Ethnologue: Languages of the World

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Ethnologue > Web version > Country index > Africa > Cameroon > Mungaka


A language of Cameroon

ISO 639-3: mhk

Population 50,100 (1982 SIL).
Region North West Province, Mezam Division, Bali Subdivision; West Province, Bamboutos Division, southeastern Galim Subdivision and Mifi Division, northern Bafoussam Subdivision.
Alternate names   Bali, Li, Ngaaka, Nga'ka, Munga'ka
Dialects Bali Nyonga (Bali), Ti (Bati), Nde (Bandeng).
Classification Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Wide Grassfields, Narrow Grassfields, Mbam-Nkam, Nun
Language development Literacy rate in second language: 25% to 50%. Bible: 1961.
Comments People are called 'Bali'. Different from three languages in Democratic Republic of the Congo called 'Bali', Bali of Nigeria, or Bali which is a dialect of Chamba of Nigeria and Cameroon, although many of these people have Chamba ethnic origins. Traditional religion, Christian.