote them, and I think a great start is through our literature and our stories. The future of our Young depends on knowing that there are people out there who have achieved the impossible; that there are Indians out there who have done it and have been successful, and all they had to work with was practically nothing. Their pockets were empty, but their hearts were filled with dreams and hopes of becoming something big, and maybe these artists didn't know just how big and impact they had. Let us as a people support each other in our dreams because no one else out there will, and even if they will, it would mean a lot more to have people of your own kind who believe in you. Coming from a culture of many great and fallen leaders, it is time to stop mourning for ourselves and them, and pick up where they left off. We are, after all, descendants of great voices. Behind every argument is someone's ignorance. Civilizations should be measured by "the degree of diversity attained and the degree of unity retained." It is what has allowed our great melting pot to work. In the case of Puerto Rican statehood, this fact should not be overlooked. 51st Star in our American flag is one inseparable complete totality, the whole spectrum. We the people imprison themselves by believing in the idea of separation. There will be no more appropriate and less traumatic moment than the present. To try and separate United States from BORINQUEN life is fighting a lost battle, and a sure way to ultimate frustration.

You decide!

“The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.”
—William McKinley

Posted by: Viktor on April 21, 2007 8:33 PM

“A country has to have only one official language, if men are to understand one another... It is eminently fair that a country’s official language should be the language of the majority.”
—Ayn Rand

The United States of America WE THE PEOPLE must look toward this 21st century. Statehood-Unicity is the only paradigm to do away with all the schisms, schizophrenia, hurt and loneliness that this democratic deficit is now famous for. We believe they will choose statehood —— and the sooner the better. The United States must act now to safeguard its national interests and recognize the inalienable right of Puerto Ricans to become the next 51st State of the greatest nation in all word UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We need to shift the paradigm from fundamental socialism separation to fundamental statehood-unicity. Under our American Constitution the truth no one is ever alone or separate. When you experience statehood-unicity, for Puerto Rico that’s because you have opened your eyes to it, you will not experience loneliness, whether in the company of people, or alone. We the people are not alone or interconnected. All science has progressed by dividing things, identifying different species, different properties, different elements, and I believe science to be a blessing. However, when we start thinking in written terms of Muslims and Christians and Jews, Puerto Ricans ballot propositions and believe that we are fundamentally separate, things turn sour and ugly. Like a soccer game can be great, but take separation literally, and it is not a sport anymore. Not only is the double-plebiscite procedure rigged to prevent a vote to continue the present commonwealth status, but the ballot propositions are written so that only a lawyer can figure out what they really mean. A careful examination of the legal principles involved, however, shows that this claim is false: the admission of states into the Union remains within the sole discretion of Congress. English supercede the SPANISH translation because the translation comes forom the Federal Government not from[ NPP= Nationalism Puerto Rican Party] 0r [Partido Nacionalista Puertorriqueńo=PNP]. COMMONWEALTHS when it is literally translated into Spanish, it means Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, USA. Principles are more profound truths. The sun always rises in the east, whoever is watching the sunrise and whenever they are watching it. Two centuries ago the sun rose in the east too, and two centuries from now that will not have changed. But even though the sun always rises in more or less that same place, and we can therefor call that a truth, it is not the Truth. FACTS: FOR A 109-year PUERTO RICO HAS NOT BEEN A COLONY. Denial is easy. Non denial is facing the truth of our American existence, and not just of parts of it, but of life in total. Denial is not freedom; avoidance and resistance are not freedom. Denial is a struggle, Status-quo it means that we are somehow trying to separate ourselves from our experience. Statehood-Unicity is not our choice, but it is not a choice at all. It is a natural American principle, and denial is possible only when we the people haven't faced life's statehood unicity yet. Coming to terms with the totality of American living is a tremendous freedom. Believing something about American life doesn't make life that way. Believing that the BORINQUEN is a Colony, even if we all do, does not make it so. That's the subtle but profound difference between American principles and paradigms, truths and beliefs. We are both inevitably very rooted in the historical process. I would rather be at least searching for the new solution than be a part of the problem of cultural stagnation. After-all it is you who are resisting historically-inevitable change. You are part of the inertia which every new cultural trajectory must overcome.

