Legislative Branch


Friends - This year is filled with opportunity and we’ve already seen great progress: Colonial’s Invasion is Coming Back along with the Free Student Newspaper Program (GW Reads)! We’re happy you’re taking interest in your student government because it’s here for you. I am committed to fulfilling every part of the SA’s Shared Vision and with your help and optimism I know we can do it. Take a chance to find senators representing your school and contact them. They are listed here. This website contains some amazing resources and gives you the opportunity to connect with the senators advocating for you! If you need any assistance don’t hesitate to reach out to your senators or you can call me at 202-994-7169 or email me at bkroeger@gwu.edu . In addition, I am always available to sit and chat or grab some lunch. Rest assured that I will never lose sight of the real issue at hand: being a voice for students. Please let me know if there is ever anything we can do to help you.

God Bless,

Brand Kroeger
Executive Vice President

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Brand will post his meetings logs here.

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