The Four Cults of Power
Ancient Egypt - Light of the World
Teachings of the Magi - Astro-Theology
The New Testament & the Zodiac
The Real Four Gospels
The Book of Genesis Revealed

Sacred Symbolism of the Female Ovum
Astro-Theology & the Bible (cont'd...)
Judaism and Astrology
Movies with Astro-Theological Themes


(Stellar, Lunar, Solar, Saturnian)

The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind - Jean Jacques Rousseau

The scholars, academics, and mass of the world’s populace seem completely unaware of the fact that there were at least four great cults in the ancient world, with one following and supplanting another as the centuries advanced. Each Cult, until the point when they joined together, absorbed the mythologies and beliefs of those antecedent. Although astrology was employed by the priesthoods of each cult radical changes in the astrological canon where often made to suit personal ideologies. In fact, many idioms used by the famous Solar Cult originated with the Lunar Cult. When Christians bend their knees before their "Lord" they are not aware they are performing an ancient ritual to the god of the moon, known as Thoth or Tehuti. When Christians bury their dead in the ground they are not aware they are following in the footsteps of the ancient Cult of Osiris whose members solemnly believed that a traversal of the "Underworld" (Amenta or Nekya) was necessary before the soul could transcend to higher planes.

Sadly, from our pedestal, looking back over the generations, we have anything but a true perspective of the past, especially in regards religion and mysticism. The lives and beliefs of our earliest predecessors are especially obscured by time and obsolescence. Moreover, our perspective has been consciously distorted by malign influences within the post-Industrial cabals of learning, by those at the helm of the faculties of history, anthropology, mythology, and religion, etc. It is our desire to rectify this state of affairs by bringing to the attention of our readers key discoveries made by certain maverick scholars whose life work affords us a clearer picture of the ancestral world.

The Great Cabal
The great cults finally decided to unite their forces and, instead of being in constant competition for the minds of men, to make it all so much easier for themselves by consolidating resources and agendas. This event of monumental importance, this forming of the world's first corporation, occurred in the area today referred to as "Israel." Although the traditional histories avoid this fact, it is spoken of allegorically, in the Bible and in other tales and fictions. In fact, it is the reason why Israel has its very name. Israel, is made up of the names of the three deities the ancient cults: Isis, Ra and El (Moon, Sun and Saturn). As the adept scholars know, there were no "twelve tribes of Israel." This concept of the twelve roving tribes was a deliberately concocted fiction designed to conceal much more surreptitious, but important, occurrences and themes. The fiction was the creation of the great cults of power, whose elites commissioned Roman and Jewish writers and historians to randomly and prejudiciously translate many old texts and myths, and include them into what would become the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and to flagrantly distort Semitic and Egyptian history so as to prevent the curious from discovering the existence and agendas of those archaic cults, fraternities, and occult colleges which seek habitually to remain invisible.

The history of astrology, myth, and religion cannot be fully understood without a deep study of these elusive cults and the manner in which they have succeeded in concealing their existence. Although they have left few tracks to follow, so to speak, their symbolism pervades our world. They do hide, but in plain sight. Their Bible, and other scriptures, give us some insight into their existence and operations and, although their own direct activity is difficult to trace, the machinations of those in their employ is more conspicuous, especially to those who have learned what to look for.

Beneath the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depths the changes that take place upon the surface - A. E. Waite (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn)

Infernal Pacts
The coming together of the cults did not happen overnight. It was a long and tedious process. The major denominations, like those of today, were no lovers of each other. It was financial and material incentives which motivated them to combine their resources and intentions. Trade routes, power over the minds of men, and domination of the earth, was all for the taking, and it was too much to resist. Moreover, each cult's hierarchy feared that the other cults may unite against them. So, because of this fear, and because of insatiable greed, each cult agreed that confederation was expedient. From the time of their infernal pact, they realized that all that was needed for total dominion over minds and lands, was the ability to convincingly wave "God" in people's faces. From that point onward the rest would be easy.

The leaders of the seven great Cults of power (Seven Churches), decided that rather than fighting amongst themselves for supremacy over the ancient world, they should combine forces. Each Cult feared that they could be deposed if the others conspired in concert against it. This conjunction of Cults did not happen immediately or quickly. It took several centuries. The Old Testament contains the story of this coming together. The elite dynasties of these Cults operate, through their descendants, in this world today, and are extremely powerful - Jordan Maxwell (From: Secret Societies and Toxic Religion)

The Empire (Rome) gradually absorbed and adapted to its own ends the multitude of cults derived from all its parts and over the ensuing centuries coupled them together as one, the Roman universal church. Today, it is called the Roman Catholic church. Henceforth, much of the literature then written was aimed at propagating a fabricated faith to the world and ensuring Roman Emperors were given places as heads of church and state - Tony Bushby (The Bible Fraud)

The slow attempts to unite the cults ("Seven Churches") is even mentioned in the Bible, albeit in language which is veiled and cryptic:

Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel…And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it - (Jeremiah 18)

A Matter of Time
Time itself was divided to reflect and commemorate the unification of the cults. The year round was broken down into 12 months to honor the Solar Cult. Their god was the sun and his number was 12. The next division of time was a month and, as the word's etymology indicates, this was sacred to the Lunar Cult, whose chief tutelary deity was the moon. The next division of time is a week, in which the 7 gods of the Stellar Cult are honored. These are today's days of the week. The worshippers of the god Saturn was given Saturday as a feast day, and since their god (planet) moves so gradually, the larger, longer cycles of time where attributed to him. The hands of a physical timepiece have, for generations, concealed and revealed this sectioning of time according to the Cults. The hour hand represents Horus, the sun. The minute hand stands for Min, the moon-god. The fast moving second hand stands for Mercury, the god of the Stellar Cult, as do the 12 divisions. On elaborately designed watches and clocks, the hands often display circles upon them, to illustrate that they represent planetary orbs. The very word year comes from the Egyptian yehrah. This word signified the Lunar Year. The passage of the moon was observed very closely by the Egyptians. Even under the Atonist period the moon was considered important. It was referred to as "silver Aton."

Flags contain stars, moons, and solar orbs. Islamic and oriental countries still portray the crescents and stars, which clearly indicate the actual origins of their religions.

The use of symbols to convey meaning to the initiated and to conceal it from the uninitiated is as old as civilization. A clear understanding of the symbolic way of thinking is necessary if we are to unveil and comprehend the "esoteric" (hidden or secret) meaning of the symbols of ancient and modern times - (Jack Benjamin's introduction for Symbols, Sex and the Stars)

The descendants of the great cults still exist today. They are in control of all the world's governments, for as Jordan Maxwell has pointed out:

There is no government which is not somewhat religious, and no religion which is not somewhat political...Religion and Politics are two arms serving the same brain - (From: Secret Societies and Toxic Religion)


Overview of the Cults

...the generally accepted history of ancient times, such as is found on the shelves of our libraries and taught in our schools, is mostly fiction, made up of fables and myths cleverly composed into histories so nicely as to lull all suspicion in the mind of the reader or student as to the fraudulent character of it. Some wonderfully clever writers have been led astray by these deceptions of "history." - Conor Mac Dari (Irish Wisdom Preserved in the Bible and Pyramids)

As scholars such as Jordan Maxwell have labored to point out, our modern religions began somewhere, sometime. They each have a date of birth, so to speak, and have not always been with us. When we delve into the question of the origins of religion we eventually discover that religious institutions developed out of several major old world cults, that is, from powerful theocratic and political dynasties and forces. There were seven major cults of the ancient world, and several minor ones. Of the seven major cults, four were of the greatest significance. They have changed form and name down through the ages but they are not expired. The descendants of these cults are the rulers of the present world system. They are the "Over World" figures that we rarely, if ever, hear about or see. The "People's Champions" that we do see on the public stage are often merely employed minions of these Plutocratic "Over-Classes." The cults are as follows, with the first four being the most important:


Vulcanus (Fire Cult)
Dionysian (Drug, or "Psychedelic" Cult)
Venusian (Cult of Venus)

The Stellar Cult

Everything supernatural the presbyters wrote about their developing god could be traced to earlier religious beliefs - Tony Bushby (Bible Fraud)

Before the corruption of the great cults, motives were pure and nature was revered, studied and served. The first of the great cults was the Sidereal or the Stellar. Their totem symbol was, and still is, the serpent and/or the pentagram or star. It is to these Siderealists that we owe almost all the knowledge of reality that we possess. The cults which followed them merely emulated their way, absconding with their teachings and using these to embellish their own doctrines.

It was the Stellar Cult who discovered the mysteries of the stars, and who created the high sciences of astrology and astronomy. They were also great mathematicians and geometrists. They were the builders of the pyramids, the sphinx, and the other great cyclopean megalithic sites all over the globe. They excelled in navigation and used the stars to guide them on the high seas. Their findings and subsequent creations, in writing or stone, are the foundation upon which all the historical ages rest. Should anyone doubt this, they should spend some time visiting the great capitol cities of the west and observing the design and layout of them all. Most importantly, the Stellar Cult created and utilized the Divination Arts.

It is from them that the true esoteric Tarot comes. In order for the phallocratic, hierarchical, patristic, and monotheistic (solar) religions to gain dominion it was essential that the Stellar and Lunar Cults of Egypt, India, Ireland, and the world, be systematically undermined and eventually eradicated.

The Stellar Cult first conceived of government under divine Justice, and of the right of kingship (sic, kin-ship). It was they who decided to convey and preserve the great secrets concerning the nature of the universe, of the human biology, of procreation and of life in general, through the means of parable, allegory and mythological fiction.

The entire dimensions of the Great Pyramid at Giza are, for instance, encapsulated within the 52 cards of the ordinary playing deck. Most of our nursery rhymes also originate with this Cult. They all contain profound esoteric secrets.

The Role of Women
During the tenure of the Stellar Cults women held superior positions in society, religion and government. It was the periodicity of the female gestation cycles that initially awakened humans to the inherent order of the universe outside them, and that drew their attention to the night sky which has always, henceforth, been regarded as the "body" of the goddess. The perceived order of the universe was, hitherto, always styled and worshipped as a female mother goddess. This goddess was known, by various names, depending upon the Cult and the correlations. She was known as Taurt (Tarot), Nuit, Nun, Ma'at, Isis, Hathor, Sophia, and Mara or Mary. The name Ma'at (Mahat, Mayat, Maut, Maht, etc) is the root of the very words matter, material, mate, mathematics, and measure. Throughout the ages of history it was never forgotten by the ancients how the biological cycles of the individual female were in total complementarity with the so-called "external" world of phenomena. In fact, the ancients preferred to consider that they lived inside the body of the goddess Nuith, or Ma’at.

It was Rudolf Bultmann, the German Biblical scholar, who cited certain passages in the interpolations of Sophia herself, put into the mouth of Christ - Caitlin Matthews (Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom)

The Suppression of Women
One of the main reasons why the knowledge of the Sidereal Cult is kept obscure is to keep women divorced from their power in ways that are barely understood. When women are, and the feminine principle is, kept in a fallen state the masculine "Yang" modality and mentality which is so spirit denying and destructive can easily be insinuated into consciousness and culture. Our own times bear sufficient testimony to this differentiation.

Males immortal live, renewed by female deaths - William Blake

The history of civilization appears to be a sorry, one-sided history of domination by man...almost invariably the basic cultural pattern has been the work of man. Whole areas of history are darkened by the ignorance of man of the truth that they can create only through the feminine in their own natures just as they procreate in the world without through the woman alone - Laurens van der Post (Jung and the Story of Our Times)

When we look back across the historical time of patriarchy…there seems to be some terrible inevitability, a relentless desire to crush the female essence, human and divine. The question of why is one of the most puzzling of our time - Leonard Schlain (The Alphabet Versus the Goddess)

Many of the ancient peoples were Siderealists, the early Semites, Indo-Aryans, the Chaldeans, Teutons, and Celts, etc. The Semitic and Roman calendars began at sunset. The Druids and the Shamans of the Maya also arose at night and marked time primarily from the passages and phases of Venus and the Moon.

The Siderealists had complete knowledge of the measurements of the earth, and even the neighboring planets were charted by them in detail. They were the fathers of astronomy. They are the original Magi spoken of in the religious tomes and the one we know as the Christ and other figures such as Merlin, Abaris, Pythagoras, Apollonius, Ovid, Virgil, Valentinus, Basilides (and many more among the ranks of the persecuted), were scions of the Sidereal Cult. Christ even remonstrates to his disciples "Be ye as wise as Serpents." This doesn’t make much sense until we discover that the serpent was the prime symbol of the Stellar Cult, the "wise-ones" of old. And, what's more, the Egyptian hieroglyphic for "woman" was a serpent. This is one of the reasons why the serpent was considered negatively by later Christians.

The word ritual comes from ritu, meaning "the blood-red", and the word secret, comes from secretion, which implies the female biological cycle. Moreover, the Egyptian word for woman was mesta, from which we derive mystery.

The figure of Eve is based upon much older mythology and may be traced back to the ancient Mother Goddess or World Mother and the serpent cults of the pre-biblical period. Closer examination of the name ‘Eve’ revealed her serpent origins, for the Hebrew for Eve is havvah, meaning ‘mother of all things,’ but also ‘serpent.’ Likewise, the Arabic words for ‘snake,’ ‘life,’ and ‘teaching,’ are closely related to the word or name “Eve.’…At other points in tradition, the Mother Goddess…is married to Ophion, Helios or Agathodaemon. These were all great serpent deities and thus provide further evidence to link the early stories of Genesis to the serpent cult - Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn (The Serpent Grail)

Women held positions of power in Egypt. They held high office socially, politically, and religiously.

The Egyptian women were entrusted with the civilization. The woman (princess) and not the male, was the legal heir to the throne, and the man she chose to marry would become the ruling Pharaoh - Moustafa Gadalla (Historical Deception)

Surviving records also show that men and women seem to have received the same pay rations for doing the same work…Some royal women are known to have controlled the treasury as well as owning their own palaces estates and workshops, and women, as independent citizens, could own property, buy and sell it, make wills and choose which of their children would inherit from them - Dr. Joann Fletcher (The Search for Nefertiti)

Those women who had staff working for them also had the opportunity to undertake roles outside the home, the most common title after Lady of the House being Priestess. The top post held by royal women was that of God’s Wife, a highly lucrative position which brought tremendous prestige…Many more women held the title “Chantress” or were members of the ‘Khener,’ a term usually mistranslated as ‘harem’ which conjures up images of languid women lying around awaiting their lord and master. The Khener was in fact a group of predominately female musicians and dancers who provided the essential musical accompaniments to rituals - ibid

Under the Solar and Saturnian Cults women were to be demoted and kept from attaining positions of spiritual and religious power. Their lot would be to serve within their assigned roles.

Around 1500 BC there were hundreds of goddess-based sects enveloping the Mediterranean basin. By the fifth century AD they had almost been completely eradicated, by which time women were also prohibited from conducting a single major Western sacrament - Leonard Schlain (The Alphabet Versus the Goddess)

Blessed be Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, that Thou has not made me a woman - (Jewish daily prayer)

According to the Talmud a service can take place in the Synagogue only if ten persons are present, which number ensures the presence of God in the assembly. Drach explains however that these persons must all be men. "If then there were nine men and a million women there could be no assembly, for the reason that women are nothing" - (From Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, by Nesta Webster)


Ancient Egypt - Light of the World

The day is coming when the world will know nothing of the faith of the Egyptians. Our land will stand desolate. Tombs and the dead will be its only witnesses - Aesculapius

Regardless of the Judeo-Christian elect's zealous contempt for truth and endemic penchant for deceit and fabrication, these bearers of false witness have not succeeded in permanently burying the facts. The Light of Truth has a strange way of shining through the intellects and imaginations of great men whose sacrifice, dedication, and love of wisdom has continually saved humankind from sinking into a mire of ignorance. It is from the hearts of such beings that the true light of Christ shines.

