Three steps to the 'Law'

Stephanie Whittaker, The Gazette

Published: Saturday, May 12 2007


The Law of Attraction is constantly at work, whether we are aware of it or not, say the spiritual teachers in The Secret. And because so many of our thoughts and beliefs exist at the unconscious level, we are often unaware of what those thoughts create, they say. The Law of Attraction is based on three steps, and if you skip any of them, it doesn't work, proponents say:

1 Know what you want and ask the universe for it.

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2 Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.

3 Be open to receiving it.

"You can put the desire out as much as you want but you have to allow it come in," says Claudia Schecter, a Montreal spiritual teacher who offers abundance seminars. "For instance, you want abundance, but you procrastinate about acting upon it. Procrastination is a limiting belief. If you think you're not good enough to get something, the universe will understand you're not good enough to have it."

"If you're thinking about something, whether positive or negative, it's in your energy field," says Paula Engels, a Montreal coach in neuro-linguistic programming, a therapy popularized by motivational speaker Anthony Robbins.

"If you really want something and believe it's possible, you'll probably get it. On the other hand, if you really don't want something and put a lot of attention on it, you'll probably get that, too. You can't avoid stuff by hoping you don't get it because the unconscious mind is literal and doesn't process negatives."

In other words, negative thoughts bring negative experiences.

Engels trained with Robbins and helps clients to discover what they focus attention on and whether they have beliefs that limit them. "Notice what you put your attention on and whether you like something or not," she said. "When you notice it, you can change it. That's the gift of The Secret. It will give people a sense that they create their own reality and have the power to forge their future."

"The concept of abundance in The Secret is not exclusively about money. It's about ... joy, health, happiness and relationships," Schecter said.


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