Regional and local transport

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The Department works in partnership with both regional and local stakeholders towards the same shared priority of:

'Improving access to jobs and services, particularly for those most in need, in ways that are sustainable: improved public transport - reduced problems of congestion and reduced problems of congestion, pollution and safety.'

To find out more about what we do, read our 'Introduction to regional and local transport'.

Regional strategy

Local Transport Bill

Information about the Local Transport Bill, which contains legislative proposals to support the Government’s efforts to tackle congestion and improve public transport.

Local transport plan - process and initiatives

Information regarding the production of local transport plans and annual reviews; includes examples of good practice, technical guidance, accessibility planning, major schemes, performance indicators and details of all annual capital settlements to date.


Best practice and policy guidance for bus and coach operators; including licensing and registration, concession fares, tackling anti-social behaviour and criminal damage, and explanations of the various grants available to operators.

Local and light rail

Information of relevance for local authorities with regard to local rail schemes, including London Underground.


Licensing policies and regulations for taxis and private hire services, including accessibility issues.

Policy and research

Key strategy documents and research articles, including 'Transport 2010: meeting the local transport challenge'.

Transport Innovation Fund

'The Future of Transport' (July 2004) set out our intention to establish a Transport Innovation Fund to give our delivery partners incentives to develop and deploy smarter, innovative, local and regional transport strategies.

Transport Assessments

Guidance on the process of transport assessments.

An introduction to local authorities

26 January 2007

Information for local authorities

Guidance and advice from across or other relevant online resources of use to staff within Local Authorities.

21 January 2007

Winter Maintenance and Operation of Highways

This note gives advice to English local authorities on the maintenance and operation of highways during the coming winter of 2005/06.

24 November 2005


Terms used in the Regional and Local transport section.

08 April 2005

Email contacts

13 January 2006

Introduction to regional and local transport

Find out more about our work on regional and local transport.

28 September 2007

Local transport authority performance