Our whole culture is unquestionably understood to be Judeo-Christian, but what would it mean if we are right and it should be, in fact, Egypto-Christian instead? - Picket & Prince (Templar Revelation)

The list of those archetypes which we owe to Egypt is formidable: the nation state, the kingship, the Divine King, Order and Truth, the Creative Force, monumental stone buildings, the pyramid, the Hidden God, the power of the stars. All of these were first defined in Egypt, and once having been named and acknowledged they assumed their own independent existence, to be similarly acknowledged when, in time, they appeared in other, later cultures - Michael Rice (Who’s Who in Ancient Egypt)

J. H. Breasted, the celebrated Egyptologist, maintains that the law elucidated in Deuteronomy, the fifth book in the Old Testament, is basically a simplified version of Hammurabic Laws, while the proverbs of Solomon and many psalms are based on ancient Egyptian literature - Gruber and Kersten (The Original Jesus)

Those chapters, also, in the Book of Genesis which describe the Garden of Eden; its being watered without rain; the sacred tree; the cherub with drawn sword guarding the entrance; the serpent, at first upright and talking to Eve, then creeping on its belly, and the after war against it, and which attempts to explain the origin of sin and death, would seem to belong to the Egyptian mind rather than to the Jewish - Samuel Sharpe (Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity)

To take Egyptian history as being on par with Christianity may seem a massive leap of faith to some, but it is not. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all simply different expressions of a single Egyptian heritage - Ralph Ellis (Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs)

As Karl Luckert points out, modern commentators, while acknowledging that this concept of Jesus’s continued spiritual presence is not Jewish, do not provide any ideas as to its true context and background. So where did this idea come from. Luckert’s erudite analysis shows conclusively that the twin concepts of Jesus’ unique Resurrection and his continued presence can be traced without a shadow of doubt to Egyptian theology - John M. Robinson (Pagan Christs)

From what was written thousands of years ago, it is shown that the modern-day portrait of pre-Pharaonic Egypt is distorted by overwhelming emphasis on the study of existing crumbling ruins and exotic carvings - Alvin Boyd Kuhn

Many of our ancient traditions are rooted in the theology of ancient Egypt - Ralph Ellis (Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs)

In science the Greeks were pygmies. What would they have known of science if their Platos and Pythagorases had not traveled into the East! In science and real learning they were inferior to the Orientals (Indians) and were the greatest liars upon earth. They willfully mis-stated everything or they foolishly confounded everything - Godfrey Higgins (Celtic Druids)

the Egyptians were the first to discover the solar year, and to portion out its course into twelve parts both the space of time and the seasons which they delimit. It was observation of the course of the stars which led them to adopt this division…It is also the Egyptians who first bought into use the names of the twelve gods, which the Greeks adopted from them - Herodotus

in Egypt all the operations of the powers which and work in heaven have been transferred to Earth below…it should be said that the whole cosmos dwells in Egypt - Asleptus (Hermetic Texts)

From Architecture down to the Zodiac, every science worthy of the name was imported by the Greeks Helena Blavatsky

In ancient Egypt dwelt the great Adepts and Masters who have never been surpassed - The Kybalion

Few persons have turned their attention to the extraordinary ignorance of the early Greeks as to the origin of their own religion or mythological system; an ignorance rising almost to a ridiculous excess - Godfrey Higgins (Celtic Druids)

Those Greeks that we regard as the fathers of mathematics were simply pupils of Egypt - Ignatius Donnelly

It is highly probable that the Greek initiates gained their knowledge of the philosophic and therapeutic aspects of music from the Egyptians, who, in turn, considered Hermes the founder of the art - Manly Palmer Hall (The Secret Teachings of All Ages)

The Egyptians, either by exact science or spontaneously, had arrived at a method by means of which they could rite with distinct picture of material objects, instead of ordinary letters expressing sounds and phrases. These pictures were not ordinary images of the things they represented but were endowed with certain symbolic qualities (Sophia), by means of which they revealed to the initiated contemplator a profound insight into the very essence of substances of things, and an intuitive understanding of their transcendental origins, an insight which was not the result of reasoning or mental reflection, but was acquired spontaneously by means of divine inspiration and illumination. As artistic representations of this phenomenal world, they revealed, in fact, the ideal world of the soul - Plotinus

An ignorant explanation of the Egyptian sign-language was begun by the Greeks, who could not read the hieroglyphics. It was repeated by the Romans and has been perpetuated by “classical scholars” ever since - Gerald Massey (Egypt-Light of the World)

In their desire to appear highly intellectual, scientific and mathematical, the Greeks, probably about the time of Alexander the Great, adopted the solar nomenclature, thereby turning ancient zodiacal symbolism topsy-turvy and making it sheer nonsense - Cyril Fagan (Astrological Origins)

They brought a mist upon learning, making the discovery of truth almost impossible - Philo (on the Greeks)

Whether the origin of the zodiac is Aryan or Egyptian, it is still of immense antiquity. Simplicius (sixth century AD) writes that he had always heard that the Egyptians had kept astronomical observations and records for at least 630,000 years...Diogenes Laertius carried back the astronomical calculations of the Egyptians to 48,863 years before Alexander the Great. Maritanus Capella corroborates the same by telling posterity that the Egyptians had secretly studied astronomy for over 40,000 years before they imparted their knowledge to the world - J. Lewis (Astronomy of the Ancients)

The Egyptian Book of the Dead, which is traced back to 4,260 BC, years before the writing of the New Testament has its foundation in the lore of the heavens, and in poetical imagery follows the path of the Sun through the different signs of the zodiac. Many phrases, many headings of the chapters of the New Testament are similar, to those in the Book of the Dead - Gerald Massey

In the Hibbert Lectures, Professor Rhys observes, "The Greek myth, which distressed the thoughtful and pious minds, like that of Socrates, was a survival...from the time when the ancestors of the Greeks were savages." May it not rather have been derived by Homer, through the trading Phœnicians, from the older mythologies of India and Egypt, with altered names and scenes to suit the poet's day and clime? - James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions)

The Egyptians are said to have been the first who brought the "rules of government" with the art of making "life easy" and "a people happy" - the true end of worldly politics - to a regular system. But much as they excelled other nations in scientific lore, in nothing was their superiority so conspicuous as in that magic art - Henry O'Brien (Atlantis in Ireland,1834)

The whole of the imagery of the Hebrew writings can be read and understood by the original Egyptian...The secret of the sanctity of the Hebrew writings is that they were originally Egyptian - Albert Churchward (The Origins and Evolution of Religion)

Among the Egyptian festivals was one called the Feast of Lamps, when upon a night in winter the houses and temples were lighted up with numerous lights. This was more particularly celebrated at Sais, in honour of the goddess Neith; but those who could not come up to that city to keep the festival burnt their own lamps at home…The Jews seem to have borrowed this festival...The Christians would seem to have taken the custom from the Egyptians as much as from the Jews, as the purpose of our Candlemas day, which is to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary, more resembles the worship of the goddess Neith than the purification of the Temple by Judas Maccabœus - Samuel Sharpe (Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity)

The Egyptians were not known as a particularly licentious people, but were remarkable for their spirituality. The consequences of the Church's attitude to sex and sexual love for our culture...been terrible repression on such a scale has been responsible, not only for personal torment and unnecessary soul-searching, but also for countless crimes against women and children - Picket and Prince (Templar Revelation)

The aim of the Nicene Creed was to require everybody to acknowledge, that Jesus Christ was a God, in such clear and forcible terms as to turn out of the Church all who would not follow the Egyptians in the mystical opinions which they had introduced, so that there should be no escape for those who believed in one only God, and who gave any whatever lower rank to the Saviour. It declares that there is one God, the Maker of all things, and yet that the one Lord Jesus Christ was not made; that he also was very God of very God, and was yet crucified by Pontius Pilate; that he had been previously incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary and made man, although of one substance with the Father. All this carried with it no contradiction to the mind of the Egyptians. They were used to being told and believing that two Gods could be one God. They were used to hear of a God being put to death, as they had always held that Osiris, though a god, had been put to death. They were used to hear of children being born of an earthly mother, and having no earthly father, as they held that many of their kings were so born, being incarnate by the god Amun-Ra - Samuel Sharpe (Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity)

One of the most important and familiar idioms of the Christian religion is the so-called Lord's Prayer. Not many people have asked where it came from. Most people trust what is written in the Gospels about its origin. However, this prayer, like so many other apparently Christian leitmotifs in both Testaments, was simply plagiarized from earlier sources, simply re-scripted from ancient sources known in Egypt and elsewhere. The Psalms of Solomon bear striking resemblance to the poetry of the great third century Egyptian architect Imhotep. The Ten Commandments are a slight variation on the 42 Negative Confessions found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Words believed to be spoken by Christ in the Gospels can still be found in the various temples of Egypt, such as that at Dendera. And evidence has been discovered which shows that certain key Biblical tropes had been plagiarized from sources such as the Inscription of Wennofer, Instructions of Amenemopet, Legend of Sinue, Maxims of Ani, and the recently discovered Tempest Stele, etc. It was from this latter source that the Biblicists took their Exodus story, as well as that of the ten plagues of Egypt. It is from the Maxims of Ani that the so-called "Lord's Prayer" of Christianity was taken.

The Lord's Prayer   Maxims of Ani
Our Father, which art in heaven   The God of this Earth is the ruler of the horizon
Hallowed be Thy Name   Th god is for making great his name. Devote yourself to the adoration of his name
Thy kingdom come   Give your god existence
Thy will be done   He will do thy business
In earth, as it is in heaven   His likeness is upon the Earth
Give us this day our daily bread   God is given incense and food offerings daily
And forgive us our debts   The god will judge the true and honest and forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation   Guard against the thing that god abominates
But deliver us from evil   Preserve me from decay
For thine is the kingdom   God is the king of the horizon
The power, and the glory   He magnifies he whoever magnifies him
For ever and ever   Let tomorrow be as today
Amen   Amen

From the Maxims of Ani (or Anty the Scribe), the papyrus found by Mariette Bey and now kept in the museum of Boulacq, we read passages that incontestably influenced the composers of the Old Testament.

Do not enter into the house of another, but know that if he invites you, it is an honor for you. When you enter a divine sanctuary avoid noise, and respect the house of God.

Pray humbly with a sincere heart so that all your words are said in secret. Then God will listen to your message and will accept your offerings.

Always remember that it is your God that gives and decides on your existence, and think of him continually, tomorrow as today.

The God of this world lives in light, above the firmament, but his emblems are on earth. Do not dispute his mysteries and you will see the divine one give the sun to make all vegetation grow, to make food for man to feed himself.

Do not be rough with your woman when you know that she looks after your house. Recognize her merits and put your hand in hers. Doing otherwise will sow misfortune, and show a bad example for your children. They will lose a source of peace and happiness.

Pope Paul VI - wearing the Judaic "Kohen Breastplate," and the yarmulke. The skull cap, which is also worn by Jewish rabbis, was originally worn by the sun priests of Egypt.


For more information on the question of Biblical plagiarization, we direct the reader to the works of Jordan Maxwell, Ralph Ellis, Tony Bushby, Ahmed Osman, Moustafa Gadalla, and other authors listed on our sources page.

Antipathy With Egypt

The burden of Egypt. Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall met in the midst of it. And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every one against his neighbor...And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof - Isaiah 19:1

These frivolous and utterly senseless specimens of humanity, accustomed from the first to erroneous ideas about the gods, were incapable of imitating the solemnity of our theology, and the sight of our numerous admirers filled them with envy - Josephus Piso (Jewish-Roman historian, denigrating the Egyptians)

And why was Egypt, this magnificent seat of learning and culture, such a "burden" to the Christian Emperors and Bishops. Why was it not permitted to exist? Why was it, together with its great temples, shrines, altars, observatories and libraries utterly destroyed? Why do we still know so little about it? Well, the simple answer takes us to the date AD 325, to the second Christian council (after Nicea), referred to as the "Council of Constantinople." It takes us to the reign of the despotic Emperor Theodosius I, the heir of Constantine. From the works of Egyptian revisionist scholar Ahmed Osman, we read that:

Up to the end of the fourth century AD, the time when the Alexandrian Library was destroyed, Egypt was regarded as the holy land of the ancient world, the course of wisdom and knowledge where the gods became known for the first time. Pilgrims then, including Roman emperors, came from all over the world to worship in the temples of Isis and Serapis, as well as at the foot of Mount Sinai. This situation came to and end, however, in the latter years of the reign of the emperor Theodosius I, who was zealous in his suppression of both paganism - the belief in many gods of Pre-Christianity – and heresy - any opinion contrary to orthodox doctrine. Emperor of the East (AD 379-392), and then sole Emperor of East and West (AD 392-395), he enforced the Creed of the Council of Nicea (AD 325) as a universal norm for Christian orthodoxy and directed the convening  of the second council at Constantinople in AD 381 to clarify the formula - (Prologue: Christianity: An Egyptian Religion)

In Alexandria, Bishop Theophilus was as ambitious as the emperor, Theodosius I, who had appointed him. It was one of his zealous actions that led to the burning of an estimated half a million books stored in the Alexandrian Library...Theopilius of Alexandria (AD 385-412) was one of the orthodox leaders who represented the imperial government dispatched from Rome to impose official orthodoxy on the Alexandrian Church - ibid

Now we see the reasons for the nefarious plotting on high, and for the egregious and wanton desecration of writings and books. Christians of this same breed would go on for centuries acting and posing as the great keepers and lovers of knowledge and wisdom, and would never cease reminding everyone how virtuous they are. How words have, indeed, been abused, and how much has truth also been raped and violated. Is it any different today? And do not these same "Constantines" rule us now?

Were a wise man to choose his religion from those who profess it, Christianity would be the last religion he would chose - Bishop Kidder




Open your eyes and see the lessons of the signs of the Zodiac. They come to teach us that although the powers of the constellations are exceedingly great, and from the beginning of the creation their influence governs the mundane world, there is a power beyond them; the power of the Holy One, Blessed be He, who chose the month of Scales (Libra) to enact the Day of Judgment, when he decides the fate of His entire creation - Rabbi Bachaya (Kad HaKemach)

We have briefly investigated the origins of Judeo-Christianity and have seen, to our amazement, how the official historians and Biblical editors have not been in the least bit honest about these origins. We have questioned why this is, and have sought to look deeply for the reason why the facts do not synch with the fables we have been conditioned to accept without question. We desire to know why we have been duped in this fashion, and what the purpose of such deceivers might be. We understand also that these researches are commensurate with our advance toward a new astrological age. This approaching age inspires less tolerance with falsehood. It augurs in a greater Spirit of Rebellion, one which will upset the blood-soaked altars of deceivers, and which will assist us to throw off our mental and emotional chains. This Spirit of Rebellion directs us toward our true natural religion and to the shrine of true understanding and wisdom. It was present within a few exceptional men of the past, and it grows ever stronger in our present age, seeking to incinerate the dark veils of deceit with a conflagration of truth.

At this point, we wish to reveal, as others have sought to do, that the greatest of all the mythologies, the Christian, is entirely based on the zodiac and the stars, and that it is, in fact, a form of Irish Druidism, largely by way of Egypt, which was also indebted to Irish Stellar Gnosis. The people who are going to accept this statement are so few in number, that one may wonder at the reason for the work here presented. It is presented in the spirit of true revelation. Our motive is to deconstruct the webs of lies which enswathes the human intelligence, and which prevents us from enjoying a direct and dynamic rapport with truth and with life. We seek to clear away the impediments which prevent men and women from the natural spiritual evolution which is their sovereign duty and right.

