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Graduate Degree Programs

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Development Management & Policy



The Graduate School, in association with the Department of Politics and Government of the Universidad Nacional de General San Martín (UNSAM), located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, offers a two-year program leading to the M.A. degree in Development Management and Policy. The program, takes place entirely in Buenos Aires and is designed for bilingual students, combining a focus on global management issues with training in social science methods and social policy analysis.

Pursuit of academic excellence and instilling a sense of social responsibility are the twin pillars for this program. Substantively, these pillars seek to provide young professionals and aspiring academicians with the instruments necessary for sound policy analysis, while also encouraging them to understand the normative and moral dimensions which should shape policy choices. Institutionally, these pillars build on traditional strengths of Georgetown University, where strong programs stand at the nexus of academic disciplines, policy studies and values. Our students receive rigorous training in quantitative reasoning and policy analysis, along with a solid foundation in social theory, ethics, and research techniques.

The program is designed to attract college and university graduates planning careers either in the public or private sector or in international organizations. Students have diverse educational and professional backgrounds. They may enter the program directly from colleges or universities, or from positions in the public sector, the business community, or non-governmental organizations. Courses offered by Georgetown University faculty are given in English; courses offered by UNSAM faculty are given in Spanish and English, contingent on course and instructor.

For more information, please see the Development Management and Policy home page, located at: http://government.georgetown.edu/DEVM/



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