"The Adaptable Human Body: Transhumanism and Bioethics in the 21st Century"

 June 27-29, 2003  

  Yale University, New Haven, CT USA




THURSDAY   June 26, 2003

Transhumanism Seminar 

FRIDAY    June 27, 2003


Conference Registration 


Buffet Dinner


Debate: "Should Humans Welcome or Resist Becoming Post-Human?"
Welcome:  Greg Stock Ph.D.
Resist:  George Annas J.D.


SATURDAY   June 28, 2003

Linsly-Chittenden Hall, 62 High St., New Haven CT

8:00 am - 8:00 pm 


9:00 - 10:00 a.m 

Opening Keynote: "Why Not Re-Invent Humans? Is This The Best We Can Do?" 
Greg Pence Ph.D.

10:15 - 11:45 a.m. 

AI Ethics 
Stuart Hameroff M.D.
"Artificial quantum consciousness: Is it possible, what would it look like?" 
David Calverley J.D. 
"Artificial Intelligence as a Legal Entity"
Wendell Wallach
"Robot Morals: Creating an Artificial Moral Agent (AMA)"

Human Variation and Fairness in Sports and Games
David Wasserman Ph.D.
Anita Silvers Ph.D.
Miller Brown Ph.D.
Leslie Francis Ph.D., J.D.

Animals, Clones and Transhumans
Dorothy Wertz Ph.D.
"Twenty Arguments on Cloning"
Craig DeLancey Ph.D.
"Systematic Biocentric Axiology: Environmental Ethics as a Foundation for Transhuman Ethics"
Jason Scott Robert Ph.D.
"Confusion about crossing species boundaries" 

VIDEO: Cyberman (90 mins)
A video about Steve Mann the Toronto-based cyborgologist.

12:00 - 12:30 p.m. (Lunch) 

Sandwiches and sodas provided 

12:30 - 1:20 p.m.

Development after De Chardin: The Accelerating Transhumanist Frontier
John Smart 

Moral issues on the Bioethics of the Post-Cyborg Age
Steve Mann Ph.D. 

Body Slam! — Will Primo's Adaptable Body Cause TransCultural Collision?
Natasha Vita-More 

1:30 - 3:00 p.m. 

Disability & Transhumanism
Barbara Gibson
"Identity Experiments: The Connectivity of Disability"
Anita Silvers Ph.D.
"Disability and Enhancement"
Andrew Ward
"Strategies for Workplace Disability Integration: A New Model of Universal Access" 

Transhumanist Bioethics
Nick Bostrom Ph.D.
"Our Human and Posthuman Dignity"
J. Hughes Ph.D.
"Transhumanism: A New Bioethics Paradigm"
Twyla Gibson Ph.D.
"Philosophical Foundations and Methodological Framework for a Transhumanist Bioethics" 

Personhood, Identity and Rights
Linda MacDonald Glenn J.D.
"The Future Boundaries of Personhood: Evolving Technological, Legal, and Ethical Definitions"
John Alan Cohan J.D.
"The Question of Self-Identity and Brain Transplants"
Susantha Goonatilake Ph.D.
"Body, self and environment as constructed and reconstructed: Insights from Buddhist philosophy 

Posthuman Bodies
Patrick Hopkins Ph.D.
"Barbie Bodies, Bacon Bodies, Plato Bodies, Nietzsche Bodies: Differing Visions of How Biotechnology Should Be Used to Transform Human Bodies"
Ian McKenna
"Transhuman Identity: Distentio Animi" 
Anders Sandberg Ph.D. "Morphological Freedom"

3:15 - 4:45 p.m. 

The Future of Sex and Gender
Alice Dreger Ph.D.
"The Once and Future Freak: What the History of the Medical and Social Treatment of People with Unusual Anatomies Might Tell Us about the Future of Transhumanism"
J. Hughes Ph.D.
"The Future of Sex"
Vanessa Edwards Foster 
"Trans-enstein vs. Preacher Bob and the Village Mob": Progress and Pain on the Road to Equality and How Society Confronts Changing Realities"

Life Extension: The Technologies
Rafal Smigrodski M.D., Ph.D.
"Emerging Life Extension Therapies"
Aubrey de Grey Ph.D.
"Foreseeable, radical life extension: the biology to inform the philosophy" 

Transhumanist Strategies
Simon Smith
"Mainstreaming Transhumanism"
Ben Hijink
"Organizing Campus Transhumanist Groups and an International Facilitation Network" 

The Future of the Brain
Ramez Naan
"The Wired Brain"
Wrye Sententia
"Neurocops: Policing the Borders of Human Cognition" 

5:00 - 6:00 p.m .

WTA/HFI Business Meeting 

Jane Holt Video 

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Reception and Buffet (SOLD OUT)


SUNDAY  June 29, 2003 


Reproductive Technology and Rights of Future Generations
William Grey Ph.D.
"Design constraints for the Posthuman Future"
George Dvorsky
"Reproductive Rights, Designer Babies, and the Consent of the Unborn"
Dorothy Wertz Ph.D.
"Controversial Choices after Prenatal Diagnosis: Has Autonomy Gone Too Far?"
Moderator and Respondent: Ron Bailey 

Governing Transhuman Technologies
Mike Treder
"Meeting the Challenge: Safe Utilization of Advanced Nanotechnology" 
William Edmundson Ph.D.
"Posterity and Embodiment"
Jose Cordeiro "The Global Geopolitics towards Transhumanism and Beyond" 

Visions of the Singularity
Michael Anissimov
"Accelerating Progress and the Potential Consequences of Smarter than Human Intelligence"
Hatuna Pokrovskaia
"Ecce Trans-Homo: The Progression of Ethics in the Technological Revolution" 

Future of Robots, Bodies and Mind
Lanfranco Aceti "Prosthesis' Digital Aesthetic: The Integrated Technology of Human Extensions "
Matt Sandler and Miles Lasater "When will robots have human-style capabilities?" 
Anatoly Nichvoloda "System Completion Theory" 


Visions of the Future
John Smart
Andrew Zolli
"Demographics of a Future Humanity"
David Donnelly Ph.D.
"Ethics of Forecasting: Visions of the Future Human Race"
Eli Yudkowsky
"Posthumanity: A Nice Place To Live?"

The Ethics of Life Extension
Kenneth Sills
"Why Immortality?"
Evelyn Shuster Ph.D.
"To Live Forever: A Blessing or a Curse?"
John Davis Ph.D.
"Methuselah's Children: Life-Extension and Fears of Collective Harm" 

Transhumanism vs. Humanism
Mark Gubrud Ph.D.
"A Humanist Response to Transhumanism"
Munawar Anees Ph.D.
"Transhumans and humans: Conflict or Convivencia?"
Austin Dacey Ph.D.
"Is there "human nature" after 'nature-nurture'? A developmental systems approach" 

"The Missing Word"
Alfredo Colunga 

12:30 - 1p.m 

Closing Keynote: "Who's Afraid of PostHumanity?: The Politics and Ethics of Genetically Engineering People" 
Ron Bailey 


Final Announcements/Acknowledgments



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June 26 Intensive Seminar on Transhumanism




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TV2003USA is co-sponsored by the World Transhumanist Association and the 
Yale Interdisciplinary Bioethics Program Working Research Group on Technology and Ethics