Before their immigration to Israel, Europe and North America, many Jewish communities called Morroco their home. In the cities these communities lived in "reserved" neighborhoods called mellahs. There were, however, numerous communities that lived amongst the Amazigh tribes. These communities spoke Amazigh and borrowed from their neighbors (Berber muslims) some forms of social organization as well as certain rites.
The report we make available on line deals with the many problems inherent to communities who are still considered as the step child in the area of Morrocan Judaism studies. We address the arguments of their origins (Palestine, Spain or simply Amazighs converted to Judaism ?), as well as the place which Berber holds in their speech and the things which diffenciate them from the Arabic speaking Jewish groups.

La découverte des Juifs berbères, Daniel J. Schroeter

The Mellahs of Southern Morocco, Harvey E. Goldberg

Jewish Existence in a Berber Environment, Moshe Shokeid

Le Judéo-berbère, Haïm Zafrani

Une version berbère de la Haggadah de Pesah (Excerpt), P. Galand-Pernet et H. Zafrani

Jewish communities in Morocco around 1950


The pictures of the articles are taken from the book Juifs parmi les Berbères: Photographies d'Elias Harrus, edited by Sarah Harel Hoshen, Paris : Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme ; Tel-Aviv: Beth Htefutsoth, The Diaspora Museum, 1999.
This book is on sale at the bookstore of Musée d'art et d'histoire du judaïsme :