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IMDb > "Smallville" Bizarro (2007)
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Bizarro (2007)

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User Rating: 9.1/10 (210 votes)


Mike Rohl
TV Series:
"Smallville" (2001)
Original Air Date:
27 September 2007 (Season 7, Episode 1)
Plot Summary:
Clark confronts Bizarro, the last wraith from the Phantom Zone, and the ensuing fight causes the dam... more
User Comments:
A solid start to the seventh season, more


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Chloe Sullivan: This guy can fly? God, Clark, you got to get on that one. more


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6 out of 7 people found the following comment useful:-
A solid start to the seventh season,, 27 September 2007
Author: swift__snake from Addison, Illinois, United States

After the lab is destroyed at Reeves dam, the damn itself collapses, sending Lex in to the bottom of the river, but he is saved by a mysterious blond woman. Clark fiercely battles his doppelganger and turns to John Jones AKA Martian Manhunter for help, and Lois tries to save Chloe by getting her to a hospital. While Lex is in jail, Bizarro shows up and suggests that they join to bring the real Clark down.

"Bizarro" is a great start to the seventh season, but as much as I want to like this season, it's still too early to tell. "Bizarro" and "Zod" were almost exactly the same in my opinion. The fight between Clark and Zod was disappointing, with Zod wiping the floor with Clark only to be defeated by the crystal of El at the last minute. The fight between Clark and Bizarro isn't much better (at least Clark actually hit Bizarro), but other than that, it was a great premiere. However, the 6th season ended up being disappointing despite the premiere, so hopefully that is where the similarities between "Zod" and "Bizarro" will end.


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