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English-German Cognates
English-German Vowel Sound Shifts

Also see Introduction to Sound Shifts and Consonant Sound Shifts

German-English sound shifts for vowels are less predictable than those for consonants, but we present a chart of typical vowel sound shifts here because they can also show the relationship between many cognates.

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Sound/Spelling Vowel Shifts
Between German and English Cognates

Deutsch English Beispiele/Examples
a au lachen - laugh > L
schlachten - slaughter
a ea schwach - weak
Waffe - weapon
a i Macht - might
Nacht - night > N
a o alt - old
Kamm - comb
falten - fold > F
ä e Ägypten - Egypt > E
Äquator - equator > E
au ou laut - loud
Maus - mouse
sauer - sour
e ea Feder - feather
Herz - heart > H
heben - heave (lift)
e i geben - give
leben - live
ei i beißen - bite
reißen - rip
ei o beide - both
Heim - home
Stein - stone
ie ee Bier - beer > B
Knie - knee
ie o Liebe - love > L
vierzig - forty
o ea Ost - east
tot - dead
u oo Buch - book > B
Blut - blood > B
Fuß - foot
Schule - school
u ou jung - young
Pfund - pound > P

MORE > Consonant Sound Shifts

BACK > Cognates - A - English-German cognates

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q
R | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ

German in English > You Already Know German

ALSO > False Cognates (false friends)

MORE > English-German Glossaries on many topics
MORE > Confusing Words and Expressions in German

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