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This is a profile for the central postcode in Mastrick which is AB16 5NX. Neighbourhood profiles vary significantly from postcode to postcode - to see a profile for a different postcode, change the location in the box on the left.

Neighbourhood profiles are based on ACORN classifications, which describe the type of neighbourhood a postcode has been matched to, not the specific postcode. Since most postcodes include a mix of people, the description will never be exact. › Learn more

Neighbourhood profile

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Often, many of the people who live in this sort of postcode will be low income with routine jobs living in terraces and flats. These are known as type 46 in the ACORN classification and 1.4% of the UK’s population live in this type.

The biggest concentrations of neighbourhoods fitting this profile are in Scotland. Other places with high levels include Nottingham, Harlow, Corby and Norwich.

Here is an overview of the likely preferences and features of your neighbourhood:

Family income Low   
Interest in current affairs Low
Housing - with mortgage Low   
Educated - to degree Very low
Couples with children Medium   
Have satellite TV Medium

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Aberdeen City Council Scottish Average
Total Population: 212,125 5,062,011
% aged 0-19: 21.7881% 24.1832%
% aged 20-34: 25.3794% 20.0273%
% aged 35-49: 21.4039% 22.0927%
% aged 50-64: 16.1461% 17.7961%
% aged 65+: 15.2825% 15.9008%

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Aberdeen City Council Scottish Average
Average gross weekly pay 459.50 426.27

Claimant count

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  • Change your location in the box alongside
  • Use the central postcode for Mastrick - AB16 5NX
  • Use the Royal Mail’s postcode finder


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