Universities and Colleges

Permanent Tanner lectureships, which include annual lectures and seminars, are established at nine institutions:

Brasenose College, Oxford University of California at Berkeley Clare Hall, Cambridge
Harvard University University of Michigan Princeton University
Stanford University University of Utah Yale University

From left: Brasenose College, Oxford
University of California
Clare Hall, Cambridge

Middle left: Harvard University
University of Michigan
Princeton University

Lower left: Stanford University
University of Utah
Yale University

Occasional lectureships may be granted to non-member colleges or universities for one year only. These institutions are selected by the Trustees and Consultants.

The lecturer usually delivers more than one lecture and conducts one or more seminars on the lecture subject.

An annual grant to each institution by the Trustees provides for the lecture honorarium and institutional expenses associated with the lectures and seminars. The grant includes funds to provide for the expenses of additional participants living at a distance who may contribute to the seminars and/or receive encouragement from the lectures and seminars.

The sponsoring institutions have full autonomy in the appointment of Tanner lectures. They are subject only to the conditions of the Lecture Award, the broad purposes of the lectureship, and the stipulation that the lecturers not be selected from their own faculties or staffs. A person may not be appointed more than twice as a Tanner lecturer and may not be appointed more than once in any one country. A second appointment stipulates the presentation of a lecture or lectures on a different, although not necessarily unrelated, subject.