徘徊於單行道 BI-The-Way, Tarrying…

September 29, 2003

riaa now lauching legal attacks to people share music file on www…

Filed under: 腦筋急轉彎 critical mindsss — aahsun @ 7:17 pm

please check out the link if you are interested.

the following text are from iaanowlauchinglegalattackstopeoplesharemusicfileonwww…

EFF is a non-profit group of passionate people — lawyers, volunteers, and visionaries — working to protect your digital rights.

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is on a rampage, launching legal attacks against average Americans from coast to coast. Rather than working to create a rational, legal means by which its customers can take advantage of file-sharing technology and pay a fair price for the music they love, it has chosen to sue people like Brianna LaHara, a 12 year-old girl living in New York City public housing.

and more about:
How Not To Get Sued By The RIAA For File-Sharing (And Other Ideas to Avoid Being Treated Like a Criminal)

September 25, 2003


Filed under: 瑣碎如詩 cutting triviality — aahsun @ 10:44 pm





$1 芫茜 (切粒)

少許薑 (切絲)

少許蒜 (切粒)







responses for the messages on university education…

Filed under: 腦筋急轉彎 critical mindsss — aahsun @ 1:51 am

hey, there are a couple of comments and responses for the messages regarding university education (all sent within 1 hr… wowow!). please enter message board for details. thanks.

September 24, 2003

response to little west… about university education…

Filed under: 腦筋急轉彎 critical mindsss — aahsun @ 11:22 pm

little west has written something in the message board and i have written some response… but it is too long, so i put it here in the blog. here is his message:


香港的文化/政治氛圍愈來愈差,因為備課,重讀classical ethics的材料,有好大的感慨。


little west… so much to say about the things you wrote…
read fatboy and edward's writings on shun pao the other day about university education and "university students" (although i still don't agree to generally "name" them as "one") that also made me think of these stuffs recently…

mmmm… regarding university education, i have more hard feelings for the teaching staff and school politics (or university policies) more than to students. for me, i will try my best to teach, that is to help students to develop themselves in particular subjects. and i'll try to practise and at the same time theorize (theories are practices) my own ways in teaching/research works. for me, in scm, i have been trying also to emphasize as much as possible the essence of cultural studies and the mix and match of various theories to do creative works (that are different from fine art based discipline, and also media studies in social science based discipline and kinda mix these stuffs…). of course as instructors, we have a LOT of constrains in which we don't always have the "power" to do what we want. and we can't lead any course (although we have the ability). and we can't get any research grand (it is so ironic that many of the instructors have many research projects with NO money while the other "higher" teaching staffs have so much more money and do shit!). i was very upset and depressed (extremely depressed last yr) because of these stuffs… but as i will be leaving soon so i told myself not to be so "bothered" by these things… i genuinely feel that i can't be contaminated by these stuffs too much, as i did… or else, we would have too much negative energy that harms us a lot! well… things are not just bad to instructors… but people already in better positions will be harmed by evil people in every unexpected condition… sigh!

i see no hope in the university education because there are too many evil people in power that hinder better development and advancement, in the school, or in the society at large (if we think in a way that education does help cultural advancement not merely by producing "workers" in which education is understood as human resources policies,
and also not about producing "practical" technology that makes money BUT to accent awareness to cultural advancement as the "way of living" (so "lo toe" but so true!) and to "remind" people (including ourselves to be in constant rethinking and reflexive conditions) to be more aware of how and why and what are the things that we have been believing… at least some doubts…

i don't want to talk "big" and generalize a hugh ideal to education (we are so little and we can do so little, although we have done so much…). however, if we don't have such a "larger vision," and at least the ability to see how things (we do everyday) could be connected to "real lives," i see no hope.

so still, i do see hope, as we are still trying our best to work on the things we believe, regardless the unfair systems, the almost impossible situation to go on doing research without financial support… yes, it is pretty "grey" in a way and i see no hope for my personal "future" (with the fucking mortgage of the negative assert) and as someone who dares to publicly write something like this… but i will try my best to go on…
let's support each other little west… as we have to fight those smart ass (who jumped to higher place for no reason except luck and yet still feel that they are qualified…), and those evil people in power, in the end, after we spend all our money having miserable time finishing the terminal degree!!!!!!!!!! yes , i hate these people, why not?!? as i love life, my good-hearted fellow co-workers/educators, and my students!
take good care and good health!

September 21, 2003

aahsun.com is now officially open!

