Brooke Nevin

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8.4 Great
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Recent Role:
julianne on Breakout Kings
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Birth Name:
Brooke Candice Nevin
Canadian Brooke Nevin is a great actress who portrayed "Rachel Berensen" in Animorphs and had done an amazing job. She guest starred in other good Canadian children television shows such as Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark?. She only played three starring roles for movies, and already she had received a nomination for a Young Artist Award in 1999 forMore Running Wild.

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    7.2 Good
    Brooke Candice Nevin plays Nikki on the 4400 hide show

    I am only reviewing Brooke Candice Nevin for her role in the hit drama TV series "the 4400". I haven't seen any of her other work, I just know her as Nikki. I think Brook has potential, we just didn't see much of it on this show. Her role was very minimal so we really didn't get to see what she has to offer as an actress. I must say, at first she was a little irritating when she was harassing Shawn in the beginning, but when years had passed and she popped up again, I liked her. I felt her character had matured. Overall I think she did an okay job on the show, considering what small role she had.

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