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Mongolia - Siberian Team Blesses Mongolia's Prisoners

Siberian Team blesses Mongolia’s Prisoners

Over the past two years, our Rural Church Support team has twice traveled to Buryatia in Southern Siberia, to bring GCI training to the Buryats and to those ministering to the Buryats. In June last year, GCI training was held in the village of Duldurga, where Pastor Andrei, an ex-prisoner and Mafia boss, ministers to prisoners in the nearby jail, as well as to the Buryats. As a result of this visit, Pastor Andrei has in his turn come to Mongolia to minister in the prisons and to speak at the Erdenet Missions Conference. Bringing a team of four others with him, including his wife and his brothers, he spent almost two weeks in Mongolia. During their time here, they visited three prisons: Choir (medium security, 460 prisoners), Maanti (medium security, 400 prisoners), and Avdarant (maximum security, 600 prisoners). With the full support and co-operation of the prison officials, the prisoners in each prison were gathered together and Pastor Andrei and his brother Anatolii were given complete freedom to minister. They gave their testimonies and preached the Gospel. Although given the opportunity to publicly accept Christ, prisoners are not accustomed to showing their feelings freely and were reluctant to acknowledge whether they had accepted the Lord. Follow-up in these three prisons will be provided by Prison Fellowship Mongolia, and by Kingdom of Jesus church, which has adopted Avdarant Prison as a ministry focus. We took forward to seeing the fruit of the Spirit blossom in the lives and hearts of those whom God touched, proclaiming through a transformed life what could not be shown by a raised hand.

Creation date : 23/03/2006 @ 17:04
Last update : 23/03/2006 @ 17:04
Category : Mongolia

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