We seek to show how mythologies have been long mistaken, and accepted, for actual history because the vast majority of people in the world, including most "experts" are not able to distinguish between a metaphor and a historical event, between a name and a title, and between a fact and a fiction. Most of the clever fictions, imbued with astromantic motifs (such as the Exodus, the Story of Samson and Delilah, the Last Supper, or the Crucifixion, etc), are asserted to have happened historically even when there is no proof for this preposterous contention. This error of human understanding is only lately being corrected since, after ages gone by and all their labor, the "experts" are no closer to furnishing themselves, or anyone else, with proofs regarding the historicity of Biblical characters or events. In fact, as we gain more verifiable historical evidence about Egyptian culture and about the actual behavior and customs of the ancients, the less credibility can be given to the Biblical concoctions. The fabulous narratives, with all their convolutions and elaborations, believed by the illiterate and uninformed of past ages do not hold their own in the light of modern historical revelations. Perhaps this is the reason why the echelons of religion have been eager to not only prevent the independent maverick scientist from accurately studying the past, but to suppress latter day discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Gnostic Gospels, and other Apocryphal scriptures, which present elements which often severely contradict the official consensus on Biblical history.

Origin of the Problem
We must understand from the outset that the Biblical editors, as well as the "elites" within Judaism and Christianity, desired to personify Stellar phenomena. They contrived, in their works, to desecrate and rescript Astro-Theological leitmotifs (studied to perfection in Megalithic Ireland and Egypt), into the sorry and preposterous "biographies" and "histories" that most likely never were. No dates were given for the strange and prolonged migration of the great patriarch Abraham and his consort Sarai, and this omission is most suggestive. The omission of dates, for what would seem to be a most important event, occurred in order to ensure that the lie of it would not be easily exposed. The astromantic story of the sun (Abraham) and the moon (Sarai) migrating in times of famine (celestial upheaval), became the unsustainable, and unprovable, fable of a man and wife walking across physical deserts, looking for the Pharaoh.

When a metaphor is taken for a reality several unfortunate problems arise. Firstly, we contradict and subvert our rational faculty which seeks to know only truth. Secondly, we render invisible the inherent metaphysical or philosophical truths subtly articulated by the fictional tale; and thirdly, we imply spurious realities which replace the authentic version, thus confounding our own intelligence and our knowledge about the world we live in. We cannot start with fictions and arrive at facts. We cannot and must not start from fictions and rape the world of fact in a futile attempt to make the fictions real. As in the case of the Bible, we must be able to distinguish between metaphor and reality. Mythology is not history, and was never meant to be. Mythology teaches what history can never teach. Mythology can speak of gods, when no such gods ever walked abroad under the sun. Mythology can talk of heroes overcoming giants and demons when no such physical scenarios, as they are described, existed. This does not invalidate the myths but it would confound a man's sense of reality if such motifs were thought to be found in the world of physical reality. Myths are not meant for the sensational or physical, but for the conceptual and spiritual hemispheres of being. No doubt there are facts and realities enclosed within the contours of a fable, a legend, or a myth, and the content of a myth does arise from our personal or collective experience of the material world. But there are distinct boundaries between the world of the myth and the world of actual experience. These boundaries have been, in our opinion, consciously crossed and blurred by those at the helm of religion so that great truths about ourselves and our world can be concealed. Therefore, our labor must center on and never sway from the distinction between myth and reality. Although both need each other in order to exist, we cannot allow ourselves to be duped by anyone who would switch the content of one for the content of the other. On an inspection of our world, we do indeed sadly find the furniture of myth in the mansion of reality, and the furniture of reality burning in a giant and horrible furnace prepared by truth's betrayers.

However much archaeologists might need a story world to flesh out the bones of their history, or however much they might wish that the Bible's nations were scattered among the potsherds, the wish for the Bible to history has only confused the discussion about how the Bible relates to the past. The Bible's world does not belong to the discipline of archaeologists...It may perhaps appear strange that so much of the Bible deals with the origin of a people that never existed as such. This metaphorical nation's land and language; this imagined people's history, moreover, is an origin tradition that belongs to the 'new Israel' not the old. The Bible does not give us Israel's story about its past - or any origin story confirming Israel's self-identity or national self-understanding. The tradition gave not Israel but Judaism an identity - Thomas L. Thompson (The Mythic Past, Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

...the question is not what we desire, but what we can prove to be the actual fact. And certainly the difficulties in the way of regarding the Gospel story (or stories, for there is not one consistent story) as true are enormous. If anyone will read, for instance, in the four Gospels, the events of the night preceding the crucifixion and reckon the time which they would necessarily have taken to enact--the Last Supper, the agony in the Garden, the betrayal by Judas, the haling before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin, and then before Pilate in the Hall of judgment (though courts for the trial of malefactors do not generally sit in the middle of the night); then - in Luke--the interposed visit to Herod, and the return to Pilate; Pilate's speeches and washing of hands before the crowd; then the scourging and the mocking and the arraying of Jesus in purple robe as a king; then the preparation of a Cross and the long and painful journey to Golgotha; and finally the Crucifixion at sunrise; - he will see - as has often been pointed out - that the whole story is physically impossible. As a record of actual events the story is impossible; but as a record or series of notes derived from the witnessing of a "mystery-play" - and such plays with very similar incidents were common enough in antiquity in connection with cults of a dying Savior, it very likely is true (one can see the very dramatic character of the incidents: the washing of hands, the threefold denial by Peter, the purple robe and crown of thorns, and so forth); and as such it is now accepted by many well-qualified authorities - Edward Carpenter (Pagan and Christian Creeds, 1920)

We ask the reader to put aside their mental laziness, their nonsensical ego-satisfying allegiances, and their intellectual prejudice, and all the factors by which they are conditioned. For without that proverbial "open mind" the reader cannot hope to comprehend the gravity and authenticity of the subject here presented. However, whether this work is accepted openly or not we, nevertheless, seek here to directly combat the elite technocracies of power and religion that have made intellectual and emotional slavery into virtues. We openly oppose these monumental adversarial congeries, stating that nothing that they have produced is of any use or meaning. Nature can do without all they have spawned.

It needs no dissertation to elaborate and certify what the record of history reveals as to this portent obsession of the dour religious consciousness over the centuries. It has left its lamentable record in the tale of corruption, banality, superstition, bigotry and general moral and mental blight that overspread the area of Christian Europe over the middle period which has come to be known as the Dark Ages - Alvin Body Kuhn (Ultimate Canon of Knowledge)



It is beyond question that the great ancient design of the zodiac is a wondrously conceived graph aimed to depict the structure of the Logos, the pattern or creative evolution, the essential constitution of the universe and the course of the current of life in the cosmos, and by analogy in man the microcosmic replica of the macrocosm. Almost infinite nuances of significance have been adumbrated in those twelve signs or houses of the zodiac and the thirty-six other constellations, as well as in the semantic pictorializations which ancient sagacity and an ingenuity born of a sapient understanding of the profounder truth of life conceived and drew around those star clusters in the heavens. The uranograph, or chart of the skies, was incontestably the first of all Bibles, pictorially edited. Not quite simply and patently, but still most luminously for the initiated who held the recondite keys to the symbolic lexicon of ancient writing, it can be affirmed that all Bibles are but amplifications and elaborations of the original volume of ideography that was first written on the open slate of the sky, then charted in the zodiac and the planispheres carved on the ceilings of ancient temples and later transferred to earth and inscribed in scrolls, tablets and parchments. Man, adjured the old Scriptures, was to fashion his new body of spiritual glory "after the pattern of the heavens," the frame of the heavenly or zodiacal man, the primal Adam - Alvin Boyd Kuhn

The Gnostic Tradition
Astro-Theology can be used as an hermeneutic to unravel most of the major dogmas and creeds that the world is host to. We concentrate here, however, on the Judeo-Christian ethos as it is the one familiar to most persons in the West and because it constitutes the most pernicious form of psychic dictatorship that subjugates the reason and character of human beings. We concentrate on Christianity because we know that its own very origins are to be found in the Hermetic (later Gnostic) and Magickal traditions of antiquity. The modern form which has enslaved the masses for millennia, is an exoteric concoction, a debauched and unnecessarily contorted simulacra, which needs to be dispensed with forthwith. Beneath its crumbling edifice has always flowed the true teachings, those never conferred on the many, or on the unworthy:

If you have taken the Taroscopes Tour and read through the information presented there, you will have come across the discussion of how human consciousness develops through 4 levels, which become the types, symbolized since the earliest times by the four elements or the four suits in the deck of cards. Now, we again find that in the New Testament there are 4 Gospels. There are several reasons for this and one of the main ones has to do with Astro-Theology. Because:

The four "Gospels" are representations of the four cardinal points of the zodiac!

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years - (Genesis 1:14)

The Gospels are not a Biography
The original authors had no intention of making their book into a biography and never for a moment intended it to be one. They were merely rewriting the oldest story in the world, that of the zodiac. They never dreamt that a cabal of megalomaniac and perverse patriarchs would attempt to corrupt the story by personification. The 4 Gospels do not make a good biography. If it was meant to be one, the authors would have done a better job of it, after all, there are only four of them. Even after years of doctoring and pious commentary it still doesn’t make sense as the biography of an individual. Actually, as will be shown it is a great work on propaganda, that was originally a compilation of tales regarding the orbit and adventures of the sun through the zodiac. Does this threaten ones spirituality? Does the pronouncement upset all one holds dear? If it does it is because all that we think is spiritual today is utterly false. We have moved so far away from what is real that we cannot even see the truth of this. That is what this web-site is all about. The real Christ, or Moses, or John the Baptist were sidereal astrologers instructing their students in the great mysteries of the sky. And atheism has nothing to do with it. If one has read through the Taroscopes Tour it will be recalled that the external zodiac got to be external because it was a constellation of archetypes within the consciousness of man first. By projection and inflation, the human consciousness turned the contents of itself out into the external. All the myths mention this in various ways. Blake’s Albion falling through the abyss and breaking asunder on the rocks of matter, the Biblical "fall" of the primal parents, in the Kabala we have the descent of "Adam-Ka-Amon," in Egypt the vomiting forth from the mouth of the gods, in Greece the "masturbatory" action of the Titan creators like Zeus, etc, are all ways of describing this act of consciousness, emptying forth its inner template to the world. Emmanuel Kant proved it in his philosophy as did others within the discipline of metaphysics. The contents of human consciousness can be expressed in mathematical terms. The mind is fourfold and from these 4 come 7, 10 and 12, numbers which are found absolutely everywhere.

Now, since it is proven that the external zodiac is the analogue of the consciousness of man, we can understand that there is complete authenticity in the ancients studying it and using it as a means to an end in the tuition of the novice in the great mysteries of Being, which are the mysteries of God. And this truth, has been carefully concealed from the masses for centuries. We are walking, breathing zodiacs. The zodiac is in us, so are the 12 houses and 7 planets, (or what they represent archetypally). Our ego-consciousness is the inner sun that must pass through the halls of the 12 judges, must matriculate, must perfect itself. And this cannot be accomplished in surrogate. Each must go through their own journey. The triumph of all religions lies in their ability to convince us all of the opposite: that some personality outside of ourselves, separated from us personally, by millennia, has done it all, or will do it all for us. The orthodox created the external model that has done it all for us, taking away the responsibility for our own actions, in clever ways. And we fell for it.

The Real Crucifixion
We handed our spiritual evolution to the powers that be, and are now, as a result of this folly, divorced from the sacred oracle within. The goal of true religion or theology, is to return one to the understanding that one cannot find god, one becomes god, that is enlightened, to the truth of ourselves and the living ambient universe.

If thou dost know the First Matter, know also for certain that thou hast discovered the Sanctuary of Nature - Thomas Vaughn


All division and separation is illusion. We talk of psychic and physical energy, macrocosm and microcosm, body and soul, self and god, etc. However, ALL IS SELF and SELF IS ALL. This state cannot be reached, however, without nucleation of all Four aspects of consciousness. This is the mystery concealed in the very first Tarot card - Magician, as well as in the others. The Gnostics said: when the 2 + 2 = 1 then shall the Christ be born in you. The Tarot is one of the means of actualizing this state. As said before, Tarot is the Book of Life and not a dogmatic scripture. The Bible is an outgrowth of the Torah, but the Torah is an outgrowth of the Tarot, in fact they are the same word, meaning Law, or Way, same as Tao. There are many mysteries encapsulated in the

Tarot and the zodiac and few modern researchers have touched on them. We intend to correct this.

The 4 Types have always been symbolized by the 4 elements, Fire, Water, Air and Earth, or as in Tarot: Wands, Cups, Swords, Disks, or in playing cards, Clubs, Hearts, Spades and Diamonds. In ordinary playing cards, the Joker represents the one who has nucleated the four, and integrated within each of these divisions. He wears the four colors of the 4 suits, because he is "four in one." The design of the Pyramid, its four faces rising to a singular apex, was also a seminal symbol of the unification of the four modalities of being. Christ upon the Cross, and Pharaoh upon his cuboid throne also refer to this greatest of mysteries.

Through circumrotation, or a circular philosophical revolving of the quaternity, it is brought back to the highest and purest simplicity of the monad. Out of the gross and impure One there cometh an exceeding pure and subtile Monad - Heinrich Khunrath (1597)

When thou hast made the quadrangle round, Then is all the secret found - George Ripley (Alchemist, circa 1490)

On the Earth exists the worlds of nature: the informal life of waters, trees, insects, animals and two classes of men. One class is the ordinary man, naked, inert, always menaced by death's darts. The other class is the superior man. In the shade of the altar. The maguey spines of penance become for him the wings of the soul and in his hands he harmonizes the four states of matter. He has achieved consciousness. He has achieved the power of Truth and can act. He is! - (From the Maya Codex Matz-Ayauhtla, or Pyramid of Fire, circa 1500 AD)

There are innumerable other figurative replications of these 4 Types. If one examines closely, the cards of the Major Arcana, especially The Magician and The Universe they will see this supernal motif pictorialized. It is a wonder that this motif has been ignored completely by so called Tarot scholars, as the uniting of the four modalities is the central precept of all Gnosticism and Magick. This neglect emphasizes what we mean when we say that there is an exoteric and an esoteric approach to the mysteries. Many there are who can teach ancient subjects, but very few who can teach them in the ancient way. In our times we can have  medical professionals displaying the Hermetic Caduceus (serpent staff) without practicing Hermetically, And we find so-called "astrologers" who know not what, or where, the stars really are. A Siderealist is always an astrologer, but an astrologer is not always a Siderealist. The astrologer who does not know the answer to this, is about as useful as a surgeon who does not know where the heart is?  This constitutes one of the reasons why there are today, many Popes but no Christ, many kings but no Pharaoh and innumerable astrologers but no Magi.

And one of them that has been staring us all in the face for centuries is the Four Gospels. They too represent the four elements. 



Matthew lists twenty-eight generations from David to Jesus, while Luke tabulates forty-three. According to John Jesus visited Jerusalem at least four times, but the Synoptics (Mark, Luke and Matthew) assure us that he journeyed to that city only once. As to the length of Jesus’ ministry the Synoptics say one year, but John says at least 3 years. From the Synoptical account, we gather that the savior carried out his work chiefly in Galilee. But John informs us that Judea was the principle theatre of the ministry of Christ - John G. Jackson (Pagan Origins of the Jesus Myth)

The Book of Mark
This is the Book of Mars. Mark comes from Martian or Mars. As we said the disguises are rather thin, because it was originally never meant to be too cryptic.

The "Fourfold" Shiva. Four arms and crossed legs suggest the same mysterium as the "Crucifixion" of Christ.