We the Taino of People of Borinquen feels their needs to be more discussion. This “traditional approach” uses the concept of causality from which throughout history ALL physical understanding was and is still obtained and understood. You can only abandon causality at the expense of a qualitative understanding of reality. Coming from a culture of many great and fallen leaders, it is time to stop mourning for ourselves and them, and pick up where they left off. We are, after all, descendants of great voices. Taino Indians are very versatile in their rich and colorful identity. We the Jatibonicu people and its Tribal Chiefs and Elders historically have recognized this Great Seal as the official Guanin (Sacred Badge of Authority of the Chieftains) of the tribal blood lineage of Cacique Orocobix. Chief Orocobix was the last hereditary full blood Paramount Chief of the island kingdom of Jatibonicu. The Great Sacred Seal was etched into rock around 900 BC."The giant taught us we the Taino people of BORINQUEN the principles of democracy . . . when do we the people get to practice them? We are intelligent creatures. Intelligence is within the human being. It’s in his nature. Just like instinct governs the Coqui world and is most natural to them, a TAINO Indian is essentially intelligent. " In granting this modicum of local autonomy under Public Law 600, Congress paternalistically declared that the Puerto Rican people should be allowed some say about their social and political future because "the people of Puerto Rico have demonstrated by their intelligent administration of local government activities . . . and by their high degree of political consciousness, that they are eminently qualified to assume greater responsibilities of local self-government." Boo!" I am a ghost of the past and I say that we the Tainos are still here. ““I think there is a lack of awareness about the issue and that is why ‘‘none of the above’’ option was so popular.” After 108 years of territorial status and 89 years of being U.S. citizens, we are tired of waiting.” The Territorial Clause refers to Article IV, Section 3, paragraph 2 of the United States Constitution: “Thus, the choice of whether or not to make Puerto Rico a state, and under what conditions, is left to the discretion of Congress to give the U.S. citizens who, are residents of Puerto Rico the opportunity to make an educated, fair and democratic choice regarding their final status preference. If on the other hand you believe that you are better then me, because you have a "better bloodline, “” because your way of life is "better" and I should live that way, then get in your SUV the slippery slope take your status symbols, and get out of Booting Dodge because I have no use for Self Centered, Arrogant Bad Dukgly, useless excuses for human beings. It is time for all of us, Indian and non-Indian, Black, white, yellow or red. Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, or Buddhist to band together and stand together against the injustices and crimes (Yes, CRIMES) being committed by the elected officials and corporate heads of this country. We see very serious men making a lot of money waging wars, destroying the planet, destroying the environment, destroying people. There is something amiss with our fundamental understanding of maturity and responsibility. In our society responsibility is little understood. The people of Puerto Rico deserve better. We the people have earned our right to be heard . . . The truth of your existence is really the truth of all existence, because such is the nature of truth: it cannot be monopolized by anyone. Truth is just the simple truth of the whole existence. Stars are different, to some extent as we see plinks of light in the sky and assume them to be, for instance, sovereign entities, and in this century, the same TYPE of thing as the sun. But basically we just see plinks of light in the sky. Get it straight man. " I don’t see how this is - well, an answer to the point. No, we don’t see stars - we see plinks of light in the sky - we dream. But this doesn’t conflict with the statement "the only direct data is sense data.” Not one iota. Otherwise, what truth are we really talking about? Truth is the truth of you, of me, and of American existence. Like water is the truth of the entire ocean, of one wave and of the next. “The Congress shall have Powers to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States…….”” The interpretation of this clause gives the U.S. Congress the final power over every territory of the United States. Responsibility, if not seen in proper perspective, is a map trap. And unless there's clarity about responsibility people are going to rebel against it. We the Taino people of BORINQUEN, U.S. Citizens intuit that Liberty is our most basic truth, not responsibility. However, the interpretation of the word territory is controversial. At the same time we intuitively feel that responsibility should not be avoided. Puerto Rico, an island-country, was ceded by SPAIN to the United States in 1898, becoming a territory of the United States. Congress had the ultimate power over the island and effectively organized its governments in the first half of the twentieth-century. Responsibility, the real thing, won't come into existence as long as we are struggling with the dilemma of on the one hand feeling that we should be responsible, and on the other hand having a deep desire to be free of responsibility. A complete understanding of responsibility is the key to psychological freedom. Citizenship, therefore, involves more than the right "to go to the seat of government”; It also includes "the sense of permanent inclusion in the American political community in a non-subordinate condition, in contrast to the position of aliens."However, the question was whether the whole Constitution applied to the territories called Insular areas by Congress. Without Liberty, there is simply no peace. In a series of opinions by the U.S. Supreme Court [the Insular Cases], the court ruled that territories belonged to, but were not part of, the United States. Under the Territorial Clause, Congress had the power to determine which parts of the Constitution applied to the territories. The meaning of this clause continues to be a major dividing point for Puerto Ricans in the debate over their unique political status. As part of this ideal, Americans have historically embraced the principle of equal citizenship. There’s no clearer map than reflection of being us on purpose. We can't just accept someone else's answers, no matter how deeply we appreciate their wisdom. Thus, citizenship signifies an individual's "full membership" in a political community where the ideal of equality is supposed to prevail. True responsibility is of a voluntary American nature. Responsibility can never be forced. Force cannot create responsible human beings. The flower of human responsibility cannot blossom in that way. True responsibility emerges out of freedom, or it is not responsibility. Responsibility should be a free response, a true response. Like a star circle is round, responsibility is voluntary. And political leaders are in many ways followers instead of leaders! As values in society change -, e.g., the environment becoming more important - they suddenly become a political issue. Politicians have to follow what's considered important in society or they will simply not be elected. Irresponsibility and the tendency to shift responsibilities come from a natural rebellion against unnatural responsibility. This paradox can only be eliminated by removing the subordinated status of the Puerto Rican people.
Today statehood 51st Star* is pushing us forward into maturity; maturity is becoming an absolute must. Socialism-Science is too advanced to be left in the hands of a separation-minded man. Humanity has no choice but to grow up fast as our science has such an enormous potential for destruction. However, we don't need to see statehood 51st e as a threat, but we the people should use it as leverage to mature. Principles are not dependent on our culture, on what we happen to believe in this culture at this moment in time. Principles somehow precede our cultural ideas and beliefs. They bypass our opinions and belief-systems completely. These things have been known to be true throughout cultures. They are more basic than our mental makeup and what we believe about life. Principles are truths, and basically undeniable. Only through the full grant of U.S. citizenship with all the rights that traditionally go with it, through Congress grants of 51st Star* to all Puerto Rico, and the rest 50 states of the Union, it wills ends for these people their unequal status. ‘‘Let Puerto Ricans freely express their status preference and if they choose, let's welcome them as the 51st state.’’In 1991, as Congress seriously considered both statehood for Puerto Rico and English Only legislation for the federal government, the island's legislature voted to repeal Puerto Rico's official bilingualism and replace it with Spanish as the sole official language. The new law was not intended to discriminate against English speakers, whose language rights were largely safeguarded. Rather, it sought to guarantee. Puerto Ricans' language rights should, and they decide to join the Union. It also served to create a political barrier to statehood –– an effective ploy by pro-commonwealth and pro-independence parties. Largely out of worries about the language question, a U.S. Senate committee blocked a plebiscite on the island's status. " Consequently, We Are actually being as god, being as another, being as god size, and as such. Being ourselves. Particularly in so much as Statehood is the next stop. We can't be anything other than the process of manifest life-will. You and I are on track d - that's ironclad. We are what is EMERGENT. Our progression and diversity compound realization in the commonality of truth. The result was a constitutional provision known as the ““Territorial Clause, “” wherein Puerto Rico became an unincorporated territory belonging to the United States, ““governed by plenary powers.””Believing that you actually are responsible, feeling responsible becomes feeling guilty, and if something goes wrong, you are to blame. ““And he just sits there, “” mocked; Our degrees of evolvement, or diversity, are obviously irrelevant in that we're constantly getting there, or BEING there. And by no-means at all, does this distract from the reality of what is abundantly absolute, or our defined notion of what is absolute. Become aware of your existential irresponsibility, and responsibility becomes qualitatively different. Considered disparity of our truth-telling is more our estrangement from self that would falsely imply needful definement of {beyond} and by consequence, the considered contrarily you speak off in there always being an action of "stepping beyond,” or {there not being here}.

