Episode 222 "Sona"
Airdate: 04/02/2007

Michael paces on the top deck of the boat, tortured by Mahone’s offer. A teenage Panamanian kid, Chaco, walks down the dock with a box full of assorted goods. He offers Michael candy and beer, but Michael coldly rejects Chaco’s offer. Chaco looks around then offers Michael, “Spleef? Magic Mushroom? Burst your brains.” Chaco offers Michael that if he doesn’t have it, he can get it. Michael turns Chaco away as his satellite phone rings.

Mahone forces Michael to answer, and give him the money and the boat. Michael is hesitant, “Then you’ll just let my brother go?” Michael continues, “Just like you let Tweener go. And Abruzzi. And Haywire.” Mahone tells Michael that things have changed and he’s now an enemy to the same people as Michael, “You’re my way to freedom Michael and I’m yours.” Michael pauses, then tells Mahone it will take him at least twenty-four hours to get to the docks where Mahone is holding Lincoln.

Lincoln asks Mahone how it feels being on the run, but Mahone is calm and collected, “I’ll survive.” Lincoln tells Mahone he’ll get the chair for what he’s done. Mahone shakes it off and dials his phone, “Mr. Kim. Alex Mahone. Call me.”

Kellerman sits on the witness stand, addressing the jury and court, “What I’m about to divulge to you, will in all likelihood, get me killed. Actually, I guarantee it.” Kellerman tells everyone that he’s testifying because he has wronged people who should not have been wronged.

Deeper into the trial, Kellerman retells how he set up Lincoln for the murder of Terrence Steadman. He says that with Lincoln framed, everyone would forget about Terrence and his dealings with the Company. The Prosecutor stands and asks how Kellerman’s testimony is relevant to Sara’s trial. Kellerman interrupts her, “She did so because she was scared for her life. Because I had orders to kill her.” The courtroom fills with whispers.

Michael preps the boat to leave, then looks to see Chaco walking away. He tracks him down on the beach and asks Chaco, “Are you still in the magic business?”

The Judge looks over a stack of paperwork, then addresses the Prosecutor. He says that all of Kellerman’s accusations are in corroborated in the paperwork and the Prosecution needs to know if their time is best used with Sara. The Prosecutor stands and says they plan to dismiss all charges against Sara immediately. However, they do plan on filing charges against Kellerman. Kellerman stands and hands himself over to the bailiffs. Sara turns and looks at Kellerman, “I literally don’t even know what to say to you.” Kellerman is escorted passed Sara, and he warmly tells her, “It was good knowing you, Sara.”

Kellerman answers his cell phone, Kim demands that when Mahone gets Michael and Lincoln together, he has to be there for visual confirmation. Mahone tells Kim, “Then I suggest you get on a plane, because by the time you get here, I’ll have Scofield and Burrows right where you want them. And then this whole thing is over.”

Michael sets sail. When the boat is away from shore, he calls Sara and leaves a message. He isn’t sure she’ll ever hear it, but he continues anyway. He tells her that he finally made, but without  her, his escape is still a loss. “If by some miracle you do get this…I need you to listen close…”

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