International Museum of the Horse

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International Museum of the Horse
Legacy of the Horse
The First HorsesEarly Human ContactThe Domestication of the HorseEarly Attempts at RidingHarnessing the HorseThe Classical World, 700 BCEThe Roman Empire: 27 BCE - 476 ADMedieval Horse: 476 - c. 1450The Renaissance: c. 14th - c. 1650 CenturiesReturn to the New WorldOrigins of the Blooded HorseThe Thoroughbred Horse in AmericaThe Horse in America: 1776Settling the American WestThe Horse in 19th Century American Sport1900 - The Horse in TransitionHorses of the World: The Legacy of the Horse
Kentucky: Unbridled SpiritSmithsonian InstituteKentucky Horse Park FoundationKentucky Horse Park