Ethnologue: Languages of the World

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Ethnologue: Languages of the World

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Ethnologue > Web version > Country index > Africa > Burkina Faso > Bwamu, Láá Láá

Bwamu, Láá Láá

A language of Burkina Faso

ISO 639-3: bwj

Population 69,210 (2000 WCD).
Region Tuy and Les Balés provinces, in and around the villages of Bagassi, Pâ, and Boni.
Alternate names   Kàdenbà, Yere
Dialects Close to Ouarkoye dialect of Buamu and Bwamu Twi. Speakers unable to use other Bwamu dialects for literature.
Classification Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, North, Gur, Central, Northern, Bwamu
Language use Used in the home. All ages. Speakers over 7 years old can speak some Jula as second language for trade, government services, and common topics with those from other ethnic groups; French for government services.
Language development Literacy rate in first language: 1% to 2% are fluent readers of Ouarkoye Buamu. Literacy rate in second language: 1% to 2% are fluent readers of French or Jula. Literacy program. Grammar. Bible portions: 1977–1995.
Comments Tonal. Plains. Scrub forest. 250 meters. Peasant agriculturalists. Traditional religion, Christian, Muslim.