Duane Barry (1)

Season 2, Episode 5, Aired

Episode Summary

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Mulder is called to a hostage situation involving Duane Barry, a former FBI Agent who claims to be an alien abductee and wants to get back to the abduction site with someone who will be taken instead of him. Unfortunately, the someone he eventually chooses is Scully.moreless

Steve Railsback

Duane Barry

Guest Star

Frank C. Turner

Dr. Del Hakkie

Guest Star

Fred Henderson

Agent Rich

Guest Star

Nicholas Lea

Agent Alex Krycek

Recurring Role

  • Duane Barry holds Mulder hostage and kidnaps Scully

    Duane Barry a former FBI agent is a man who claims to be abductee and holds his doctor,Mulder and a few other people hostage but wants to take the doctor to the place he was abducted so that the doctor will be taken and not him.Mulder was the right man to talk to Duane because he is the only one who will believe him and may help save some people which it did until Mulder makes him mad by questioning him and the FBI are forced to take down Duane.Things go worse from there when Duane is in hospital because he survived the shot and Scully takes some kind of tracker out of Duane.Duane breaks from hospital and goes after Scully maybe because of the tracker and he will want to take her to the abductee sight.The next episode is going to be really big and Mulder is going to have to act fast to get Scully back.
  • Duane Barry

    Duane Barry was a perfect episode of The X-Files. I really enjoyed watching because the story was awesome and full of character and plot development, aliens, and intriguing drama. It was awesome watching Mulder get involved with this case and I loved how it all played out. It was funny when Scully arrived on the scene and was initially being questioned and denied access. It was great to finally see more scenes with aliens. I wonder if there is only one race or a few races of aliens so far in the series. From seeing these scenes are we as viewers to suppose that the aliens shown are actually existent and not just a dream or delusion? I liked how the episode ended as Scully was presumably taken hostage by Duane Barry. I certainly look forward to watching what happens next!!!!!!!!!moreless
  • Scully's abduction arc

    Due to Gillian Anderson's real-life pregnancy, she needed to be written out of the show for a little while to deliver her baby. Duane Barry begins the storyline that was written to get around this situation. I think the Scully abduction storyline was very well done throughout the course of the series. It's funny that this real-life event brought about this fantastic storyline. Continuing with its tradition of great guest stars, Steve Railsback gives an incredible performance as the abductee, Duane Barry. This episode is low on action but high on drama as Mulder negotiates with Duane Barry in a hostage situation. My only hang-up with this episode is the about face of Agent Lucy Kazdin. At first she tells Mulder that what Duane Barry needs is a "friend, someone who appears to understand him and can appeal to his sense of reason." She also say, "So whatever crap you got to make up about space men or UFOs, just keep him on the phone." Then later, she abruptly changes her mind and tells Mulder not to feed into Duane's psychosis when Mulder says he believes him. I don't see those two strategies as compatible. Either you go along with Duane's "aliens" or you don't. It just doesn't make any sense. However, it's a minor issue, and the every other aspect of the episode is great. The ending scene in Scully's apartment is chilling and memorable.

    I took a few notes from Friday night's viewing but left them at home. They weren't many. I'll edit them in my review tomorrow.

    - The abduction scenes for Duane Barry looked great.

    I give Duane Barry a 10 out of 10.moreless
  • Mulder the innocent

    Mulder gives in once again. He is called to talk to Duane Barry, an alleged alien abductee. It's amazing how easily Mulder believes in people, especially when they talk about something he's passionate about. Unfortunately, he wants to believe so badly. I think he made a terrible mistake taking the place of the abductee and fall into Barry's mind game. Scully helps him as always, but she pays the price. Even when we know the government is behind all this in an attempt to destroy the relationship between Mulder and Scully, you can see the the two partners are closer than ever, than nothing will keep them apart, because distance only strenghtens the relationship.
    I have to mention the wonderful performances by CCH Pounder and Steve Railsback, who made this episode more believable and dramatic.moreless
  • A very good episode

    Mulder meets Alien abducty Duane Barry played brilliantly by Steve Railsback. This is the first episode where we actually get to see aliens. The e.b.e test scenes where very creepy and well done. This episode is nerve-wracking, and it has a cliffhanger ending that will not appeal to everyone, especially if you just started watching the x files. Nicholas Lea appears again as Agent Krycek who later went in to become Mulder's nemesis along with the evil Cigarret Smoking Man(That guy will probably die of cancer!)

    Agent Scully makes a brief appearance halfway through the episode and then again in its ending. That excellently creepy ending!moreless

Trivia, Notes, Quotes and Allusions


  • TRIVIA (3)

    • Revealing Mistakes: Scully could never have gotten from Washington to Richmond so quickly. She would have had to drive to the airport, take a plane, rent a car and drive to the travel agency in the time it took the agents to complete the drilling, insert a camera, print out a frame and take it to Kazdin.

    • Factual Errors: The barcode of the metal fragment is only ten microns across. It is doubtful that supermarket barcode readers could detect this.