We the Taino people stressed that although Puerto Ricans were collectively granted United States citizenship, they are not eligible to vote, nor receive the same benefits as other U.S. citizens. ““We cannot vote for the people who make fundamental decisions for our lives, “” lamented Indian Tribes. Any language or guidance that would insist that we're anything less than perfected process becoming practiced perfection isn't hearing things’ good. The commonality of us being aware of literally being ALL - effortlessly, in all we do is the unmistakable ring of truth. Instead, a representative is chosen to sit with Congress. The genius of the American system of government rests, in substantial part, in the diversity of origin of its people. My opinion is that I am not a "tool" or instrument that carries out the wishes of some collective, when those wishes go against my own." Rossellóó's last term was marked by a large number of scandals and the convictions of many members of his administration on corruption charges. As of January 2006, more than thirty members of his administration have been convicted, including his Department of Education Secretary Victor Fajardo, other Cabinet members, and campaign organizers. Many others are awaiting trial or sentencing. In addition, dozens of contractors, administrators and businessmen with whom the Rossellóó administration did business are being prosecuted or have been incarcerated for involvement in bribery and extortion schemes. His personal assistant, Maria de los Angeles Rivera Range, was found guilty of extortion and other charges and sentenced by a federal judge to four years in prison. During the Rosello administration the island has between the highest crime and drug addiction rates in the world - including mass of political corruption many NPP federal offenses’ violators like Norma Burgos trespassing US Property in Vieques etc . . . The referral carries a recommendation of prosecution for aggravated illegal appropriation, falsification of NAVY & Vieques documents and taking advantage of his position in the public sector for illegal purposes a 45% stake of the state-owned Puerto Rico Telephone Company (PRTC) was sold to a consortium led by GTE (now Verizon) and Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, led to a general strike organized by several labor unions. This seems to work a lot better than telling people what to do. Give people freedom, even the freedom to make mistakes, and they respond by taking a natural responsibility. In freedom we blossom, in freedom the best comes out. Some statehood supporters advocate an officially bilingual state, with Spanish and English the official languages of the state. They fear that taking statehood would put them on the path to cultural assimilation into English, and that many young Puerto Ricans will over time abandon Spanish first for bilingualism and then for unilingualism in English. In 1993, there were 24 homicides in Puerto Rico per 100,000 inhabitants, compared with nine in the United States, four in Costa Rica, and one in the United Kingdom. In 1991 Puerto Rico had 1,972 drug addicts per 100,000 inhabitants, compared with 1,176 in the United States and 179 in the United Kingdom. Support for the statehood-commonwealth 51st Star* is strongest——My mapping is flexible. I can use many terms, but content and experience are fine. More apparently, the majority of people 95% of Puerto Rico, we the Taino people of BORINQUEN, are apparently proud to be American citizens. Borinquen is the unfathomable depth of existence, the ocean from which the waves of life are born. If you know yourself as this vastness, then you have met me, for this is who I am proudly to be A Puerto Rican. If you are still convinced that you are a human being, of course, you will be convinced I am a human being too. Statehood responsibility for Borinquen, USA has a grandeur about it. It's the foundation of human dignity and of a totally appropriate sense of American pride. Responsibility as a statehood choice made in freedom, that way it is beautiful!