It was the same as so many other stories that are common all over the planet and which are autonomous creations of the human being as he seeks to comprehend the enigmas of existence. Mars was a well-known planet and archetype. It is the ruler of the sign Aries. So the Book of Mark is, in zodiacal terms, the BOOK OF ARIES. And this makes perfect sense as Aries is the first house of the zodiac and is the place of rising of the sun at Easter or at the spring equinox. We even get terms like "arise and shine," from the Aries house, as this is literally where the orb of day does arise and shine. The house of "arising" is Aries. Aries is in the month of April. April comes from the word Aperio, meaning, I open. This is because April opens the year. Aries is the sign that is ruled by the Ram. In Christian art we see one of the 4 Evangelists symbolized by a Bull. This is also to do with Mark/Aries, because both Aries and Taurus are constellations or houses on the Eastern horizon. They are the eastern signs always seen in the sky together. And in ages past the symbols connected to both these signs were very pervasive and important. Christ is often depicted carrying a lamb, or in nativity scenes, a small lamb is often seen.

The Book of Luke
This is also transparent to those who have done their homework. Luke is Latin for Lucius and both words mean Light. The House of Light, of Lucius is Leo, the domicile or natal house of the sun. This is the BOOK OF LEO. The sun rises to its astrological throne in the signs of Cancer and Leo in the Northern sky, during the months of July and August. In Druidic Ireland the name Leo was Lugh, another solar hero. In Wales he was Llew, to the Romans Lugus, to the Sumerians Lughal. Its not the same dude on walkabout, it’s the astrological sign of Leo. In the Christian iconography we have one of the Evangelists represented by a Lion. In the Nativity scenes we see 4 animals around the cradle of the Son/Sun king. One of these is also a Lion. Christians probably believe that there was one in the area and just happened to wander into the inn to take a peek at sleeping Jesus. Good thing it wasn’t very hungry. Christ is often termed the "Lion of Judea."

Book of Matthew
This is more adroitly concealed. But those who are aware of the theocracy of Egypt can recognize the word Matt. This gives Maat, the supreme Goddess of the ancient Egyptians. Maat is pronounced Mayat. She is the Mahat of the Brahmins, the Meath of the Celts, the Tiamat of the Skalds, the Maia of the Romans and the Mara of the pagans.

Maat is always symbolized by the Scales of Justice, which, in turn relate with the western sign of Libra. So this is the BOOK OF LIBRA. Now in the Bible, we read that Matthew was the disciple that the other 11 did not want to accept. The reason for this was that he was a tax collector, (perfidious company in any age). However behind all the hyperbole, we have a secret concealed. The symbol of the tax collectors has always been the scales or balances. This is because they did not only want currency, but they took grain and livestock also. And their lackeys would carry large scales around. It is the same today in rural, eastern communities. Astrologically, Maat and her scales are connected with the western sign of Libra, which directly faces the signs of Aries and Taurus. Libra was also the last sign to be officially added to the codified zodiac, although it was known long before. This is why we hear that Matthew was the last to join the twelve disciples, which is astrologically appropriate. It doesn’t make any other sense. Why would spiritually inclined disciples of a spiritual master, attracted to him and his teachings because of the ethics of brotherhood, compassion and love, suddenly show chagrin towards a potential addition to their company? In Christian iconography we see one of the Evangelists symbolized by an eagle.


Irish figurine in a meditation asana. The theme of "Quaternity" is pronounced.

Astrologically, this is Matthew. One of the most important constellations in the western sky (actually in the modern Scorpio), is Aquila the Eagle. Libra was a sign made out of part of Scorpio. The word Matthew, also comes from Matt-Theos.

The Book of John
This is abstract until we understand that John comes from Jahan or Jahn, which comes from the earlier Ionnes, Oannes (the Fish god). Jahan or Jahn gives us other names, like Jane, Joan, Janus and even Jasus or Jesus. It eventually gives us the word Jahnuary or January.

The Crook & Flail (Mercy & Severity) of the Pharaohs - who are often seen with their arms crossed. The Cross and the "Crucifixion" were old when Christianity got hold of them.


This is the month that corresponds with the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the southern sign, symbolized by a man carrying a water pitcher from which water is flowing. This is why we have the biblical character John the Baptist, the initiator of Jesus. It is all a symbol for this important sign. Now the Book of John stands for the Book of January or BOOK OF AQUARIUS. In art we see a figure of the Angel or Man. This stands for John and Aquarius. Now naturally the orthodox have attributed these animals to the wrong Evangelists, so to further conceal things. January comes to represent this time of the year because of the opening of the secular and agricultural year. Janus was the "double-faced," god. During January (Aquarius), the Nile waters were the purist, so the Egyptians would collect it for use in telestic rites. The sign of Aquarius became associated with baptism, cleansing and purification by water. This was borrowed by the Israelites and finds its way into the Christian traditions. So now we see the gospels clearly detailed as signs of the zodiac.

The sun-king must pass through these signs. They are his "chroniclers" (chron means time specifically relating to the round of the zodiac). They are his measurers, his "Apostles" (post means demarcation post, a colure of the zodiac). They are his "Disciples" (disc means round circle, as is the zodiac).

There is not preserved nor is there existent in the world a single original book or manuscript of Hebrew or Christian scriptures containing the inspired word of Yahweh. The most ancient manuscripts of the Hebrew texts date only from the eighth century of the era of Christ: while the Christian books, said to have been written by the direct inspiration of the Holy Ghost within the first century of the era, all, all are lost and the oldest copies bear the masks of the fourth century - Rev. Robert Taylor (The Devil's Pulpit)

A basic rule when it comes to reading the New (and Old) Testament is to merely substitute the word zodiac (stars or constellations), whenever one reads the following, for these are the names of the zodiac used by the various Cults of antiquity:

New Jerusalem
Hall of Judges
Kingdom of God
Tent of God
Flocks by Night
Aeons / Ages
7 Churches
Mount of Olives

Mount of Glory
City of David
Celestial City
Throne of the Elect
Mount Zion
Seat of Judgment
Bottomless Pit
Heaven or Hell
Abode of the Most High

It has also been pointed out that if the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is replaced by the word Sun, every passage that relates to the personality will fit and make even better sense than if taken for a biography. Even a cursory familiarity with the precepts of Astro-Theology will make one clear on this point.

…King of Heaven, prince of Creation, sun of the eastern sky who appeared both to the dead in Hades and to the mortals upon earth he, the only true Helios, arose for us out of the highest summits of Heaven - Melito of Sardis (Second Century Theologian)

The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun - Thomas Paine



It is quite exciting, incidentally, to know that the Genesis account of the creation of mankind through its first parentage in Adam and Eve bears the marks of derivation from the primary Egyptian symbolic depiction - Alvin Boyd Kuhn (Ultimate Canon of Knowledge)

The story of the primal parents at the Tree of Life, the mysterious serpent and the temptation are all derived from Egyptian Sidereal myth. Egypt was known by alien nations as the “Land of the Tree and the Serpent."

This term denotes Egypt as being the center of learning when it comes to the mysteries of the human body, the original Kabala, mystical Androgyny, and the meta-sexual mysteries. It refers to the magical, serpentine staff called the Caduceus of Hermes, borrowed as a symbol by today’s medical professions. It is the country where one was sent to learn these and other great mysteries, as Aristotle, Plato, Pythagoras, Solon, Xeres, Ammious Saccas, Hippocrates, Ovid, Apollonius, Iamblichus, Isocrates, Porphyrius, Plutarch, Diodorus, Diogenes, Euxodos, Thales, Plotinus, Porphyry, Herodotus and so many other scholars from throughout the world would readily have verified.


The "Tree of Life"
The Female body was called the Tree of Life and like a tree the female produced fruit. Her fruits are the circular ovum. Conception was fascinating to the Egyptians, not because they were sex mad, but because they understood that the meeting of the male force and the female force allows the miracle of incarnate life to occur, it is the way a soul enters physical creation. We take this for granted and never see the mystery of it. But the ancients considered this of paramount importance and saw the magic in it. And since the female is the host and incubator of that soul, the living alembic of this supreme Alchemical act, she was revered and deified. One of the other names for the Goddess was Nuith or Nut. She was also a mother goddess and identified with the Tree of Life. This is why today we still refer to the fruits of any tree as the "nuts" meaning of the goddess Nut. In ancient papyrus art we see a tree and as part of the tree we often see a goddess, such as Nut, Isis, or  Hathor. We are shown that the tree and goddess are one being. In the Middle Ages we see tapestries where the Madonna seated in front of the Tree of Life. Now the story of the Tree of Life and all its connotations was called, in Egypt, the Book of Genesis or Genisis. Isis was the supreme mother goddess of Egypt, after acceptance of the Osirian mythos. Genesis means "genes of Isis," or even "generation (progeny), of Isis." This referred to the physical female and of the cosmic female, the Universe itself. The Egyptians saw themselves as the offspring of one cosmic mother and her name was Isis. Isis is the later Eve and Mary, the virgin queens. The Book of Genesis is therefore a book of genes, relating to the human DNA (the real Tree of Life).

Slowly over the calm waters
Came the spirit of the Thrones
Her long white robe flowed to her feet
In her hand the silver circle
The stars followed in her train
Like servants
The Sun and Moon bowed down
Amen! Amen!
This was all I heard
- Book of Enoch

"Biting the Apple"
Now we come to the part in the adapted Book of Genesis were the primal parents are tempted by the evil serpent and are outlawed from paradise forever. No one has ever come up with a reason for the strange prohibition mentioned or the subsequent wrath of the creator in regards his own creations. We can now state clearly that the reason why no explanations are given regarding anything in Genesis is because their adapted and interpolated story is patently concocted and false. Explanations are meant to cast aside ignorance and show the rationale for a thing. How can one explain a pack of lies. It is a hash of a sacred initiation story that was learned by the novices in the sanctums and palmyriums of ancient Mediterranean peoples. The subversion of this act was to disempower  the female and marginalize womankind from the coming institutionalized religious cabals that would enslave humankind and pervert all the sacred tracts and rituals. But behind the graffiti we can find again the original message, the original intent of the ancients.

We hold that moral evil in this mythical domain is an abortion of theology, which was mainly Semitic in origin - Gerald Massey (Ancient Egypt - Light of the World)

In no land or literature has the mythical mode of representation been perverted and reduced to driveling foolishness more fatally than in some of the Hebrew legends - ibid

Now as we pointed out the female’s ovum were called the "apples," from the Tree of Life. But what of the sperm from the male, without which there can be no life. The sperm was long equated with and symbolized by a wriggling snake or serpent. Once this is known, it will help to explain numerous carvings and images found in the ancient temples of serpents shown in close approximation to circular orbs and symbols. How many have seen the cobra motif crowned by a circular disc? Now the sperm does attempt to enter the ovum and circles all around it. This was depicted as a serpent coiling around an apple, or a tree. So in the Bible we have the serpent tempting and an apple that is called the Fruit of the Tree of the “knowledge of good and evil.” This tree does not exist in any place but the minds of the biblical authors, attempting to draw attention away from the tree as a female symbol. We need to substitute "male and female" or "masculine and feminine" for "good and evil," to get back on track. The serpent and the apple were symbols of the sperm and the ovum. The "biting of the apple" was always a connotation for the sperm entering the ovum. Its action of penetration was seen figuratively as "biting" into the apple. An apple cannot be replaced once it has been plucked, as the sperm cannot be deviated or returned upon entering the ovum. The term "rotten apple" was and still is, used to ridicule a recidivist child. When the prohibition states not to bite the apple, is a prohibition against conception, not given by the ancients, but by later church patriarchs with an agenda of dividing masculine from feminine, (the goal of all true mysticism and religion is the opposite) and male from female. There can be no rule or domination over the consciousness of man unless there is first rule over the biology of man. There could be no authority structures of any kind without prohibition and punishment. Freud proved that humans literally embody the patriarchal model. We even identify with the oppressor if that force is powerful and threatening to our personal security and well-being.

Circumcision (the mark of servitude)
Religion had in mind the idea of turning man’s awareness away from himself and his innate, natural wisdom, to the external realm of change and transition. It also had in mind the need to convince man to repress his own vital energies, the libido and the sexuality. To do this they instigated and reinforced the pagan tradition of circumcision, employing it in their liturgy as a "holy" ceremony. The pagan custom was never holy and it had potentially very negative connotations, of great interest and attraction to these conceivers of the Solar-centric, phallocratic theocracies. Taking a circlet of skin from the male, from his penis had the symbolism of removing the feminine principle from him. Circles, as shown above, were always analogous to the ovum and since the ancients recognized that the penis was the symbol of man, cutting from there, served to symbolically reinforce his manhood/masculinity, to emphasize the polarity of the genders. When women had to undergo the circumcision of the clitoris, this was the removal of the small "penis" from her, the polarization of her maleness and the hardening of the femaleness. The emphasis in both these barbaric and demeaning, but ever so "sacred" rituals, was the polarization of the sexes, not their union. Now this is not the role of true religion. True religion makes each sex realize the essential bi-unity of its nature, on a psychological level. Orthodoxy could have none of that. They wanted man to repress his instincts so that they could provide all the sexual repressions in vicarious forms later on, in their intricate ecclesiastical rituals and convocations. The architecture of the churches and cathedrals, the regalia and attire are all surrogate sexual symbols. Sexual imagery has become sacred imagery. You cannot have someone repress their natural instincts and desires without coveting neurosis and schizophrenia (split personality). A certain amount of disassociation is necessary for the control, but too much defeats the purpose. They want us inwardly divided alright, but also aspiring systemically for that lost equipoise. So they cleverly provide the erotica, cloaked in esoterica. This is why even in modern times we have the bizarre fetishism of sexual personae. We are not allowed to know about androgyny in all its permutations. But we can have a Christ figure placed before us, cosmetically made-over to look typically androgynous. And as many have shown, Christian Art is saturated with veiled erotic depictions (see Camille Paglia and George Bataille, etc).

"Bruising the Head and Heel"
When we hear that the head of the serpent will be "bruised," we are also hearing about the breaking of the head of the sperm as it enters the ovum. As the single sperm penetrates the precinct of the female ovum, its head breaks off (see the Tower Tarot card). 


And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and then shalt bruise thy heel - (Genesis 3:15)

When we hear that there will be "enmity" placed between the woman and the man we must, instead, read "polarity." Naturally, in conception there are two sexes. But as explained above, the Church Fathers wanted to emphasize the dichotomies between man and woman. It is simple divide-to-rule tactics but with massive political and spiritual connotations. There has been an overt war against the role of the female in physical life. There is also the war for the suppression of the Feminine, or Anima, within the consciousness of humankind. The Anima is the supreme archetype and gives life its mystery and meaning. It is the cosmic female that gave life to all that exists. Church religion wanted to cut us off at the root and judging by the record of horrors executed under the auspices of all fundamental religion, it has certainly succeeded. The present schisms between the sexes is a symptom of the inner systemic and psychic duality. The sexual act and everything sexual had to be made taboo. Sexuality, even on the lower genital level, calls for unison and bonding. In emotion behind all sexual union, especially the highest manifestation of it, is the loss of personal identity and gender dichotomy. Object and subject are obliterated, transcended. Through sexual experience the Male is meant to be introduced to his inner Female. Likewise the female is meant to be introduced to her inner male. And ultimately this calls for the complete transcendence of these illusions. And in ancient Hermetic traditions, the Priestess was the being that preserved and expounded the articles and precepts of this faith (Hermes was the Grecian version of the Egyptian Thoth and this latter is always described as an agent of the goddess. Hermetic traditions are Goddess traditions and it is just a play on words that would make it seem otherwise). Moreover, if we have potentates dressing as the female and referring to “Holy Mother Church” we realize now that it is all a vestige of a rich, meaningful metaphysic.

