[Saint Genevieve holy card]
Also known as
3 January
When she was seven years old, Genevieve met Saint Germanus of Auxerre on his way to England. Germain befriended her because of her insistence on wanting to live her life for God, and prophesied her future sanctity. Took the veil at age 15. Prophesied invasions and disasters for Paris. Could read consciences and calm the possessed. When Paris was besieged by the Franks, she encouraged its defense, organized prayers for God's protection of the city, and led an expedition for food to relieve the seige. Caused a church to be built on the tomb of Saint Denis. In 1129, the procession of her relics through Paris is believed to have ended an epidemic.
422 at Nanterre near Paris, France
500 at Paris, France; interred in the church of Saints Peter and Paul in Paris; relics destroyed in 1871
disasters; fever; Paris, France; plague; WACs; women's army corps
bread; candle; cattle; girl restoring eyesight to her mother; herd; keys; shepherdess holding a candle which the devil is trying to extinguish and angels are helping to protect; shepherdess with a coin suspended around her neck
Gallery of images of Saint Genevieve [3 images, 84 kb]
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