There are some who still claim Puerto Rico is not ready to move toward a final resolution of its political status. Puerto Rico is in the midst of intense debate over its political status. They maintain that our economy faces substantial competitive challenges; that the economy and its structural problems must first be strengthened; the economy is not growing fast enough; our per capita’s personal income instead of converging with that of the United States has been diverging from it; that we are falling behind; Puerto Rico’’s underground economy and government are too big. We depend too much on federal transfers, and all these issues need to be addressed before attempting to solve the island’’s political status. Their play, their dynamics, their relationships and all, are meaningful. The ocean though is what allows waves complete expression, and the ocean is where all waves finally come to rest. The electorate?" Well, somebody'd better, because look at what we've been handed. I don't really trust the people deciding who the "right" people are . . . Do you, really? ““This is an important topic for people of the United States to understand and the government to acknowledge. The limited time would only allow him to scratch the surface of the basic principle at the heart of the conundrum; time and consciousness both are so attached, that the mere intention to separate each other means the instant death of the cosmos. What then is "real?” How do we determine what is "real?” The ideal of equality is at the center of America's self-conception, and equal citizenship is at the core of that ideal. Estadistas (statehooders) . . . The United States promises to the people of Puerto Rico, or to SPAIN from whom Puerto Rico was liberated from colonialism and slavery, that Borinquen would eventually be admitted into the Union. If our own very foundation of asserting is in question, then how can we validate even the act of asserting the negation of that which asserts it? Many called the situation ““political subordination”” and attributed it to the notion of Puerto Ricans as ““second class citizens. Whatever happens in Puerto Rico, directly or indirectly, impacts the four million Puerto Ricans, or Boricuas, living in the United States today. The ocean is always there for the wave to crash into. He summarized the legal and political aspects of the debate and said his main objective was to shine a light on the topic and urged everyone to inquire about it. "And who decides who are the "wrongs" people? You? Conditioned responses won't do as far as responsibility is concerned. Automatism really is not good enough. Your actions might have qualified as responsible yesterday, but today they may be completely irresponsible. It cannot be predicted that life is too much alive, changing too rapidly. The question then remains: why has the United States, with all its power, its equally important vision of greatness, and its integral role in declaring the need for people to be emancipated, refused to fully incorporate Puerto Rico and its people? It presents us with situations that have never happened before and for which no rules could have been given to tell us what is responsible behavior and what not. There is a so-called gray area that cannot be covered by a simple moral code.Again, this is exactly what we have today: entrenched power. And that power is frozen into ostensibly two political NPP/PPD parties that, although superficially different, basically bat the ball back and forth to each other and maintain the status quo. The problem is, the status quo been’’t working because it’’s destroying the BORINQUEN 51st State. The statehood, set up by the Framers, is supposed to be a much smaller, more citizen-responsive government. Today, the BORINQUEN citizens hardly have any say in their government (due to corporate lobbying) and the government has become a debt-ridden empire that stretches across the globe (due to fiat money). Of course, RO$ELLO is a corrupt hypocrite, but that's another story. Thus, the Puerto Rican American People need to overthrow the current government NPP/PPD. The Puerto Rican people's disenfranchised status has not only caused inequality of political and civil rights, but has also manifested itself through unequal economic treatment.NOW! They contradict the U.S.-American values of democracy, and some people’’s rights to statehood govern! Here's how we can overthrow it: all proposed solutions should be viable. The solution should begin with the principle of sovereignty and would require three elements: 1) political dignity; 2) economic viability; and 3) preservation of USA culture. Next time you go to vote (especially the primaries), carefully look over the candidates. We must change the system from the bottom up, starting with each person. And the key to this is proper education. Any new names you see in there VOTE for them. If you're not too politically biased, don't worry about whether they’’re PPD. or NPP. Just vote for anyone that's NOT an incumbent. If you must vote your party, vote ONLY for the new guy. Do not vote for ANYONE that’’s already in office and trying to run again. To avoid this blemish on U.S.-America’’s self identity, Puerto Rico is swept under the rug and has become an unspoken challenge. ““Make sure your senator or congressman gives it [Puerto Rico] attention, regardless of your vision of the solution to the problem. I know you may be flushing out some people you think are good. And you may be. But you HAVE to look at the bigger picture. The majority of the Capitolio of San Juan is entrenched. My mapping is flexible. I can use many terms, but content and experience are fine. Again, this system is not only antisocial -- because the customer loses time and money -- but the customer's business connections lose time and money, the business world loses time and money and, in the end, the society loses over the waste of human resources. Right now, most people see business, including big business, as the surest way to feather their own nests. Politics is an activity in which you govern society, humanism is an activity in which you improve society. If is useless to attempt to fix the hierarchical system from the top (as this would introduce another form of the hierarchical structure). For if everyone was as knowledgeably as, I assume, posters on this group are, it wouldn't matter what system we adopted. Puerto Rico’s Politricksians are just that, tricking the world about politics. Spin doctors are just as bad. We could call them Whirlpool Crunchers or Trust Me I Am Dizzy With Politricksians. The worst thing is that the "Bounced-check System" has been engineered by bank managements and owners to be a covert profit center. Unfortunately this profit center exploits basically honest people, many of whom are just trying to survive or who, again, are often too embarrassed to admit that they have "bounced a check" (as a bounced check is often taken as a symbol of being either low on money or financially irresponsible). I think the real issue is people's attitudes and education. Whenever they pass laws or make policy decisions that steal from the majority for the benefit of the minority, which is counter to the public interest. If they say one thing and do another, they not only counter the public interest, but also betray the fact that they KNOW they are doing this. The current BORINQUEN system COULD work, if the polititions were clean and people respected each other. Though Constitutional rules and Congress regulations provide us with general guidelines, we still need statehood-intelligence to interpret our laws in a humane American way. We the Taino people of BORINQUEN want to distinguish between the letter of the law and the spirit it was conceived in. We the people need to appreciate that there are always exceptions and that a particular situation may be part of a bigger issue that needs to be addressed. Only free-flowing intelligence can justly deal with the unique predicaments of life. Strictly living by a set of rules or a moral code is actually irresponsible, because you basically refuse to use your inborn intelligence and appreciate life's uniqueness. Only intelligence has the flexibility to keep up with ever-changing life. It is not the visible hand of NPPD/PPD that leaves people hungry in the street or supports unfair laws, the greedy politicians are giving in to corporate pressure and the conservative rule of the old. Puerto Rico, USA is a joint venture, there is a collective American responsibility. The responsibility is to live statehood intelligently. Once our intelligence is set free, miracles are possible. We can literally grow flowers in the desert. We can find win-win-win solutions. We are also taught that politicians are mandated to work in the public interest. Thus, few raise the issue and the banks continue exploiting people and society with their nefarious little profit scheme. International agreements and laws are being violated and ignored, and the measures that should be enacted in an attempt to, in some small part, address the massive damage we've caused to our home, are being softened or rejected together, because the people who are supposed to lead us have been coopted by business interests, and people know that. Sensitivity is born out of American intelligence. Respect and reverence come with American intelligence. A sense of ethics and responsibility stems from our American intelligent nature. With intelligence, understanding and appreciation become possible. It is the source of compassion. Consider for example THE ISSUE OF THE RICH AND THE POOR: I believe in helping the poor, and I feel the NPP/PPD right is sorely missing Biblical Christian compassion and concern. We will need to appreciate this foundational principle of humanity, for in appreciation intelligence will flower. Neglect will not make it come alive. We need to respect people's intelligence. This is why empowerment - passing responsibility down to the individual - has become so important for corporations: we are beginning to realize that we need people's intelligence.

“Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindred and tongues.” ––Thomas Jefferson’’s Prayer

Posted by: Viktor on April 21, 2007 8:43 PM

“The mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation.”
--- William McKinley

What we are pursuing in the name of LOTTO$$$$ runs directly counter to those beliefs, making them WRONG by all measures of common values and beliefs. The government and industry are trying to get us to question what the public interest is, and act as if they do not know. Selfish interest that increase their profit by pursuing what is WRONG is attempting to get us to question what is right & wrong, and to blur the lines. On the issue of the poor, the widow, the fatherless, the wounded and the needy, I feel the Statehooders (sadly) are more in line with the Bible. Why is it you never seeing Bible thumping’’ fundamentalist Christians marching outside some big factory, carrying signs with the Scripture from Malachi 3:5, where God says, I am ““AGAINST THOSE WHO OPPRESS THE HIRELING IN HIS WAGES?”” I’’ll tell you why. Because THOSE verses are never read from the Bible in churches with NPP/PPD pastors, churches full of Politicians. WHY are there no rallies of Christians carrying signs that read ““Jesus said ‘‘YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND MAMMON, ‘’ the love of money! THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL?”” In the end, all cleverness turns out to be stupidity Why don’’t they protest greed, and avarice LIKE THE BIBLE DOES? I’’ll tell you why: Because a convenient marriage has evolved between the NPP/PPDn Party and the False Phrohet Christians. A POLITICAL marriage. They are scratching each other’’s back. But the result is, the public Christian message has become less ““Biblical, “” and more ““Politicians.”The belief in separation impairs our intelligence. There's nothing to prevent us, but we can make this BORINQUEN an exceptionally beautiful 51st States place. We just haven't based our lives on intelligence. We've based it on self-interest, and we have built our lives on the concept of separation. Believing that I am separate, I tend to use my intelligence very cleverly, exploiting the other for my purposes, and intelligence becomes cleverness. ”It was an old rule of a thumb that one doesn't discuss politics nor religion because they proved historically to be idiosyncratic and subjective. But topics can honestly deteriorate into religion and politics, rather than have religion and politics as relevant to emergent technologies. Cleverness considers just the interests of the part. It considers just the interests of a single individual, or of an individual group. It is blind to the interests of the whole. But we cannot boost our economies by destroying YUNQUE rainforests in our BORINQUEN, sooner or later the consequences of our cleverness will come back to haunt us in a serious way. We didn't want to see that our United States is one whole, that their rainforests are our rainforests as well. The easiest way to achieve an agenda is to take a minority and make them the villains, the problem. Indians have always been targets. Even today, the Bureau of Land Management sucks up to the big businesses and corporate giants that want our lands for the mineral rights.