The "biting of the apple" is a hermeneutic for the sperm/serpent, entering the ovum at the moment of conception. But this elaborate and evocative story of the garden of Eden was not only about the sexual biology we are all versed in. It contained deeper motifs, relating to Androgyny and the union of the energies of the Shiva and Shakti, Osiris and Isis, Adam and Eve, Guinevere and Arthur, etc. In the myth of Osiris we find him cut into 15 pieces. This is because there are 15 joints to the male body, 14 for the Female. (14 + 15 = 29 = 11 - JUSTICE, the Libran card of the marriage of opposites. 11 is one and one or the meeting of the opposites in the Chymical Marriage or Hieros Gamos). The moon’s cycle is complete after 29 days. 

The Pharaoh is always seen with his arms crossed over his breast. This is not a symbol of death. Actually, when the right arm (male) crosses the left side and the left arm (female) crosses the right side we have a symbol for bi-unity or Androgyny. Moreover, the "Crook and the Flail" symbols that he carries also represent, among other things, the ovum and sperm again.

Our number 9 came from the symbol of the sperm which must enter the female ovum, which is why we have the number 10. The curved number 9 has that design to represent the male phallic 1 returning to, or becoming the circle or zero. Male returning from whence it came. There is a Gnostic/Pythagorean adage that states: The circle doth beget the line, but the line begetteth not a circle. It should be obvious now what this means. In magic the protecting circle is commonly of 9 feet (cubits) in diameter. The "squaring the circle" motif is common in most city architecture.

One must become familiar with the concept of Androgyny and how the ancients were concerned with it. Little that is contained in world myth, legend and lore is going to make much sense unless one is conversant with Androgyny. The entire Alchemical "Magnum Opus" deals with it explicitly.

The Magickal Circle and Pentagram
We can also see the motif of the ovum and sperm in the image, coming down to us out of the past, of the Magician standing in his protecting circle, often with a pentacle design there also. Christians point to this as satanic. However, as shown above, for anyone that does not know it, conception occurs when the male sperm enters into the female ovum. This latter is the precinct of life itself, the sacred alembic of all advanced animal life. The fetus takes shape, then shape-shifts, goes through magical metamorphosis, grows and becomes human, all within, or from, the protection of its little circle. So when the Magician, whose intent it is to rise to the fifth spiritual dimension (the Quintessence), stands within his circle he is attempting merely to emulate the original acts of conception and birth. His living body replicates the male sperm within the female ovum. He may even hold a wand or staff to emphasize that fact. In magic the circle is frequently designed according to the number 9 and its factors. The word nine comes the word nun which meant "primordial ocean." It was also the name of the original mother goddess from Egypt. The number 9 connotes the female gestative cycle, but also represents the phallic yod. or number 1 returning to the shape of the circle.

The pentagram is the symbol that is seen in all naturally flowering things. It is another symbol of the female and the Mother (Venus). It is connected to the Phi ratio (creation ratio), which is why we see Leonardo, Vitruvius and Agrippa depicting man standing in that shape. All things grow according to the pentad and its various harmonics. It represents the fifth level of cognition, or human evolution and there is nothing "satanic" about it. But since it all related to the female initiatory precepts, it had no place and no currency in the Solar and Saturnian power cults that superseded the Stellar and Lunar epochs. Incidentally, this is the reason why the Greek letter Phi is a circle and a line, similar to the English letter "Q."  The Magician is the one who deems it the object of life to attain the fifth dimension. The first four are the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms. The Magician wishes to undergo the great metamorphosis and attain the "Meta-Human," or "Pharaonic" level, which is that of the true Christ (karast). This metamorphosis is akin to a rebirth and so there is need to employ the symbols commensurate with an act of birth, namely, the "Ring and the Rod." This is also why we see the female pentagram and the protecting precinct of the circle in most magical depictions. Unfortunately, the modern practitioners of ceremonial magic have not the faintest idea of any of this and the Christians, who know just as little, continue their dialectical rankling and scare tactics. The latter are reacting against the wrong symbols and the former are trying to revere symbols that have nothing to do with their main tenets. All the while the power elite are dancing on their desks enjoying the entire spectacle. The reason why the pentagram gets shown with a goat’s head has also nothing to do with Satan or Satan worship. The word goat comes from the word gott which is god in Anglo-Saxon. This is because the symbol for god for millennia was either a horned goat, or other horned, vegetarian, non-pack, animal. (See L. A. Waddell and Harold Bailey, etc). Actual "Satanists," who are some of the stupidest people on the earth (and they have stiff competition for this merit), often adopt the upright goat’s head as their symbol proving that, like Christians, they are in total ignorance as to the nature of telestic mysteries. To really show "opposition" to the Christian God and ethos the real "anti-Christian" would reverse or invert the image of the goat’s (God’s) head. (It was reversed, not the pentacle. An inverted pentacle has no negative meaning at all. It merely means that one is turning to the world within themselves rather that the outer world.

The main reason why the reversed pentagram is seen at all in magic has to do with the Egyptian Kabala. In Kabala the fifth sefiroth (sphere) called Geburah is associated with Mars and, therefore, with masculinity, aggression and evil, the fall of spirit into matter. It represents the place of the Fall and also the place of the adversary. (This is the reason why the US Pentagon is that shape). Now inverting the symbol of the five indicates a subversion of this same "Yang" energy and the exaltation of the feminine "Yin" principles, the return of spirit to the supernal realms. There is nothing evil in any of this for a truly spiritual person. Outside the strict Kabalistic milieu the pentagram came to represent nature and the creative force of sexuality (Eros) the ever extending physical impulse and libido which is often needed to be internalized (reversed) by the mystic savant who realizes that there is more to life than procreation, furtherance of life in the external sense and infatuation with the material illusion. The mystic by definition does not desire to participate in the erstwhile progress of the material flux which prizes species over individual.

The fifth card of the Tarot is the patriarchal Hierophant, representing orthodox approaches to religion and belief. He is the creator of dogma and is suppressive to anything which contradicts his hegemony. He represents the Church and the Inquisition, and the forces which conspire to have men and women conform to a fixed pattern of understanding. The reversed pentagram is in this context, therefore, a symbol of the rebellion against such conformity and hierarchical dominance. It is the sign of the outcast, and subversive - the Gnostic and Taoist who values individuality and who knows that what we believe cannot be imposed on others, or enforced by subliminally implanted fallacies about the nature of god, however ingeniously manufactured. (To read more about the Hierophant card, click here). 

A pentagram also stands with 2 feet on the ground and three above. In Kabalistic symbology, this represents the marriage of Chokmah (masculine) and Binah (Feminine). However, the five points can clearly be connected with the five senses. The two points represent the two senses that rank higher than the others, in a spiritual context. These are seeing and hearing. Upon these the other senses are dependant. Seeing and hearing are senses that are very different and one must understand their essential nature in order to progress spiritually.

The Misuse of the Pentagram
The Semites and Greeks would inscribe, around the points of a pentagram, the letters for the word Hygiene. For them, however, this word did not refer merely to physical cleanliness and a repressed or inhibited life. To mystery school initiates the five-pointed star was a symbol of moral excellence and spiritual perfection. The Pentagram was therefore the device worn by those with unsullied souls, the truly blessed ones. Additionally, because of its esoteric connection with the planet-archetype Venus, it was known and recognized as an emblem of health and healing. Its reversal, in this context, would represent toxicity and sickness, evil and moral degeneracy.

A "true" Satanist would never utilize a reversed pentacle because they too are, in fact, spiritualists and like, in the same manner as their nemesis, they too also seek the perfection of the "Fifth Element" or Quintessence. All mystics and magicians are attempting in their work to reach this stage. That is why the pentacle and the circle are utilized. Leonardo Da Vinci even depicted Man in formation as a pentacle to highlight this telestic theme, that he too, being an Alchemist, was involved in reaching. So, given the actuality of these facts, that regardless of whether the Magician is "black" or "white" the goal is the same, neither practitioner would invert the pentacle. To do so would be to affirm that the practitioner was interested, not in evolution of consciousness, but rather devolution to a lower state, that of animal, vegetative or even inorganic life. Naturally, this cannot be the intention of anyone, let alone of those whose entire motive is the augmentation of their personal power. Now the "lower" Satanist who does unwittingly use the reversed pentagram will never attain his desired goal and is, in fact, in severe danger of self-destruction. Taking all he knows about magic from the grimoires and lexicons of the Middle Ages, the befuddled fabrications of monks and witch-hunters, he engages in rites of futility. He aspires to the fifth dimension, thinking like all megalomaniacs that the state can be artificially actualized, but employs a symbol that means the exact opposite of his intention. Hell certainly awaits for such a fool. He becomes possessed or regresses to the lower ontological states. In his own words, something goes "disastrously wrong" and he is visited by all manner of entities resembling insects, animals, serpents, dragons and other hybrid creatures. Not that there is anything inherently evil in these apparitions. They are just the representations of, or familiars of, the realms that he has been unwittingly contacting and are probably as unhappy to see him as he is to see them.

  • It will one day be found out who has been funding all the exploitative "horror" movies, not only those from the classic black and white days, but the more recent blood and gore ones, like "The Omen," "The Exorcist," "Halloween, "Friday the 13th," etc. It is the Vatican, for they have much to gain from reinforcing our idea of evil and their redemptive role as public saviors from it all. These forces need to proffer forth false images of magic and occultism, and need to confuse the viewer, who begins to be infected with erroneous ideas about religion and occultism. A study of church architecture, especially of Mormon structures, will show that the reversed pentagram is used with great frequency. Could this strange instance be telling us that satanic activities are going on behind the closed doors? Or could it be a sign that these churches and their creators are anti-life, anti-truth, anti-nature, and anti-hygienic? Many a whistle-blower from within these absurd but financially empowered "cabals" adamantly believe so.

In Masonic conclaves the upright pentagram or pentacle placed on anything signifies that the item is transmuted to the mystical level. It is a sigil that, like an exclamation mark or apostrophe, signals that there are subliminally arcane meanings behind the seemingly mundane appearance. (This is why the pentagram is on national flags and heraldry, why they are worn by those in the military, why the US Pentagon is that shape and why even the hellish machines of war and death bare the symbol.)

When found in a text, the star determined (or indicated to the reader) that the group of hieroglyphs associated with it was related to spiritual matters. It was related to the heavens, to invisible energies (which the Greeks called “aetheric”) - David Ovason (Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol)

In short, no symbol is inherently negative, nor is any inverted symbol. But because Satanists do ignorantly use inverted religious symbols, it is understandable for Christians to feel wary and critical. They should, however, make a more in-depth study of symbols to know exactly what is consciously malign. Factually, a symbol can only become a sigil for negative energy when its modal regularity (shape), that is, its vertices, are warped, distended or reconfigured in any way so that one side is of a different length than the others, or of all different lengths. Actions like that will corrupt the mathematical and geometric/geomantic calibration of a symbol and certainly make it a conduit for dissonant energies. 



In architecture the motif of the circular fountain with a standing column or obelisk carries the same archetypal imagery. The male column and the circular fountain of life-giving waters were a common fixture to city centers, because they represent fertility and abundance. The obelisk represented the phallus of the earth god Geb, whose erect member extends into the body of the goddess of the heavens, his consort, Nuith. The Masons that were the architects of the temple structures and who knew all about the measurements of the planet, place the capital "G" within the symbols of the calipers (compass) and ruler. The word Geb probably gave rise to the Greek "Geo" meaning Earth, hence - geometry, geomancy, etc. 

Circles represent the ovum. This is why we see modern conjurors holding a straight wand and a circular ring. Sometimes we see a hat, from which the magician pulls endless paraphernalia and living animals. The ring or the hat represent the ever-teeming womb that is fertilized by the inseminating wand, the phallus.

When we get married the ritual includes the placing of a ring on a straight finger, as a symbol of union and coming fertility.

In Jewish traditions a circle is drawn around a pregnant woman during the birth hours.

During the Catholic Mass, one has a small, white, circular wafer, placed in their mouths. This action of imbibing and ingestion is subliminally based on the relationship, again, to the mother. The circle of the Mass represents the Ovum.

In circumcision, a small circlet of skin is removed from the male phallus. This represents the removal under pain, of the female principle. This is why at this time, a boy is said to become a 'man.'

Roman ambassadors would draw a circle around themselves in the earth prior to delivering their counsels, this was to indicate their neutrality.

In the doctrines of Alchemy the circular Uroboric serpent is regarded as the ultimate mantic sigil of the telestic process.

In Washington DC we have the phallic "Monument" facing the female "Oval" office.

In Paris we find another obelisk in front of the Notre Dame ("Virgin" Mary’s) Cathedral.

Most ancient Irish passage graves have the standing stone aligned with circular mounds called sidhes, which means "breast" or "womb." Silbury Hill in England turns out to be a huge spirallic womb, when seen from the air. Glastonbury Tor (a phallic tower) is nearby. Get the picture?

(interested readers can see the Etymology section above and look under the word Genesis).

Jesus and the Twelve
There can be no doubt that the story of Jesus and the twelve derive from the Sun and the signs of the zodiac. However there is another corollary that concerns the mystery of generation, conception and mitosis. It has been noticed that it takes one sperm to enter an ovum for conception to take place. However, now with the new microscopes it has been found there are certain preliminaries that occur for this sperm to even gain entrance. Thousands of sperms must circulate the outer wall of the ovum and then 12 sperms must line up against the wall in an extremely geometric manner. Only when this is just right will the ovum and the pronucleus allow one sperm usually the 13th through. Cannot the coming to earth of Jesus and the gaining of the 12 disciples correlate with this microcosmic mystery? In several Catholic paintings we often see the 12 disciples and sometimes Christ himself all enswathed in the blue veil of Mary, in a manner that definitely replicates the above mentioned scenario. In almost all of the hero myths of the world we have the twelve companions.


Astro-Theology and the Bible (cont'd...)

The Twelve Ages or Aeons
Many of the anecdotes and stories in New Testament have to do with the astronomical phenomena called 'The "Precession of the Equinoxes." This is the movement of the constellations relative to the motion of the Earth. There are three basic celestial motions that concerned the ancients and that were symbolized by three circles, a motif seen on religious architecture, etc. There is the motion of the Earth around the Sun, there is the motion or orbit of the Earth on its own axis and there is the "wobble" motion of the planet Earth as it turns on its own axis. This latter motion is the one that makes it appear as if the point of the Equinoxes are moving backwards in relation to the fixed astrological houses. Now this motion may not seem worthy of attention to most readers. However, we cannot emphasize it enough as the 'Precession' is the heart of all mythology, symbolism and religion. One cannot have astrology without it. It is the secret of all magical, Hermetic traditions and volumes can be and have been written on it, few which are in print today. Even the humble nursery rhymes descend from it. Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, Goosy Goosy Gander, Old Mother Hubbard, etc, all contain cryptic sabean motifs. The zodiac is of twelve houses. It takes 72 years for the zodiac to move "backwards" just one degree of arc. This means that it takes 2,160 years for the sun to pass through one sign of the zodiac of 30 degrees. And for all twelve signs it takes 25,920 years. This is called the Platonic Year or the Grand Cycle. Then 4 of these Great Ages also constitutes a Cycle that is spoken of in the ancient records. But the astrologers knew that there are many changes in the evolution of the Earth when the sun passes into another house. And while the Equinox was being measured to see which constellations were opening the year, the wobble itself made the pole axis point to a different star in the northern sky. This is another important cycle that lasts 3,700 years. There are seven major "stations" of the Pole that were known. This gave rise to euphemisms in religion and mythology such as the 7 candlesticks that the "Son" (sun) passes through, the hall of the 7 chambers, the 7 crowns, the 7 magi, the 7 sleepers, the 7 jackals, the 7 gates, the 7 challenges, the 7 hurdles, etc, etc. The Pole of the earth is euphemistically called the Rock of Ages, in the Bible. The Pole was connected to stability. Plinths, columns, lecterns and podiums, etc, represent this Pole, as does the staff that the "wise" are seen carrying.

