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addictedyeswecan's blog

We need to help with writing letters to Arizona elected officials who have not yet endorsed any candidates, as delegates and superdelegates for the DNC convention in Denver (Aug 2008) are of the utmost importance, as well as, the popular votes.  I will look at the list published by Obama HQ and see who we might be able to call and/or write, using the standard, professional letter templates that have been provided for our use.

This process has been very educational and exciting!  I must admit, only after I got involved with this campaign did I start to understand the complicated DNC convention/delegate/superdelegate process.  I will be glad to see this changed when our man, the 44th President is in the White House.




I have donated 3 times in the last week and am adamant about ensuring that Campaign Headquarters gets the message that a lot of people in rural areas in the South - Carolinas may not have access to 1) Internet 2) Cable Television and can therefore only watch the local news stations.  Please make sure the advertising campaigns reflect this, so that we don't miss getting the word to them and making sure transportation is arranged for the rural South Carolina voters.

Part of what has been so disheartening to me is that for the last 20 years of "government", many of our working class people in this country are disenfranchised from the information with which to make informed decisions.  I'm sure the campaign has this all covered, but just thought I'd throw it out there, just in case.  Many of us who are online and have cable are at an advantage and we must help get those opportunities to them, in the long run.  For now, let's do what we can on the ground.  I'm supporting that through donations and getting involved where I can in Arizona.

The digital divide is a major factor in educating America and engaging them on the national and global front.

So, if you have close connections with Obama HQ, please help me get this message through.  I've been calling the number 312-819-2008 trying to get through a couple of other similar messages, but can't seem to speak directly with any campaign chairs or co-chairs.

 Fired Up!
