No politics in Harry Potter

Catherine Viglienzoni

Issue date: 11/1/07 Section: Opinion
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth installment of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter septology, Professor Mad-Eye Moody would continually bark "Constant vigilance!" at his captivated pupils.

And indeed, many parents are finding it necessary to follow his advice, as more concerns are raised about children's books indoctrinating the young.

Two weeks ago, Rowling, a British author, announced that Albus Dumbledore, one of the most beloved Harry Potter characters, is a homosexual. The announcement predictably drew tremendous media coverage and objection or praise from dozens of groups, but the voices that resonated most carried claims that Rowling was trying to indoctrinate children with acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.

If Rowling really wanted to indoctrinate her young readers, she would have expounded upon Dumbledore's sexuality in the novel, instead of including it as an aside months later. The trend of indoctrination in children's books-not the Hogwarts headmaster's sexuality-is the more pressing issue.

More conspicuous books like Why Mommy Is A Democrat and Help! Mom! There Are Liberals Under The Bed! have hit bookstore shelves in the past few years. These overtly political titles sound like a joke from The Colbert Report, but thousands of parents are sharing them with their children across the country.

The expressed purpose of these pint-sized propoganda manifestos is education of the young and impressionable. "Education" is the word favored by those who use these books.

But inculcating political stances and viewpoints at such a young age is not only immoral, it may actually be dangerous. The age range these texts target is eminently susceptible to suggestion. Parents should never have the power to play these kinds of games.

The dangers of such books are subjective: one parent's perception of indoctrination is another's education. Whatever the terminology, inflicting blatant political bias on a tractable child's mind is an ethical crime.
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Jeremy Zilber

posted 11/01/07 @ 4:12 PM EST

I'm wondering if the author of this editorial thinks it's acceptable for liberal parents to tell their young children things like "homosexuality is perfectly natural," or "it's important to recycle" or "fighting is not a good way to settle your disputes. (Continued…)

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posted 11/02/07 @ 2:50 PM EST

I am so over this entire thing. I'm a fan of HP, and it's no surprise that Albus is gay. I'm gay, and it was obvious to me the whole time. So the revelation was no big issue. (Continued…)



posted 11/05/07 @ 11:22 PM EST

I'm not surprised about the out cry, look at what happened to the Brokeback Mountain movie... I am how ever surprised that an allegedly unbiased news source's straw poll does not have an option to say that Dumbledore's JK's character, and, in her own words, "He is my character. (Continued…)

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