For a zodiac age to change meant that a new constellation was seen at dawn on the 21 March or the Spring Equinox. When the Pyramid was built the sign of Virgo was at this point. When the Mystery Schools opened on the Nile, the constellation of Leo was there. When the Priestarchies dominated, it was the Age of Taurus. During the Age of Aries, the male god was worshipped and there was war and conquest in the world. As each age changes, those sages in charge of the gnosis see to it that an entirely new mythology is created around its associated symbols. All the imagery that surrounds the various heroes has to do with the sun passing through these 12 houses. And the modern historians know this, but dare not go into it, as this information is sequestered by many of the secret fraternities of the world. One can review all the myths of the world in relation to this astronomical movement. And all the historical ages can be analyzed in regards the signs of the zodiac. And even in our own age, we find innumerable zodiacal symbols incorporated into heraldry, paintings, architecture, city-plans and in the milieu of religion, government and media. On a conscious level man operates with the use of the long and short term memory. But our racial memory goes much deeper than these. The legacies of the ancestors, of millennia, are encoded in the human DNA. When sacred symbols, out of the ancient theologies, are used subversively, attached to mundane products, they serve to lower and confuse the libido and the consciousness. And it is a desecration to use them in such a nefarious manner. For although no symbol is in itself negative, they can be bent to serve malign forces. They are indeed the most powerful of weapons in any arsenal. We all know of the power of symbols. Many will die and have died for them. And one will also unconsciously be manipulated by symbols all their life long. As Fredrick Nietzsche wrote: As long as one is committed to the idea that the stars are something above the head, they will lack the eye of knowledge. Let us review some more Biblical motifs which deal with this ancient and mystical doctrine.

The Age of Pisces
The Christian Mythos coincided with the Age of Pisces. This is the reason why there is much in the way of water symbolism in the New Testament. There is the mention of Baptism, the fact that the disciples were mostly fishermen. Then there is the walking on the water, the washing the feet of the disciples, the feeding of the five thousand with two fish, etc. The Christians still use the symbol of the fish to symbolize Jesus. The letters of the word Jesus Christ the Savior of the World, in Latin, give the word for fish. The Pope wears the "Ring of the Fisherman," and the Pope's headdress is a fish head, from the side.  The early Christians were called the "Little Fishes." In the Old Testament we read about the prophet Jonah being swallowed by the whale or the great fish. All the imagery of the chapters and verses of the New Testament can be related to the Precessional phenomena, as that it what it was composed for in the first place. It was never meant to be a biography.

The Hindoo story of Saktideva, who was swallowed by a huge fish and came out unhurt, is similar to the Hebrew account of Jonah swallowed by the whale, which is undoubtedly a sun-myth, and represents the sun being swallowed up by the earth - Sarah Elizabeth Titcomb (Aryan Sun Myths)

The 33 years of Christ's ministry
This is a number that connects directly with the zodiac and the movement of the sun around it. As mentioned above, the sun takes 2,160 years to pass backward through one sign of 30 degrees. Now this number 2160 or its shorter version 216, is a number that turns up in megalithic construction throughout the world. It was encoded into most of the cyclopean structures, to represent the Serpent or Sidereal Cults who were the Magi, or astrologers. Now it takes 2,160 years for the sun to clear a house. In degrees this is 30. But the sun enters at the 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size also. This is why they said in the Bible that the ministry of Christ begins at 30 and finishes at 33. This reference would have been unmistakable to anyone aware of the secrets of astrology. The number is connected to the initiation of the "Sun" of god not "Son," passing through the zodiac. This is why the Freemasonic lodges also utilize the number. There are also 33 vertebrae in the spinal column.

The 12 Official and 72 Unofficial disciples
This refers to the twelve houses or signs of the zodiac that are found on or very near to the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the path of the sun around the zodiac.  There are more than twelve constellations there of course. And in fact if one counts all the constellations of great importance, there are 72, not counting the 12. These extra-zodiacal constellations are called the paranatellons. They also pay homage to the passing sun. So it was written that Jesus had 12 official servants and 72 others that also carried the message. The symbol of the Arthurian Round Table is also a motif that is based on the round of the zodiac. Now these paranatellons are the leitmotif behind innumerable other Biblical and mythical stories. But because we are not conversant with these constellations and their esoteric relevance we do not notice when they turn up either in fiction or art, architecture or commercial.

Jonah and Daniel
Two stories that make reference to these heavenly paranatellons are that of Jonah and the Whale and that of Daniel in the Lion's den. In the latter the sign of Leo is being cryptically inferred, for just like Samson and Hercules, or any solar hero, there are trials that test merit and valor. Fighting the lion or being in a den of lions is a reference to the hero conquering his own vanity or egotism. In the legends of Ireland many of the heroes face a dangerous boar or dragon. The boar relates to Taurus and the dragon to the constellation called Draco, one of the most arcane of the sabean symbols. Now the great whale relates to the constellation of Cetus, in the sign of Pisces. That people still imagine Jonah being swallowed by a physical whale, to re-emerge again, is testimony to the ignorance that exists in the world. The devices that are found on heraldry and on shields all relate to the paranatellons. The sun moves to its highest point in the constellation of Cancer. It also burns brightest and hottest in the next sign of Leo. It is to commemorate these two signs that one finds a lion and a unicorn on royal insignias. They represent the royal houses of the sun. The unicorn is one of the original symbols of Cancer, the earliest being the scarab beetle, Khepera. This is the reason why according to tradition, the fair or white queen sits on the left throne, while the red king sits on the right throne.

We find the same sabean motifs in chess and several other "games." In chess the black and white board represents the turning of day and night. Another one of the important paranatellons of antiquity is Aquila the Eagle. This is in the sign of Scorpio. The Egyptians, Romans and Americans make much use of the Eagle because it is known to represent the sign of power and wealth. It is curious that all the major myths and folktales speak of the combat between the hero and some fantastic beast. This is a staple, yet so many people take it literally. It makes reference only to the sun and the luminaries passing through the trials of the "underworld" or the night sky, the zodiac and the fantastic stories can only be fully understood in this context. 

It is also for this reason that we have the "nursery" rhyme of "Jack and Jill." All of the nursery rhymes go back to the stellar cults. "Jack" represents the sun and "Jill" the moon. The "hill" which they ascend is the northern zodiacal arch, known as the "Primordial Hill" in ancient times. The "pale of water," that they are to fetch, is a reference to the stars of Aquarius that were seen in the dawn of Leo. In this sign of Leo, when the star Sirius would be seen rising, the Nile would begin to rise to inundation. So the Egyptians said that the waters of the great goddess Isis (Sirius), were overflowing to bring them and the land new life for the year. The image that was usual for this, was that of the goddess of life, pouring forth her waters from an urn or pitcher. The images of the female, the urns and the great star, are still found on card 17 of the Tarot, called The Star, which appropriately goes with the sign Aquarius. Later, the image was masculanized to be a man with a water pitcher, still used today for Aquarius. In fact, this connection between the signs of Leo and Aquarius is the reason that today all over the world one sees beautiful fountains with lions in the architecture, or one sees lions with water pouring from their mouths. The Masonic architects of the great capital cities knew all about the dynamics of the constellations in relation to one another. And they knew that it was in the sign of the Lion (Leo), in the days of old, that the waters of the Nile would rise and flow. Then in the rhyme, Jack comes "tumbling down." This has to do with the fact that after reaching the most northerly point in the zodiac and after burning so brightly, the sun cannot ascend any higher and so must begin descending. And what the sun does, so the moon must also do, or was seen to be doing. So Jill came "tumbling after." And it was said of the sun at this time of descent, that his "crown" was broken. He was old and impotent. This is depicted in the Tarot, by the Hermit, symbolizing the old sun whose light is, after the summer solstice, weak and cold. The Tarot has preserved all that was lost to astrology when the latter was doctored by those of the Judeo-Christian persuasion. All the cards contain powerful information about the constellations acquired over millennia by our ancestors.

Forty Days in the Wilderness
In many of the Bible stories, we hear of the prophets or the heroes venturing into, or being exiled into, the "desert" or the so-called "wilderness." The most famous cases are Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Christ, although all the major myths feature something similar. Like all the passages of the scriptures, this is an occult reference. It deals with the heavens and with astrology, and well the clergy know it. It was mentioned that the sun passing through the twelve signs of the zodiac was frequently used as a motif in the great myths of the heroes. Now, the sun reaches its highest place in the sign of Cancer, which was one of the most important of the signs. The Egyptians had several gods associated with the sign. The most important of these was Khepra or Khepera and his personal symbol was the scarab beetle. Later the astronomers changed the icon of the scarabeus beetle to a crab. Although the sign of Cancer was the highest position of the sign and although it is the most northerly of the sign, it was given rulership by the Moon. It was also known as the Gate of Coming Forth, meaning coming forth into the world. The souls were thought to descend to the terrestrial abode via the sign of Cancer. This is why the sign is still associated with the female and the mother. Many important constellations, including the Great Bear, Ursa Major and the pole star are also in Cancer. However the majority of the sign of Cancer is dark. Its constellations are particularly dim. And it was because of this that the ancient Magi referred to Cancer as the "wilderness." And when the sun was entering into the sign it was said that it had entered into the wilderness for 40 days. This is because most signs are considered 30 degrees wide and of 30 days in duration. But with 5 or so degrees on either side, we make 40 altogether. Now when the sun physically, or any hero mythically, passes into and through the sign of Cancer, the orb or hero was said to be in the "wilderness." He was also said to be tempted by the evil one, the tempter, the adversary. This was in reference to the stars of Capricorn which is the domicile of the planet Saturn. Saturn was the rival (opposite) of the light. And these stars were seen on the house of Cancer during the night. So we read of Christ in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. The Egyptian period of the Inundation, was noticed to last approximately forty days, hence the connection of the number with water and initiation. It was also noticed that the days of pregnancy were approximately 40 weeks. So it was that the number became connected with periodicity, retreat, denial, sacrifice, pain and rebirth. We have the 40 days of the Deluge, 40 years of wandering in the wilderness for the so-called "Chosen People", 40 days of fasting by Moses, 40 days spent by Christ in the desert being tempted, 40 days between the rising of Jesus and his final departure, 40 days of mourning for Jacob, 40 days of fasting for Elijah, 40 days mourning in the rites of Persephone, the 40 days of the Christian Lenten, etc, etc. (See Symbols, Sex and the Stars by Ernest Busenbark)

The Nativity
The sign of Cancer also plays a very important role in the event known as the "Nativity," the birth of Christ in the manger in the inn. The improbable story of the Annunciation, the flight into Egypt and then the pause along the way are all cover stories for the relationship and dynamics of the constellations. It is reported that the son of god was born on the 25th of December. This is a few days after the famous Winter Solstice and this date had long been a pagan festival. For instance, in Egypt December 25th was the birthday of Horus, son of Isis and Osiris. But this day and the period were held sacred due to Astro-Theological reasons. It was noticed in very ancient times that during the solstice period, the sun which was traveling south into the cold of winter, would descend until it reached a point where it would stop. In fact this is what the word "Solstice" means, "sun standing still." This most southerly position of the sun is marked on all globes, as the tropic of Capricorn, for it is in that sign that this event takes place. The ancients considered that the sun had actually died. In fact, the great orb, would remain standing still for three days neither moving north or south. Then, it was noticed, that on the third day, the sun would begin moving northward again. So it was always said that the sun, the light of the world, would die for three days and then on the third day rise again. This was known thousands of years before Christianity came on the scene. Now this all occurs in the sign of Capricorn. But due to the movement of the earth in relation to the zodiac, the stars of the opposite signs or constellations are visible in the opposite houses. So, in the House of Capricorn, one see the stars of the northern signs, including those of Cancer. And there are several important constellations in the sign of Cancer. One of these constellations was called the Manger or the Cradle.  This is the constellation, amongst others, that is seen just before dawn on the day when the sun is beginning its rebirth. So it was said that the sun of god, the light of the world, that dies on the cross, rises after three days from a manger or cradle. The idea of the cross comes about because it was known that the two solstices and two equinoxes can be geometrically aligned using a perfect cross. In fact this was the origin of the symbol of the cross. It comes from no other place and no other discipline than astrology. Now we know what constellations are seen in the night sky of December. But we have not considered the eastern, western or northern sky at the same period.

Visitation of the "Magi" and the "Wise Men"
We read that the infant Jesus is visited at the inn by three "wise men," or "Magi" from out of the east. On the western horizon of the heavens on the dawn of the third day after the solstice, after the 21st, that is the morning of the 25th, the sign of Taurus was seen. And this is also a sign with very prominent and important constellations. One of these is known as Orion. This refers to the warrior Orion. And in this constellation of the warrior, there is the "belt" of Orion. This belt is made up of three very famous and bright stars. And the Magi referred to these three stars as the "three wise men." And it was also said that these wise men followed the great or "bright star," in the heavens. The great star is a simple reference to the sun itself. If one believes that there were literally three wise men who followed a physical star, one can ask what these travelers would have been doing during the daytime, since the stars only come out at night. The signs, and even the planets were like the cards of the Major Arcana, originally feminized. Later many were recast as masculine. This is the case with Aquarius, Sagittarius and Taurus, etc. Also the three wise men, that is, Orion's Belt, were originally known as the three sisters. They turn up in tales and myths like Beauty and the Beast, Macbeth and Cinderella, as well as more recent trashy examples, of sitcoms and movies, etc.

"Born of a Virgin"
This makes reference to another sidereal phenomena happening at the same time. On the eastern horizon on the morning of the 25th of December, the ancients noticed the sign of Virgo. This was always known as being associated with Isis, the divine and archetypal Mother. So it was said that the sun of god, the light of the world was born or risen again after 3 days, and that he is born in a manger, of a Virgin. And even long before these particular constellational dynamics were known, the sun was said to be born of a virgin. The relevance came from the fact that in ancient times, the Egyptian New Year began in the sign of Virgo, on the 25th of July. So it was said that the sun was "born of a virgin," or in a virgin. And we read that Mary came into the Inn upon a donkey or ass. This refers again to Cancer, as one of the largest and most well known of the constellations in Cancer was and is called the Ass. This constellation and that of the Manger can be seen on any planispheres. In the art-work of the Medieval and Renaissance periods, four animals are commonly seen around the cot of Jesus. There is the donkey, the bull, the lamb and the lion. These represent the constellations and paranatellons of the Cardinal signs. There can be no other reason why a lion would be incorporated into the depiction. Actually, the reference to Mary being a virgin is not from the Bible being the essence of physical accuracy. The word almah, was mistranslated to read "virgin" when it really meant "unmarried mother." The  mistranslation occurred purposely to align the concoction of the "biography" of Jesus to ancient cosmological and mythic motifs. The Christian should realize that if the Gospels were indeed a real biography, they would be infinitely more consistent than they are. And also if Christ existed, he did not write himself, begging the question as to whether his was the action of someone desirous of being remembered, or of someone intent on founding a new religion. He also directly prohibited any public prayer or ceremony. Were these words heeded by the founding fathers, who pretended to be so conscientious in their veracity?

The great star in the Virgin, appearing on the eastern edge of the horizon, at the moment of midnight, between the 24th and 25th of December, when the sun gains his first ascension, was said to preside over his nativity, and gave occasion to the fable of Christ, i.e., the sun being born of a Virgin - Rev. Robert Taylor

Herod and the "Massacre of the innocents"
This event relates to the constellations that are found in the northern sky on the morning of December 25th. For if the stars of Cancer are  occupying the house of Capricorn, so in reverse, the stars of Capricorn must be occupying the house of Cancer. Now the sign and stars of Capricorn have for millennia been associated with threat, time, karma and darkness. They are often connected with the adversarial forces. And in astrological parlance an "opposition," is considered an unfavorable aspect. So opposing the sign of Cancer, opposing the place of birth or rebirth of the sun, we have these stars. In the story we also have the Saturnian force opposing the coming of the "son." This is Herod, the authority figure, the potentate of the times. Capricorn and Saturn, its planetary ruler, is connected with punitive authorities, as any common astrologer knows. And this is the reason why in the Nativity tale we have such a reference. The entire Nativity and all of the New Testament concerns the stars and their relationships.

