

Friday, October 7th 2005

Tonight (Oct. 7), there is another segment of “Freakonomics Friday” on ABC’s World News Tonight. Last week’s segment was an introduction to Freakonomics that also focused on the book’s cheating-teacher chapter. (It was incredibly well produced: smart and thoughtful and nuanced, which isn’t easy in 2.5 minutes; TV and ideas don’t always mix well but the ABC folks know seem to have figured how to do it.) Tonight, ABC asks this question: “How is your real estate agent like a funeral director?” Later tonight, ABC’s “20/20″ is devoting its entire hour to real estate, and will include some more Freakonomics commentary.

Malcolm Gladwell’s latest piece in the New Yorker is interesting as always. It is about Ivy League admissions.

I particularly like this quote (especially the last sentence):

The Ivy League schools justified their emphasis on character and personality, however, by arguing that they were searching for the students who would have the greatest success after college. They were looking for leaders, and leadership, the officials of the Ivy League believed, was not a simple matter of academic brilliance. “Should our goal be to select a student body with the highest possible proportions of high-ranking students, or should it be to select, within a reasonably high range of academic ability, a student body with a certain variety of talents, qualities, attitudes, and backgrounds?” Wilbur Bender asked. To him, the answer was obvious. If you let in only the brilliant, then you produced bookworms and bench scientists: you ended up as socially irrelevant as the University of Chicago (an institution Harvard officials looked upon and shuddered).


October 2005
October 2005
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Comment of the Moment

"If Lord Kelvin had said in the Middle Ages that man cannot fly, he would have been correct because his goons would have made it so. We are in grave danger of letting the nay-sayers gain precedence again."

Naked Self-Promotion

If you happen to be in Sioux City, Iowa at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 16, be sure to catch Dubner's turn as the featured speaker for the 2007 Morningside College Peter Waitt Lecture. Admission is free -- though, unfortunately, no schwag will be provided.

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Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything

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About Freakonomics

Stephen J. Dubner is an author and journalist who lives in New York City.

Steven D. Levitt is a professor of economics at the University of Chicago.

Their book Freakonomics has sold 3 million copies worldwide. This blog, begun in 2005, is meant to keep the conversation going. Melissa Lafsky is the site editor.

Freakonomics in the Times Magazine


The Jane Fonda Effect

Dubner and Levitt look into the unintended consequences of Jane Fonda’s 1979 film The China Syndrome — i.e., how the anti-nuke movie may be partly to blame for global warming.

Stuff We Weren't Paid to Endorse

If you love Lucinda Williams, as I do, and want more of her songs than presently exist, you would do well to get Carrie Rodriguez's Seven Angels on a Bicycle. There are a lot of similarities between Rodriguez and Williams, but Rodriguez plainly has her own wild thing going on. "50's French Movie," e.g., has a fantastically nasty groove. (SJD)

Mad Men is an amazingly rich new TV series on AMC, created by Sopranos writer/producer Matthew Weiner. Although it's set among advertising men in 1960, it isn't really about advertising any more than The Sopranos was about garbage collection. Great, nuanced writing, splendid acting, and so much smoking and drinking that you get a hangover just from watching. (SJD)

If you happen to need a haircut in Cambridge, Mass., try The Hair Connection. You will definitely get a great cut, and perhaps even find a spouse. (SDL)

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