Making Recycling Really Pay

A two-year-old company aims to make recycling worth everyone's while: RecycleBank tracks your recycling output and lets you earn points redeemable at stores

Can Climate Change Make Us Sicker?

Climate change means more than warming at the poles. It can intensify disease and famine and endanger human health

Earth Hour '08: Did It Matter?

On Saturday, March 29, people all over the world turned off their lights for one hour. Why?

Changing the White Face of the Green Movement

A lead scientist at the Nature Conservancy makes the case that, for lasting success, environmentalists need to protect and foster the diversity in their own ranks

Environmentalism 2.0

Tree-hugging goes only so far. The modern-day breed of environmentalist has bigger, better, higher-tech solutions for fixing global climate change

EPA's New Ozone Limit: Not Enough?

The EPA tightened restrictions on ozone, but why is the new limit still higher than what science recommends? Critics say it comes down to politics and money

Another Problem with Biofuels?

Waterways are critical for cleansing the land of polluting runoff, but an excess of crop growth — particularly biofuel crops — could dangerously clog our rivers and streams

How Many People Does It Take to Make a New Light Bulb?

In the new wikiworld, the Internet brings together a man with a plan, companies with money and an international network of brainiacs to power a new light


Messing with nature caused global warming. Messing with it more might fix it

Thermal Power Heats Up Nevada

Acciona Energy doesn't just capture the sun's light to generate energy — it corrals the sun's heat. Now the Spanish renewable power company has placed its first American operation in the desert flanking Las Vegas

Global Warming, Up Close and Personal

An esteemed explorer and environmentalist, Will Steger will make a 1,400-mile dogsled trip across the Arctic next month, at 64. And he'll bring cameras, so we can watch

The Trouble With Biofuels

Two new studies show that biofuels aren't the solution to global warming — and may even exacerbate the problem