"Many Mansions"
This passage "In my father's house are many mansions" is not a correct translation. It is meant to say, that in the father's house or abode are many rooms. It refers to the heavens, the actual abode of god, in which there are many houses. And specifically there are the twelve houses of the zodiac. There are several passages in the New and Old Testament that make direct reference to the stars and to astrology.

Joseph a "Carpenter"
This is a reference to the Masonic guilds. All Masons know the real meaning of the word. It refers to the "Craft." Joseph, Julio, Julius, etc, derive from the word "Yule," which is better understood as "Wheel." The Yule referred, as it still does today, with the winter solstice. The zodiac was always likened to a rotating wheel that began moving or rotating at the winter solstice. And the solstice is in the sign of Capricorn, the "house" of Saturn, the Artifex, or crafter of the material realms. Saturn is the Carpenter. Capricorn is the place of the birth of the physical sun. So we read that the "Son" is born of a "Carpenter." In Medieval and Renaissance art Joseph is often seen holding the symbols that have long been associated with the planet and archetype of Saturn.

Peter on the inverted Crucifix
Peter is a derivation of Ptah, the primordial god of ancient Egypt, the great Artificer of the material realm. In astrological terms Ptah, the great father is Capricorn and Saturn. The "Keys of Peter" are the keys to the cardinal sign of Capricorn where the year "opens." The winter Solstice was seen as the inverted cross of the zodiac because the sun "dies," in the cold of the southern climes. All the disciples have their Egyptian analogues. Thomas is Tammuz or Tem. These gods gave the word Time. "Time" is the "doubter" that cannot understand eternity. Through the vale of time one always needs rational proof of things. Peter is also the "denier" of Christ. This emphasizes his role as Saturn the adversarial polarity. The cock "crowing" in the story of Peter's denial is another reference to Capricorn and the opening of the year. The cock is a symbol for the deity Abraxas, whose name in numerology adds to 365, the number of days in the solar year. And the denial three times, is a reference to the three days that the sun sits upon the solstice, in Capricorn, without moving. So it was said that the sun/son and his light, or his word, was "denied" by one of the twelve (signs).  Peter was also called the "rock." This is a oblique reference to Capricorn being the "rock" of the zodiac, that is, the Cardinal Earth sign that sits at the base of the circle of twelve, holding it in place, as it were.

"Raising the Temple"
This is a reference to the coming forth of the sun again after 3 days. The zodiac was known by the Siderealists as the temple. Temple means Time of El or god, meaning the clock of god, which the zodiac is. Now, the rebuilding of the temple  can either be seen as the actual 3 days of the sun's rebirth in the sign of Capricorn, or also as the 3 signs that precede the Spring Equinoctial rising of the sun, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. "Days," refers to signs of the zodiac, they are days of Precession.

Creation in "Six Days"
This refers to a period of 2,160 x 6 or 12,960 (a number found encoded in almost all the sacred megalithic structures and temple complexes of the world). A Precessional "day" is 2,160 years long. This is 1 degree every 72 years for a sign of 30 degrees. But the 2,160 was considered so sacred that its mystery was rarely mentioned to the uninitiated. Instead of it, the number 666 was used. (6x6x6 = 216.) This is the real reason why the orthodox Christian hierarchy have made this number out to be satanic. It is because it has to do with Astro-Theology, astrology and the Stellar Cult. When a particular secret number was to be expressed, another related code number was used in its place. The Jews did the same thing with the word Adonai, which they uttered in place of Jehovah. There is nothing "satanic" about the number 666. It is, however, the "Number of the Beast" alright.


Man is in the womb for 9 months. Upon his birth, he is forever circumambulated by the wheel of the zodiac. And for his personal life, for the life of the earth upon which he lives, for light and energy he needs the outer sun, the center of the zodiac. Nine months is 270 days. The wheel of the zodiac like all circles and cycles that man will live in, is defined by 360. And the sacred numeral of the sun is 36.

270 + 360 + 36 = 666 (the Human Number)

Moreover, all the numbers between 1 and 36, again make 666. The number 666 is a solar number also. (The number 36 has long been connected to cycles and to the zodiac. The Etruscans, Greeks and Romans, all had calendars of ten months of thirty-six days.)

Additionally, as modern biologists have discovered, the human gene is made up of 23 chromosomes. 2 divided by 3 equals .666 (The Number of the Beast)

(This in no way exhausts the depth of significance of the number 666. Stay tuned to this site for a full treatise by Michael Tsarion on sacred Hermetic Numerology)

The Seventh or Sabbath Day
The number 7 is sacred for many reasons. But in the present context, the "day" that the Lord "rested" from his labors, refers to the sign of Libra, which ends the first cycle of signs, those of the northern sky. The physical sun enters the Nekyia or Underworld in this sign. It is the place of "rest" because the "job" of the sun, meaning its creative power, is no longer as strong or as needed. The sign of Libra directly faces that of Aries, so it was said that the sun had come to the place, or the seat of harmony, where there was temporary stasis. The calm energy of Libra was the polar opposite of the aggressive and extrovert Aries. This is partly the reason why the symbol of the sign of Libra was the great Scales of balance. The Autumnal Equinox is also in the sign of Libra. The symbolism around this sign is very extensive and cannot be gone into here. The sign of Libra was associated with the goddess Maat and the disciple Matthew. The word Maat gives us the word mute, meaning silence, because as we are saying, the sign of Libra was the "resting" place of the sun after its creative work through the seasons of spring and summer. 

The two Mary's
There are always the two mothers around the hero in myth. And in the Christ Myth we have the mention of two Marys. There is Mary the mother of Jesus and later appears Mary the Magdalene. There is also Miriam and Martha. It is in their house that the marriage feast of Cana takes place. In many Medieval and Renaissance paintings we see the two Marys at the foot of the cross. And in the famous paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci, like the Madonna on the Rocks, we again see two female personages, two mothers. This image has clear roots in the Egyptian cosmology and mythology. Isis and Nephthys were the two mothers, consorts and goddesses.

(Psychologically, they can be seen as the Soul and the Conscience. They are said by various scholars to represent the waxing and waning moon, Venus and Moon, earth and sky, day and night, and life and death, etc.).

They are seen on either side of  the Solar Child Horus, in the Tarot card numbered 6 (the Lover). They are also seen behind the throne of the Pharaoh, in the Papyrus of Ani, in the Book of the Dead. In fact, the implication of this image is that the Pharaoh officiates for and holds his office under the auspices of the female principle. It was this that the Christian concoction was mimicking. In fact, the word "Magdalene," comes from "Magdala" meaning "tower." Mary Magdalene was called the "Lady of the Tower." And this is the same name that was given to Lady Nephthys, sister of Isis, whose head-dress was a tower. And the connections between Mother Mary and Isis herself are so voluminous as to fill entire volumes. (The interested reader is directed to the works of R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz and Gerald Massey). 

The "Raising of Lazarus"
Now, Miriam and Martha had a brother, called Lazarus. Lazarus is "dead" in the tomb in the garden of Miriam and Martha. Later we see two Marys around the cross of Christ. Earlier we see two mothers around the child Jesus. Lazarus is raised from the dead. But this again goes back to Egypt. It relates to one of the best known and most powerful myths, the raising of Osiris, the god of the dead. Now the word "Lazarus" is a thinly disguised L-ASURAS. Asur, is the real name of Osiris in Egyptian. "L" just means "the," as in the modern French. In Hindi the sun is called Asurya or Surya or Sri. This is where we get our Sire or Sir, when referring to a man of status and education.

The Bread and Fishes
As mentioned above, this has to do with the Age of Pisces. But more specifically, it has to do with the relation of the signs Pisces and Virgo which face one another in the wheel of the zodiac. In Virgo, the Egyptians began their Harvest. It is the sign of the fertility goddess Isis who later became Arista, Demeter, Ceres and Mary, etc. The fish is the symbol of the child born of the mother and virgin (Virgo). So the entire story of the 5 loaves and the two fishes is or was a discourse on the dynamics of the constellations, particularly those of Pisces (the two fishes) and Virgo (the five loaves). Virgo is the fifth sign of the zodiac from Aries the first sign, and was always symbolized by five loaves of bread, in the same manner as hot-cross buns symbolize Easter today. But the deeper concern of the Magi with these two signs lies in the fact that they were the Descendant and Ascendant in relation to the chart of the Earth itself. And although western astrology puts all the emphasis on the latter it is really the former that has the greatest occult meaning for the times. All governmental operations are done according to the position of the descendant and that is why few believe this. The descendant is of supreme importance and there is a good reason why it is ignored by most conventional "astrologers."  In Gaelic legend the Salmon of Knowledge, has to do with the star Fomahault, in Aquarius/Pisces. In Christianity, many Druidic motifs are found, one being the symbol of the fish as the bestower of secret wisdom. Bread was always connected to the goddess. The four ingredients of bread represented her: grain, yeast, water and salt.

Mary Magdalene at the Tomb
Like Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene represents the sign of Virgo. But the stars of Virgo were seen physically in the sign of Pisces. The heavenly Virgin was seen in the sky during the morning of the Passover. The "tomb" relates to the winter seasons, the signs of the underworld where the sun is concealed and considered dead or asleep. At the time of the Equinox, in the last days of the sign of Pisces, the sun is young and new, he had "risen." And the stone rolling away from the door to the tomb actually relates to the earth itself moving away from the "door" or the Equinox, thereby allowing the "bright angel," or the light of the sun, to show. The angel guarding the door is the sun which has risen. And the stars of Virgo are seen at the moment of the opening of the "tomb." So it was written that "Mary" was present at the tomb before all else.  

The Passover
Called such because the sun is literally passing over from the dark cold months of winter into the spring, from the state of impotency to virility and effulgence. The smearing of ram's or lamb's blood on the lintels of the doors, was due to this Passover being in the very sign of the Ram, that is Aries. Doorways and portals were always related to the signs of the zodiac, as a study of architecture will soon confirm. The Jews still blow the Ram's horn at the opening of Nissan, the first month of their year. The word April means "I open." And in France on April Fools Day, a fish representing Pisces, is pinned on people.

The "Good Shepherd"
The Bible mentions Christ as the good "Shepherd" and there are the "Shepherds" who watch their "flocks" by night who come to visit him in the manger. First of all, there are no shepherds who watch flocks in the dead of winter, and secondly, like all the passages of the Bible, the meaning of this is to be found in the Gnostic cosmology of ancient Egypt. As the Precessional Ages change, so does the mythology that is associated with the zodiac cycles. In fact, one of the most important jobs of the Pharaonic priests, the Irish bards, the shamans, etc, was to render the changes to the body of world myth, tailoring it to fit with the new age, while keeping the mystical coherence. In fact, the role of the "artist," is the same. Now Christianity was a theology that expressed the archetypes connected with the twelfth sign of the zodiac, that of Pisces, the sign of the fishes. But the previous Age was that of Aries, the Ram. And Egyptian Pharaohs and priests of knowledge in that Age were referred to as the "Good Shepherds." The "Flocks" that they watched by night were the stars in the night sky, as they were all Siderealists. This is why we read that the Magi, as well as the "Shepherds," following the bright star, knew of the place of birth of the Solar King, Jesus Christ. The word "Shepherd" was a euphemism for "astrologer," for it is they who "follow," the stars.

"Get thee behind, Satan"
Christ said these words to Peter. But the origin of these words is astrology again. Christ represents the sun, the supreme light in the heavens. But in the sidereal mythos, the planet Mars was always seen as the rival to the light of the sun, the usurper, the adversary of the light and majesty of the sun. The reason for this was that like Venus the planet Mars was often seen rising heliacally, that is with, or even slightly before the sun, on the eastern horizon. So it was said that the planet Mars does not know his place and attempts to compete with or take away from the Sun's light and power. So the solar heroes were made to retort, get thee behind, or get thee below me me Satan. Satan was Mars. One of the words we use to describe something corrupted or destroyed, is marred. And the word Satan was used generically for rival, even in the political arena. It meant combatant or rival, not necessarily evil. But one fact that has been carefully concealed is the connection between the Semitic Jehovah and Satan. In fact they were the same. Anyone who "knee-jerks," at this, has not, as Jordan Maxwell says "done their homework." A reading of the first books of the Old Testament, especially of Exodus and Deuteronomy, the details of bloodlust and mass-murder that are done in god's name, should allay the doubt of any rational reader as to the identity of Jehovah. In over 25,000 years the Egyptians managed to go without one act of conquest, or the expansion of their borders into any other country. They had no Empire, and strictly only defended themselves from invasion. In the short time between the coming of the Israelites to Canaan, we find nothing but devastation and genocide. So who then, are the "Holy People?"

 It is very plainly put in arcane literature that Jehovah was originally a Lord of Mars. He is also the god of battles…Mars and its lord are somehow deeply associated with strife and violence, affecting and afflicting that type of humanity inhabiting the Earth Brinsley Le Poer Trench (Sky People)

The Book of Revelation

Church records stated that an Egyptian presbyter ‘wrote over’ the original Sybil’s document to create the fabricated version now in the New Testament. The forged document was renamed ‘Apocalypse’ and to imply an apostolic origin from ‘divine revelation’ it was re-titled ‘Revelation’ by Emperor Justinian at the second church council of Constantinople in 553, the same council that officially removed all references to reincarnation from the New Testament - Tony Bushby (The Secret in the Bible)


For more information on these fascinating subjects,
see the dvd: "Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology" with Michael Tsarion.


The Twelve Disciples

The disciples relate not only to the 12 signs of the zodiac but also to oriental deities and personalities. There are four Sanskrit Vedas (holy books of the ancient Aryans/Brahmins) as there are 4 Gospels.

John the Baptist - is a fictional character which we can associate with the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the "Water-Bearer." The sign of Aquarius rises just above the horizon in August, and its “body” cannot be seen. This is the reason for the myth concerning the beheading of John the Baptist.

Saint James - has a correlation with Yamas, the Vedic god of death. This would, therefore, link him with the astrological sign of Scorpio and perhaps even Capricorn. James is also close to Janus from which we get January. Janus comes from the Vedic god Ganesh.

Saint Thomas - from Tammuz, and from the root of the word time. Thomas the "doubter" is time, which doubts eternity, and cannot comprehend the ordinances of the spirit. He is the twin of Christ, and therefore represents the Ka, but also Set, the brother of Horus.

Saint John - this name derives from Oannes, Joannes, of Jahan, the Sumerian-Babylonian fish god. From this early god, we derive Janus, the god who opens the year, and from which we get the word January. Much Christian symbolism derives from the cult of Oannes.


Judaism and Astrology

Astrology is very common in Judaism. Astrological motifs exist in proliferation throughout the major Judaic holy books: the Torah, Zohar, Talmud, and Midrash, etc. Many scholars have attempted to explain these passages away, but their arguments are spurious and often ludicrous. One Jewish writer's book on astrology was penned so that Jews who were tempted to seek truth in areas outside of orthodox Judaism (new age, occultism, eastern mysticism, etc) should remain where they are and be contented since within Judaism there is an occult college to be tapped, one which includes not only Kabala, but Astrology.