    • Plot Holes: The FBI and Virgina State Police must be pretty slack if they let Duane and the Doc get all the way from Marion to Richmond before he stopped at the travel agent. It is a 5+ hour drive between those cities.

  • QUOTES (12)

    • Duane Barry: They're, uh... they're talking to Duane Barry. But they don't speak. He can hear what they're saying. They can... read his mind.
      Mulder: That's right. Abductees call it mindscan. It's a kind of telepathy.
      Duane Barry: I'm telling 'em I don't want to go... but they never listen. They know what I'm saying. But they just... go right on about their business.
      (He stands up slowly and points to Hakkie.)
      Duane Barry: Tell him what their business is. Tell him.
      Mulder: They take you aboard the ship to perform the tests.
      Duane Barry: They... drilled my teeth. They drill holes in my damn teeth!

    • Duane Barry: The government knows about it, you know. They're even in on it sometimes. Right there in the room when they come.

    • Duane Barry: They're not taking me again. You got it? They can take somebody else!

    • Scully: Mulder, it's me. I just had something incredibly strange happen. This piece of metal that they took out of Duane Barry, it has some kind of a code on it. I ran it through a scanner and some kind of a serial number came up. What the hell is this thing, Mulder? It's almost as if... it's almost as if somebody was using it to catalogue him.

    • Ballistics Expert: Could be a shell casing or a small artillery fragment. The edges are dull, but it could have been white-hot when it entered the body.
      Scully: That would make sense.
      Ballistics Expert: But look at this.
      Scully: What?
      Ballistics Expert: These small markings. See them here?
      Scully: Mm-hmm. Looks like some kind of a stamp.
      Ballistics Expert: Like it's been tooled or etched. Pretty fine work, too. This square we're looking at is only ten microns across. Strange.

    • Scully: Sometimes when you want to believe so badly, you end up... looking too hard.
      Lucy Kazdin: I actually called you down here for another reason, Agent Mulder. Uh... in the x-rays, the surgeon found several pieces of metal. In his gums, in his sinus cavity, and one in the abdomen. I had them checked, I felt you'd want to know... and there were tiny drill holes in his left and right rear molars. A dentist who examined them said they could not have been done with any of the current equipment in use... not without chipping or damaging the tooth. Anyway... I thought you ought to know.

    • Scully: Where's Mulder?
      Krycek: He traded himself for one of the hostages.
      Scully: What?
      Krycek: He's in with Duane Barry.
      Scully: You've got to get him out of there.
      Krycek: Well, they're working on it.
      Scully: No, you've got to get him out of there now or he's going to be killed!
      Krycek: How can you be sure?
      Scully: Because Duane Barry is not what Mulder thinks he is.

    • Krycek: Is there anything I can do?
      Lucy Kazdin: Yeah, what's your name again?
      Krycek: Krycek.
      Lucy Kazdin: Krycek, have you got your notepad? Grande, two percent cappuccino with vanilla.

    • Mulder: Well, if you just wanted somebody to come down and read the script, you didn't have to bring me out.
      Rich: This method has proven extremely successful in winning the hostage-taker's trust.
      Mulder: No, no, that man is afraid. And the only way you're going to win his trust is by trying to understand what he's afraid of.

    • Mulder: Nobody's going to try anything, Duane. Who is this guy? He's F.B.I., isn't he?
      Lucy Kazdin: Former F.B.I.
      Mulder: And you didn't think to mention that?
      Lucy Kazdin: He's been out of the bureau since 1982. Institutionalized on and off for over a decade. It's beside the point.
      Mulder: The point being that the bureau wants to minimize its embarrassment, isn't that it? That we can police our own.
      Lucy Kazdin: They would like it done as neatly and cleanly as possible.
      Mulder: Well, you're off to a hell of a start.

    • Lucy Kazdin: You really believe in this stuff, Agent Mulder?
      Mulder: Is that a problem?
      Lucy Kazdin: We're here to save lives. You'll begin negotiations immediately. Every three hours, we'll reevaluate your progress and let our tactical commander advise and update on the use of force.
      Mulder: If this man is an abductee, I need to know more about him, his personal history. Each abduction case is different.
      Lucy Kazdin: That material's not been made available to us.
      Mulder: And nobody's thought to call the hospital for records?
      Lucy Kazdin: Look, Agent Mulder. The guy's a psycho. Your object is to keep him on the phone. The longer you do, the more chance he's not going to kill anybody. We stop to do a Freudian analysis, next thing we know, we've got four dead hostages. So whatever crap you got to make up about space men or UFOs, just keep him on the phone.

    • Krycek: There's a situation going down. They want you out there right away.
      Mulder: What kind of situation?
      Krycek: Hostage negotiation.
      Mulder: And they want me?
      Krycek: Yeah.
      Mulder: What for?
      Krycek: The guy escaped a mental institution. He's got four people at gunpoint in an office building. Claims he's being controlled by aliens.

  • NOTES (6)

