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The Sudan


The Gambia



Sierra Leone


Côte d'Ivoire

Burkina Faso





Cape Verde


Central African Republic

Equatorial Guinea


Congo, Brazzaville

Congo, Kinshasa

Sao Tome & Principe

















South Africa

* Ivory Coast see : Côte d'Ivoire   * Congo, RC see : Congo, Brazzaville   *Congo, DRC see : Congo, Kinshasa


Cameroon ( Republic of Cameroon )

1858 British colony at Ambas Bay.
1884 German protectorate.
1896 German crown land of North-West Africa.
1901 Renamed Kamerun.
1914 French and British occupation begins.
1916 German surrender.
1919 Division into French Cameroun and British Cameroons; the latter administered from Nigeria.
1921 French Cameroun given autonomy.
1922 British Cameroons and French Cameroun League of Nations Mandates.
1946 British and French United Nations Trust Territories.
1940 French Camerouns administration loyal to Vichy France.
1954 British Cameroons an autonomous part of Nigeria.
1960 French Camerouns independent as Republic of Cameroun.
1961 Federal Republic of Cameroon after unification with southern part of British Cameroons ( northern part united with Nigeria 1961 ).
1972 United Republic of Cameroun
1984 Republic of Cameron


1884 1913 1914 1959 1961

1975 Now

Central African Republic ( Central Africain Republic )

1893 French Oubangui-Bomu Territory.
1894 Haut-Oubangui colony.
1903 Renamed Oubangui-Chari.
1906 Oubangui-Chari territory, part of Oubangui-Chari-Chad colony.
1910 Oubangui-Chari, Middle Congo ( now Congo [Brazzaville] ), Gabon, and Chad form French Equatorial Africa [AEF] .
1916 Oubangui-Chari colony ( Oubangui-Chari-Chad colony dissolved ).
1934 Oubangui-Chari Region of French Equatorial Africa ( part of AEF colony ).
1937 Oubangui-Chari overseas territory ( part of AEF colony ).
1940 Administration loyal Vichy France.
1946 Oubangui-Chari overseas territory of France ( still part of AEF colony ).
1958 Autonomy, Central African Republic.
1960 Independence from France.
1976 Central African Empire to 1979.

1979 Central African Republic

¡@ 1893 1958 Now

Equatorial Guinea ( Republic of Equatorial Guinea )

1474 Formosa and Annobón islands Portuguese colonies.
1494 Formosa renamed Fernando Póo.
1778 Ceded to Spain.
1780 No Spanish settlement to 1844 ( but remains a Spanish possession ).
1827 British-leased administration of Fernando Póo to 1855 .
1885 Río de Muni, on the African mainland, a Spanish protectorate ( administered from Fernando Póo ).
1900 Río de Muni a Spanish colony ( administered from Fernando Póo ).
1926 Río Muni, Fernando Póo, and Annobón united as Spanish Guinea.
1959 Spanish overseas provinces of Fernando Póo and Río Muni.
1963 Equatorial Guinea ( self-rule ).
1968 Independence, Republic of Equatorial Guinea.

¡@ Unknown 1968 1973 1979 Now

Gabon ( Gabonese Republic )

1839 First transfer of sovereignty to France ( French Gulf of Guinea settlements ).
1843 French Gabon settlements.
1854 Gorée, Gabon, and other French settlements form the Colony of Gorée and Dependencies, headed by the Commandant of

         the Naval Division of the Western Coasts of Africa.
1859 Gorée reincorporated into Senegal; the other settlements continue to be subordinated to the Naval Division.
1860 Gabon territory part of Ivory Coast-Gabon colony.
1883 French Gabon colony.
1886 Part of French Congo ( Gabon territory ).
1888 Part of Middle Congo-Gabon territory.
1891 French Equatorial African Protectorate renamed French Congo.
1902 Gabon territory part of Lower Congo-Gabon colony.
1903 Gabon colony.
1910 Part of French Equatorial Africa ( AEF ) colony
1934 Gabon Region ( within of AEF ) .
1937 Gabon overseas territory of France ( part of AEF ).
1940 Administration loyal to Vichy France.
1946 Overseas territory of France ( part of AEF ).
1958 Autonomy, Gabonese Republic.
1960 Independence from France.