Clearly, astrology existed long before the rise of Judaism and early "Jews" were major star worshippers. Scholars attempt to re-write the story of Jehovah's creation of the universe so that it can appear that Jehovah created the zodiac and therefore it is okay for Jews to acknowledge astrology. It is even said that Jews would be guided by their horoscopes if they did not have the Torah. Lets witness the careful supplanting and duplicity for ourselves, by reviewing a few passages from M. Glazerson's book on Judaism and the zodiac. In his book, entitled: Above the Zodiac, we read:

In the Code of Jewish Law (vol. 1 Ch. 179 Par.1), we find a prohibition against the consultation of one's astrological forecast...Not withstanding the prohibition, Rabbi Moshe Isserles (Code of Jewish Law. Vol 179 Par.2) hands down a decision that, "One who has heard a forecast from a competent astrologer may take this information into account, and ought not to act contrary to the astrological influence... (Page 9)

The Zohar (Vol III P. 216) states, "From the time that the Torah was given to Israel the Israelites were withdrawn from the rule of the stars and constellations: however, if one does not follow the ways of the Torah, he returns to be under the domain of the natural influences - (Page 9)

This is a most revealing passage. It tells us that the Jewish rabbis and authorities know that astrology works. They take a fairly lenient attitude with it, and even think of astrology as an aid to living a moral life, as dictated by the Torah. (Judaism as a religion is vastly more lenient and egalitarian than Christianity). The passage also lets us know that the Jews, before the advent of the Torah were most likely assiduously committed to the science of astrology, so much so that its study is not considered wholly banished or reprehensible. In another passage, we clearly see the careful sophistry which subtly allows one to form their own lenient opinion on the connections between Torah and Zodiac.

In the Talmud we find various statements regarding the influences of the astrological signs on the Jewish people...Nachmanides writes: "The edicts of the stars constitute the basis of the hidden miracles mentioned in the Torah. However, the Jew, through the power of his choice and through his walking in the way of the Torah, may rise above the astrological influences - (Page 10)

Not being able, or even willing to wholly dispense with the science of astrology, the Jewish scholars then had to make astrology appear endorsed by God himself. The signs of the zodiac existed long before Judaism, that could not be refuted, but a Jewish coloring could subsequently be given to the signs and their meanings. In this way, later generations would perhaps accept that astrology, as a science, originated with the Jews. Jewish scholars probably realized that their religious customs and idioms were so littered with astrological motifs, that it would be an impossible task to ignore astrology, and that it would not be feasible to advocate that astrology played no part in Judaism. Therefore, it was decided to not only tacitly endorse astrology, but to add to the astrological canon a patently Jewish veneer.

In the Pesikta Rabbah and in the Midrash Tanhuma, we find homiletical (sermon-like), reasons for the creation of the signs of the Zodiac. The Pesikta states (Ch. 4): "Why did the Blessed Creator create the universe during the month of Nissan (whose sign is Aries)? Because when God decided to create the universe,  He told the Master of Darkness "Depart from Me, for I wish to create the universe with light." (And the sheep symbolized by Aries is colored white). Whereupon, the Master of Darkness (whose sign is Taurus, the ox, who has a black color) asked: "And after light, what will you create?" And God answered: "Darkness, the sign of the month of Lyar (Taurus)....After darkness, what will you create? "Twins (Gemini) for man is destined to see both light and darkness, and Gemini is in the form of man." "And afterwards, what will you create?" "The sign of the Crab (Cancer), for man when he rises from his toil and reaps from it will become strengthened like a lion. Then I will create the virgin (Virgo) because man will then be happy, like a virgin at her nuptials. After that I will create Scales (Libra), for then man's deeds will be measured on a scales. Afterwards I will create Scorpion (Scorpio), for when man's deeds be weighed, it will be discovered that he also sinned, and he will have to descend to Purgatory; whereupon I will create the Bow (Sagittarius), for man will surely plead for mercy and he will then be sprung from punishment, like an arrow from a bow. Then I will create the Goat (Capricorn) for when man ascends, he will dart like a mountain goat. I will then create the Dipper (Aquarius) to pour upon him the cleansing waters. Last, I will create fish (Pisces), to show that just as the evil eye has no effect on fish in the water, who are hidden from sight, so too Israel rises above this mundane world and neither star nor hour has absolute dominion over it - (Page 12)

This utter silliness, which could be improved upon by any raving inmate of any mental ward, cannot even be lingered upon, except as an example of what lengths to which primitive mythographers will go when attempting to graft their own spurious and unsustainable theologies onto a sacred canon that they did not invent and from which they benefit but barely understood. This passage reveals that the Jews were familiar with the Egyptian zodiac but not Egyptian interpretations of the signs. The definitions provided for Libra and Scorpio come directly from the Egyptian Mystery Tradition. The rest of the definitions are not only shamefully inaccurate, but betray that little real knowledge pertaining to astrology was available to the Jewish mythographer responsible for this rather rude contrivance. This passage indicates that the Jews were eager to furnish themselves with any ancient subject matter in order to bolster their own canon, thin as it would have been without such plagiarism and appropriation. It was only later, after some codifying had occurred, and after a distinguishable "Jewish" tradition made an appearance, that astrology was backed away from and left out on the margins.

Open your eyes and see the lessons of the signs of the Zodiac. They come to teach us that although the powers of the constellations are exceedingly great, and from the beginning of the creation their influence governs the mundane world, there is a power beyond them; the power of the Holy One, Blessed be He, who chose the month of Scales (Libra) to enact the Day of Judgment, when he decides the fate of His entire creation - Rabbi Bachaya (Kad HaKemach)



One of the best ways to learn what has been hidden from us about this, and other fascinating subjects, is to watch movies that have powerful sabean and symbolic motifs. There are more of these out there than we may imagine, and many that we would never expect to be anything more than fluff entertainment. The development of "Symbolic Literacy" and "Pattern-Recognition" occurs when we observe rather than just passively look. Instead of turning off the brain, one can turn it on, by seeing the mastery of expression, aesthetically and symbolically, within movies. (MGM use the lion for a reason, Tristar use the winged horse for the same reason. They empower themselves with symbols, now it is our turn).

I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in their times - Thomas Jefferson

Signs and symbols control the world, not phases and laws - Confucius

ROBIN HOOD – Richard Todd (the composite myth, featuring Astrological and Tarot Archetypes)
COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO – Richard Chamberlain and Tony Curtis (based on the classic novel of Alexander Dumas)
MAN IN THE IRON MASK – Richard Chamberlain (a Gnostic work on the decent of the soul into matter and embodies the essence of Ancient Egyptian Sidereal myth)
THE BLACK SHIELD – Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh (contains many key astrological motifs)
ZARDOZ – Sean Connery (a classic surrealistic work with profound content and innumerable mystical themes, set to Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony. Filmed in Ireland)
THE WICKER MAN – Edward Woodward (replete with Celtic mythic motifs. A controversial cult classic and a must see for those interested in the Pagan or Wicca traditions)
HAUNTED SUMMER – Eric Stoltz (the best expose on the lives of Shelley and Byron, containing real poetry of these masters. Contains Tarot imagery. Exquisitely filmed)
THE PRISONER – a surrealistic cult classic series devised by actor Patrick Mc Goohan (based on the Tarot and Kabala. Excellent for the young to see)
SORCERESS and THE FRIAR – (a French Gnostic masterpiece about the persecution of a pagan seeress by Catholic fanaticism, set in the Thirteenth Century. Exquisitely made. 
CIRCLE OF IRON – David Carradine and Christopher Lee (a movie written by Bruce Lee and James Coburn about the Tao and the search for Enlightenment. Also called Silent Flute)
EXCALIBUR –Helen Mirren (based on Celtic myth, said to feature the Major Arcana of the Tarot in the right order. Directed by John Boorman in Ireland)
BLADERUNNER – Rutger Hauer (a Gnostic tale of the Demiurge and the Soul. Haunting and profound. Steeped in mythological symbolism. See the directors cut.)
CONAN THE BARBARIAN – Arnold Swartzenegger (a Solar Hero’s journey of maturity and more, with imagery from the Golden Age. Features the "Reptillian," theme and a vast array of sabean motifs)
LOCAL HERO – Burt Lancaster and Peter Richart (set in Scotland, a tender yet archetypal work on the simple life, connection with Nature and principles. Contains many profound and subtle mystical themes from psychology and myth, by one of the great modern film-makers. Set to the music of the Dire Straits)
BEING THERE – Peter Sellars (delicate classic about simplicity and decadence. Contains veiled references to the Book of Genesis and other myth. Much Masonic symbolism)
DREAMCHILD – Ian Holm (written by Denis Potter. An homage to Lewis Carroll and one of the most beautiful films ever made. Should be seen just for the puppetry and acting, if nothing else. Contains very esoteric motifs based on the Tarot and Astrology)
BEAUTY and THE BEAST – Jean Cocteau (the fairy tale with themes of spiritual purity.
THE MUMMY – Boris Karloff (a most mystical, profound and multi-layered film. A love story over 3,700 years old. This has a deep impact on the subconscious mind. Contains possibly the greatest scene, regarding gender, in all film history. Directed by Karl Freund, with a stunning performance by Karloff which is a study in itself)
THE MUMMY – Peter Cushing (made by Hammer Films on a low budget, but very much worth seeing. Excellent acting by Christopher Lee. Concerns the questions of gender and androgyny)
TIME BANDITS –David Warden (Monty Python’s surrealistic montage about the Gnostic Demiurge and more)
MONTY PYTHON’S, THE MEANING OF LIFE - (with much good, insightful stuff)
THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN – Yul Brynner (based on the Samurai legend and a composite of Existential Philosophy especially of Plato, Nietzsche and Hegel. But is also created around the 7 planet-archetypes and the zodiac. One of the most complete Astro-Theological movies ever made)
HOMBRE – Paul Newman (a Gnostic-Existential work on retribution and sacrifice, with undertones of the philosophy of Nietzsche and Plato)
ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST – Claudio Cardinale and Charles Bronson (a complex interplay of Archetypes and symbols styled as a Western. Once described as an opera in which the arias are not sung but stared. The exquisite theme music echoes Mozart’s Don Giovanni. The entire film was created to fit the score of Ennio Morricone. Tarot and astrological imagery abounds)
THE GOOD, THE BAD and THE UGLY- Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef  (an epic style western which really concerns the dynamics of the Psyche. This film contains innumerable references to the Major, Minor and Court Cards of Tarot which has always been revered by Italian mystics. This is another critically misunderstood classic)
FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE – Clint Eastwood and Gian Maria Volonte (a film which to this day has been misunderstood. A deep, complex interplay of archetypes, stunning music, with several veiled references to the Bible and Oriental legend. Not to be taken lightly. Also stars Klaus Kinski)
FISTFULL OF DOLLARS – Clint Eastwood (Features the theme of martyrdom, sacrifice and retribution. Veiled references to the New Testament and the nature of the creation. Much Tarot symbolism)
FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE – Rod Steiger and James Coburn (One of the best by Sergio Leone, master of the Spaghetti western. This is a virtual panoply of themes)
PALE RIDER – Clint Eastwood (Concerns the themes of justice and corruption, also an homage to Shane and High Noon. Many Biblical references)
BILLY JACK – Tom Laughlin (story about a Native reservation, a counter-cultural school and its white, ex-Green Beret, guardian and their fight against racism. Concentrates on the themes of disenchantment and the one against the many. Covers important Native Indian themes. This became a cult classic)
PARIS TEXAS – Harry Dean Stanton and Natasia Kinski (a Gnostic work about the outcast and the shallowness of urban existence. One of the most profound and richly symbolic movies ever made, set to the music of Ry Cooder. Based on the Fool motif. Innumerable Hollywood films were influenced by the cinematography of director Wem Wenders)
SAMSON AND DELILAH – Victor Mature (An "A to Z" of Astro-Theological motifs, excellent example of the myth of the Solar King. Has it all when it comes to Astro-Theology. The character Samson is even heard to say, after he is blinded, "How can I find my way among the stars." A real classic)
THE EGYPTIAN – Victor Mature and Peter Ustinov (a tale of high ethics, slightly Hollywood, but a good example of 50’s screenwriting. Features the Cult of Aton. Loaded with Tarot and Astro-Theological symbolism)
SPARTACUS – Kirk Douglas (about the tyranny of class and the one against the many)
THE NAME OF THE ROSE – Sean Connery (shows the sequestering of books and sacred knowledge by clerics prior to the Venetian-Protestant take-over of Europe. Makes one appreciate the value of books. Excellent art-direction)
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY – George Sanders (an eloquent rendition of the Oscar Wilde masterpiece. About the Persona and the cult of the senses. Contains poetry of the master, scintillating dialogue and magnificent acting. A must see for art lovers.)
PINK FLOYD - THE WALL – Bob Geldof (based on the youth of band member Roger Waters, it deals with the manifold complexes and neuroses engendered while living as a disempowered minion of the Empire of control and oppression. It deals with the question of rebellion while indicting the teachers, generals, doctors, judges and political tyrants, showing them up for the psychopathic fanatics they are. Excellent animation and music)
HE-MAN, MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE – Dolf Lundgren and Frank Langella (Young-Adult classic, containing innumerable mystical and moral themes, together with Egyptian Sidereal symbolism. Deals with Kundalini power, the Golden Age, and the future of humanity.)
FLASH GORDON – Max Von Sydow and Timothy Dalton (colorful adventures of the Hero-Archetype in combat with an evil Demiurgic figure)
THE BROTHERS LIONHEART - (a young-adult classic about transcending death and conquering the lower self. Based on the original story of Astrid Lundgren)
LORD OF THE RINGS (the Animation, well worth a look as an intro to the books of J. R. R. Tolkein)
INTO THE WEST – Gabriel Byrne (set in Ireland features the beloved myth of Ossian)
CROCODILE DUNDEE – Paul Hogan (charming films based on the Fool motif and a perceptive comment on urban class division and false sophistication. A good development of the Tarzan motif)
DRAGONSLAYER – Sir Ralph Richardson (one of the best on the dungeons and dragons theme. Full of accurate alchemical information and the nature of the hero archetype. Better than so many inept works Great cinematography and mystical meaning).
THE DARK CRYSTAL - (good on many levels)
McKENNA'S GOLD - Gregory Peck & Telly Savalas (a good action-packed Western, but with many archetypal characters and situations)
THE GREEN KNIGHT - Sean Connery (comments on life after death, immortality and nature versus the human)
UFORIA - (American mythic adventure)
DIRTY MARY, CRAZY LARRY - (contains motifs relating to the Joker and the Fool)
SECRET OF ROAN INISH - (set in Donegal Ireland, deals with the ancient myth of the Selkie. Exquisitely filmed)
FEAR - (deals with the suppression of the female and the goddess. A must see for drummers)
THE UNFORGIVEN - Clint Eastwood (a masterpiece, mostly on the complex themes of vengeance versus justice.)
MYSTIC RIVER - Clint Eastwood (deals with the themes of vengeance versus justice, loss of innocence, and miscommunication, but also affords insight into the "Animus" archetype, and the complicit female)
PROUST - Eva Mattes (unspeakably beautiful and deep movie on the life of reclusive novelist Marcel Proust)
BRAVEHEART - Mel Gibson (The Animus as he should be)
AMERICAN BEAUTY - (deals with the concept of death, after the actual event, and before it)
ONEGIN - Ralph Fiennes (beautifully moody rendition of Pushkin's masterpiece. On the themes of female liberation, and Aloneness versus Relationship)
FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WEREWOLF - Lon Chaney & Bela Lugosi (contains almost every major astrological and archetypal motif conceivable, plus...)
THE RAVEN - Bela Lugosi & Boris Karloff (the Shadow meets the Anima, and all hell breaks loose. A masterpiece which expertly deals with the archetypes and the themes of love and death, set to the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe. Karloff and Lugosi in perfect compliment).
THE BLACK CAT - Bela Lugosi & Boris Karloff (a rare movie, filmed in an extraordinary, and hauntingly beautiful, minimalist style. Deals with gender themes from Jungian and Freudian perspectives. A perfect embodiment of the German Expressionist cinematic style. The unedited version alone is worthwhile).