All these politicians who were against gambling on "moral" grounds are now backing San Juan’’s Casinos by non Indians and trying to change the laws (which were actually treaty agreements that were broken years ago) because some or the Taino Indians are "getting rich.”” Like I said, they don't have a clue. The pitiful thing is that these "public servants" use "God" and "morality" as catch phrases to justify their greed. It makes me embarrassed for my Christian brethren, when I see them swallow the whole NPP agenda, hook, and line, and sinkers. The enemies of freedom and statehood for Borinquen are perfectly aware of these two basic human tendencies toward settling into half-truths, and know very well how to nourish these predilections. And we would do well to realize that we all have inner enemies as well: those hidden unregenerate subconscious contents which we see only by their effects. Are we absolutely perfected yet in wisdom, creativity, love, and the power to heal? No? Then we have a certain element within ourselves still working against our own spiritual destiny. We can hardly bear to entertain a single thought about how to deal with our essential inescapable unity, simply because "Satan cometh and taketh away the 51st States." By stealing the 51st States, the forces of darkness stole and perverted the very concept and reality itself, and robbed us of a large part of our willingness to even consider how we might all manage to live here together in a rational and beautiful American way. But this ““pick and choose” approach to what parts of the Bible they are interested in ““standing up for”” and which parts of the Bible they are disinterested in, looks to many to be nothing short of hypocrisy. This is of course almost a definition of the human predicament, but all the same, we forget this. And if we aren't paying attention, the ancient element still operating in the subconscious join forces with the darkness in the objective world. Observe how quickly that happened, and considers what it means for all of us in terms of how we are likely to think about who and where we are. We can keep in mind that dark forces have to begin with seeds of truth. If there was not a Divine Plan for humanity behind all this, they would have nothing to pervert. They can create nothing out of nothingness. That is, darkness cannot really create anything new at all, it can only twist and turn to its own purposes the original energies and divine designs. The misleading distortions and malignant manifestations must be imposed on and wrought out of the original beauty, goodness, and truth that are the foundation of all life. It is at least a way fraught with double standards, and a ““Christian”” world view full of ““blind spots.”” When they hear that right NPP Christians are out there helping big Barririrto by opposing environmentalists and screaming about ““mother godesses”” and earth-worship. These Christians are unwitting pawns. Tools for propaganda. Arzobispo Gonzales, Carlos romero Barcelo is right about Arzobispo Gonzales. They have been duped royally. Since their version is deliberately calculated to frighten us out of our minds, let us bitterly disappoint them, and retain our minds. We the people of Borinquen are going to need them. Are you a Christian who wants to serve Jesus Christ? Preach about the need to reach the Islamic world with the saving Gospel, not about environmentalists. Read some of THE BIBLE’’S PRO-ENVIRONMENT SCRIPTURES, Isaiah 5:8, condemning uncontrolled urban sprawl, and Jeremiah 51:25 and a dozen other verses like it, denouncing those who destroy the earth. Many Scriptures even tell that God is angry that the EARTH and the LAND are polluted by the sin of the inhabitants. NATURE is vexed by the sins of the world. The earth cries out because of spilled blood and violence, and the rocks and the trees mourn and cry out because of wickedness. Look in the Psalms and in Job, at how God Almighty glories in his creation, how he loves. His oceans and boasts of his winds and his forests and his rain clouds and of the beasts of the field. They are. His glories. They are. His praise. The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 1 that natures, the creations, are symbols that reveal God’’s own nature and his heart, even the eternal Godhead itself. The Bible tells us ““the heavens declare the glory of God.”” King David loved nature, and saw how it speaks of God. THAT is how the Bible speaks. The Bible clearly teaches in Acts 17:26 that all nations are of ONE blood. We all descended from Adam, and we all have HIS blood, whether we are Chinese or Dutch. There is no escaping the Bible doctrine that every human being is born ““in Adam, “” and is seen by God to be ““in Adam”” (1Cor 15:32, Rom 5:12-21). Those verses destroy that religious error that teaches that some races did not come from Adam. Furthermore, we all become DOUBLY brothers one to another when we accept Jesus Christ. The Bible says that then we are all children of God, spiritual brethren to one another, and joined in the body of Christ. To all Christians, whether yellow or white or black or red, the Bible says ““let there be no divisions among you.”” There are very focused and powerful groups that ARE controlling what is unfolding, and implementing plans to manipulate Puerto Rico events to their benefit. They are not pursuing what they view as good for BORINQUEN, they are ignoring what is good for the BORINQUEN, in the name of what is profitable for them right now. Terrorism has made our economy worse. They control the machinations of this tropical island, and are able to manipulate events to suit their needs. People who are currently in power directly benefit from conflict, through their intimate connections to the defense/Banks industries. That is a conflict of interest that cannot be overlooked. Until they are removed from power, they will facilitate conflict through their control over foreign affairs, and there will be no peace.