Filed under: 去邊度好 where to go, baby? — aahsun @ 4:43 pm

With the new message board, aahsun.com is now officially open! I am sorry if you can't read Chinese as I realize I prefer to write my blogs in Chinese rather than English. But I guess for some other issues, I could write better in English than Chinese…
Enjoy travelling in this site and have a good time! Please write if you have any comments and thoughts to share.
Thanks! :-)

September 20, 2003


Filed under: 瑣碎如詩 cutting triviality — aahsun @ 10:33 pm









回到家裡,小志已把新的message board晨出鬼沒留言版寄了過來,很好玩哦(今天有三個驚喜哩)!阿晨網頁可以正式開張了。這兩個星期做了更多testing和修改,終於可以讓更多人來玩玩了。



September 10, 2003

九月特別介紹/Attractions of Sept

Filed under: 靈機一觸 falling insights — aahsun @ 9:27 am

第一回「獨家放映」是1968年我爸媽結婚的super 8電影片段。早幾年翻了出來,後來用dv拍了。那些紅色,前無古人後無來者,我一丁點color correction也沒有做,經典吧!不容錯過。那些人、那些車、那些路⋯⋯唔⋯⋯
獨家放映會每兩個月放新片,咪走雞,現在看 「獨家放映」 。


Attractions of Sept:

The very first “Unique Screening” is the wedding of my dad and mom in 1968. They gave me the films a couple of years ago and I shoot it on dv. The very special colour of red falling from the sky, irreplaceably unique. I didn’t do one single act of colour correction. A real classic. Those people, cars, roads°K


Filed under: 靈機一觸 falling insights — aahsun @ 9:23 am

開張大吉 開張大吉 開張大吉 。

開張大吉 開張大吉 開張大吉

阿晨.com終於開張,很興奮。但一切來得不易呀!由砌netvigation到編site map;由選料 (應放啥在內,怎樣選擇放啥在內 — 後來都是把這個過程看成為對自己的revisit,身心的,與回憶,當然還有考慮究竟自己有多大勇氣與容量(對自己的)把自己剖開給人家讀、聽、看),到找web hosting公司;由決定用什麼media files的format,做encoding、scanning和寫sub-main page的引子,再到找可以支持pc及mac的chatroom、web cam hosting和fonts,加上翻來復去的testing,已做了3個月,工作重複又重複,累死了,也難為了designer小志。現在還在做testing,但先放出來,試試大家的反應。





最近搬了去美孚,感覺很好。因為感覺更多生趣,更接近自己,這是那麼難得。這給予我一個比較豐富的城市生活,卻又有一種社區的感覺,還有一個很大的公園給我靜下來與樹、天空、花及魚對話。那很好。早陣子請朋友回家吃飯,買菜煮飯吃著談天,很好哦! 朋友 的日記是這樣寫的:

八月十九日 天晴,間中有雨

先乘東涌線到荔景再到美孚,不消十分鐘就到達友人口中那三十多年的大型屋苑。燈火處處,密密麻麻的把景物照得年輕,不是太舊吧,臣臣和找找下來接我一起到街市去,穿門過戶,有許多好吃的,買了大蝦和青衣,還不過一百元正,賣魚的叔叔們,健壯得猶如早前看到的地盤? 7;人,嗯,很意外喔!


上到臣臣和歪歪的家,很整潔漂亮,一排一排的書佔去了牆壁,還有唱片,雜誌,電腦,很小奧朋友的家,冷氣四溢,我不客氣的坐下來等開飯,三五知己的得閒的聊兩句,好舒服。翻開茶几上的Jet 和Cream,嘩然!好下立見,當我還分不開東Touch和Jet的不同時,Cream已經是浮在Milk上的一團賞心悅目。




這個webblog作為sub-main page的開首頁,希望可逼自己寫多一點東西,分享日記、分享心思、分享理念,你/妳們也可以寫comment。

在文字、音樂版四圍行?唔錯。錄像是real one player,記住download。如果你/妳是用56k,那就很麻煩了,又或是share lan如i-cable也不一定ok,待不是rush hour時看會好一些。Netvigator 3M或So-net 3M、6M線就一定ok ,已tested。如果是SCM school lan就放棄吧,慢得離譜⋯⋯

此外chatroom和live web cam都蠻好玩。但一定要用IE,sorry mac user,沒法子,netscape 和 safari可以支援的都要錢,窮到死,只可以找免費的。
