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Christian heresy that was a more developed and less naive form of Modalistic Monarchianism (see Monarchianism); it was propounded by Sabellius (fl. c. 217–c. 220), who was possibly a presbyter in Rome. Little is actually known of his life because the most detailed information about him was contained in the prejudiced reports of his contemporary, Hippolytus, an anti-Monarchian…

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More from Britannica on "Sabellianism"...
13 Encyclopædia Britannica articles, from the full 32 volume encyclopedia
Christian heresy that was a more developed and less naive form of Modalistic Monarchianism (see Monarchianism); it was propounded by Sabellius (fl. c. 217–c. 220), who was possibly a presbyter in Rome. Little is actually known of his life because the most detailed information about him was contained in the prejudiced reports of his contemporary, Hippolytus, an ...
a Christian heresy that developed during the 2nd and 3rd centuries. It opposed the doctrine of an independent, personal subsistence of the Logos, affirmed the sole deity of God the Father, and thus represented the extreme monotheistic view. Though it regarded Christ as Redeemer, it clung to the numerical unity of the Deity. Two types of Monarchianism developed: the ...
>Calixtus I, Saint
pope from 217? to 222, during the schism of St. Hippolytus, the church's first antipope. Little was known about Calixtus before the discovery of Philosophumena by Hippolytus, a work that is, in part, a pamphlet directed against him.
>Early heresies
   from the Jesus Christ article
From the outset, Christianity has had to contend with those who misinterpreted the person and mission of Jesus. Both the New Testament and the early confessions of the church referred and replied to such misinterpretations. As the Christian movement gained adherents from the non-Jewish world, it had to explain Christ in the face of new challenges.
>Dionysius of Alexandria, Saint
bishop of Alexandria, then the most important Eastern see, and a chief opponent of Sabellianism (q.v.).

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