Google Calendar Keyboard Shortcuts


Yesterday Google released another servcie - Google calendar. As much as I dislike Gmail service I have admit I am very impressed with the Calendar. I was looking to have my calendar on line but non of the available online services has offered complete, intuitive, easy to use and yet very functional calendar on line. This has changed now and Google is on top of the world with their calendar.

While still figuring my way around and trying to learn to use one click (I hate it) insted of double-click when adding new event, here are a few very useful keyboard shortcuts for Google Calendar.

Calendar view

d - day view
w - week view
m - month view
x - custom view (e.g. Next 4 days)
a - view agenda


t - today
n - next date range (day, week or month)
p - previous range (day, week or month)
esc - back to calendar


c - create new event
q - quick add
/ - search


One Response to “Google Calendar Keyboard Shortcuts”

  1. SEO Consultant Esoos Bobnar Says:

    Google Calendar Gets Some Heavy Blog Lovin’…

    So Google Calendar was released yesterday (see the press release and blog post). And it’s pretty good. But what’s really interesting is the massive exposure it’s gotten in the blogoshperic blogoverse of blogdom. It’s different kind of viral marketi…

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