¡@ 1839 1859 1960 Now

Congo, Brazzaville ( Republic of the Congo )

1880 Brazzaville a French colony.
1883 French Middle Congo Territory.
1884 Portugal declares a protectorate over Congo.
1886 French Equatorial African ( AEF ) Protectorate.
1886 French Congo ( Middle Congo and Gabon ).
1888 Part of Middle Congo-Gabon territory ( part of AEF ).
1891 French Equatorial African Protectorate renamed French Congo.
1902 Middle Congo district part of Lower Congo-Gabon colony.
1903 Separate Middle Congo colony.
1910 Middle Congo, Gabon, Oubangui-Chari ( now Central African Republic ), and Chad form French Equatorial Africa Colony ( AEF ).
1934 Middle Congo Region ( part of AEF ).
1937 Middle Congo overseas territory of France ( part of AEF ).
1940 Administration loyal to Vichy France.
1946 Middle Congo overseas territory of France ( part of AEF ).
1958 Autonomy ( Republic of Congo ).
1960 Independence from France ( Republic of Congo ).
1970 People's Republic of Congo
1992 Republic of the Congo

¡@ 1880 1958 1969 1991 Now

Congo, Kinshasa ( Democratic Republic of the Congo )

1876 Congo colonization funded by the King of Belgium begins.
1884 International Association of the Congo ( as an independent state ) .
1885 Sovereign status of the International Association of the Congo recognized by Berlin Conference.
1885 Independent State of the Congo ( "Congo Free State" ).
1908 Annexation by Belgium ( Belgian Congo ).
1940 Administration loyal to the Belgian government in exile to 1944.
1960 Independence ( Republic of the Congo ).
1960 Secession of Katanga to 1963.
1964 People's Republic of the Congo proclaimed at at Stanleyvile in eastern provinces to 1965.
1966 Democratic Republic of the Congo
1971 Republic of Zaire
1997 Democratic Republic of the Congo

¡@ 1877 1960 1963 1966

1971 1997 2003 2006 Now

Sao Tome & Principe ( Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe )

1470 Islands of São Tomé and Príncipe discovered and claimed for Portugal.
1485 São Tomé a Portuguese colony.
1500 Príncipe a Portuguese colony.
1522 São Tomé made a Portuguese crown colony.
1641 Dutch occupy São Tomé to 1648.
1709  French occupation of São Tomé to 171? .
1753 São Tomé and Príncipe ( a united ) Portuguese crown colony.
1951 Portuguese overseas province.
1974 Autonomy
1975 Independence from Portugal, Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe.

¡@ Unknown 1967 1975 Now

Uganda ( Republic of Uganda )

1890 Anglo-German agreement declared Buganda under British influence.
1890 British East Africa Company occupies Buganda.
1893 Buganda a provisional British protectorate.
1894 British protectorate over Buganda declared.
1902 Eastern provinces of Uganda ceded to British East Africa colony ( Kenya ).
1905 Uganda colony
1962 Self-government granted.
1962 Independence from Britain ( Uganda ).
1963 Republic of Uganda
1967 Kingdoms abolished.
1979 Occupied by Tanzania to 1981.
1993 Kingdoms revived, Republic of Uganda.

¡@ 1889 1905 1962 1962 Now

Rwanda ( Republic of Rwanda )

14?? Rwanda kingdom founded.
15?? Naoro dynasty begins rule.
1884 German protectorate.
1890 Part of German East Africa.
1899 Part of the military district of Ruanda-Urundi to 1907.
1916 Belgian occupation.
1922 Part of League of Nations mandate of Ruanda-Urundi under Belgium.
1946 United Nations trust territory under Belgium.
1960 Autonomy (Rwanda Provisional Government).
1961 Rwandan Republic (or Republic of Rwanda).
1962 Independence from Belgium.
2003 Republic of Rwanda


1884 1891 1913 1916 1959

1961 1961 2002 Now

Burundi ( Republic of Burundi )

14?? Karemera dynasty begins rule.
???? Baganwa dynasty replaces Karemera.
1680 Burundi kingdom founded.
1884 German protectorate.
1890 Part of German East Africa.
1916 Belgian occupation.
1922 League of Nations mandate (Ruanda-Urundi) under Belgium.
1946 United Nations trust territory under Belgium.
1961 Autonomy
1962 Independence from Belgium (Kingdom of Burundi).
1966 Republic of Burundi

¡@ 1959 1961 1962 1966 1967 Now

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