Status-Quo is a well-intentioned long process mistake. It arises in the process of having to learn responsibility. But the responsibility that we learn is involuntary, it is forced upon us by our parents and others that we grow up with. And because it is forced, there's a lot of resistance, rebellion and irresponsibility. We the Taino people are made to believe that we the people are literally responsible, and we begin to take the credit for our statehood, now it is my statehood. Status-Quo is not a necessity. Status-Quo wage wars, it destroys. It breeds conflict. It's a cramp. Status-Quo cannot relax. It is tense and lonely and very serious. When it laughs, it laughs out of cynicism, not out of joy. It cannot simply love; it is incapable of intimacy. Status-Quo harbors feelings of superiority and inferiority. Understanding English is not really possible. Status-Quo has been humanity's misery all along. The consequences of this historical mistake, of this idea of actually being responsible, are ugly and frighteningly real. Jesus was persecuted for his ideas, I have no idea of your stance on religion but he has millions of followers worldwide today. It's about future, its about getting our TAINO NATION out of debt and out of the 3rd world it's about fixing the system, the economy the environment. First fix the education system. You want to fix the problems inherent in the system? You educate people. You teach people not to memorize facts and algorithms, but to be able to critically analyze situations and synthesize new ideas. You emphasize discussions between people who may not share similar backgrounds. Education can cure many problems. Not all problems, but many. something needs to be changed, you can do it. If we want statehood love in our BORINQUEN, it is up to you and me. It is up to the living, because our dead military heroes are powerless now. So [Congress] the living human being is tremendously important. No, we are not that important, but statehood life does not depend on me for its existence. You are important, because you are the one who is alive today, it comes down to you! If Does that mean that I need to believe that I shape this existence that it all depends on me? Status quo and Decolonization Virus is a mistaken immune identity, you think you are the choice maker, the one in control of his existence. Someone who essentially feels and believes that 'I am responsible', will want to control things. And when things are not going his way, he believes that he has lost control over the situation. Status-quo is control-think. Finally we the people are not in control at all, some vein pops somewhere and from one second to the next all so-called control is gone for good. It’s the other side of being control-minded. Trying to be in control makes it difficult to relax, to trust your intuition, your intelligence. Awareness of your irresponsibility will set you free in that it removes this idea of actually being responsible for four million people for more than a hundred years the American educational has fair to t4each all Puerto Ricans to speak fluent English. When this is clear, when this is your authentic, heartfelt understanding, how can there be Status Quo or/and Decolonization? When irresponsibility is no longer a political English/SPANISH concept, but our authentic understanding, the scent of freedom enters the chambers of the human heart. The essence of psychological weight dissolves, and statehood responsibility becomes a voluntary and natural phenomenon, for our Puerto Rico it is not a burden on your Congress heart(s).He said all proposed solutions should be viable. The solution should begin with the principle of sovereignty and would require three elements: 1) political dignity; 2) economic viability; and 3) preservation of Puerto Rican culture. In order to change the political system, we must be first change ourselves. Change the true natural system of organization: society. Once some paradigms shift in the society (mind-at-large) has occurred, the political system will likely follow. This is the maturity that we hope a child will learn: not only English but multiple languages and that one day he will take responsibility, not because he's told to, but because it comes to him in America way . . . naturally. The river that is beyond our control is the complexity of millions of people making billions of decisions on a daily basis. But even a river can be controlled by the careful orchestration of certain things, such as the height of its banks and the narrowness of its channel or whether the flow is stopped by dams. If our society cannot exist without "collapse or the value of money would deflate considerably" as you point out, then it seems to me that we are living in a society that can't deliver on its promise, and thus is a fraud. The reason BORINQUEN society is fraudulent and predatory is because ITS NPD/PPD POLITICAL STRUCTURE NEEDS REVISION. Further, BORINQUEN Democracy does not work if it is being raped by predatory and fraudulent Politicians. This is subhuman as it makes us slaves. Never trust politicians to change things to fit your agenda unless you are able to influence them with money or power. We need to take responsibility out of American freedom, not out of guilt or fear. How else are we the Taino people of BORINQUEN to have a healthy BORINQUEN American society? A society built on psychologically coerced responsibility can never be truly human. Responsibility taken on out of freedom has a beauty about it, and in a way, it is the flowering of the human being. Or, less poetically, this is the maturity that we should be looking for 51st Star*. The basic problem with NPP/PPD STRUCTURE is the fact that once a group of people gain access to a certain critical mass of society's resources (assets), they will forever be able to plunder the rest of society.

This is the system we live in now. We have at least two classes of people, and if we don't have exactly two classes now, our current BORINQUEN system will soon make it so. The insanely rich and the miserably poor. Put another way: the employers and the employed. The employer-employee relationship is basically the master-servant relationship. Thus, the NPP/PPD STRUCTURE we have now, because of the exponential power inherent in compound interest, will reduce society to a class of masters and a class of servants. At some point the servants will reduce further to a class of slaves. The Puerto Rican people have never been consulted as to their political stance by plebiscite or act of the United States Congress. America’’s founding fathers gained their wisdom not from arguing philosophy or manipulating politics but from understanding natural law and factual history back to classical Rome and Greece. ……They then sought to sweep away philosophy and politics with common sense and natural law. Therefore, for any system to exist where people don't lose themselves completely to their emotions there would have to be a reconciliation between analysis and emotion. There would have to be a synthesis between this reductive perception of reality, and the more holistic perception of reality. This wouldn't stop people from feeling emotions, but in essence it would give people perspective on their emotions, letting them realize that emotions are not everything, but then again neither is pure analysis. It is only through the synthesis of these two concepts in every human being will there be a society where people don't succumb to destructive behavior. Of course destructiveness in some cases can have positive side effects. Destruction is sometimes a sacrifice that needs to be made to build a better system. But I have no doubt that there is no need for any human being to harm another physically, emotionally, or spiritually. We can still grow and reform without hurting ourselves, as long as everyone recognizes their own inner reductionism and holism and how it juxtaposes itself upon reality.

