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Score: 9.8 Superb 5 votes

Day Of The Shadows Part (1)

Episode Number: 54    Season Num: 3    First Aired: Monday January 2, 2006    Prod Code: 154
Jenny is walking while she hears something chasing after her and she thinks that is martin who is trying to scare. At Torrington Academy Martin's doing a ghost machine and Diana and Jave arrived with movies and books, martin tells them that he is busy. At night Billy was scare to dead, so he turns the light on, in Diana's bedroom she was studying and she decided to skip her homework and felt asleep, back in Martin's room he also felt asleep. The next day Martin wakes up late and run to class but there was nobody , then Diana show up also late, martin and Diana walked toward the whole school but nobody was there. they decided to check the street wheather they can figure what is going on. on the street they see a girl runing away, martin trys to stop and she ask martin what he did to the people but martin was on the same mission. she introunced herself as kyla, she and martin have the same attitude, diana was jealous, they both seen to like eachother and diana rely the first time a girl ever like martin. while they were still in the some restaurant a shadows attack them and they got Diana but martin and kyla escaped and they saw a car coming it was Billy, they all head to kyla's room. Billy notice that they were not vanished because they leave their light on, the shadows came back and got kyla, it shocked martin -TO BE CONTINUED

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Recurring Role: Tabitha St. Germain (Caitlin),  Tabitha St. Germain (Jenny)
Guest Star: Michael Donovan (Shadow Lord)


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Episode: Day Of The Shadows Part (1)
Season Number: 3
Episode Reviews: 0
9.8 Superb 5 votes
Rating Statistics:
perfect: 4 (80%)
great: 1 (20%)
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