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Canada Immigration

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Canada is a unique country in the world. It has been rated as the top Country for living by the United Nations. The quality of life is extremely high, including health care, education, social security, economy and Safe living standard with a low crime rate.

Canada is a country made by immigrants through the history, and this fact has permitted its society to be influenced by the newcomers cultures, so the newcomers influenced by the Canadian way of life, resulting a distinctive and unique country.

Through the world, Canada is known as a modern, open, generous, peaceful and progressive nation, in which all people have the opportunity to develop and achieve their personal expectations, look for new career and financial opportunities, better living standards and safe future for their children.

Canada is the largest country in geographic size in the western hemisphere with a population of only 32 million people. Its form of government can be characterized as a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. It comprises of 10 provinces and 3 territories, with Toronto (4 Million); Montreal (3 Million) and Vancouver (2 Million) being the largest cities.

Location : North America
Status : UN Country
Capital City : Ottawa
Main Cities : Toronto, Montral, Vancouver
Population : 28,147,000 Area [sq.km]: 9,976,140
Main Languages : English, French, Inuktitut
Main Religions : Roman Catholic, Protestant
Currency : 1 Canadian dollar = 100 cents

Canada benefits from opening its doors to skilled workers, entrepreneurs, refugees and the relatives of people already settled in this country. Their energy and activity have traditionally stimulated our social, cultural and economic life.

Canada is a land of opportunity and abounds with economic prosperity, sound and affordable education options, world renown health care and retirement schemes, an abundance of land, clean air and fresh water supplies, all providing for a safe and secure environment.

Embrace your future and bring the heritage of your past to a place where you and your family will be proud to refer to as home - Canada!

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