Baltimore Opera Company

Study Guide

Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

Opera in four acts

Music - Dmitri Shostakovich

Libretto - Dmitri Shostakovichand Alexander Preis
Based on a short story by Nikolai Leskov
First performed on January 22, 1934, Leningrad, USSR

Principal characters:
KATERINA L'VOVNA IZMAYLOVA (Kah-teh-ree-nah Lyeah-vohv-nah Eez-maee-loh-va) Wife of Zinovy Borisovich soprano
BORIS TIMOFEYEVICH IZMAYKOV (Bah-reess Tee-mah-fyeh-veech Eez-maee-lohv) A merchant bass
ZINOVY BORISOVICH IZMAYLOV (Zee-nah-vee Bah-ree-soh-veech Eez-maee-lohv) Boris’ son, a merchant tenor
SERGEY (Syehr-gyeh) A laborer tenor
AKSINYA (Ahk-seen-yah) cook employed by the Izmaylovs soprano
SONYETKA (Sahn-yeht-kah) A convict contralto
SHABBY PEASANT character tenor
PRIEST basso profundo

Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk is set in the Mtsensk District in Russia in the 19th Century

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