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International Criminal Law: A Collection of International and European Instruments
by Van Den Wyngaret, Christine, and Stessens, Guy (Editor)
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More and more students, legal practitioners, judges, prosecutors and civil servants in ministries and international organizations are confronted with an area of the law that, until recently, was hardly recognised as a legal discipline in its own right: International Criminal Law. This book intends to guide them through the vast labyrinth of treaties in this field. There has been a real explosion of instruments in the past few years, not only in the United Nations, but also in regional frameworks such as the European Union. The collection is a selection of the most important international (universal) and European instruments. The most recent texts have been incorporated, including the Europol Convention (1995), the anti-fraud convention of the European Union (1995), the Council of Europe's Draft Convention on crimes against the environment (1996), the Organisation of American States' Convention against Corruption (1996) and the International Law Commission's Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind (1996).

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ISBN: 9041103031
Binding: Hardcover
Date Published: 11/1996
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