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Deus Ex :: Multiplayer :: Information
Ok. You have downloaded the MP Patch and want to start playind dont ya? But there is a few things you might need to know in the world on DXMP. Here, you'll find all you need to know about Deus Ex Multiplayer.  

A server is a hosted game that other player can connect to and play with you. There are 2 types of servers, Dedicated and Non-Dedicated. Dedicated server is a server just like a non-dedicated but it is being run in the background, you aren't playing the game. If you start a Dedicated server, you will be switched back to the desktop and a new icon in the taskbar will appear, right clicking on this will allow you to select to view the console of the game, with the concole, you can see whats going on in the game, talk to the players, switch maps and all the admin controls, etc. A Non-dedicated server is a normal server where you are in the game with the other players and you can play with them.  

Server Hosting Options
When you are hosting a server, you will have a few options that you are able to change if you wish, here they are:

Game Type
This is the type of the game you wish to play, with the normal MP patch, there are 4:
1- Deathmatch - Against all other players.
2- Basic Team Deathmatch - 2 teams against each other.
3- Advanced Team Deathmatch - Same as the above but you also gain augmentations and skill everytime you kill.
4- Custom Team Deathmatch - Like the above 2, but you are able to change more optons.

Select the map you wish to start on first.

# of Players
The maximum number of players. Maximum is 16.

Friendly Fire
A slider that allows you to adjust the friendly fire. Friendly fire is how much damage you do to other teammaters. The slider slides from 0 to 1. 0 being 0% (none) and 1 being 100% damage.

Initial Augs
How many augmentations you will start with.

How many augmentations the player gets per kill.

Starting Skill Level
There is 3 - Trained, Skilled and Master. Its the starting level of your skils.

Initial Skill Points
How many skill points you will start with.

Skill Points Per Kill
How many skill points you will get for each kill.

Victory Condition
How the game will be won. There 2 two ways which you can toggle between:
1- Kill Limit - How many kills needed to win the game.
2- Time Limit - How long the game will play for until the next map.

Map Cycle
3 choices of how the maps will cycle:
1- Repeat - The current map you started off with will be repeated.
2- Random - Random map cycle.
3- Loop - Loop through all the maps in the map list.

Server Mode
2 choices - Dedicated and Non-Dedicated, just like we talked about above about servers.

Now, clicking on Start, will start the game! (Duh).
You might also notice that your server doesnt have any game, instead, it shows up your IP address. This is because you havent edited the deusex.ini.
Open up your DeusEx.ini, which is located in your system folder (ie c:/deusex/system/).
Find the section: [Engine.GameReplicationInfo]. In this section, there should be this line:
Now all you need to do is add the server name you want after the equals mark. Ta ta! Your server now has a name!

Custom Maps
If you have made a new DXMP map or you would like to use someone elses map, you'll notice that its not in the Map list in the server options. Thats because you'll need to do a few things more than just adding the new map in a folder.
Put the map in the Map folder (ie c:/deusex/maps/). Make sure you have 'DXMP_' in front of the map's filename, eg 'DXMP_MyMap.dx'
Open up DeusEx.ini (ie c:/deusex/system/). Find the section: [DeusEx.DXMapList].
Add your new map to the list of other maps.
Now start up Deus Ex, go host a new server, and you'll see the new map in the list of other Maps.  

The Logs
When you play a DXMP game, Deus Ex logs a lot of things in the log file. If you are a client to the server (you joined someones game), Deus Ex will log everything to DeusEx.Log (ie c:/deusex/system/). If you are hosted the game, the server log is Server.Log. The logs contain a lot of things, you can see who killed who, what weapon they used, what people said in the game. Stuff like that.
In the server log, there is more information about the DXMP game than the client's log. Tells you when people joined and left, their names and team (if team game), what maps were loaded, stuff like that. The logs are very useful stuff, they also tell you if anything wrong happened and tells you the error if the game crashed.

The Console
You can do a lot of things with the console. But there is a lot to learn about the console and the best place for console commands is's console commands page.

Private Servers
You are able to create a private server which is a normal server but needs a password so you can enter it.
To create a private server, you'll need to open DeusEx.ini again (ie c:/deusex/system/). Find the section: [Engine.GameInfo].
In this section, fine the line:


After the equals mark, add the password you want for the server, now everytime you host a server, anyone that wants to join the server will need to enter the password.

There is an easy way to start a private server, just start a LAN game. LAN games dont connect to the master server list, so it dont be seen in the Internet Game list.

Next part of a private server - Joining.
Start Deus Ex. Press 'T' or whatever your Type button is. Remove the 'say' part and type this:

open IP:Port?password=Password. For example:


There, simple.  

Admin Power
Someone doing something wrong on your server? You want to kick em out? Well, its time to use some Admin powers!
Before you can use any admin powers, you'll need to logged in as admin. To do this, you will need to open up DeusEx.ini again and look for:


Add the password you want. Now, in the game, to login in as admin, you will need to type:

adminlogin MyPasswordHere

Congrats, you are now admin, now time for the exciting part.
You kick someone how, you will need to type this:

kick PlayerName

Replace PlayerName with the name of the player you want to kick. Once you have done that, the player will be kicked out the server. But that player is able to enter again, this is when kickban comes in. Kickban is a command just like Kick but the player is banned and cannot join the server again. Kickban is used the same way:

kickban PlayerName

If you want to log out of admin, simple, all you need to type is

There is more admin commands, they can be found at's console commands page.  


Fully Dynamic Shadows and Lighting in the new Deus Ex mod for UT2004

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