Puerto Ricans lack voting representation in Congress, and lack voting rights in presidential elections. Albert Einstein observed, "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." This certainly holds true for the question of our very life. 51st Star-Intelligence is the ability to cope with something new or to handle something in a new way. It can be totally discontinuous with the past. It may take the trodden path, or it may go in a radically new direction, and even take intuitive and illogical turns. 51st Star-Intelligence is the only principle to keep pace with United States of America. It is the ability to respond to something aptly when a conditioned or automatic response would not be quite right. Intelligence is true response-ability. It's beyond status-quo automatism and status quo habit. It’s the possibility of an unconditioned and authentic response. An intelligent response is an up-to-date phenomenon. We the Taino People of BORINQUEN lack voting representation in US Congress, and lack voting rights in presidential elections. It is not equal, permanent, irrevocable citizenship protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. Their rights of an equal protection and due process have a different application than in the rest of the U.S., and Congress retains the right to determine the disposition of the territory. Intelligence can recognize and appreciate the uniqueness of a situation and respond to that uniqueness. In dreaming on a Star, How can there be a dream without a dreamer sleeping in his bed? How can there be a relative existence without absolute statehood truth? But the statehood dreamer he cannot be found within the dream. The statehood dreamer exists beyond the dream. The dreamer is the foundation of the dream. Truth cannot be found within existence, existence is found within truth. Reality is based in truth. This relative existence exists within absolute truth, in which I call a responsible constructional right. It means that at some level you have bought into the idea of actually being responsible, but you don't like it, don't want it. Irresponsibility is not an argument for irresponsibility, but a wake up call to the true situation. Irresponsibility is an anti-responsibility, a rebellion against responsibility.

For instance, if people were educated to comprehend exactly how a bunch of criminals concocted the NPP/PDD CAPITOLIO System and how it serves their interests to the exclusion of the vast majority - no such system would ever exist. We avoid the issue. But don't you think the criminals that founded the Political System knows this? Of course they do, and this is one reason the educational system of the US has been allowed to fall into such disrepair. Criminals can operate in an environment of ignorance and confusion much better than the can operates in an environment of understanding and clarity. It is our innate intelligence that wills need to be the judge of what to do and what not to do: responsibility is a judgement-call of individual intelligence. Responsibility is not sticking to redundant rules, obeying orders without question, killing on demand, or blindly following instinctual tendencies. Habits can be useful, a conditioned response can have its advantages, but we are intelligent and have the ability to rise above status quo-habit and decolonization-conditioning. Forced responsibility brings havoc; it destroys more than it creates. People will rebel against forced responsibility because we intuit that freedom is our very foundation. It is not possible. Does that mean that you can't take the initiative, which now you can't take responsibility? Let us face up to the obvious truth of irresponsibility and give the individual his choice to be the nest 51st State of the Union responsible or not. How can you rebel against this? Irresponsibility is not a license for irresponsible behavior. It is laying the groundwork for authentic American constitutional responsibility. From irresponsibility responsibility is no big deal, it comes naturally. In accepting individual responsibility for my American life I claim my freedom as an individual U.S. Citizen. I will not hold anybody else responsible for the Puerto Ricans’ life that I lead. I live my own Taino life. Responsibility is not a strictly individual thing though, we are part and parcel of humanity and of a living BORINQUEN. True responsibility takes the statehood-unicity of American life into consideration. Though there may be good money in publishing newspapers and this is a way for you to support yourself and your family, will you do it at the expense of the BORINQUEN YUNQUE rainforest or mass construction commercial malls & Hotels in our limited land? From the standpoint of the human being, do we not inescapably conclude that we may be overlooking something? Are we missing something? Do you need a telescope to see the 51st Star*. Is this it? From the human being point of view there are no ultimate answers and there is no ultimate meaning. We the Taino People of Borinquen." While we love America, we know we must change America's heart. This is not just a matter of "pride" like the diatribes of the 60's and 70's, and this is a matter of survival. Did the government give you your name? Did BIA choose your color? Were you created by God or bureaucracy? No one tells me who I am. I was created by God as I am. He saw fit to make me a mixture of White and Red. He must indeed have had a reason to do so. No man, no political body, will ever make me in their own image. With so many things against them, like poverty and especially racism, these pioneers of Native American literature broke though most barriers in their way. Like them, Native American people need to have that courage to jump into what dreams they have. To live on the basis of dogma is very crude and primitive. Dogmatic thinking is not intelligence. It is not a very evolved way of living, and it is too simple an approach to life. In dogmatism we lose our humanity, we no longer have an eye for the exception, for the individual, or for life's unique predicaments. We will need to transcend the political-paradigm if we the people.

We the Taino people of BORINQUEN are to find ultimate answers and meaning. We need a pivotal paradigm-shift. We need to move beyond the political-paradigm. Like water is the truth of the entire ATLANTIC ocean, of one wave and of the next. When you come to the truth of you, you come to the truth of the whole America existence. To be sincere means that you want to know the truth whatever it turns out to be. To long for truth is not personally motivated. Sincerity is when truth has become all-important. When truth is all-important, it is important for truth's sake, it is not a means to an end. You cannot predict whether the truth will make you happy, whether you will like it or not. You don't know what consequences it will have.

The president of the Puerto Rican Senate, Democrat Kenneth McClintock Hernandez, is pushing the U.S. Congress for a bill that could lead to statehood for the Caribbean island. Dr. Barbosa’s lifelong dream was to have Borinquen admitted as a State of the Union. We the Taino people share that dream, and I find no better way of honoring his goal, than to pledge to pursue his goal, to the best of our abilities, of having Puerto Rico, US of A, become an integral part of the greatest Nation in all word. The bill establishing a referendum has strong backing in the House –– its 95 cosponsors include Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md., and Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo. People are limited by their intelligence. Given an upgrade, I believe that much of what is ““evil”” in this world will disappear. Maybe I am just an optimist.

You decide!

“A country has to have only one official language, if men are to understand one another... It is eminently fair that a country’’s official language should be the language of the majority.”
--- Ayn Rand

Posted by: Viktor on April 21, 2007 8:53 PM

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