Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom for Xbox 360 Review

Jan. 27 9:55 PM by bunnyXablaze

THIS IS A MATURE GAME REVIEW Maces, crossbows, dual katanas -- oh my.

Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom is the 4th installment in the Kingdom Under Fire series. Let me first start off by saying sure this game has some flaws, but honestly... Which games don't? The gameplay reminds me of Dynasty Warriors with a story line, something they changed from the previous games. I was expecting more of an action RPG when I first started to play but was pleasantly suprised when it turned out to be a regular hack and slash. After a while though, I did get tired of jabbing certain buttons 500+ times in a row. With over 70+ different creatures to fight throughout the game, you're hardly given a moment of peace. It's not like they come one at a time either, you're typically swarmed with as many as 20 of the same enemies.

I feel out numbered...

I feel out numbered...

The game uses a random map-generator and destructible environments, anything you see you can destroy. (You can only destroy the environment if you have a heavy weapon). There are 6 different characters, each with very different stories, backgrounds, and the ability to weild 5-6 different weapons than the previous character. There are many character specific missions and multiple stories with each character, so the full game was ment for multi-playthroughs.

Circle of Doom can be played offline, or up to 4 player co-op online. The entire game isn't a challange and you can get through it pretty easily by yourself. The only thing that co-op really helps with is boss battles, which you can do by yourself it just takes time.

Alright.. Out numbered is an understatement..

Alright.. Out numbered is an understatement..

Poor camera angles do make the game rather frusterating at times, and hack and slashes aren't normally my "thing", but the game as a whole is pretty fun and engaging if you don't nitpick on the issues with it. Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom isn't a bad game, and despite the negative points of my review I'd recommend at least renting it.


Great review. I will definitely have to rent this game. It reminds me of the old hack and slash arcade games, enough enemies to keep me wasting my quarters.



I will be adding this game to my list.


I just hope you didn't buy it...


Cool review, thats what this page needed, more reviews, you did a great job, keep on the good work. Farewell.


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