Colorado Springs Schools

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Top-Rated Colorado Springs Public Schools


What's it like to live in Colorado Springs?

Colorado SpringsColoradoU.S.
Median household income $52,195 $56,009 $45,937
Cost of living (% of national avg)91% 106% 100%
Unemployment 5% 4% 4%
Violent crime index (1 is lowest)633
Days per year with some sun: 243
Days per year with some precipitation: 89
More about this data
Source: Sperling's Best Places
Population: 372,437

Recent Parent Reviews

Timberview Middle School

5 out of 5 stars

Timberview is one of the finest middle / junior...

Mountain Ridge Middle School

3 out of 5 stars
2 days ago

There are many talented staff members. It also...

Evans Elementary School

5 days ago

Evans now has a security system that does not a...

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