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On this page: Matidia – Matienus – Mato – Matreas – Matrinius – Matris – Matron



in the aedileship, a second celebration of the ple­beian games. Next year, b. c. 205, he was one of the ambassadors sent to Delphi to make an offering to the god from the booty obtained by the victory over Hannibal; the following year, b. c. 204, he was elected praetor. He obtained Sicily as his province, and was ordered by the senate to inquire into the complaints made by the inhabitants of Locri against P. Scipio. The province was con­tinued to Matho for another year (b. c. 203), and he was appointed to the command of the fleet, which was to protect Sicily, while P. Scipio was prosecuting . the war in Africa. (Liv. xxviii. 10, 45, xxix. 11, 13, 20—22, xxx. 2, xxxi. 12.)

MATIDIA, the daughter of Marciana, who was the sister of Trajan, was the mother of Sabina, who was married to Hadrian in the lifetime of Trajan. We do not know the name of her hus­band, and we have no particulars of her life. She survived Trajan, whose ashes she brought to the city, along with Plotina, the wife of Trajan (Spart. Hadr. 5). We learn from coins and inscriptions that Matidia received the title of Augusta in her lifetime, and was enrolled among the gods after her decease. (Eckhel, vol. vi. p. 469, &c.)


MATIENUS. 1. P. matienus, a tribune of the soldiers in the army of P. Scipio in Sicily, was sent by Scipio with M. Sergius, another tribune, to Q. Pleminius, who commanded as propraetor in Rhegium, to co-operate with him in taking the town of Locri. After the town had been taken a quarrel arose between the soldiers of the tribunes and those of Pleminius, and in the fight which en­sued the latter were defeated. Pleminius enraged commanded the tribunes to be scourged ; but they were rescued, after receiving a few blows, by their own soldiers, who, in retaliation, fell upon the pro­praetor and handled him most unmercifully. Scipio arrived a few days after at Locri, and having in­vestigated the case, he acquitted Pleminius of blame, but ordered the tribunes to be put into chains and sent to Rome to the senate. This, how­ever, did not satisfy Pleminius, who burned for revenge ; and, accordingly, no sooner had Scipio returned to Sicily, than he commanded the tribunes to be put to death with the most excruciating tor­tures, and then would not allow their corpses to be buried. (Liv. xxix. 6, 9.)

2. C. matienus, was appointed duumvir navalis with C. Lucretius in B. c. 181, in which year he took thirty-two of the Ligurian ships. (Liv. xl. 26, 28.)

3. M. matienus, praetor b.c. 173, obtained the province of Further Spain, which he plundered and oppressed. On his return to Rome he was accused by the provincials and went into exile at Tibur. (Liv. xli. 28, xlii. 1, xliii. 2.)

P. MATI'NIUS, was a Roman money-broker who was strongly recommended by M. Brutus to Cicero, when proconsul of Cilicia, in b. c. 51. The citizens of Salamis in Cyprus, were debtors


for a large loan to Matinius, who had advanced it in partnership with one M. Scaptius, also a client of Brutus and a money-lender. As Scaptius was principal in this transaction, it is more fully related under scaptius. (Cic. ad Ait. v. 21, vi. 1,3.) [W. B. D.]

C. MA'TIUS CALVE'NA. [calvena.]

MATO. [matho.]

MATREAS (Marpe'as), called o' ir\dvos or \aeir\dvos, the Deceiver or Imposter, appears to have been the author of various enigmas or riddles, one of which is mentioned by Athenaeus and Suidas. He also wrote a parody of the Problems of Aristotle ; for such seems to have been the na­ture of the work mentioned by Athenaeus. ( Athen. i. p. 19, d, with Schweighauser's note; Suidas, s. v.) He must have been a different person from Matreas or Matron of Pitana. [matron.]

MATRINIUS. 1. T. matbinius, one of those whom C. Marius presented with the Roman citizenship, was afterwards accused by L. Antis-tius. (Cic. pro Balb. 21.)

2. C. matrinius, a Roman eques, who had estates in Sicily, was robbed by Verres during his absence in Rome. (Cic. Verr. v. 7, comp. iii. 24.)

3. D. matrinius, a writer of the aediles (scriba aedilicus] was defended by Cicero, about b. c. 69. (Cic. pro Cluent. 45.)

MATRIS (Marpis), of Thebes, is called ifuvo- ypdq/os by Ptolemy Hephaestion (ap. Phot. Bill. p. 148, b. 1, ed. Bekker), and may therefore be identified with the Matris mentioned by Athenaeus (x. p. 412, b.) as the author of an encomium upon Heracles. In another passage (ii. p. 44, d.) Athe­ naeus copies from Hephaestion the story of his great abstemiousness, but calls him an Athenian. Diodorus Siculus (i. 24) refers to his etymology of the name 'Hpa/cAvfc, as if from the hero's gaining his fame (kacos) on account of Hera. Longinus 3) criticises his inflated style. [P. S.]

MATRON (Mcfrpew/), of Pitana, a celebrated writer of parodies upon Homer, often quoted by Eustathius and Athenaeus. (Eustath. ad Horn. pp. 1067, 1571, &c. ; Ath. i. p. 5, a., p. 31, b., xv. p. 699, e., &c.) Athenaeus (iv. pp. 134 — 137) quotes a long fragment from a poem of his, in which an Athenian feast was described, beginning

fioi ewe-ire, Mouora, Tro\vrpo<pa ko\ juciAa TroAAc?.

He was probably a contemporary of Hegemon of Thasos, about the end of the fifth and the begin­ning of the fourth centuries b. c., but at all events he cannot be placed later than the time of Philip of Macedon. Athenaeus calls him Marpcas in some places, but this is clearly an error of the transcriber. The fragments of his parodies were printed by H. Stephens, in the Dissertation on Parodies, appended to the Contest of Homer and Hesiod, 1573, 8vo., and in BrunekV Analecta^ vol. ii. p. 245. (Fabric. Bill. Graec. vol. i. p. 550 ; G. H. Moser, Ueber Matron den Parodiker, in Daub and Creuzer's Studien, vol. vi. p. 293; Ulrici, Gesch. d. ffellen. Dichtk. vol. ii. p. 324.) [P. S.] MATTHAEUS, CANTACUZE'NUS (Mar-Oaios 6 KavTaKov£fa>os\ co-emperor of Constan­tinople, was the eldest son of John VI., who associated him in the supreme government in 1359, with a view of thwarting the schemes of John Palaeologus, who, although then an exile in Tene-dos, enjoyed great popularity, and had a fair pro*

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