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Apocalypto: Myths and Truth With Dr. Barbara MacLeod

January 6th, 2007 by SMiles

My friend Barb MacLeod appeared on the Alex Jones show a week or so ago. I've not seen the movie (Apocalypto) yet and had no idea she worked on the film. But now I am even more intrigued. My girlfriend and a good friend of mine saw the rough cut sneak-preview at the Alamo Drafthouse's FANTASTIC FEST earlier this year. They were laughing and commenting on the movie during the screening (they both thought it was good despite their jeers) and were flabbergasted to discover that Mel Gibson was sitting Right In Front of Them. When the lights came up Mel got up from in front of them and made spoke to the audience about the movie's resonance with the current state of American / Iraq affairs:

In describing its portrait of a civilization in decline, Gibson said, "The precursors to a civilization that's going under are the same, time and time again," drawing parallels between the Mayan civilization on the brink of collapse and America's present situation. "What's human sacrifice," he asked, "if not sending guys off to Iraq for no reason?"

- Associated Press

You can watch the video or listen to the audio of Alex's interview with Barb at the links below. Unfortunately, you must be a member to do so.

Alex is joined in studio during his Sunday KLBJ show by Dr. Barbara MacLeod, an academic specializing in Mayan languages and hieroglyphic writing and an expert on Yucatec Maya, the language used in Apocalypto. She was hired by Mel Gibson to work on the film. MacLeod outlines the historical accuracy of the film and why politicallly correct aspersions used to attack Gibson's production are completely off base.

Dr. Barbara MacLeod's passionate defense of Mel Gibson's Apocalypto is based on sound research and evidence, rather than emotional hyperbole and the mental illness of the PC crowd. Alex Jones just considers himself somewhat of a buff on this subject and was questioned by some for defending the film as historically accurate. His argument is expertly supported by McLeod's research which is discussed in this interview.

Members can watch this video right now by clicking here to login.

Article Link / Audio Archive of Radio Interview

Posted in Metaphysical Saturday, Pyramid, Archaeology, Apocalypse, Language, Mayan | No Comments »